Chance Collision (10 page)

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Authors: C.A. Szarek

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Chance Collision
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“Shot five times, including in the head,”
Jared Manning had told Pete when they’d arrived.

“Hope he didn’t suffer,” Nikki managed. But how could he not have?

They stood silently as two guys in white coats loaded the gurney into the navy-blue van then shut the doors with a slam that jarred her.

Jared came out of the trailer with Neil, the CSI supervisor. Marion, the pretty Asian photographer, was next. How did she deal with what she saw at every crime scene? Nikki rubbed her arm.

The other detective jogged over to them. “I got this if you want to go. Thanks for talking to Raleigh Carter.”

“No problem. Let me know if you need me.”

Jared nodded, smiling in Nikki’s direction. “See you both soon.”

She let Pete answer for them and soon they were alone—sort of—again. There were still uniformed cops everywhere, but no one was really paying them any attention.

“Let’s go get your stuff,” Pete said. He put his hand low on her back and Nikki trembled for a different reason. He paused. “You cold?”

“N-n-no. It’s gotta be like ninety out here.”

Pete nodded and smiled, and she let him guide her back to the Crown Victoria.

* * * *

Rushing through her apartment was a blur. Pete had told her she didn’t have to hurry, but something made her nervous. Made tingles shoot up and down her spine. Like someone was watching them. But she didn’t mention it to her detective.

Stuffing pantyhose, a few bras, underwear and socks into her dad’s green Army duffle, she looked over her shoulder. Had Pete seen? Not a big secret she wore undergarments, of course, but there was no reason for the detective to discover her pretty, frilly panty fetish. She loved them, collected them. The more satin and lace, the better.

Her favourite colour was red, hands down.
barely there
were the ones that made her feel the best. Desirable. Like a woman.

Pete was looking in the other direction, hand not far from the gun at his waist. His fingers twitched as if he wanted to draw the weapon. Did he feel that someone was watching them—like she had—after all?

Nikki ignored the tremor that threatened her whole body. Leaving the bag on her bed, she slipped into her walk-in closet and stared at her full hangers.

Grey pinstriped pants faded and she saw a pool of blood on white tile. Closing her eyes, she saw a black body bag. The sense of the surreal melted into reality and her head spun.

This was really happening.

Her hand on the soft fabric should have helped, grounded her in some way, but it only reminded her that she was pulling the clothes off the hanger to fold and put in her duffle.

Not to leave for a trip, but to run, hide. Like—

“Are you almost ready?”

Nikki whirled and ran into the wall of Pete’s muscled chest.

“Whoa.” Strong hands covered her shoulders and the warmth of his skin sank through the soft material of her short-sleeved, tan sweater.

Her body heated and her cheeks burned.

“I didn’t mean to startle you. Are you okay?”

She was mesmerised by the green of his eyes. So much so that Nikki’s gaze refused to move and words wouldn’t form.

Nod your head, idiot. Something. Anything.

“Nikki? Did I hurt you?” His voice dropped. Softer, concerned. Somehow, that made her want him even more.


Desire unfurled low in her belly and she stared at Pete’s lips. She wanted to feel them again. Wanted to taste him.

The sharp intake of breath told her Pete felt it, too. Again, like in Chief’s office. His pecs heaved against her breasts, reminding her how close their bodies were.

Nikki leaned up and brushed her lips against his. But instead of accepting her invitation, dipping his head for a real kiss, Pete released her shoulders and took a step back.

He cleared his throat. “We should get to the safe house. Wrap up, get what you need. Chief said the place is already stocked with groceries.”

Her heart skipped. His tone was so normal. Like he was unaffected…entirely. “What?” she croaked.

Pete’s expression tightened. Was that a wince?

Her eyes smarted and Nikki screamed at herself.
Get it together.
She blinked and sucked in a breath. “Okay. I only need a few more things.” She forced her voice even, proud of herself for containing her emotions.

With a nod, he turned his dark cowboy boots and left her closet.

Despite the warmth in her body for Pete, Nikki was left cold. Stung. He’d pulled away from her.

Never mind. It doesn’t matter.
Chiding herself, she gathered several mix-and-match outfits and took her time folding then rolling them to lie in the Army duffel. She wasn’t ready to face Pete just yet, so the breather helped.

