Carnevale and Subterfuge (15 page)

Read Carnevale and Subterfuge Online

Authors: Selena Illyria

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Interracial Romance, #Sci-Fi Romance, #erotic romance

BOOK: Carnevale and Subterfuge
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“I was thirteen when I met Riktor, a big name in the con game as well as other work, rumored to be a former Pirate King.” Memories rose up to overwhelm him. The brine and dung scented night. The humidity that hung in the air. The feel of anticipation and danger around every corner. “Gods, Riktor was massive, with white-blond hair that hung past his shoulders and these piercing blue eyes that could see right into your soul. Implants, of course. Half his face looked like it’d been put through some sort of shredder. He wore this drab brown coat with a multitude of pockets, some within other pockets. To this day I don’t know what all of them were filled with.

“Anyway, I’d just escaped the house after a beating from my father. I could barely see. One eye was swollen shut and my whole body was aching. I could barely walk. I had to limp along. I rounded a corner, headed for Goddess knew where when I smacked into him—Riktor. I gazed up at him and realized I was in presence of something big and bad. There I was, this
, shaking like a leaf. I had never been in such deep shit in my life. I’d mostly pinched fruit and stuff from the early-morning sellers or nicked some beer from a bartender when he wasn’t looking. But this… I knew this was true trouble.” Goose bumps broke out over his skin as his brown broke out in a sheen of sweat.

Ana leaned forward, eyes sparkling with interest. That made Diego smile even wider as he continued his story. “He took one look at me and told me to run. I ran like the hounds of hell were after me. Once I’d gotten home, I thought I was safe, naïve as I was. For a week I didn’t go out, didn’t do anything. I was too scared. And my father was passed out drunk for most of that time, so there was nothing to worry about on that front. One of the few joyful times in my childhood.” Sadness threatened to pull him down as his heart grew heavy once more.

“Then I got the bright idea that if nothing had happened, then I was safe and I could go out again. What were the odds that he would find me?” Diego shook his head. “I was wrong. I’d just come out of my house and there he was, Riktor, leaning against my front gate, cool as can be, half his face hidden by the lamp light, flipping a coin the air. As soon as he saw me, he called me by name. I couldn’t get in the house fast enough.”

Diego began to laugh. “I’d gotten the door open, but he’d grabbed me by the collar as soon as I set one foot in the doorway. He hauled me away and closed the door. ‘We’re going on a trip,’ he’d said. I was too scared to shout out for help. Turned out to be the best night of my life. I never told Roberto about it, though. He’d want to come and the places we went weren’t for children.”

“But you were a child.” Ana pointed out. “Teenagers are still children.”

Diego winced. “Yes, but at the time I didn’t feel it. I was the head the family. I took care of my mother after my father’s tirades, and took the brunt of his beatings for Roberto. I was adult enough to do that, so in my mind I was adult enough to go out with Riktor, even if I was scared.”

“Understandable.” She nodded.

Diego wasn’t sure what to make of that one word so he just continued. “I went to my first brothel that night. Jesus, I was terrified. The only naked woman I’d ever seen had been by accident on the cable channel for porn. We drank, ate, and I got my first lesson about the con, how to lie effectively. I was horrible. I couldn’t fib my way through a paper bag, but Riktor kept pushing me until it became second nature. It took weeks to beat the good little boy out of me but it worked.” He shook his head. His mother had been heartbroken but had never said a word of disapproval.

“I left home when I was sixteen. Father had had an accident and died so my mother and brother were safe.” The untruth slipped out with ease, even if acid churned in his gut.

“You said you weren’t exactly close to your mother and brother,” Ana said.

“I wasn’t.” Guilt flashed through Diego. “We’re still not where we should be. We’re still somewhat fractured, even though things are forgiven.”

“You killed him, didn’t you?” The question was asked in a whisper, but it felt as if she’d shouted it out for the whole world to hear.

Diego shifted in his seat, unable to look at Ana. Again the words just slipped out. “I came home one night and my father was on a rampage. I tried to stop it but was unsuccessful. Riktor came in and took care of it all.” He spared her the scene. But he could remember the blood. The splash of black that turned to accusatory red with time and air.

