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Authors: C.M. Steele

Caught Off Guard (4 page)

BOOK: Caught Off Guard
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Chapter 5

I woke up in a fucking chipper mood this morning completely different than the day before. I wanted her more than ever, after hearing her come out my name while in the shower. I could barely walk to my room with the stiffness in my pants.

I had heard the noise of the shower and saw her door was slightly ajar. Then I heard her moan, and I don’t know what possessed me to invade her privacy like that. Well, I know what did, it was pure jealousy that she had somehow managed to take another man to her bed.

I had gotten to the bathroom door and realized that I could only hear her. There was no other sounds of another person. At first I was getting pissed that she was picturing her boyfriend eating her out, but then I heard her rapturous words, “Mike, yes, Mike!!!” I tried to adjust my hard cock and strutted out of the room before someone realized I had snuck in there. I felt like a fucking king when she cried out my name. Last night I was damn near delirious with pleasure and stroked myself twice before falling asleep. It felt good knowing I wasn’t alone in this intense desire.  

I got ready for a day at the mall, then I went downstairs to meet the women. I told Jackson that I would take care of all his women. “Don’t worry, I will keep all the guys away from the girls.”

“Thanks Mike, it’s the first time I have been away from her since we married.”

“No problem, that’s what I am here for.”

“Yeah, but Zoey is going too and I know you two are at each other’s throats.”

“That’s for sure, but I can handle her big mouth.” I didn’t tell him how I wanted to handle it. Then we met the girls by the truck.

The first thing Zoey does is spit fire at me and I didn’t mind one fucking bit because she was full of shit. She was fighting this between us and I didn’t care. I knew the truth, she wanted me as bad as I wanted her. I could hear the jealousy in her voice and I didn’t want her to be upset. I’m not a player, but I am still a man.


“Oh lord you are driving us today?!” I said in dismay, as I looked at Mike with pure hate. He ruined my night, and it had nothing to do with Rick. It was finding him flirting with any nearby chick even the ones that were my age.

“Yes you highness.” He said mockingly, winning him a flip of my middle finger.

“Good morning Mike,” Elizabeth said sweetly. She had liked Mike from the first day she met him. She didn’t see him the way I saw him. He was an asshole who thought woman needed to be good unless he wanted them. I wonder how many women he took to bed last night. I’m sure there were a few of those whores who would be up to a threesome. Fucking sick prick.

“Morning Mike. I want to hit up a few stores. Sorry, but we are going to keep you busy and bored all day.” Elizabeth said, while giving him a compassionate look.

“No problem.” He returned the sweetness. Why the fuck was he a jerk to me, but with everyone else he is a fucking flirt. I’m going to tell Jackson that his gopher is hitting on his woman. 

“You don’t need to apologize to him. He is just the help.” They all looked at me like I lost my fucking mind and all my manners. My mom and Elizabeth jumped into the truck to avoid the fight that was about to happen.

“Listen little girl, I know you are mad about last night, but you need to quit with the help shit.” he said. He leered at me as he approached. Looking at me like I was prey for him.

“Of course I’m mad, you were supposed be watching Elizabeth, instead you were all in my business. Then you found your own action for the night.”

I stomped my foot and made for the handle, but he stopped me and bent down to whisper, “Don’t be jealous, princess. I didn’t go to bed with anyone, but myself. And Jackson had Elizabeth busy last night, and I don’t think they would have appreciated being interrupted.” He smiled at the fact that he thought I was jealous. He was wrong, I wasn’t jealous. Why would I want someone who is going to want me for my name?

“I wasn’t jealous that you found someone. I was jealous that you interrupted Rick and me. I sure as hell didn’t appreciate your meddling.” His face was almost on me and I could feel his warm breath on my cheek. I opened the back door and jumped in to hide my blushed face. I could have sworn he wanted to kiss me.

Our first stop was for some new swimsuits, so we headed into the mall. Browsing for about ten minutes we settled on a brand name store that had the best looking ones in the window.

“Come on girls, you are going to need several for the summer.” My mom said as we entered the store.

“You don’t have to follow us in. I doubt there will be an issue in here. Unless you are going to check out Elizabeth in her swimsuits. I wouldn’t recommend it though, Jackson might kick your ass.”

“Beauty, he won’t and it’s not her I’d like to see half naked.” He said suggestively as he looked down at my cleavage. I blushed when I realized that he was talking about me. Then he gave me a look that was mixed with desire and frustration and walked away.

