Cera's Place (15 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth McKenna

BOOK: Cera's Place
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Jake was quiet as he stroked the inside of her palm with his finger. Finally, he said, “So ask me a question.”

“What?” She tugged her hand out of his.

“Get to know me. Then you won’t have any more excuses.” His eyes dared her.

Cera let out a long breath. “You are an exasperating man.”

“That I am.” In one quick move that cost him another grimace, he pulled her down on the bed.

Her body stiffened at the intimate contact. “Jake…”

“Shhh.” He placed a finger on her lips. “We’re just talking. Ask me a question.”

“Fine, I’ll play along, for now.” In a flat voice, she asked, “Where were you born?”

“That’s an easy one. Boston, well Dorchester to be exact.”

“There’s a difference?”

“Only if you are from Dorchester.”

She rolled her eyes. “Is your family still there?”

“My parents died before the war. My sister’s still there with her husband, who’s a copper, and their three kids. My father was also a copper, before he was a politician.”

Warming to the conversation, she nodded her head. “So you come by your hero ways legitimately.”

“I’m not a hero,” he replied gruffly.

“Don’t get mad. This was your idea, remember?” Though she wanted to ask the obvious question, she was afraid it would offend him. With a look up to the heavens, she said in a rush, “How did you…”

“Get the scar?” Jake finished with a raise of his eyebrow.

She shrugged sheepishly. “Sorry. It’s none of my business.”

“But you really want to know?”

She took a quick look at his face. “Not if it pains you to tell.”

He sunk deeper into the pillows on the bed and closed his eyes. For a moment, Cera thought he might be going to sleep.

“My wife and our baby died while I was away at the war. I didn’t want to live anymore, but I survived every god-forsaken battle. I got this souvenir during the fight that Daniel, Sadie’s daddy, died in.”

“So when did you change your mind about wanting to die?”

Turning his head, his eyes met hers. For a moment, his face reflected such heart-breaking sadness that Cera wished she could rip out her tongue for asking the question. Then it was gone, replaced with the crooked smile that made butterflies dance in her stomach.

“When Daniel killed the rebel attacking me, he saved my life the first time. When I promised him I would give Sadie the locket, he saved it again. As long as I had to find her, I couldn’t die. Eventually, I didn’t hanker for death so much.” He propped himself up on one elbow. “My turn.”

She held up a hand in protest. “Oh, no, I only agreed to ask questions. Nothing was said about answering them.”

“My game. My rules. My turn. Where were you born?”

“New York City.”



“Hero tendencies?”

“I take care of my own.”

“I think that about covers it.” He leaned over and covered her mouth with his.

While his mouth demanded her attention, his hand traced the neckline of her robe. Though she suspected where it was headed, her body still jolted when he filled his hand with her breast. She stifled a gasp of pleasure as his thumb brushed her hardening nipple through the silk of her nightgown.

When he came up for air, he breathed, “Cera, please…”

Before she lost all control, she made one more attempt to find her sanity. “All this moving around can’t be good for your injuries. You should be sleeping.”

“I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” He found her mouth again, wetting her lips with the tip of his tongue. His fingers and thumb closed around her thigh, waiting for an invitation. “Tell me what I need to hear.”

“Get off me.”

Jake obeyed, but his eyes couldn’t hide his disappointment.

Swallowing the last bits of her indecision, Cera stood up, pulled the pins from her hair, and shook it loose. With unsteady hands, she untied her robe, letting it fall to the floor in a soft billow. He looked at her in disbelief as her nightgown slid to the floor next to it. Naked, she came back to the bed and straddled his hips.

“You have me at a disadvantage,” he managed to say once he found his voice. “I still have my clothes on and—well—you don’t.”

Her smile was a shade shy of wicked. “Oh, I can take care of that for you.”

She undid his work shirt button by button. When she pulled it away, the dim light revealed dark blotches of bruised skin around his ribs. She blinked rapidly. “I’m so sorry, Jake.”