Diego didn’t want to go into details, but he knew Ana could guess the end result—a single glance told him she had done just that—and the sympathy in her eyes seared him straight to the heart. He felt as if the air had disappeared around him. His lungs burned to take in more oxygen.

He turned away. Justifications came to mind, along with excuses, but none of it came out of his mouth. He sucked in a breath when he felt her hand on his arm. A glance next to him showed him she was on her knees beside him.

Ana reached up and caressed his cheek. The look in hers was his undoing. It was so understanding—silent acceptance. He didn’t feel worthy of her trust in him, but he did want to immerse himself in it.

He turned and cupped Ana’s face in his hand and pressed his lips to hers. The contact sent heat sliding along his spine to sit at the base of his back. Arousal spread throughout his body as his cock thickened and his balls pulled closer to his body. He wanted to lose himself in her for a moment, to forget about his past and focus solely on her. His mouth moved over her, taking her lips with great care. When he felt the grip of her hands on his shoulders, he stopped, his breath coming out in soft puffs of air. His muscles strained as he tried to move away from her.

“Dodger, let me help you take the pain away, even if just for a while.” Her voice was a husky whisper that enflamed his blood and made him forget Riktor, the blood and the fear and his past.

He blinked at her. “You want…” Diego paused to lick his lips. “You want to continue?”

Ana nodded. “I’ve missed you.” She caressed his cheek.

Diego turned into the touch, latching onto its warmth and softness like a lifeline and hanging on for dear life.

“Please, let me help take the pain away from your eyes,” Ana said.

Joy formed a ball in Diego’s chest and rumbled up his throat. He squashed the whoop that wanted to come out. Instead, he kissed her. His mouth moved over hers as he slid his fingers along the column of her neck to cup her breasts, weighing them in his hands. It felt like it had been an eternity since he’d cupped those mounds.

He swallowed her moan as he formed and shaped her breasts, squeezing them gently and then adding more pressure. She arched her back, pressing her chest into his hands. Her lips parted wide, allowing his tongue entry. As he explored the recesses of her mouth, his hands released her breasts to slide to her side, tracing her figure with his palms until he could cup her hips. Diego pressed forward.

She moved her face away and proceeded to lie down. He watched her body extend and relax against the plush carpet. For a moment, he wanted to suggest taking her to bed. His thoughts scattered when he watched her take hold of the tab on her uniform top and pull it along the teeth. The tight material parted to give him a peek at the sides of her breasts. She pulled the top apart to reveal her torso fully. She shrugged out of it and tossed it away.

Diego swallowed. She wore no bra. Her breast were free. The plump mounds looked tempting. Her nipples were puckered slightly. He wanted to lap and nip at the peaks until they were tight buds as she writhed beneath him. Diego watched in fascination as she cupped her breasts, massaging the globes and rolling her nipples, pinching and tugging them until they became thick buds. She pushed her chest forward, as though offering her breasts.

“Taste me, Dodger,” she said.

“Call me, Diego,” he said, before flicking one peak with the tip of his tongue.

“Diego,” Ana repeated in a breathy moan. A shudder ran through his body at the sound of his name on her tongue. He sucked the nipple into his mouth, using delicate pulls of his lips to draw moans from her. One of her hands buried itself in his hair. She took a handful and pulled his head back. He gazed up into dark brown eyes, nearly black with desire. “Don’t hold back this time.”

Even though he nodded, he couldn’t say yes. Diego was still wearing a mask, one that fit the role he needed to play. He longed to reveal his true face.

“I know this isn’t you.” She reached up with her free hand to caress his cheek once more. “This is a role, another mask, just like the last time. But don’t hold back from me. Give me all of you this time.”

He opened his mouth to ask how her how he could do that when he didn’t even look like the person he actually was. Didn’t feel like him either.

“I don’t know what you look like,” Ana said, “but I know the person you are. You’re a good man. This is just a shell. I want you to give me all of you.”

Diego was confused. He still didn’t understand what she was talking about. Instead, he stopped her words with a kiss. Everything he felt, he tried to pour into that small contact. The touch started off soft and sweet but turned hard and passionate. He scraped his teeth over her bottom lip. His tongue pushed its way into her mouth, twining and teasing hers.