My brother managed to call Elizabeth about twenty times to ask how it was going. Okay it was only about four times, but it was a lot. We all thought it was cute and Mike had told my mom that this was pretty normal for them. “They are not without each other for long and Jackson gets all antsy when she is away from him.” He sounded so condescending and like he thought my bro was a chump.

“That’s because he loves her. Not that you would know what that is, since you are a man whore.”

“Princess, stop being jealous. If you want me to call you I will, but first you have to be away from me and I haven’t let that happen yet.” He winked and my mother laughed.

“Why do you keep with the fake ass flirting? It’s pathetic. I’m not that naïve to buy your weak game, gramps.” I was trying to fight the need to cave to his flirting. I was afraid that he was only faking it to fuck with me.  The instant I’d give in he would laugh at me. If he had meant what he said he would have been all over me yesterday and not surrounded by other women.

He didn’t even bother to reply and just walked away to stand nearer to Elizabeth. My mother looked at me with severe disappointment. I just gave her a shrug asking ‘what?!’ Right before we left the last store there was a crowd and I got caught in the middle with my mother in front of me and Mike behind. He placed his hands on my shoulder and whispered near my ear. “Babe, I know I am too old for you and I’m try to stay away, but does this feel like fake ass flirting.” He pressed up against me and I could feel his enormous erection on my ass. I quickly shivered.

“Yeah, I feel that way too,” he shuttered. Then the crowd opened up and he walked in front of us. My heart was racing. He wasn’t playing he was at least physically interested in me.

We were making our last stop because my new sis wanted to get something sweet for her hubby when up walked Samantha. I hated that stupid cunt. I was hoping I would get a chance to knock her out, but it was clear Mike was aware and stood between her and me. I could feel his strength as he put his hand on my arm and warned me off with a look.

“Wow, it must be nice to be out spending his money, leaving him all alone just for me.” she sneered and mocked, as she addressed Elizabeth

“Excuse me?!” It was clear Elizabeth was ready to smack this bitch. If not I was going to do it.

“The sex with my Jax was amazing in his office this morning. He might have to change that blue suit he was wearing, he was in too much of a hurry to take it off. He was so happy with the services he received from me today that he couldn’t wait to get in me.” Elizabeth was trying not to let this bitch get to her. She trusted my brother that I was sure of. Plus, we could tell this bitch was lying by the look in her eyes.

“Good then you dirty slut, now you know what my pussy tastes like.” Just then she launched at Elizabeth only to be stopped by Mike. As he pulled her away from Elizabeth, the crazy bitch’s father came and they hurried away.

“Are you okay?” we asked Elizabeth simultaneously. She nodded, but it was still hard to hear that supposedly your new husband is fucking someone else.

“You know that he wouldn’t do that to you, right?” I said.

“I know that he wouldn’t to something like that to you. He loves you too much to ruin it for a woman he has patently avoided all these years.” My mother said, to her shaken daughter-in-law.

“Yes I know. I cannot say the thought is pleasant to have in my mind, but I know Jackson. I just spoke to him several times today. So let us just go.” Everyone could tell she was upset. I whispered, “Should we call Jackson?”

“No please don’t. I just want to go home, okay?” She pleaded.

“Fine, but you need to tell him when we get home. He is going to want to know and is going to be pissed if you don’t tell him that bitch came at you with her claims.” I replied.

My mom and Elizabeth jumped into the back seat of the truck leaving shotgun for me. I didn’t want to admit it, but I liked sitting this close to him. I was hoping that he would grab my hand as we drove. His touch earlier had set me a flame and I wanted just a simple touch. It was crazy, but I had enjoyed the day we spent together, even though we fought most of the time.

We started to drive home when Elizabeth requested, “So tell me about young Jackson.”

“Oh my, there are too many stories.” she laughed.

“Oh come on please!” Elizabeth pleaded. “Fine okay. Well one time we were on our way to Florida for a little family vacation. He was six mind you. He decided that it was a good idea to cut his own hair, since William had just gotten home after getting his cut. It looked absolutely ridiculous, he had patches of hair missing, all over his head. We were already running late to the airport, so don’t judge us, but we had to put a hat on him until we arrived in Florida and then took him to the nearest barber. I think I still have a picture.”

“You have a picture?” Elizabeth asked while trying not to laugh.

