Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series) (3 page)

BOOK: Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series)
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“Ruark. What say you to discussing while we eat?” Eion asked.

General Ruark looked around at everyone who nodded in agreement with mouths full. “It would certainly move things along. Let us talk of peace. As stated in the treaty it is suggested that the counsel should meet twice a year to discuss items of concern. It also states that a Lord can make a request for the counsel to convene if a matter is urgent.”

General Ruark noticed that everyone’s attention was on Aodhan and Liam’s little stare down. He grew seriously annoyed at their childishness and took a sip of his ale watching as neither man gave an inch. It seemed they were not listening to a single word that he had said. General Ruark cleared his throat.

“What say you Lord MacCionaoith? What say you Lord O’Cuinn?” he asked giving each man a stern look.

Lara glanced over as she watched General Kayne step away from where he was standing. He put a hand on Liam’s shoulder and squeezed. She reached under the table and jabbed Aodhan with her fingers in the ribs. He turned his head and sharply looked at her. Aodhan realized what he had been doing and quickly turned to look at General Ruark. To Ruark‘s astonishment Aodhan had heard every word he said.

“I agree with the meeting of the counsel. Communication instead of rash action is the best way to deal with things.” Aodhan said as he gave Liam a harsh look.

“I also agree.” Liam said as he casually sat back in his chair ignoring Aodhan’s glare. If it would not have offended anyone he would have propped his feet up on the table. However, it would insult people he did not wish to.

“May I speak?” Kedryn asked and he walked over and stood behind Lara.

Aodhan turned sideways in his chair to look at Kedryn.

“Of course.” both Aodhan and Liam said at the same time.

“If the counsel is going to meet twice a year. Why not have a tournament to go along with it? Like the games I’ve heard Lawler and Doyle talk about that take place at Quenith castle. Jousts, hand to hand competitions, mock sword fighting and some sort of ball game.” he looked down as his hand and realized that he was running his worry stone through his fingers. He stopped and placed the stone back into his pocket.

Kedryn ran his fingers through his hair. “It seems the tournament only takes place once in a blue moon. Even a celebration feast could be held at the end of the tournaments. You could have one tournament in Milburn and the other in Quenith and switch off every year.” he looked around at everyone with a look of uncertainty on his face. It seemed that everyone was considering the idea. Lara turned to look at her son and grinned.

“The idea holds merit.” Eion said and sat back in his chair.

Liam reached up and rubbed his head. Kedryn and Lara never ceased to amaze him. “If everyone agrees we can hammer out the details later. Another item that we should all consider is Lord Faolan. Brenna suggested that there be a place for his signature. Also, a messenger sent with a copy of the peace plans as a gesture of good faith. That way he can not claim he was excluded from the negotiations.”

“I had not thought of it. Was word sent to Lord Faolan regarding the negotiations?” Ruark asked.

“The night the treaty was revised. General Kayne sent a messenger to inform Lord Faolan with regards to the peace negotiations. He never returned with a reply. Are there any other comments with regards to this?” General Ruark asked looking around the room.

“Very well. All agreed raise your hands.”

The vote was unanimous.

Eion took a sip out of his goblet. “It looks as though we have

agreed. I think this was the smoothest Peace Negotiation in history. Thank you Lady Brenna for your insight and to you Kedryn for your suggestions. I believe that we should meet again in two moons time and iron out the details. Agreed?”

“Agreed.” Everyone around the table said.

“Messengers should be sent from each side in one moons time with suggested dates. Later we will discuss when the war counsel will gather. Lord Faolan will not waste time and neither shall we.” General Kayne said.

“Lord O’Cuinn. I believe that the first meeting and tournament should be held in Milburn. It will show all the lands that you bode no more ill will.” Aodhan said.

Liam leaned forward in his chair and nervously rubbed his head and looked at Lara. He watched as she mouthed “Do it.” Liam nodded his head and agreed with Aodhan.