He lowered his body against hers. The crush of her breasts against his chest sent a jolt of arousal straight to his groin. Desire hummed through his body as he tried to rein in the need to sink into her tight, wet heat. A growl started in his chest and slipped out of his mouth when he pulled away. Diego placed small, biting kisses along her jaw and down her neck.

She moaned. Her body undulated underneath his. Diego took his time teasing her. The world, the danger, his past didn’t matter. All he could see and feel was Ana.

“Diego,” she moaned, when he scraped her nipple with his teeth. He suckled on it before moving on to the other peak.

Diego moved down her body pausing to dip his tongue into the shallow well of her belly button before moving on to the edge of her pants. He traced the waistband with his tongue, then took hold of the tabs on either side of her pants and pulled them down.

Diego paused for a second to compose himself. Anticipation sizzled through his veins. His balls ached for release. His mind was swathed in a haze of desire to connect with Ana on a physical level again.

With a deep breath, he crawled backward down her body to yank off her boots and pants. He rose to sit back on his heels, taking in her naked body. The sight took his breath away: her breasts tipped with dark nipples, the soft swell of her belly, trim waist, bare mound, fit legs. He knew he could worship that body forever and never tire of it. That thought made him solemn.

In that instant, he realized that he didn’t want to leave her—ever. An idea began to form, one that terrified and seduced him. For a moment, he could actually picture himself staying on the ship, becoming one of the crew in whatever capacity Drogan would have him. Would the captain want a con artist among his crew?
Never. He shook away the thought. And yet the calculating way Drogan had looked at him in his office gave him pause.

Diego returned his attention to Ana. She’d spread her legs, giving him the perfect view of the damp folds of her pussy. He groaned aloud when she reached between her legs and parted the thick lips of her sex to expose her clit.

“Don’t move,” Diego ordered. He got up on all fours, moving up her legs to settle on his stomach between her thighs. He grabbed her hips and pulled her closer before dipping his head down to tease at her clit with gentle flicks, taking long swipes at the thick bundle of nerves.

Ana’s fingers threaded through his hair, urging him closer. She rocked her damp slit against his mouth. He sucked her clit into his mouth, flicking and nipping the plump nub. He slipped his arms under her legs and settled them over his shoulders, elevating her hips to give him a better angle. Diego held onto her waist with one hand, using his free hand to slip first one, then two and three fingers into her slick channel. He finger-fucked her as he worried her clit.

“Diego, please, more,” she said. Her grasp on his hair had increased to the point of pain. He didn’t protest. Instead, he sucked and bit on her clit harder. She cried out. Her body tensed. Her vaginal walls clenched around her fingers. Ana moaned his name as her body shook.

Diego continued to bite and suck on her clit while his fingers pumped in and out of her slick channel. Diego ignored his throbbing cock and aching balls to continue giving her pleasure. As she came for a third time, he pulled his fingers out of her dripping sex to lap up her juices. He retreated and settled her legs back on the floor.

and very delicious.” Diego licked his lips and gazed up her damp body. She gave him a sleepy smile. He scooped her up in his arms and carried her to bed.

As he laid her on the duvet, he took a moment to savor the moment with her. It felt good to be with her again.

“Make love to me Diego,” she said.


Chapter Ten



Sensation shimmered through Ana. With languid movements, she rolled onto her hands and knees and crawled to the head of the bed. She wanted to gaze into Diego’s eyes as he made love to her. The idea of having him above her didn’t satisfy her. She wanted something different, more intimate.

When he climbed onto the bed, Ana took a moment to watch the muscles ripple under his golden skin as he crawled toward her. His movements were slow and sure, as if he was teasing her with his slow progress.

She almost demanded he move faster, but instead she settled against the pillows and waited as arousal pulsed through her body. The sleepy satisfaction from before had faded, leaving behind the burning desire to have him inside of her again, to feel that completeness once more. Gazing into his foreign, sapphire eyes, she opened her mouth to ask if he could switch them to the olive green that had haunted her dreams.

“What do you need, sweetness?” He came to a stop in front of her, sitting up on his heels.

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