Chase (17 page)

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Authors: Chantal Fernando,Dawn Martens

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Chase
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Kade wraps and arm around me and sighs. “You are going to be the best sister in law ever!” causing me to choke on the cookie I was eating. He pats me on the back, chuckling merrily. His hair has grown even longer, thick and light, it looked hot. I glance over at Chase to see if he heard that comment. He was stuffing his face with a muffin, but he was also wearing a huge grin. I don’t know if was over the comment or the muffin. My vote is with the muffin.

“Your hair is sexy.” I blurt out, purposely changing the subject.

“Hey!” Chase growls out playfully. Guess he is listening.

Kade smiles slowly, and runs his hands through it. “The women seem to love it,” he boasts.

“I only like it because it looks like Kurt Cobain’s.” I do love Kurt Cobain.

“We’re having a party this weekend. So here’s your notice, princess.”

“Another orgy huh, I’ll bring my raincoat.”

Now it’s Kade choking on his cookie.


I wake up alone the next morning. I can hear the shower on in the bathroom. A few minutes later the door opens and Chase walks out in nothing but a towel. “You’re awake,” he purrs, his eyes interested.

“I am, so what are you going to do about it?” He chuckles, a husky sound that gives me shivers. “You should have woken me up, you know, if you wanted to play.” I raise an eyebrow at him.

“You looked so peaceful; I didn’t want to wake you.” He grins and drops his towel. This man is confident about his body, and he has no reason whatsoever to be shy. He is already aroused, and ready to go. He stalks over to the bed, and pulls the blanket off me. He runs his hands up from my ankles to my thighs, and then pulls down my red lacy underwear. He sits me up, and gives me a deep wet kiss, only stopping to lift my nighty off. He pauses to look me over, and rumbles his approval. I watch his eyes linger greedily over my breasts. “Fuck,” he moans. “You are beautiful, fucking perfect. “ He kisses me again, more desperate this time. He pulls away and rumbles, “Guess I’m going to be late to work,” grins, and then continues.

By the time he gets to work he was indeed, very late.

I’m at work, and time is dragging. Rylie, a co- worker of mine is doing my nails. We have no clients whatsoever and the boss isn’t in all day, so it’s just the two of us.

“French tip?” She asks as she files.

“Yeah, sounds good.” Rylie is a petite little thing, standing at about 5’2. She is an absolutely beautiful girl, with chestnut brown hair and stunning eyes, an almost violet color. We work together about once a week and we get on great.

“Any plans tonight?” she asks, making conversation.

“Not really. A shit load of assignments. You?”

“I have to go and pick my shit up from my ex-boyfriends,” she says with an exaggerated groan.

I cringe, “Yup, I bet that has to suck.”

“Yeah, I’m so fucking glad it’s over though,” she admits.

“I know some hot men,” I put out there.

She gives me a sly grin. “Oh yeah, how hot?”

A bell beeps as the door opens and we both turn around. I’m shocked when I see Chase standing there, looking hot in a pair of worn jeans and a tight white T shirt. He has his helmet and leather jacket in his hands.

“That hot?” Rylie asks, her eyes as wide as saucers.

I grin. “Oh no, no one is that hot.”

I’m still admiring the view.

“Is this what you do all day at work, Layla? No wonder you love it,” Chase teases as he walks in and kisses me on my temple.

“Hi, I’m Chase,” he rumbles to Rylie.

“Rylie,” she introduces, putting her hand out in greeting.

“Nice to meet you Rylie.” Chase’s eyes find mine. “I’ll wait for you outside, Layla”, he says in a raspy voice that tugs at my lower belly.

“Okay,” I whisper back at him. He walks out and both Rylie and I stare at his retreating back.

“Well, fuck me,” she mumbles. I laugh. “No, seriously, Layla. You have done well. Now, go home, I’ll close up.”

“You sure?”

“Positive. I’ll see you next week,” she says, standing up and heading to the register.

“See you, and thanks, Rylie.”

“Don’t thank me, go and enjoy yourself with that hunk of a man,” she says, sighing dreamily.

I walk out and see Chase waiting patiently in the car park. “Let’s go home Chase,” I demand. He sees the look in my eyes, and I watch his narrow, his nostrils flaring. He lifts me up roughly and places me on the bike, before jumping on himself.

“Hold on tight, baby.”

