Read Chasing Dare Online

Authors: Mikayla Lane

Tags: #Science Fiction

Chasing Dare (30 page)

BOOK: Chasing Dare
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“Why?” Risk asked her, still in shock.

“You don’t understand. It’s not what you think! I swear!” Tears tracked down her face as her panic rose.

“Reven, get Amun back down here. I want to make sure she is not harmed when she is interrogated.” Ivint ordered angrily. He had hoped it wouldn’t be one of the women and was shocked and horrified that it was one of their own that had betrayed them.

“Lock her in the storage room by the loading dock until we’re ready to deal with her! Jax, I want everything she brought here gone through for information and then burned. We’ll not take a chance that she brought anything dangerous in with her.” Banatar added, unable to hide his pain at her betrayal. He had always treated her as if she were one of his own daughters.

Everyone watched with a range of emotions as, she was half dragged and half carried out of the room, her tears affecting no one.

“She’s not a hybrid or I would be able to assist you. But, Viper and I will stay and help you protect your people in any way we can. As long as you need us.” Dread offered Ivint and Banatar.

“That means a lot to all of us, Dread. We would appreciate any assistance you can give us at this point.” Ivint told him, meaning every word of it. He had a feeling; they were going to need every resource; they could get to keep them safe now.

Dread and Viper nodded before turning to walk away. Using their private communication path, Dread asked his brother. “Did you scent the female traitor?”

“Yes. I’m tracking the other scent now.” Viper responded, walking quickly down the hallway.

Dread also followed the scent path, leading them to the MedLab area of the warehouse. In silent agreement, both men became stealthier and quietly entered the room, unsure what to expect when they entered.

Hidden in the back of the room they found what they were looking for, the source of the very faint, strange scent. Dread looked at Viper and knew that his own shock must mirror his brothers.

“They’re going to come.” Viper whispered.

“We need to prepare.” Dread responded woodenly, still running everything through his head trying to figure out what the plan was here. None of this made any sense.

“We need to tell Ivint.” Viper added.

“I am unsure what to even tell him until we know more. Give me a few days to understand what we are dealing with. Then we go to Ivint. This can be misunderstood easily. And Dare and her child could be put in needless danger.” Dread warned his brother, kneeling beside the bed.

“I do not believe we have days, Dread.” Viper replied, nodding to the corner of the room and slowing raising his hands.

Dread looked up quickly to where Viper had motioned and cursed himself for a fool. He should have known to pay more attention. The entire building and everyone in it was compromised.

Standing slowly, he faced the woman in the corner with the Earth weapon pointed at them with one shaking hand. It was the cell phone in the other and who she’d been talking to that scared him the most.


Author’s Note:

I know we all hate cliff hangers… I really didn’t have a choice this time though. This particular turn of events is definitely going to take two books to tell and no matter where I left it, it would still leave everyone hanging. I am already working on Grai’s Game and hope to have it out by late August, early September.

As one reviewer suggested (yes I read them all!), I will try harder to get the books out quicker. Sometimes my full-time job or family can really put a damper on getting things done, so I really appreciate your patience.

Thank you very much for your kind reviews, I would love to hear your suggestions and thoughts.


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Read on for a little about Grai’s Game...



Coming Soon!!!


Grai’s Game

Grai T’Alq has spent hundreds of years on Earth, learning how to manipulate the humans and thriving on their jealousy and greed. Unknown to the Valendrans and their hybrid females, he’d been able to build an empire on Earth and more importantly; he even had their own working for him.

Now they had the one thing he needed more than anything, and he would initiate a plan that he’d spent hundreds of years preparing for in order to get it.

An empire will crumble.

Two rulers will rise and one will die.

A new species will be unleashed on the planet and another will retake its rightful place.

An innocent child’s life will rest in the hands of an enemy.

And that’s just the beginning of, Grai’s Game.


Table of Contents

First Wave Series Reading Order

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen


Author’s Note:

Coming Soon!!!

BOOK: Chasing Dare
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