Caught Up In You 4: The Point of No Return (Edgeplay) (5 page)

BOOK: Caught Up In You 4: The Point of No Return (Edgeplay)
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 “Hey!” Shoving myself out of the chair I snatch it from his hands. “Snoop much?”

 “It was lying right here.” He indicates the split log coffee table. “I saw my name and was curious.”

 “Nosy is more like it.” Flicking back to the top sheet where I’d drawn little hearts around his name like a lovesick dumbass, I turn away. “I’m going to bed.”

 He grips my wrist. “Do you want to talk about this? You have a ton of questions there.”

 A few hours ago that was all I wanted to do but now he’s spoiled my enthusiasm with his lackluster response. “Not tonight.”

 He follows me into my bedroom and leans against the doorway. “Are you upset with me?” His tone implies he has no clue why I would be.

 “Yeah, I kinda am. I was hoping for a little less indifference when answering a man’s proposal.”

 His posture shifts suddenly, he stands straight up, squares his shoulders. “When did you answer?”

 Throwing up my hands, I move toward the bathroom. “I don’t want to do this tonight.”

 Before I realize what’s happening, Connor tackles me onto the bed, pinning my hands up above my head. “No way, Baily. No way am I letting you brush this off. If you’re talking about that little off-the-cuff remark that you tossed into your tale with as much meaning as tomatoes into a salad, that doesn’t constituent a real answer and I am not apologizing for not taking it as a real response. I deserve more than that.
deserve better.”

 Completely pinned under his furious form I lay like an antelope taken down by a lion on the savannah. Any second now, he’ll start snacking on my hindquarters and there isn’t a thing I could do to prevent it.

 He closes his eyes and drops his head to my chest as though the weight of the world is crushing him down. “You asked for time. Time is what I’m trying to give you. Don’t make any hasty decisions on my account. There’s no rush, right?”

 “Right,” I whisper.

 He rolls to his side and stares at the ceiling. “It was too soon to ask you for forever. I realized that earlier when you were talking about us not being a normal couple. Your list of questions confirmed it. But I don’t do things by half measures, Baily. I see something I want and I go after it. It’s who I am and I won’t apologize for it.”

 “I wouldn’t ask you to.” I love his tenacity, the dogged pursuit of me.

 He turns his head and locks his gaze with mine. “Don’t tell me something that you’re going to regret later, even if you think it’s what I want to hear, all right? Because while I can give you time to make up your mind, I don’t think I could take it if you changed your mind.”

 My teeth sink into my lower lip as shame heats my face. I had been about to do exactly that, answer on a whim.

 “Ask me some of your questions.” He encourages. His suit jacket and tie are off and he rolled up his sleeves, the picture of a business man and the end of his day.

 Searching my mind for the most important one I murmur. “You don’t want children.”

 “That’s not a question.” His lips twitch slightly.

  “Please don’t be cute. Is that just for now or for always?”

 Searching my face he asks quietly, “If I said for always would that be a deal breaker for you?”

 Would I rather have Connor or some faceless future man and the houseful of children I’d always imagined? Deep in my heart I knew the truth but I’m not ready to admit it to either him or myself. “I’m not sure.”

 He nods as if that’s the answer he’d expected. “Neither am I. You know about the kidnapping. Even the possibility that something similar could happen to a helpless child under my protection makes me ill.”

 Frowning, I sit up. “You make it sound like it’s a given that someone will try to kidnap any child we have. It’s not a given, Connor.”

 “And there might be no way to prevent it. My mother got hooked on oxycodone when I went missing. She OD’d twice, trying to numb the pain. What would something like that do to you?”

 Swallowing I shake my head. “I can’t even imagine.”

 “And then when I was rescued and I had no answers? Can you fathom how frustrating that was for her, for everyone. Including me.”

 His fear is embedded in every molecule of his body, so deeply ingrained that I know one conversation won’t help. But he hasn’t said no, not absolutely and I can chip away at it, a little bit at a time.