Brushing her cheekbone, he soothed, “There now, we’ll have none of that.”

Mindful of his injuries, she skimmed her fingers over his belly, feeling the hardness of the muscles underneath. She counted at least a dozen scars scattered across his torso. If she knew nothing else about him, the old wounds alone spoke for the bravery of the man before her.

Enjoying her exploration, she stroked his chest until Jake let out a soft groan. Looking up, she was relieved to see pleasure rather than pain on his face. Empowered by his response, she leaned down and tasted his amber skin.

Jake buried his hands in her hair. “Tell me I’m not dreaming.”

The bed creaked as Cera sat back up. She grabbed a blanket, wrapping it around her shoulders. “I’d like to be dreaming, and when I wake up, everything will be the way it was.”

He shook his head. “You’re so damn beautiful. Dreams don’t last long enough for what I have in mind.”

Her mouth twisted as if his words were sour.

“Why do you get all uncomfortable when I compliment you? Don’t you believe me when I say you’re beautiful?”

“I’m sure you mean it to some degree, but most men will say anything to get a woman in bed. In fact, they have…including the promise of marriage.”

The hurt returned to his eyes. “I’m not most men. I thought you knew that by now.”

She clutched the blanket tighter around herself. “And I’m not your dead wife—I hope you know that.”

Jake sighed and rubbed his hands over his face. “Come lie down and get some sleep. You’ve had a long, tough night.”

She snuggled beside him, but with every breath, she inhaled his earthy scent. It stirred her belly and warmed her thighs. After a few minutes of silence, she said into his chest, “I can’t sleep.”

This time Jake’s groan sounded painful.

Cera tugged at his pants. “Maybe you should finish undressing. Those trousers can’t be comfortable to sleep in.”

“Don’t start something unless you’re prepared to finish it,” he warned. “I’ve only so much self-control.”

“I’m ready to finish it,” she assured him, but added under her breath, “I hope.”

She was pleased to find that without his trousers, the lower half of his body was as delicious as the top, with slim hips and strong legs. Kneeling beside him, she ran her hand up his inner thigh. Catching his eye as she neared his manhood, her hand veered, leaving it untouched. Jake sank farther into the pillows, grabbing fistfuls of the bed sheet.

She settled on top of him with a grin. Prolonging their final destination, she continued to move her hands over his body, feeling the curves of his upper arms and the raw strength of his shoulders. Underneath her, Jake tried to sit up, but stopped with a wince. Cera put a hand on his chest and eased him back. “Remember, you’re hurt.”

“I’m pretty sure it will be worth the pain.” Holding her hips still, he whispered, “Don’t move. Not yet.”

Taking his time, his fingers moved up her body, stopping to trace the outline of her collarbone, her jaw, and then her lips. Smiling slyly, she caught his finger with her lips, wetting it as she let it slide slowly out of her mouth. His eyebrows rose, along with the corners of his mouth.

His hands moved farther down, cupping her breasts and caressing her nipples with his thumbs. Her eyes closed and her back arched as his touch shot tingles of pleasure through her body. He pulled her toward him, taking a breast in his mouth. When he tugged lightly with his teeth, she let out a low moan.

Jake’s hands found her face again. “I could make love to you for years, Cera Cassidy.”

“You talk too much, Jake Tanner.” She kissed him into silence, working her way across his stubble and down his neck. He let out an unexpected chuckle when she found a ticklish spot below his ear.

His hands stroked her hair, as she tasted his belly. She avoided what he really wanted, teasing with her tongue until she finally took him in her mouth, letting her tongue travel his hardness.

“Oh, God,” he breathed. She didn’t stop until he pulled her up, demanding, “I need to be inside you.”

Reaching down between her legs, she guided him in, sucking in a breath at the long forgotten sensation. Their hips thrust together, beating out a passionate rhythm. Jake’s breathing quickened and when he pulled her face toward his, she knew he was on the edge. Looking into his eyes, she rocked faster until he filled her, gasping at the ecstasy.

