Carrying the Billionaire's Baby: A Clean BWWM Billionaire Romance (The Billionaire Baby Mystery Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Carrying the Billionaire's Baby: A Clean BWWM Billionaire Romance (The Billionaire Baby Mystery Book 1)
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Chapter 2


Jolted awake by her cellphone alarm, Sherry reached for it to check the time. It was 1:34 a.m.—time to head to the designated location. She positioned the strap of the bag across her belly, holding it close, then took one last look around her apartment. She secured the dead bolt lock from the outside and pulled the door, tight.


She pulled the hood of her sweatshirt up over head as she walked, listening to the sounds of sirens and distant yelling in the cool night air. The 7-11 sign glowed in the darkness and her heart beat faster as she got closer. She could see a black car with tinted windows and she slowed her pace as she got closer, nervously waiting for a sign. The same man who had visited her earlier that day emerged from the driver’s seat and opened the back passenger door, signaling for her to get in. She looked up at the man, then took a deep breath and lowered herself and her bag into the car.


The car pulled out of the 7-11 parking lot and onto the empty Atlanta streets. She rested her head against the back of the seat and tried to relax, but her leg twitched and bounced as she worried about her decision to accept this ride. Sometime later—an hour, maybe more—they turned off the highway and headed into a parking garage. The spiraling ascent to each level left her feeling like she was on an amusement park ride that wouldn’t end. Finally, she saw the lights that lined the rooftop of the garage.


Sherry straightened her sweatshirt and jammed her hands into her pockets. The secret service-looking guy stepped out and opened her door, motioning for her to step out. She grabbed her bag and climbed out of the back of the car, repositioning her sweatshirt to cover her belly.


A repetitive, thumping noise from the sky grew closer and louder as a large helicopter came into view. The helicopter made a slow descent and Sherry braced herself against the car, and shielded her eyes. Random pieces of litter and dirt lifted into tiny tornado clouds from the ground in a swirling motion, then fell back to parking deck as the propellers slowed.


Sherry leaned against the car and peeked over the roof to see who would appear. Instead, the driver gently tugged her arm and motioned for her to follow him. She clutched her bag close to her belly and followed. Waiting in the helicopter was a pilot and another black-suited man in sunglasses. The driver helped her climb in, and the other man extender her hand to help her in as well. Neither of them spoke, simply communicating with head nods to one another.




Sherry sat uncomfortably on the edge of the helicopter seat. The man next to her extended a seat belt for her to buckle, which she did quickly, pulling it as tight as she dared. She held her hands on her belly and tried to think positive thoughts as the helicopter pulled away fast and steady away from the parking garage. They sped into the air, and for what felt like eternity to Sherry (though it was probably just a few hours), they hovered and jerked in and out of air pockets until the pilot alerted them they would be making their descent.


The ground below was mountainous and green, and she looked out the window as the helicopter aimed itself at a large X painted on a helipad. The copter tilted as it turned and a sprawling estate came into view. Finally, the helicopter touched ground and the pilot disabled the engine. Sherry let out a large exhale, relieved for the moment just to be on the ground.


The waiting staff approached the helicopter door and held it open while placing a stepstool close to the opening. Sherry made her way out of the helicopter and onto the tiny stool. She wobbled and almost fell, but one of the staff caught her and supported her weight. The man in the black suit followed behind, handing her luggage to the staff.


Sherry surveyed the house and grounds while the black-suited men disembarked the copter. There were no other houses as far as she could see. She joined the group as they walked toward the building. Its exterior was lined with exotic foliage, perfectly appointed seasonal flowers, and manicured grass. She followed the staff into a large lobby, a mix of marble and granite that could fit her entire apartment inside. She stood silently as the staff lined up on the edges of the room, and felt the uncomfortable stares upon her.


Almost immediately, a woman dressed in a silk suit entered the room. She instructed the staff to leave, then turned to Sherry with a smile.


“I know this is all very strange,” she said. “It was a surprise to us, too. We thought you would appreciate an escape from the media, and the late night ride and secrecy was an unfortunate requirement. We will try to find out precisely what has occurred, but meanwhile, we want to keep you comfortable. Mr. Black will see you soon, but perhaps you would like to rest, first? And eat?”


“I would, thank you. Like to rest and eat, I mean,” her head buzzing with exhaustion and adrenaline, Sherry just wanted to be alone for a little while, to rest and get her thoughts together. Eating felt far from possible.


She followed the woman down a long hallway and into what appeared to be a master suite. A king-sized bed sat in the middle of the room, surrounded by plush carpeting and a large window opening onto a view of the rolling landscape.


“Your breakfast will be delivered shortly. Make yourself comfortable.” The woman left, quietly closing the door.


Sherry sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing her belly. “Wow, button, this is beautiful.” She slipped off her shoes and lifted her legs up onto the bed, then she slid herself up onto the mountain of pillows and rested her eyes.


She awoke to the smell of bacon and fresh brewed coffee sitting on a tray beside the bed. She hoisted herself up on the edge of the bed and reached for the food, then stopped.