 Connor sits up and pulls me to him. “I have to get going.”

 “You’re not staying over?” My disappointment chokes me. What a crummy night.

 Rising, he shakes his head. “I wish I could. I’m heading to Washington DC at first light for a few days. Register for your classes. Send me your questions via email as they come to you and I’ll answer as best I can. ”

 I walk with him to the door. “I’ll miss you.”

 He brushes his lips over mine. “Good. Just remember all deals are final, no substitutions, exchanges or refunds.”






Chapter Four


To: CLEdge

From: Ladygardner79

Subject: So what about Pops?



 Was up all night thinking about what you said. You’re right, I do need to ask more questions before I make any forever kind of decisions. I owe you an apology for my tantrum. Chalk it up to not enough sleep, too much cheap wine or whatever. Bottom line, I am sorry for being a bitch and giving you a hard time.

 I guess right now my biggest concern is the basic stuff like how my life will change. Yours too. You’re used to being on your own and I wonder how I’ll fit in to your busy schedule.  I spent a lot of time thinking about my grandfather too. He’s getting worse by the day and needs full time care. I only have enough saved up to keep him at Golden Oaks for a few more months and then I’ll have to make other arrangements.

 So I guess the main question is, do you want to keep homebasing at the Rosemont or did you have other plans? I need to know as soon as possible if you wanted to move because I can’t stand the thought of being too far away from him.

 Don’t mean to dump all this on you first thing in the morning but it’s weighing on me.



From: CLEdge

To: Ladygardner79

RE: So what about Pops?


 Do you ever base a decision on yourself and what you want? It doesn’t always have to be about other people. That being said, do not waste one more second worrying about your grandfather’s health care expenses. I thought you might like to bring him home to live in your cottage. We could hire a full time nurse to look out for him. It would certainly be less disruptive than having him wander off every few weeks from that sorry excuse for a nursing home. In addition, you wouldn’t need to leave the estate to see him.

 I have no plans to leave the Rosemont anytime soon. I want my wife to feel settled in her home.

 Big meeting in a few.

Connor Edge

CEO Edge Industries


P.S. Feel free to give me a hard time whenever the mood takes you.



To: CLEdge

From: Ladygardner79

Re: So what about Pops?

 Mr. Edge,

 I don’t know whether I want to kiss you or kick you. My grandfather’s illness is not DISRUPTIVE. It’s tragic. And Golden Oaks was the absolute best facility for Alzheimer’s patients I could afford so I don’t appreciate you maligning it. Some of us weren’t born with your vast resources.

 Of course, that won’t stop me from taking shameless advantage of your financial assets, even if you do get your way in keeping me captive on the estate. It’s not what I want but I know how to compromise for the greater good.

 Hope the meeting went well.

Love, Baily

From: CLEdge

To: Ladygardner79

Subject: Wrath


 Ms. Sinclair,

 The last thing I wanted to do was provoke your wrath. I was simply attempting to ease your mind, not provoke you. And don’t be insulted, I want you exactly how you are, compromising and understanding soul and all.

 Meeting could have gone better. Another day was anticipated by I find myself eager to get back home to the fiery redhead who haunts my dreams.

 For what it’s worth, I vote for a kiss.

Connor Edge

CEO Edge Industries


To: CLEdge

From: Ladygardner79

Re: Wrath



 Sorry the meeting didn’t go well. Even sorrier you aren’t here so we can kiss and make up. Not sorry I’m haunting you. You must have done something to deserve it.



From: CLEdge

To: Ladygardner79

Subject: Soon


 With any luck I’ll be back soon and you can haunt me in person. Though I tend to live without regret, I’m sorry I didn’t stay with you the other night or convince you to come with me.

Missing you fiercely,


Connor Edge

CEO Edge Industries

To: CLEdge

From: Ladygardner79

Subject: News


 I’m officially registered for the spring semester! Have I said thank you yet for helping me achieve this dream? You do know how to compromise after all.



From: CLEdge

To: Ladygardner79

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