As he slowed his breathing, he held her against his chest. Worried she might be causing undue pain, she eased herself off him. Turning onto his side, he followed her movement, his eyes closing tight for the briefest moment.

Concerned, Cera asked, “Did I hurt you?”

“No, I’m fine. Better than fine.” His hand moved up and down from her knee upwards along her thigh, each time going higher before retreating. With every inch he gained, electricity spread deep into her body. There were no more soft kisses from his mouth. Their tongues tangled urgently as he deepened each kiss.

After what seemed an eternity to Cera, he pulled back from her mouth and slipped his finger between her thighs, finding her soft and wet. As his finger traced slow, maddening circles, her breathing became ragged. She clutched at his neck and pulled his mouth back to hers. She couldn’t get enough of his taste and thirsted for more. He trailed her wetness up her belly, finding her nipples once again. Cera’s hips rose and her thighs opened, needing him to finish what they started. He buried his head between her legs, flicking his tongue until she reached her peak. She held on as long as she could, until her eyes lost focus and she exploded, crying out his name.


Cera woke late the following morning in a twist of sheets, arms, and legs. She felt wonderfully relaxed for the first time in, well, longer than she cared to admit. After stretching her arms overhead, she pushed at Jake, but it was like moving dead weight. “Hey, you’re on me. Would you move?”

Jake grunted in reply. Opening one eye, he reached out and fondled her breast.

“Stop that!” She slapped his hand away. “I have to get up. I’m sure everyone’s downstairs wondering what’s keeping us.”

H snickered. “Sweet Cera, I think they know what we’re doing.” Refusing to give up, he reached for her breast again, only to be slapped—again. “Oh, come on.” He nuzzled her neck, whispering lewd suggestions in her ear.

Wrapping her legs around his waist, she gave in with a laugh. She felt guilty for allowing herself a few more minutes of happiness before facing the harsh realities of the day, but the memories of last night’s lovemaking were still potent. “All right, all right, but make it worth my time.”

A triumphant grin spread across Jake’s face. “With pleasure.”


Leaving Jake’s bedroom, Cera stopped at the top of the stairs. As if reading her thoughts, Jake took her in his arms. She laid her head on his shoulder and sighed. “What am I going to do?”

“We’re going to stop Biggs and the Chinese Tong, and then we’re going to rebuild your saloon.”

She took a step back. “We spent one night together. A wonderful night, mind you, and a terrific morning, but still, I don’t expect you to become a part of my life. I’m sure you had other plans before you walked into my saloon. What were you going to do after you found Sadie?”

“I don’t know. I never thought that far ahead, but believe me when I say this.” He took her face in his hands, forcing her to look into his eyes. “I don’t want to leave you.”

She shook her head in disbelief. “Just like that? You’re that sure? What if I decide I don’t like you? What if I tell you to leave me alone?”

“Why would you do that?” He smiled his crooked grin.

Cera tried to control her rising exasperation. “The point is Biggs is my problem, not yours. I don’t want you involved anymore. You’ve been hurt enough over all of this.”

“And why do you get to decide?” Jake demanded. “Do you really think after all that has happened I could walk away from you? And what about Sadie? I didn’t search for her all these years just to leave her in danger. I owe it to her father to look after her. What kind of man do you think I am?”

Her cheeks flushed hot as her temper unleashed itself. Jamming a finger in his chest, she replied, “Don’t get all ‘I’m the big man, and you’re the little woman’ on me, Mr. Jake Tanner. Like I said last night, I’ve been taking care of myself long before you strutted into my saloon. I can take care of my friends too, for that matter.”

“Yes, and like I pointed out last night, you’re not doing such a fine job. You know what your problem is? You’re afraid.”

“I am not! If Biggs were standing in front of me this very minute, I would tear him apart with my bare hands. I wouldn’t even bother using my gun—that is, if I had my gun, which I don’t, thanks to him.” She clenched her hands into fists, her nails digging into her palms.

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