“Do you think it’s safe to eat, baby?” Her stomach growled, and she took it a sign to take a chance. The bacon was crisp, the eggs were perfect and the coffee tasted better than anything she had ever ordered in any café.


After she had finished the breakfast, she climbed out of the bed and over to the window seat, where she curled herself up into a ball and admired the view. Torn between the beauty of her surroundings and the pit in her stomach, she sipped the last drops of her coffee and stared out the window.

Chapter 3


Richard sat at the head of the conference table, thumbing through the file containing the details of Sherry’s life. His head of staff, Marlene, sat at the table with him.


“By now, you’ve had a chance to read through the file,” said a mature woman, pacing beside the table. Her freshly manicured nails tapped against her folded arms as she slowly made her way around the table.


“Still reading, mother,” replied Richard, annoyed.


“Who we’re dealing with,” she continued, “is the woman who is carrying Richard’s child. The heir to his fortune. She is not to be treated like a prisoner.” She glanced intently at the two security guards, who looked down.


“She is to be fed, pampered, and treated like a guest in this house. She is family now.”


Marlene stared at her fingernails, where the paint was beginning to chip.


“Marlene, I’m putting you in charge of this woman’s daily needs. See that she has a proper hair appointment and have her looking presentable. The press will be calling soon and we need her to be TV-ready. Understood?”


“Got it, Captain,” quipped Marlene. She glanced at Richard, who always seemed to be amused by her boldness with his mother. He offered an approving grin, right on cue. This girl might be carrying his child, but she didn’t know the way to his heart the way Marlene did.


Marlene, who had worked for the Blacks since graduating from college, had longed to be part of Richard’s world, in any capacity. She had spent the last ten years making her way into his inner circle. She was convinced that one day, he would express his undying love for her. This whole pregnancy problem was trying to get in the way of that, but Marlene remained deterred.


Richard threw the file and the papers on the table. “Mother, what, exactly, is your plan?” He looked exhausted and confused.


“The plan is to keep her happy and healthy until she delivers this baby,” she said sternly, leaning over him.


“Then what?” asked Marlene.


“Marlene, you’ve already been given your instructions, dear. You can leave the rest to Richard. Besides, he’s the one who got her pregnant in the first place. Clearly, he knows how to handle her.”


“Mother, I told you already, I have no idea how she got pregnant.”


“Well, Richard, you’ve always been quite the ladies’ man,” his mother said, glancing at Marlene. “Keep her happy, and do your part for this family and its fortune.”


She gave Richard a final long look, then left the room and closed the door behind her.


Marlene remained at the other end of the table, contemplating how she was going to make sure this woman was pampered. This woman who had been suddenly thrust into the life Marlene had been working so hard to have. She stared at Richard and let the tears fill her eyes, and he glanced her way as one made its way from her eyelid to her cheek.


“Are you okay?”


“I’m fine. Damn allergies,” she sniffled, wiped her cheek and stood up to leave.


“Will you be needing anything else today, Mr. Black?”


“God, I don’t know what I need Marlene. You can go.”


Marlene left the conference room and closed the door. She stood for a moment to make sure the tears had dried, cleared her throat, and headed for Sherry’s room.


Richard sat alone at the large table, staring at the papers before him. The photographs of Sherry had left him with a strange feeling. She had a look about her that he liked, and one particular photo of her on a pier, smiling back at the camera, had brought on a strange rush of protective feelings. But he was certain he had never seen her before.


But now she was more like a hostage, being held in his home. He stared at a picture of her on the pier, the night sky behind her, and thought of ocean waves.




Sherry sat curled up in the window seat, staring out into the sky. She sat up when a light knock sounded on the door.


“Come in.”


Marlene entered with bags and boxes.


“Mrs. Black has ordered in some clothing for you to try. Once you’ve chosen an outfit, you can come to the main lobby and you’ll be directed to your spa appointment. This is to ensure you are looking your best for the media, whom you will be meeting with soon.”


“Okay, but—“


“You have thirty minutes,” Marlene said, and left the room.


“Button, what a strange situation we’ve gotten into. Do hostages get makeovers? I sure hope not.”


Sherry smiled a bit as she opened the boxes, each one from a different expensive store. All of the clothes were in her size, and style of the clothing matched her taste. At first, she was quite impressed by this detail, but as she tried on each outfit, she grew a bit concerned at how someone would know the style of clothing she liked or the size she wore. It reminded her of the way pop-up ads would instantly appear after she had browsed her favorite online store.


She opted for a flower patterned maternity dress and removed the tags. She paired it with pink sandals, smoothed her hair in the mirror, and made her way down to the lobby.


A woman with a white smock directed her to the spa room, and Sherry decided to enjoy the experience and forget about the past twenty-four hours. Stress was bad for the baby, and she was committed to feeling relaxed. She closed her eyes and listened to the women speaking to one another in a language she didn’t recognize.


“Miss. Has something happened to your finger?” the manicurist asked, jolting Sherry from her light sleep.




“Your finger,” the woman was delicately holding Sherry’s left hand and rubbing a spot on her ring finger.


“No. Why do you ask?”


You have a strange indent on this finger; the skin here is dry and a bit lighter than the rest of your finger. Has it been damaged?”


