Cassandra's Challenge (50 page)

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Authors: Michelle Eidem

Tags: #science fiction romance

BOOK: Cassandra's Challenge
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“Not everyone will be like Valerian.”

“No? Most will be thinking everything Valerian

“Let them think what they like, the people that
matter to us know the truth.”

“All of them? What about King Jotham?” William
turns her around, tipping her chin up.

“He’ll come around. Once he gets to know you,
understands us, he’ll be your biggest supporter.”

“Even when he finds out about Tibullus?”

“That’s on me, not you.”

“I’m not sure he’ll see it that way.”

“I do.” A hard kiss stops any response. “Now
you’re going to go sit down and eat.” With an arm around her waist
he leads her to the outer living room.


Chapter 13



“Yes Marat.” William answers the portable comm
they are carrying now.

“Door security reports that the Juruas’ are

“Have them scanned then escorted to the Royal

“Yes sir.”

“Finish.” His look stops Cassandra from rising.
“They’ll be a little awhile.”

Giving him an exasperated look she takes another
bite. When she’s finished nearly the entire plate she pushes it

“I plan on using the private living room for the
fittings. Any concerns with that?”

“That should be fine.”

“Aunt Cassie, can Amina and I watch?”

“I don’t see why not. Why don’t you two go on

“Okay.” The knock at the door announces the
Juruas’. The Admiral himself answers the door.

“The private living space Marat.” He steps back
allowing the two to enter, followed by several guards carrying

“Sir.” Marat leads the guards back.

“Kia! Pazel!” Javiera rushes across the room to
give her aunt and uncle a hug.


“Javiera…” Leander nudges his wife.

“What? Oh, sorry.” She looks at the Admiral.
“Kia, Pazel I’d like you to meet Admiral Zafar.”

“Admiral.” They say in unison.

“And this is Cassandra.” Javiera turns to find
her crossing the room.

“Hello.” Cassandra stops in front of the

“Look Pazel, she really is that tiny. I was sure
Javiera misused the scanner.”

“And I told you she wouldn’t do such a thing.”
Pazel replies.

“Javiera, would you take them back to the other
room, I’ll be there in a minute.”

“Of course.” As Javiera leads them to the other
room the men head for the door.

“Admiral, a minute please.”

“I’ll meet you downstairs.” Closing the door he

Walking over Cassandra pulls his head down for a
smoldering kiss that catches him unprepared. Wrapping his arms
around her he lifts her off her feet crushing her against the

Pulling his mouth away William tries to control
his desire. The look in Cassandra’s eyes not helping.

“Cassandra….” Her eyes start to focus.

“I know. We both have things we need to do.” As
her feet touch the ground she puts a hand on the side of his face.
“I just needed you for a minute.”

“You have me forever.”

“William….” A knock at the door startles them
both. “I’d better get these fittings started. See you at third

“Yes. Are you alright?”

“I’m fine.” Sliding out of his arms she walks
across the room

“I love you Cassandra.” Turning she gives him a
brilliant smile.

“I love you too.” Then she disappears down the


“Sorry, to keep you waiting.” Cassandra enters
the room.

“Not a problem your….” Pazel trails off.

“It’s Cassandra. Is it alright if I call you
Pazel and Kai?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Good. Next I need let you know that I don’t
need you to make clothes for Messene.” The two look Javiera.

“Don’t blame Javiera, she was under orders.”
Cassandra waits until their eyes come back to her. “I need you to
make clothes for a Challenger to Queen Yakira.”


“I am challenging Yakira to be Queen of the
House of Knowledge.” She gives it a minute to sink in. “Javiera
highly recommends your work and felt you’d be up to the task of
making gowns for Royal events along with more casual clothing.”

“Yes…” Pazel stutters. Realizing what is being
offered to them. “Of course we can!”

“Good because we don’t have a lot of time. I
need something for tonight. Not a gown.” She sees the panic in the
pairs’ eyes. “But something, I have an audience with King Jotham.
Javiera sent you my measurements. You said you’d have some things
ready when we arrived.”

