Captured Rapture: 3 (Mercy) (9 page)

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Scott blinked and Jareth cocked an
eyebrow. Another screech outside made all of them jump. Well, all of them but
the walking mountain. I took advantage of the distraction and pushed past them.

Come, Rai’nia

I walked through the spaceport,
heading for the docking bay. Past the fake Slessorians, past the Urid’ii pro,
through the markets and hustle and bustle of the merchant levels—my home for
the last sixty-one days. I couldn’t wait to leave.

With a swipe of my wrist, I deactivated
the lock to the private bay Fraz and I had paid a friggin’ fortune to obtain,
and crossed the threshold. There was a soft
as the door slid shut
behind me. Then an even softer
as it locked again.

I didn’t stop.

I crossed the bay, past the GU-supplied
shuttle. My stare locked on the large double outer airlock doors.

Come, Rai’nia.

Stopping at the control panel, I
keyed in a Union override code. Being a cop came in handy sometimes. A dull
alarm began to sound in the bay, a muted orange light flashed overhead.

I stepped back from the panel and
stripped my vest from my torso. My sex throbbed. My heart hammered.

Come, Rai’nia. Come.

I toed off my boots. Kicked them
aside. Shoved my trousers over my hips and ass. My flesh began to tingle. Heat.
The very center of my existence began to smolder.

Come, my
. Come to

Naked as the day I was born who
knows how long ago, I stood at the airlock doors, skin on fire, sex heavy,
heart smashing against my breastbone.

Mine to claim. Mine to fuck.
Mine to…

I smiled. I knew the ending to that
thought. I had no doubt and it didn’t scare me at all.

Love. Mine to love.

I was all for that.

” the mechanical
voice of the docking bay sounded.
“Airlock doors opening in five seconds

Come, my

My pulse quickened. I took a deep
breath, pulling Port Mercy’s artificial air into my lungs.


I closed my eyes and let the heat
razing through me grow hotter.


Let it consume me. Change me.


Transform me.


With a deafening
, the
airlock doors opened and I was sucked into the empty vacuum of space.

Chapter Seven


Every molecule in my body cried
out. Not in asphyxiated agony, but in rapturous joy. The smoldering fire within
my soul erupted, engulfing me in an inferno of molten pleasure. I felt every
cell of my human form
. I don’t know how else to describe it. I
could feel myself being uncreated and made again—in the form of an immense

It was surreal. It was beautiful.
It was right.

And it all happened in the space of
two heartbeats.

Testing the density of the ether, I
moved my wings and found the quantum energy surrounding Mercy to be thick. I
pushed my wings against it and flew, reveling in the sensation.

There is nothing in space—and I
rode it. Glided through it. I beat my wings again, arcing upward, away from the

I heard Torr’s call before I saw
him. My heart thumped and I quivered, right to the tip of my tail. Yep, my

Come to me, Rai’nia.

I did, moving through the vastness,
seeking my mate.

The icy vacuum melted over my body
and I let out a cry of delight. If there was a way to encapsulate euphoria,
this was it. Gods, there were no words to describe the way I felt. And that
feeling only magnified by about a billion when I finally saw Torr’s golden form
waiting for me.

Claim me.
I sent out the

The great dragon flew toward me,
scales shimmering golden fire, wings beating with silent grace.

He swooped over me, caressing my
neck with the length of his tail. A shiver of pleasure rippled down my spine
and I followed his path, arcing up beneath him until our bellies smoothed
against each other and our tails entwined.

, Torr murmured through

, I whispered back.

A surge of something so pure and
elemental speared into my chest and, with another cry that rumbled through my
very heart, we separated, wings beating in perfect unison, flying up, up and
away from each other in two perfect arcs before diving down. Down past the
metal world that was Spaceport Mercy. I caught a glimpse of six beings standing
at the viewing wall, and then all I cared about was home.

I cut through the vacuum, Torr
beside me, and felt the kiss of the moon’s atmosphere. It rippled over my
scales like hot ribbons, and then I was through it, gliding over the moon’s red
surface like I had another lifetime ago. Well, not exactly the same. Last time
I was on a jet cycle, this time…

A shiver of excitement shot through
me and the reality of the situation really, really hit me. I was…I was…


Torr’s voice whispered through my
mind. I banked into a wide curve, the dry air streaming over my scales, and saw
him standing on the moon’s surface. A man once more.

My man.

I saw him grin.
Yours to claim.
Yours to fuck.

I thumped my wings, his entirely
cheeky thought sending a tight thrill into the very center of my being. He was
mine to claim. And I planned on fucking him for the rest of our lives.

I flew over his head and felt his
fingertips run the length of my belly as I did so. The sensation of human flesh
on my scales sent another tight twist into my core and, despite the rapture of
being in Wyvernian form, there was another rapture I hungered for.

Torr’s chuckle sounded in my head.
what are you doing flying about?

With another banking curve, I
returned to him, landing on my clawed feet with—I’m ashamed to admit—far less
grace than I’d hoped.