By the time she entered her living room, her spine was straight and her shoulders squared.
She was going to be fine. Pulling away from a small kiss wasn’t really a rejection, was it?

Pete was pacing along the length of the wall on the left. The one with no windows. Fair brows drawn, his expression suggested he was deep in thought, but Nikki wasn’t naïve enough not to recognise he could spring to action at the drop of a hat. His posture screamed cop. On the prowl.

The detective was dangerous, in more than one way.

“I’m ready.” Her statement made him freeze.

His emerald eyes burned when their gazes locked and her body flushed. The heat certainly didn’t suggest rejection now. She refused to get swept away.

“Don’t stand near the window.” Pete’s command was low and even.

Nikki still jumped. “Is something wrong?” Damn, she should have told him she’d felt like someone was watching them.

“No. Just a precaution.”

her instinct shouted. She forced a nod and moved closer when he gestured for her to come to him.

He grabbed her upper arm, but didn’t hurt her. Pete led them out, stopping to take her key and lock her door with nimble fingers. They moved downstairs from her second floor apartment quickly. Before they could reach the car, a petulant mew distracted Nikki and she paused.

“C’mon, we need to move. This is too open.” Pete tugged her biceps, but she couldn’t move without tripping—Daisy was already weaving in and out of her legs.

“I forgot.”

One eyebrow arched, Pete looked down at the calico stray then met Nikki’s eyes. “Forgot what?”

“I didn’t feed Daisy today.” She slipped from his grip, bending down to run a hand through the multi-coloured fur of the cat that had adopted her. The feline revved her purr and bumped her hand for a scratch behind the ear.

“You have a cat?”

“Sorta. She’s more like a complex cat.”

“Someone else can feed it then.” Pete pulled her up, resting his hand at the small of her back.


“Now, Nikki.” His tone brooked no argument and she shivered, despite the warmth of his touch.

There is something wrong.

“I don’t want to leave her.” The words tumbled out of her mouth. Silly, but true. One more way this situation was messing with her routine. Who would feed her cat?

Pete ignored her, ushering her to the unmarked police cruiser. He shoved her inside, then slammed the driver door

She didn’t miss him staring out the rear-view mirror after he’d yanked his seatbelt on.

wrong,” Nikki said.

“Nothing’s wrong.”

“I don’t believe you.”

Once again he ignored her as the engine roared to life. Irritation flared. “You make me hurry after you’d said to take my time. You pace in my living room, make me leave my cat. What the hell, Pete?”
You ignored my kiss, too.
“Tell me what’s going on. What did you see?”

“Nothing to worry about.” He was looking around, his eyes sweeping the parking lot, the buildings. All the parked cars.

Nikki’s heart thundered and she clutched the Army duffle until her knuckles whitened.

Pete said nothing, even though his jaw was tight, his handsome face serious. The consummate detective.

She could grill him. It wouldn’t matter—he’d still tell her she had nothing to worry about. Stubborn man. She wasn’t a child who needed protecting—she could handle the truth.

Skin crawling, she shifted in the seat of the police car. Someone
watching them, following them. Nikki felt it in her bones.

“What about my grandmother?” she whispered.

“She’s fine. I’ll call Rodriguez and have dispatch send someone else over.”

Her blood chilled. “There’s someone watching us.” She didn’t bother making it a question.

“Maybe.” Reluctant. Like he didn’t want to tell her.

Nikki almost thanked him for being honest, but with his small confirmation, she froze, fear rolling over her waves.

“It’s gonna be fine.” Pete’s voice was sure, but he didn’t reach for her.

Chapter Eleven

The rest of the morning into the afternoon, he was jittery. Pete had brought her back to the station in lieu of the safe house. He’d felt eyes on them from the moment they’d hit the stairs to head up to Nikki’s apartment. Who might be watching them wasn’t a shocker. But
was the damn word that kept bouncing around in his head.

It didn’t make sense they’d know who she was. He’d not been able to spot anyone following them and he’d done several loops around the city before pulling up to the secure area at the back of the PD. If they’d managed to stay with him, they knew where Nikki was now. He could only pray they wouldn’t put it together she worked there.