Chapter Twenty Five

I look at myself in the full length mirror. Black boots, tight ripped jeans, tight black tank top. Dead straight hair that is so long it took me an hour to iron, and classic Marilyn Monroe inspired make up, red lips, and eyeliner and heavy mascara on my eyes.

“Layla, you ready?” I hear Nikki yell.

“Yeah, I’m coming” I reply.

I walk out of my room and into the lounge area, where Chase, James, Kade and Nikki sit. I can see Chase’s heated eyes on mine, checking me out. “Let’s go. I hope you guys are ready for this.” I say, causing Nikki to giggle. The three of them jump in Kade’s car, whilst Chase and I get on his Harley. He puts his leather jacket on me, and it smells just like him, I can’t help but breathe in the scent. Chase sees me doing it and his lip twitches. I give him a grin, unrepentant. I get a small kiss, then he straddles the bike, I wrap my arms around him and we are on our way.

We pull up at the Karaoke bar, Chase and I waiting for the rest. After finding out Chase can sing, I decided to drag him here so we could all sing and muck around together. I glance over to see Chase staring at my jeans.

“What?” I say a little self-consciously.

“You look fucking hot, that’s what,” he spins me around.



“Are you staring at my ass?”

“These jeans are like a second skin, how did you even get them on?” He grins as he says that.

“A magic trick,” I say coyly.

More like me lying on the bed, doing a lot of wiggling.

I move closer to him, resting my back on his chest. He wraps his arms around me tightly, and places soft wet kisses on my neck.

“We can’t leave you two alone for even five minutes!” My best friend yells across the parking lot. She’s wearing a black baby doll dress, with extremely high wedges.

Kade and James are on either side of her, like two huge bodyguards. They both look extremely sexy. We all walk into the bar and order some drinks.

“What do you want baby?” Chase asks me.

“Tequila, please!”

He narrows his eyes at me, and then shakes his head with a small smile. I give him one in return. He orders, and then hands me over one shot. I lick the salt seductively, with my eyes on his, then down the alcohol. Chase watches my lips intently, his eyes never leaving my face. I pull him in for a quick kiss. Chase and Kade aren’t drinking, since they drove us here.

“Shall we get down to business?” I ask them all. Chase smirks, and gestures for me to lead the way. Nikki gets up first with her rendition of ‘Single’ by Natasha Bedingfield. I love my best friend, but singing isn’t exactly her best attribute. I see Kade laughing his ass off at her, and Nikki not giving a shit, she’s staring right at Kade while singing it. I really don’t get those two.

Chase stands up, leans over and gives me a long kiss, probably too sexy for public view, then walks up to the microphone. I look over at Kade and James who are both smirking. Chase starts to sing Lifehouse ‘Somewhere in between,’ and I melt. His voice is sexy and sinful, husky and raw. I could listen to him all night. When the song is over we all cheer like crazy people. Chase walks over to me, takes in the look of my face and starts chuckling.

“Is there anything you’re not good at?” I ask him. I’m serious too.

“There are lots of things I’m terrible at,” he tries to assure me.

I get up next and start singing ‘Who knew’ by Pink. I have a pretty decent voice. Pretty much everyone in my family can sing. I have some family members in Sri Lanka, who are very well known for their talents. Chase keeps his eyes on mine the whole time, and it’s almost like no one else is in the room. The song finishes and everyone cheers, Chase being the loudest. He lifts me in the air and hugs me to him, and I feel safe, cherished.

“You sing like an angel.” He says softly into my ear. He puts me down, but pulls me onto his lap.


An hour later, James and Kade, who refused to sing, are chatting up some girls at the bar. Nikki kept shooting Kade daggers, except now she’s talking to some random guy, and Kade is the one looking like he is going to go over and punch the poor guy in the face. Those two! I didn’t have any more drinks, because otherwise Chase said I would have to drive home with Kade, and there was no way I was missing out on a ride on his motorcycle. After singing my second song, ‘Call your girlfriend’ by Robyn, Chase goes out to take a call from work, telling his brothers to keep an eye on me. I’m sitting at the bar, alone, when a man sits next to me and puts his arm around me. I push his arm off instantly, and stand to leave. Before I can walk away, he grabs my hips and lifts me into his lap. This is the exact moment Chase walks back in. I would have known he had reentered, even if I didn’t see him, because the atmosphere changed instantly. The air became thick and heavy. I push myself off this random seedy man’s lap, but oblivious to the danger he was currently in, he grabs me again. I elbow him hard, and get up only for him to slap my ass. Chase storms over, and I look at Kade and James who have no idea what’s going on. Kade is staring at Nikki still, and James is staring at some girls’ huge boobs.