Sherry was distracted from the manicurist’s question by Marlene’s stern voice behind her.


“If you are finished here, I will escort you back to your room, and you can rest until dinner.” She spun and headed for the elevator, not waiting for Sherry’s reply.


Marlene led Sherry to the elevator and pushed the up arrow. She stood, holding the door for Sherry. Once inside, the two women stood opposite each other, not speaking. Marlene stared intently at her smartphone, and Sherry looking up at herself in the ceiling reflection.


The elevator made a dinging sound and Marlene looked up. She walked with intent, not bothering to see if Sherry were following. It was clear she wasn’t fond of her, but Sherry wasn’t quite sure why.


Marlene stood holding the bedroom door open as Sherry squeezed past her. “You will be called for meal time shortly.”


Sherry gave a half-smile and walked toward the bed as Marlene pulled the door closed.


This woman, dressed for success with a tight bun, business suit and heels was part-concierge, part-prison warden. Sherry wasn’t sure how much of her life this woman knew, but something told her it was a lot. She felt judged at every interaction.


Sherry sat down at the writing desk. She had watched a movie once where a woman was kidnapped and had decided to journal the experience in case she didn’t make it out alive. Sherry wasn’t fearful for her life, though. So far, they had been quite accommodating. But something strange was going on, and documenting the experience could help her sort it out.  In the top drawer of the desk she found a pad of floral stationery and a matching pen. She pulled out a sheet and scribbled the first thing that came to mind.


Enjoyed a relaxing manicure and pedicure and had my make-up and hair done. I felt like Cinderella and I’m wondering when the ball is going to start. Marlene is definitely the evil stepmother in this whole scenario. And, Richard is apparently my prince. Except, he is a frightening man hiding something. He is surrounded by staff and is in full control. He seems far from trustworthy and not the man I would choose to ride off with into the sunset. Yet, by some strange selection, I am carrying his child. I’m not sure how I got here, but I am determined to make the best of it …


A knock at the door interrupted her writing. “Come in.”


Marlene peeked her head between the door and the frame. “Dinner will be served in the main dining room in fifteen minutes. Make a left at the foyer.”


The door closed before Sherry could reply.


She tucked the notepad back into the desk drawer and tidied herself for dinner. The sun was beginning to set, and had painted the sky an amazing shade of purple.


She walked toward the dining room, concentrating on remembering the way to the foyer. Along her way, she passed a few staff who smiled oddly at her, and turned to watch her walk as she passed. She could feel eyes on her as she continued down the hall.


She entered the perfectly appointed dining room. An older, but still handsome, woman stood up from the table and walked directly to Sherry extending her hand.


“Good evening and welcome to the Black estate,” she announced with a smile. “Please, sit.” The woman motioned to the seat next to her.


Sherry pulled out the chair and carefully positioned herself. The woman took her seat at the head of the table and never took her eyes off of Sherry.


“We have not met yet. I’m Evelyn Black. Richard’s stepmother. How are you enjoying your stay so far?”


“Everyone has been very accommodating, thank you. But I’d like to know more about why I am here.”


“Why, you’re here to have a baby, dear. You’re carrying the heir to the Black fortune; we couldn’t have you living in that ramshackle apartment of yours.”


Sherry wasn’t sure quite how she felt about that statement, but she didn’t have any time to think about it at the moment. The rest of the dinner party had begun to file in, and she watched as Richard took his seat next to his stepmother and Marlene sat directly across from him. Marlene, it seemed, was a bit more than just staff at the Black household.


Sherry reached for her glass of water and sipped as everyone took their seats, feeling like the new kid on the first day of school. She stared down at her belly and slid her hands over, smiling despite her nervousness when she felt the baby kick.


“Is the baby moving a lot?” asked Evelyn.


“All the time.” Sherry said without looking up. This was not your typical conversation, and she was not sure how to feel.


A bowl of soup was placed before her, and Sherry was thankful for the distraction it provided.


The long, awkward dinner dragged on, and Sherry was amazed the avoidance of the elephant in the room. Other than Mrs. Black bandying about possible grandmother titles for herself, no one else addressed her presence or her pregnancy. Marlene and Richard seemed content to stare at their food, and said nothing during the entire dinner beyond requesting a top off of wine. Sherry wondered if Marlene had children of her own, and figured she probably didn’t. It also appeared that Marlene was more than an employee but also resided here, somewhere in this sprawling mansion.


Sherry stood up to leave and the room grew quiet.


“I’ll be in my room if anyone needs me,” she announced, feeling like a twelve-year-old girl. She could sense them all watching her walk away.


When she arrived back in her room, she kicked off her shoes and walked over to the writing desk. She dug her hand into the drawer where she had hidden her sheaf of papers.


Day Two


I’ve always wanted to live in a big fancy house and have dinner served to me on a silver platter, but not like this. I am starting to feel like a princess, but not in the way I planned. I feel like Rapunzel, locked away from the world.



BOOK: Carrying the Billionaire's Baby: A Clean BWWM Billionaire Romance (The Billionaire Baby Mystery Book 1)
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