At the station she was safe. It was a secure facility, and he didn’t see Caselli’s men walking up to the building in daylight.

More coffee wouldn’t calm him after the rushed lunch. However, Pete rounded the corner and headed to the kitchen anyway. He’d left Nikki in her office with the Chief.

She’d insisted on working if she was going to be at the PD and he didn’t blame her. Let her have normality while she could. Besides, it’d postpone the argument they were destined to have about her seeing her gram tonight. He had zero desire to risk taking her back to the rehab centre. Nikki would be stubborn about it, no doubt. If he had to cave, maybe he could get Manning to back him. That way he could make sure everything was kosher at Health Solutions.

“Detective Pete Crane.” The smoky female voice rolled over him like a caress.

Pete grinned as he turned around to see Special Agent Lee Dawson striding down the hall with Nikki.

Seeing them side by side jarred him. Both gorgeous, but Lee was shorter, at just a few inches past five feet. Even though they both had curves in all the right places, Nikki was the one who made his cock stir. Made his protective instincts flare. Made him want to hold her and keep her away from all the dangers in the world.

Lee could kick ass and protect herself. Like Andi.

Nikki was different. Innocent. Sorta. She did know how to kiss a man.

“How the hell are ya?” Pete put his hand out for a shake, but Lee stepped close and threw her arms around him.

Though he was surprised, the hug wasn’t unwelcome. He squeezed her against him before releasing her. It was then that Lee reached for his hand for a hard shake.

“What? No trademark
for me?”

“Well, ya know, I have to change it up from time to time.” Pete chuckled, then felt a hot glare in his direction—and not the good kind.

He looked over Lee’s head and his gaze collided with Nikki’s brown eyes for a split second. His boss’s secretary wasn’t glaring at him. She was staring at Lee, her auburn brows drawn, beautiful face sporting a look that could peel paint.

What the hell? Is she jealous?
He was torn between pleasure and mortification.

The feel of her lips brushing his in the closet danced into his mind and he suppressed the unmanly shiver that threatened to shoot down his spine.

Nikki had to stop kissing him. Pete wouldn’t be able to push her away much longer. God knew how he’d managed then. Her full breasts had been flat against his chest, her hips flush to his.

He wanted her. It was only getting worse. And he couldn’t have her.

Off limits
She’s off limits, not just because of what Chief said. Pin that to your brain, dude.

“You look good, Crane.” Lee made a show of looking him up and down.

Nikki’s glare became a scowl. If the FBI agent noticed, she didn’t react.

“Thanks. Not so bad yourself.” Pete threw a smile at Nikki. Unfortunately, her expression didn’t soften.

Lee smiled, slow and sensual, one hand on a hip. Her dark hair swept up into a ponytail, she was dressed casually, in dark jeans and a tight navy and grey New York Yankees T-shirt. Her weapon was holstered at her waist. “Thanks, I try.” She winked.

was the word that came to mind, but recognising it didn’t tamp his ardour for his little redhead.

“Looks like you’re taking a page from Cole’s uniform book,” Pete said, gesturing to her casual outfit. The last time he’d seen her she’d been wearing what he considered work attire—khakis and a button-down. Cole, on the other hand, had never come to work in anything but jeans and a tee.

The FBI agent laughed. “I was in the field when he called. I hightailed it home to pack a bag and got my ass on a plane. You got something for me?”

“Yeah, unfortunately I do.”

Lee glanced at Nikki. “Thanks for helping me find Detective Crane.”

It was a dismissal, and his boss’s assistant didn’t like it. She nodded and squared her shoulders. Looked at him. “See you later?”

Pete smiled. “You know it, darlin’. Don’t leave the station, though. I mean it, Nikki.”

Her brown eyes narrowed, spearing through him.

He swallowed back a wince. Shouldn’t have made his statement sound like an admonition in front of Lee—Pete wouldn’t have liked if someone had done it to him.

Just when he opened his mouth to offer an apology, Nikki harrumphed and turned on her stiletto-clad heel, rounding the corner as fast as she could.

He watched her go, staring at the sway of her hips. Pete wanted to go after her.

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