“You are correct Lord MacCionaoith. We will have the tournament in Millburn and decide on a date at the first counsel meeting. Shall we sign?”

General Ruark signaled for the servants to bring over one of the tables from the corner. He reached over and carefully picked up the ancient center piece and placed it onto the table. Brenna stood, walked over to the table and placed three documents with two quills in front of the centerpiece. She had meticulously copied three documents for each to sign with one to deliver to Faolan.

Aodhan and Liam moved their chairs back and stood up. They both walked over to where the treaty was set out. As Liam looked at the document in front of him he saw in the space that Brenna had curiously left, it was now filled in with the tournament and counsel meeting statements agreed upon. He looked up at her and shook his head and smiled.

Aodhan took out a match that Lara had given him and lit the candle set beside the Griffin. He handed the match to Liam who lit the candle set behind the Dragon.

Aodhan drew his dagger from his sheath and Lara tensed as she watched Liam do the same. She relaxed when they both made a slight cut in their forearm.

“I Aodhan Mahon MacCionaoith, as Lord of the Danann, by my blood, I decree this peace treaty to be final and reviewed again during

the first meeting of the counsel.” Aodhan picked up the quill that Brenna had set beside the papers. He dipped the quill in his blood and signed each copy of the Peace Treaty.

“I Liam Solo O’Cuinn, as Lord of the Milesians, by my blood, I degree this peace treaty to be final and reviewed again during the first meeting of the counsel.” Liam repeated the process and signed.

They both picked up a candle and let the wax drip on each treaty at the bottom. Each placed their ring of office on the wax.

Chapter 4

After the Peace Negotiations Lara and Kedryn made their way up the hill where the pavilions had once stood and quietly looked over the Duir Plain. It was time to head to Quenith. Lara looked over the rolling hills that were splashed with red and orange from the sunset before them and she put her hand on Kedryn’s shoulder.

“Think we’ll ever get back home?” he asked.

“I don’t know.”

Lara looped her arm through Kedryn’s and without saying a word they walked to where their packed horses were.

Lady Orla had offered to send Lara her carriage and she politely declined. Lara wanted to be out in the open and take in as much of the scenery and fresh air as possible. She had nothing against carriage rides but she refused to be in the confines of a small box.

Patting the side of her horse Lara checked the bridal and saddle. As a gift Carrick had given her a black stallion with a spot of white on its nose and belly. The Stallion was named Jodi of all things, which was kind of odd and funny in a way. Lara and Kedryn’s dog back home had recently passed away. The dog had the same name with the same color and markings only Jodi the dog was female.

“Now I believe in reincarnation.” Lara said to Kedryn when she heard the name and got a huge laugh out of him.

“Except our Jodi was not a male.” Kedryn laughed out.

She was actually feeling nervous about heading to Quenith. This would be Aodhan’s home front and she didn’t know what to expect from him. Would he turn into a snooty Lord or stay the same man she had always known. Devlyn walked up to her interrupting her thoughts.

“Need any help, my Lady?” he asked giving her a cocky grin.

She grinned back at him. Lara put her foot in the stirrup and swung herself into the saddle. “No thank you, dear sir.”

“I should have known.“ Devlyn said as he let out a laugh and walked behind her to his horse and mounted.

Lara looked over to her side and saw that Kedryn was already up on his horse. His horse was all gray except for a white spot, like her stallion, on its belly. She stood up in the stirrups looking ahead and could see Aodhan who was in the lead talking with General Ruark.

Guards were set out in front and back of the procession. Directly behind Aodhan and General Ruark rode Cadmon who was flanked by Kory and Derrick posing as his guards. They had loosely tied his hands together in front of him to give the illusion he was still a prisoner just in case Lord Faolan’s spies were watching. Cadmon did not have to fake his irritation. He wanted to head out right away on their mission. Instead, they were heading to Quenith to play games before they left.

