Chase the Wind (36 page)

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Authors: Cindy Holby - Wind 01 - Chase the Wind

BOOK: Chase the Wind
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When they got back to the infirmary, Sister Mary Frances was
using a broom and dustpan to clean up the mess while Chase
watched with a contrite look on his face. Jenny walked to his bed,
her head humbly bowed as if she were going to apologize, and
promptly deposited a snowball down the front of his shirt, bringing
him up with a howl. He whipped the shirt off and picked up the
snowball to return fire. Jenny hastily placed herself behind the shel
ter of Sister Mary Frances, daring him to throw. Chase held the
weapon in his hand while mopping his chest with his shirt, trying
to decide if he should or shouldn’t. The nun silently held out her
hand to take the snowball away. He placed it there and she carried it off, her hand still outstretched as if the snow were contaminated.

Chase narrowed his dark eyes at Jenny, and she danced away in
case he had something else ready to throw. He held his wet shirt
out to her and pulled the blankets up over the wide expanse of his
bare chest as she took the garment away to dry near the stove. Jamie had removed his own shirt and held it out to Jenny as she went by, looking like a cat who had just been at the cream. After
she had draped the shirts, she stood with her backside to the stove,
pulling her skirt up to help dry her pantalets. She moved over to make room for Jamie, who was briskly rubbing his arms, but he declined with a shake of his head and she did not push him. He
managed to avoid anything that produced a flame of any kind, not minding the cold as long as he didn’t have to confront his fear. He
went into the infirmary and came back with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, then sat down to breakfast with his usual hearty appetite.

That afternoon after they had moved a cot into the office for Jamie, the snow started again. Jamie brought Chase out into the office and they put him in a chair next to the stove, propping his leg up on another chair. Jenny and Sister Mary Frances took seats close to the stove, and Jamie read to them as the snow blew and drifted outside, building up against the walls of the mission, sealing in the warmth. When it got too dark for Jamie to see the words, he began to fashion a crutch for Chase to use, and Jenny wrapped the top with padding and a soft cloth. They helped him try it out, and he was soon able to move around, although with difficulty. The effort soon wore him out and he gratefully sought his bed, his entire leg throbbing.

Jenny soon climbed into her own bed and settled back with a sigh after turning down the lamp.

“I’m sorry I made you so mad today,” Chase said in the darkness.

“It’s okay. I actually feel relieved now that Jamie knows everything.”

“I’m glad.”

“Yeah, me too.” Jenny said with a yawn. “Good night.”

That night Jenny dreamed of a dark-eyed man with long, dark, flowing hair. She was older, a woman full grown, and she was running from the man, all the time hoping he would catch her. She saw everything as if she were on a soft cloud floating above the scene. She saw herself running across the plains, looking back to see how close he was, and she saw the man running, his dark eyes intense, his long hair flowing behind him as he effortlessly covered the terrain. Jenny was laughing, running for pure joy, exhilarated at her freedom. She knew the man with the dark eyes could catch her whenever he wanted, but he was enjoying the chase, pacing himself to stay right behind her. She felt the air pumping through her lungs, felt the motion of her legs and arms, felt the man’s breath on the back of her neck as she slowed. She watched from above as he reached out his arm, wrapping it around her waist, pulling her off her feet and swinging her around to face him. She looked up into dark brown eyes obscured by the long hair that swirled around his face. She watched as he lowered his face to hers, reaching a hand up to pull the wind-blown locks away, and then he mumbled.

Jenny’s eyes flew open with a start as she heard the muffled
sounds coming from the other room. Jamie was talking in his sleep,
something he had done his entire life. Jenny had quickly stopped noticing it when they were young, but it had been nearly a year since she had slept near him and the sounds had penetrated her
dream. She closed her eyes to recapture the dream, but it had faded,
blown away like the cloud she had been floating on. Across the room she heard the steady sound of Chase’s breathing, and once
again it lulled her to sleep.

The next morning they woke to sunshine so bright that the reflec
tion off the snow was blinding. Everything was covered with crystals of ice that gave the appearance of a fairyland to the drab brown
of the mission and outbuildings. The small group housed in the
infirmary were in high spirits as they started their day. Jenny was
relieved that her secret was out in the open so they could start
making plans for the future. Jamie now knew who the enemy was,
and he was ready to leave; the only thing holding them up was the weather. Chase was happy to be mobile again; the necessity of
relying on others for the simplest need had chafed at his proud
spirit. He made his way from one room to the other on his crutch,
occasionally giving them a scare as he teetered precariously. Somehow, he always recovered his balance and went on his way, smiling
and shaking his head as he did so.

As they days passed, the snow began to melt and they began to
look anxiously for signs of spring, hoping that it was here to stay
as the days of March began. Jamie did not want to risk setting out with the chance of another storm coming in, especially since they did not have any supplies and would have to live off the land until
an opportunity for employment presented itself. Sister Mary
Frances began to check the mail, and soon began making trips into
town when the weather was nice. After she took off in the wagon,
Jamie and Jenny would help Chase go outside to the orchard and spend the afternoon soaking up the weak rays of the sun. Chase seemed to be more at home under the trees than he ever was in the confines of the infirmary, and every day he would test his
strength, placing a small bit of pressure on his broken leg until he
could set it on the ground without any pain.