“Kade!” I shout out. Kade takes in the scene and immediately moves into action. Chase pushes me behind him, and stares the man down.

“That’s my woman you had your fucking filthy hands on.” He growls, tone aggressive.

The man shrugs unrepentantly, “And?”

Chase grabs him by the throat, and the man’s face goes bright red. Kade is there, trying to talk Chase down. Chase finally let’s go and the man falls to the ground.

“Calm down, Chase, fuck!” This is coming from Kade, who looks outwardly calm, but I can see that he is angry, his eyes are blazing.

Chase takes a deep breath, and steps back, turning around to check on me. The stupid man stands up and says to his back, “Bitch isn’t worth it anyway.”

Chase turns around and punches him right in the nose. I hear a horrible cracking sound, followed by lots and lots of dripping blood.

Nikki pulls me farther back, as Chase goes to hit the man again, but this time both Kade and James jump on him, trying to pull him back. The bar tender is yelling, saying he’s calling the cops.

What a freaking disaster.

I walk forward and grab onto Chase’s arm. He looks down at me, and his hard eyes soften slightly.

“Take me home, Chase.” I say in a calm strong voice. Chase glances over at the man and then back down at me, and nods once. I can hear Kade and James sigh in relief. Chase grabs my hand and we all walk outside in silence. He lifts me onto the bike and gives me a once over, making sure I’m alright. “I’m fine, Chase. How’s your hand?”

He ignores my question, instead putting the jacket on me and handing me the helmet. Kade walks over and says, “Let me take Layla home. You need to calm down before you take off with her on that bike.” Chase glares at him, and if looks could kill.

“You saying I can’t take care of my woman?” he sneers at his brother.

Kade makes a calm down motion with his hands. “I’m not saying that at all, Chase. I’m saying you’re still angry and I know you, you’re going to ride recklessly.”

Chase takes a step closer to his brother, and puts his hand affectionately on the back of Kade’s head.

“I’ll look after Layla, don’t worry, I’m fine.” They stare into each other’s eyes for a moment until Kade nods, satisfied. Chase steps back from Kade and jumps on the bike, he glances over at me. “You okay?” I nod. He starts the engine and we take off. Chase rides carefully, and I know he is making an extra effort to make sure he does. I think in this mood he’s in, normally he would have sped off, riding the adrenaline. We get home and he helps me off the Harley. He unlocks the door, and we walk into the room.

“Take your clothes off, Layla. Now.” He commands in a rough voice. I take my boots off, and then undo my jeans, sliding them off. I pull my tank top off and I’m now standing there in a fluro pink thong and matching bra. Chase strips himself, his eyes intense. It seems he’s taking out his aggression in a different way tonight. And I have a feeling I’m going to love it. He pushes me down onto the bed, lying on top of me. He kisses me passionately, his tongue playing with mine, until I’m more than ready for him to get down to business.

“Chase, please.” I pant.

“Hmmm, I like it when you beg me Layla,” he taunts.


“You’ll get what you’re given, Layla,” he rumbles.

I pout. Freaking tease, I’m so going to....

He kisses me and pulls off my thong.

Then he makes me scream. Once, twice, thrice, before I pass out from exhaustion.


I open one eye and check the time on my phone. Eight am, I need to get my ass up for work. I’m about to roll out of bed, when muscular arms are wrapped around me from behind.

“Where are you going?” he asks is a sleepy voice.


“Call in sick.”

“Chase! I can’t, I have to go in.” I exclaim.

“Are you okay?” he asks quietly.

“I’m fine, I...”

He cuts me off. “I wasn’t too rough last night, was I?”

I sit up and look at him, giving him a sly grin. “I loved last night.”

A smile traces his lips. “Good. I’m sorry if I scared you at the bar, but that fucker had his hands on you, and I just lost it.”

I sigh. “You didn’t scare me, I was worried though. You need to control your anger, Mr. Jackson. But right now, I’m going to have a shower and get ready for work.”

Chase sighs, frowning. Or more like sulking. I almost laugh.

I get ready, grab a quick breakfast and head out to work. Today is Chase’s day off, although he will probably end up taking calls from work. By the time I’m dressed, Chase is running on the treadmill. Kade is doing weights and James is doing sit ups. Freaking hot. Chase glances over and his eyes narrow.

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