Earlier Kedryn had pulled Cadmon aside and explained that he wanted to spend some time with his mother before he left on their mission. Especially with the possibility of not returning. Of course he did not mention his fears to his mother and Cadmon understood but was annoyed all the same.

Eion, Scanlon, Devlyn and Niall were on horseback behind Lara and Kedryn as they headed out. She overheard Eion mention to Devlyn that they would stop at Tralee to get some rest first and head out in the morning. She let out a relieved sigh and thought. Thank God, maybe I can get in a real bath.

She felt the tug of her horse moving forward. She tried to enjoy the scenery as the procession moved along to keep thoughts away from what was to come. It did not take long when the high walls of Tralee appeared before them. Cadmon, Kory, Derrick and the other soldiers split from the procession when they passed through the arched gates. They headed off to report to General Carrick and to stay at the barracks before heading out in the morning. Most of the soldiers had returned to their families and homes and only a small group remained to accompany them to Quenith.

The women who were staying at the manor house greeted them as they rode to the stables behind the house. Lara dismounted and patted her horse and whispered in it’s ear.

“Thank you Jodi.” she smiled as the horse neighed happily. Lara turned to the squire standing by her to take the reigns. “Please take extra special care of this horse.”

“Yes, Lady Battle Raven.” the squire said as he gave a short bow and led the horse away.

She walked over to Aodhan and he gave her a kiss. “How are you my heart?”

“In need of a serious bath.” Lara said grinning and wrinkled her nose.

Aodhan walked over to his mother and gave her a hug. Lady Orla wrinkled her nose. “I would say you are in need of a bath too.”

“How long will it take to get to Quenith?” Lara asked to really anyone.

Ruark walked up to Tara and kissed her. “About four days time if we leave early tomorrow and will be stopping in Shanhold at the Ogham Inn. I have already sent a messenger ahead to let them know. After that we will follow the Gort road and reach Quenith in three days time, given we don’t run into any unforeseen troubles. Unfortunately there are no towns or villages we can stay after Shanhold.”

“How about we take this inside and show all of you to your rooms?” Tara said and everyone followed her into the manor house.

Ruark escorted the men to a set of stairs that led to the second story. Lady Orla disappeared down the hall where Lara heard some laughter coming from a room off to the side. Tara took Lara’s arm and led her down an opposite overly large candle lit hallway. Large oil paintings lined the walls and on pedestals were sculptures of every kind of art you could imagine on them. It was a beautiful private gallery. She looked down at the floor which was a light gray marble with silver veins running through it. Lara wondered if this realm had an endless supply of granite and limestone.

Tara stopped in front of a plain light oak door and stepped through. Lara noticed that her frame pack had been placed on a bench at the foot of the bed.

“I had the servants bring your possessions. Aodhan placed your armor in with his. I hope you do not mind. I will leave you to settle in and there is a bath that is being warmed for you through the door to the left of the bed. I believe that Dinner will be within a couple of hours.” Tara said and smiled as she walked out and closed the door.

Lara looked at her frame pack trying to think of what to do first. She decided against exploring the house to get a closer look at all of the art and pulled out everything she needed for a bath. While she was

setting out her things and looked at the quilt that covered the bed. It was a multicolored quilt that she recognized as a wedding ring quilt. Lara thought of hers back home that her father would not allow her to have until she was married. Her mother had at least let her sneak a peek at what her Great Grandmother had made for her. If she ever made it home she would finally be able to have it if Aodhan still wanted to marry her, that is.

Deep in thought, Lara walked over to the door that Tara had pointed to. She stepped through into a small bathroom. Not as exquisite as Shanna’s cottage but size doesn’t matter right? The tub was made out of a caramel colored stone and was as big as a small whirlpool tub. She looked around and found some fluffy peach colored towels on a bench set outside of a small partition. A quick glance behind the partition revealed a tiny peach pedestal sink and makeshift toilet. Lara turned back to the tub and prepared her bath.

BOOK: Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series)
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