“Yes, some, but they will need finishing.”

“Then let’s get at it, we have….” Cassandra
looks at a clock. “Seven hours until I met the King.”

The two whirl into action, opening boxes,
pulling out gadgets.

“You must remove your clothes for the

“Look I’m not going to stand here naked.”

“No…no…in your eadai.” Kia looks to Javiera for

“Underwear Aunt Cassie.” Victoria chirps in.

“Oh, well, you see…” Cassandra is slightly
embarrassed. “Since the explosion….”

“Oh shit Cassandra, I didn’t even think about
that!” Javiera looks to her aunt and uncle. “There was a…well
forget why, all her eadai were destroyed.”

“Then we start there.” Kia says going to a
different box to pull out some items. “Go into the other room, see
if these fit, then we’ll get started.

In the bedroom Cassandra looks at what the
Juruas’ have brought her. Underwear, to have underwear again
excites her more than the clothes. She never said anything to
William about the lack, it seemed unimportant with everything going
on but these were beautiful, she can’t wait to get them on.

After several minutes of trying things on she
decides on a set in black, high cut bottoms, bra very similar to
what she was used to just a little more revealing. Pulling on the
matching robe she returns to the room.

“Good?” Pazel asks.

“Very good, thank you.”

“Then come, we’ll start. Stand here, take off
this off.” Pazel takes the robe off Cassandra tossing it to
Javiera. “What is this! It must come off!” As Pazel reaches for the
material covering her birthmark Cassandra grips his wrist.

“No. It stays covered until the Assembly. No one
sees it that includes you. It will be covered at all times, with
all outfits.”

“What! How! Kia! How can I make gowns without
showing legs.” Pazel is a temperamental artist.

“My legs can show, but they will be covered,
whether with pants, leggings, hose, or footwear they will be
covered. No exceptions. If you can’t do that I’ll find someone who

“No, no, we can do that.” Kia chimes in soothing

“Good let’s get started.”

With clothes being pulled on and off,
alterations marked, the afternoon flies by.

“Pazel, I must go if I’m to be back in

“Go then go I will finish.”

“Cassandra, which one for tonight?” Kia

“The black pants and jacket,” Cassandra turns
for Pazel. “Blue cami, but I want all the detailing done in the



“But….” Kia shoots concerned eyes to Pazel.

“Go Kia, do what she wants! Turn!” He

With Kia hustling out Cassandra steps down to
have Pazel and Javiera help her out of yet another outfit.

“Cassandra….” Javiera hesitates.

“Yeah?” She steps out of the skirt.

“What Kia is worried about is violet is the
color for the House of Protection.”

“I know.”

“You’re Challenging for the House of

“Know that.”

“Normally you only wear

“Know that too. But it’s not a law.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You don’t have too Javiera or you Pazel, it’s
all on me.” She turns suddenly tired. “What else?”

“That is all we had done. Now we talk about

“We can sit for that right?”


“Javiera would you mind seeing if Hutu could
send something up some type of snack and a drink? I’m sure the
girls would like something too.” The girls had long since gotten
bored and gone into Tori’s room to play.


“Ready to argue about gowns?” Cassandra turns to


“I have some very set idea’s Pazel, I know what
I like. Many will be different than what you’re used to.”

“I’ve looked at the visuals you sent.”

“Can you make them?”

“Yes, they are…unique.”

“They will be considered
here on Carina.”

“No that can’t be.”

“Pazel, these designs,” She isn’t sure what to
tell him. “They’re from a planet that no longer exists, and with
the changes I what you to make, from things I like from
designs, they will be Juruas originals.”

“Why would you do this?” What she is offering is
generous, the designs she’d shown him stirred his imagination. Most
Royal’s own the designs they wear, it is the cost of dressing a

“Because I’m going to be very demanding in what
I want, it isn’t going to follow any Carinian rules, but my rules.
It might hurt your business, making my clothes. You need to think
about it.”