After one of her excursions to St. Jo, Sister Mary Frances came
into the office with a glow on her lovely face.
”You got the letter?” Jenny asked as the nun removed her cloak.

“No, better,” she said as she took Jenny’s hands and led her to
the table. Jamie came up behind Jenny and placed his hands on
the back of her straight-backed chair, waiting for the news. The
nun looked up at Jamie and smiled. “I’ve found a place for the two
of you.”

“You have?”

“What? Where?”

Sister Mary Frances held up her hand to silence the barrage of
questions as Chase thumped into the office with the aid of his
crutch. “There’s an older couple on the other side of town—their last daughter has married and gone west. They had a bad winter
and need someone to help with the farm and help around the
house. I’m going to take you—” she looked at Jamie—”to meet them tomorrow. They didn’t quite believe me when I told them how big you are. Jenny, you’ll stay here in case Chase needs any help. If they agree, you can both move in on Sunday afternoon.”

Jamie and Jenny exchanged happy grins at the news. It seemed
to be an answer to a prayer for both of them. “What about Chase?”
Jamie asked.

“I’m leaving as soon as my leg heals up. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine,” Chase said from the doorjamb he was leaning on.

“Where will you go?” Jenny asked.

Chase waved in the general direction of the west. “Out there
somewhere. I’ll know it when I get there.”

“Maybe you could come with us,” Jenny suggested.

Sister Mary Frances opened her mouth to speak, then thought
better of it. Chase looked around the room at the three people who
had cared for him during the past few weeks and knew that the
mission had sheltered them from the real world. Sister Mary
Frances was looking down at the table, her hands folded gracefully.
Jenny and Jamie were looking at Chase expectantly, waiting for
him to complete their happiness by agreeing.

“No, I don’t think a farm is the place for me. I’ll go west again.”
He knew in his heart that the couple who were being so generous
to Jamie and Jenny would never accept a half-breed; there weren’t many people who would. He was grateful for the three in the room
who had taken him in and nursed him, but he knew there weren’t
many more like them in the world. He would make his way west,
maybe even go back to his tribe and claim his birthright, as soon
as he was able. He smiled reassuringly at the group, but the expression didn’t quite reach his eyes, and he knew that Jamie and
Jenny saw the doubt.

Sister Mary Frances continued telling her plans. She wanted to
get Jamie some new boots before they went to the farm, his own being worn to nothing. He needed a coat also; since he was the biggest one at the mission, there were no hand-me-downs to choose from. The nun assured him that she had her own money
that she kept for her own good works, and getting the two of them
started was the best thing she could do at the present. She promised
Jenny a shopping trip on Saturday to replenish her wardrobe also. Father Clarence was to know nothing of the plans beyond the fact that Jamie was going shopping with her. The nun hoped she could get the two of them off without the priest knowing until the deed
was done.

Jamie assured everyone that he would charm the elderly couple into turning over the operation of the farm to the two of them, and
the couple could sit out the days on their porch while Jenny and he turned the farm into the best place in Iowa territory.

Chase was silent during this exchange and took to his bed, only giving Jenny a quick good night when she turned down the lamp.

The next morning Jamie and Sister Mary Frances left right after
breakfast. She had explained Jamie’s need for new boots, and the
priest had sent them off with his blessing, making the nun feel comfortable about leaving Chase and Jenny in each other’s care.
Sister Abigail promised to bring a tray to them at lunchtime, and
Jenny locked the door to the office as the two departed, happy to know that her imprisonment was soon to come to an end. She
promised Chase a visit to the orchard after lunch if he was good, and he waggled his eyebrows at her as if planning some mischief. Jenny laughed and began to spin around the room just for the pure joy of it, her golden hair flying around her as she twirled, her deep
blue eyes sparkling as they caught Chase’s dark ones with each spin. She finally fell laughing into a chair, placing her fingertips
against her temples to keep the room from cartwheeling away as
Chase joined her laughter from his place on his bed.

Beyond the laughter they heard a pounding on the door, and Jenny went to open it, thinking Sister Abigail had brought their
lunch tray early so she could go about her duties. She gasped when
she pulled the door open to find Father Clarence and a strange
man standing in the hall. The man smiled when he saw her, taking in her flushed cheeks and disheveled hair; then his eyes narrowed
as he surveyed her tall, slim figure. She stood with her mouth half
open, feeling as if she had just been put on the auction block.
Father Clarence stepped in, pushing her away from the door, and the strange man followed, closing the door behind him.

“I have some good new for you, my dear,” Father Clarence be
gan. “You’ve been adopted.”

“Adopted?” Jenny backed up to the table, her hands behind her
back searching the surface for a weapon.

“Yes. Mr. Miller and his wife have adopted you. They’re going
to take you to California to live.”

“I can’t leave,” Jenny said, sidling away from the table.

“Oh, but you don’t understand. The Millers have made you a
very generous offer. You see, Mrs. Miller is with child, so the trip will be difficult for her. In exchange for your help with the chores and the baby, they will provide you with a home. It’s really a won
derful opportunity for you.” The priest was talking to her as he
would to a wild animal he was trying to tame. Jenny looked beyond
him at the worn, dusty clothes that Mr. Miller was wearing and
wondered how the priest could use the terms

“Take someone else,” Jenny said as she wrapped her fingers
around the back of a chair. Chase had silently made his way to the doorway of the infirmary, his eyes narrowing at the two men as he
saw the fear on Jenny’s face.

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