“Yes, well we were going on vacation, so I had a camera ready.” she grinned.

Everyone erupted in laughter, even Mike, when out of nowhere, we were hit by another car on my side of the truck. I could instantly feel the pain in my leg and head. After that all I remember hearing was Mike’s voice calling out, “Zoey!” Then everything went black.

Chapter 6

I was taking the girls back to the house and hoping to escape for a while from Zoey. Touching her had been a big mistake it was like I couldn’t get enough. I let on what she did to me and I needed to reign it in, for now. Today had been too good of a day with her and just fucking her seemed to be out of the question. Milo was right. If I couldn’t stay away from her I was going to have to marry her, which all and all didn’t seem like a bad thing. I was coming to the realization that I didn’t just want sex. I wanted it all. I stared at her while she was putting on her seat belt thinking I was glad she was sitting up front with me.

We hadn’t gotten five minutes away from the mall when we were struck on the passenger side by an old school Chevy Impala. I pulled over to make sure the girls were okay then I was going to check on the passengers in the other car. I unbuckled my seat belt and turned to the girls when the other car started shooting at our vehicle. In a split second everything had changed, what I thought was a simple car accident was an all-out ambush. I pulled my side arm out of my suit. With blood trickling down my eyes, I got to business of returning the gunfire. I sped off and the fuck followed, so I unloaded the rest of the magazine. I could tell I hit the gunman when he flinched in pain and gave up the chase.

All I could think was I needed to get the women to safety, especially my Zoey. My adrenaline was pumping hard, I hadn’t even noticed the pain I was in. I looked over at Zoey and she was slumped over unconscious.

“Zoey!” I shouted as I reached for her. All I got out of her was a whimpered, “Mike…” 

“Mike we need to get to the hospital fast. Elizabeth’s been shot, too.” Mrs. Blake said in full panic. I raced to the hospital by the time we got there both Zoey and Elizabeth lost consciousness. My heart had been jumping out of my chest. I unbuckled them as I called for assistance. I felt for a pulse on my Zoey and it was there, thank god. There was so much blood that I couldn’t tell if her injuries were from the accident or the shooting.

Mrs. Blake called her husband, and he called Jackson. She and I had been the ones who seemed to not have any real injuries or so I thought. In a matter of moments I was approached by a team that had taken me into the OR. Apparently, I had been shot too.

As I laid in the recovery room after they removed the bullet from my side all I could think about was that I needed to know about Zoey’s condition. We laughed at Jackson’s expense when he fell hard for Elizabeth. Now that it was happening to me, I knew why he didn’t care what we thought. I tried to keep my eyes open to ask, but I passed out again.

It was a while before I woke up with Milo sitting by my bedside. “Hey there, it is good to see you wake up. How you doing bro?” I could see the apprehension in his eyes.

I tried to get up, but Milo pushed me back down on the bed. “Where is she!? Tell me she is okay! Damn it, how is my Zoey!?”

“Calm down, she just got out of surgery too. She is going to be fine. A couple of cuts on her head that required a few stitches and a broken ankle. She is resting, like you should be doing.” Milo pressed the button to alert the nurses that I had woken up. They walked in with the doctor.

“Mr. Mancini, it is good to see you are awake. How are you feeling? Is there any pain?” the doctor asked kindly.

“What happened?” I was confused. How damaged was I?

“You had a concussion and several lacerations that needed stitches from the broken glass and a fractured rib from where the bullet lodged. We were able to remove it without further damage to the area. You were a very lucky man an inch lower and it would have it your organs. The police believe the bullet hit your chair first, which slowed it down.” 

“How is Mrs. Blake?” I asked. I remembered she had been shot, too.

“She is recovering. She has been sedated and is with her husband.” the doctor said, as he checked my vitals.

Feeling defeated and guilty, I said to myself, “Damn, I failed to keep them safe.”

“Sir, it was not your fault. You should be proud. They would have not made it without your quick actions. With injuries of your own, you still managed to get them to safety.” the nurse said with admiration.

“I want to go see Zoey.” I snarled, as I tried to get out of the bed again. Milo still had a hold on me, knowing that I would not try to fight him.

“I’m sorry sir, but that is going to have to wait until the morning. It’s late and she needs her rest. Please know she will be just fine. Now get some rest.” They had injected some medicine into my IV. It wasn’t long before I gave up the urge to get up and fell asleep.

BOOK: Caught Off Guard
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