A Queen, even a possible queen, concerned about
her clothier. It is unheard of. This is a very unusual woman. The
designs she’d sent him were unique in their simplicity. Royals,
especially the woman, were always trying to outdo the other.
Juruas’ would stand out, it was worth the chance.

“We will make your clothes. You will shine like
no other Queen.”

“Alright then let’s get down to it.”

As designs are brought up on Pazel’s design
board, Cassandra dictates the changes she wants, colors,

“That back is not possible!”

“Yes it is!” She argues back. “You use these
beads, draped across, like this and it will hold it together.”

“I….it would work.” Pazel is amazed.

“Sapphire and Violet beads.”

It was a reoccurring theme in her clothes
Pazel’s found. There is always a combination of sapphire and violet
on every piece of clothing whether its buttons, trim or beads.

“Alright.” He’d stopped arguing with her about
it. She has an agenda.


It’s nearly 1800 when William returns to the
suite, fully expecting to find the clothiers gone. But what he
finds is Cassandra arguing with the man call Pazel, over something
on his screen, wearing a short black robe.

“Admiral.” Javiera is the first to see him.

“Javiera, Hutu is bringing up the meal.”

“I’ll get the girls.”

“Meal?” Cassandra gives him a confused look.

“It’s nearly 1800.”


“No, it cannot be…” Pazel looks at the clock. “I
must call Kia, see where your clothes are!”

“Use the front room.”

The Admiral waits until everyone has left before
moving to Cassandra. As she stands he sees he’s right, a very short
robe, revealing long, well toned legs, and a concealed birthmark.
The material’s silky beneath his fingers.

“Nice.” His eyes telling her he isn’t just
talking about the robe.

“If you think this is nice, you should see
what’s under it.” Her eyes sparkle into his.

William’s flare as she walks into their bedroom.
Following, he shuts the door. Reaching out he slowly unties her
belt allowing the robe to fall open. The glimpses he gets of black
lace against pale skin starts a fire.

Sliding his hands under, caressing soft
shoulders, the robe falls away, and what’s revealed fuels the

“Cassandra.” Is all he can say before the mouth
captures her, his hands running down her back, under the slip of
material covering her. Her arms wrap around him pulling his mouth
closer, changing the angle of the scorching kiss.

“William…” She gasps against his mouth.

“Aunt Cassie?” Tori calls from the other side of
the door.

“Yeah?” Cassandra drops her head to William’s
chest, hoping her voice sounds normal.

“Time to eat.”

“Okay we’ll be there in a minute.” Leaning back
she looks into William’s eyes, humor cooling the desire.

“We’ll finish this later.” William frames her
face for a gentle kiss. “Go get dressed.” Turning he leaves the

Picking up the forgotten robe Cassandra indulges
herself in a small smile. Apparently, Carinian men like lingerie.
At least hers does, something to keep in mind when talking to
Pazel. Pulling on her pants and shirt she joins her family for a


“Pazel is downstairs waiting for Kia.” Javiera
tells Cassandra as she sits next to the Admiral.

“Did he get something to eat?”

“I…I guess I don’t know.” Javiera answers.

The Admiral takes out his comm. “Hutu, Cassandra
would like you make sure Pazel gets something to eat.”

“Yes Admiral.”

Giving Cassandra a pointed look, the Admiral
starts to eat. Understanding she starts in on her own plate.
Conversation is light around the table, the long day taking its
toll. Even Victoria and Amina are quiet.


Pazel paces the formal living area waiting on
Kia. They have so much work to do, so little time. The impact of
these clothes on Carina society will be unmatched. They need to get
material chosen, fittings. Where was Kia?!?


Pazel turns finding the Admiral’s personal chef
standing in the entrance to the dining room.

“There is a meal on the table for you.”

“Meal?” Pazel walks into the dining room to
discover the table is set for him.

“Yes, Cassandra wanted to make sure you were
provided a meal.”

“Cassandra did?” Pazel is amazed she would worry
about it.

“Yes.” Hutu leaves the room.

“What an unusual woman.” Pazel sits down.


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