I heard Torr chuckle again, this
time in my head and with my ears. “Remind me to always land after you,

I stretched out my neck and nudged
him with my muzzle.
Shut the fuck up, lunatic.

He laughed. “Good to see your
feistiness hasn’t been dampened by your transformation, Rai’nia.” He smiled at
me, and I saw the mirth leave his eyes, replaced by a heat I knew all too well
and felt all the way into my core. “My destiny,” he murmured. “Mine to claim.”

I thought of the next part of that
mantra and a shudder rocked through me. My cells and molecules turned to molten
fire and two heartbeats later, I stood before him. “Yours to fuck.”

He stepped forward, sliding his
hands over my hips, bringing me against his body with a gentle tug. “No.” He
smoothed his hands up my back, over my shoulders to cup my face. “Mine to

I closed my eyes and let out a long
sigh, leaning into his hard, warm body. “Hmmm, I like the sound of that.”

He chuckled, a low sound that
vibrated into my soul. “So do I.”

I opened my eyes and gazed at him,
my heart hammering. “So, what happens now? Do we hunt down the Galactic Union
and barbecue them one by one? Or do we just fly about over the moon making mad
dragon whoopie?” I tiptoed my fingers up his back, burying them in his hair.

He traced my bottom lip with the
pad of his thumb, his gaze following the languid caress. “Both options are
appealing, but I’m leaning toward one more than the other.” He returned his
gaze to mine and cocked an eyebrow. “At this point in time, at least.”

I felt my lips curl into a slow,
cheeky smile. “And that option would be…?”

He lowered his head and brushed his
mouth over mine. “This one.”

And as I opened to his kiss, a kiss
that was gentle and soft and tender, a kiss that made the pit of my belly
quiver and my throat tight, I remembered the first time Torr had kissed me on
this very moon. A kiss of savage possession and fierce invasion. A kiss that
had almost made me come there and then. A kiss of merciless domination.

With a low chuckle, Torr lifted his
head from mine, his hands tangling in my hair to hold my gaze. “Oh, trust me,
Raina Mynn.” His eyes blazed with gray lust. “I’m going to show you no mercy at
all and there’s nothing you can do to stop what is to come.”

I raked my hands up his back and
sank my nails into his shoulders, pressing my thoroughly wet and throbbing sex
to his thick, hot cock as I pushed him down onto his back on the moon’s surface
and straddled his hips. “That’s just the way I want it, lunatic.”

And in one fluid move, I impaled
myself on his shaft and we both began to burn.




Wyvernian—an ancient race of
dragon shifters that once called the minor planet Mercy and its surrounding
space home, in sector Seven A, Fourth Quadrant. Slaughtered by the Galactic
Union in an act of brutal genocide over three hundred years ago.


Fraz M’x read the info-stream
glowing on the small communal screen. He grinned and flexed his fingers. “Time
to update the records.”

Shooting a quick look around, he
activated the GU Enforcer ID chip embedded in his wrist. A slight tingle shot up
his arm as the chip overrode Port Mercy’s security system and—with a blink-and-you’d-miss-it
flicker—he was in the data network.

His fingers skipped over the onscreen
keyboard, adding a small but important footnote to the entry on the Wyvernian,
chuckling as he checked his journalistic skills.


Wyvernian—an ancient race of
dragon shifters that once called the minor planet Mercy and its surrounding
space home, in sector Seven A, Fourth Quadrant. Slaughtered by the Galactic
Union in an act of brutal genocide over three hundred years ago.

All except for one lone male and
one lone female, that is. But that was enough. The GU suits better watch their
fat, corrupt asses now, ’cause nobody does vengeance like a dragon shifter.

Can you say “extra crispy”?


He nodded and logged off. “For you,
partner.” He gazed at the viewing glass, noting the empty space beyond with a
smile. “And the flying lizard.” Turning, he walked away. He had a new mission
and a new partner to break in. Playtime was over.

For now.

About Lexxie Couper


Lexxie’s not a deviant. She just has a deviant’s imagination
and a desire to entertain readers with her words. Add the two together and you
get darkly erotic romances with a twist of horror, sci-fi and the paranormal.

When she’s not submerged in the worlds she creates, Lexxie’s
life revolves around her family: a husband who thinks she’s insane and her
daughters, who both utterly captured her heart and changed her life forever.

Living in Australia makes it a bit tricky for Lexxie to pop
by for coffee, but she still loves to chat!

Lexxie welcomes comments from readers. You can find her
website and email addresses on her
bio page





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Print books by Lexxie Couper



Affairs 1: Misplaced Hearts

Passionate Peridot

Two Deadly Daemons

Ellora’s Cave Publishing





Captured Rapture


ISBN 9781419947148


Captured Rapture Copyright © 2014 Lexxie Couper


Edited by Kelli Collins

Cover design by Syneca

Cover photography by Lukiyanova Natalia/frenta, Catmando,
Fotokvadrat, Mopic, Daniel M. Nagy

Model: Axl


Electronic book publication July 2014


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