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Authors: Melinda Barron

Tags: #Erotic Romance

Captured (8 page)

BOOK: Captured
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He sat down opposite from her, keeping a wary eye on the machine. “Tell me what this woman told you.”

Venise quickly related the story Mrs. Westergard had spun for her. She watched Rugoff, who listened with care, taking his gaze off the computer and settling it on her.

“She tells a half-tale,” he said when she was done. “I wonder if it is because she does not know the whole thing, or because she does not want it to be known.”

That thought hadn’t occurred to Venise at all. “Do you think she could be the witch? But what could she want?”

Rugoff licked his lips and she wondered what he was thinking. There was silence between them while he thought, and she wanted to tell him to hurry up and talk to her, that she wasn’t the type who took waiting in stride.

“You know my father killed the witch?”

Venise nodded slowly, wondering where this was going.

“I often wondered how she could provide me with food and other things I asked for when she was dead. But I convinced myself that she, somehow, could break the veil of death and still work her magic.”

“So you think Mrs. Westergard is the witch, then. If she is, and she feels bad about what happened, why doesn’t she just end things and bring you back?”

“I wish I knew.” He looked away from her, then cleared his throat. “But that’s not what you asked about. You wanted to know of the key. Before the witch died, she captured the green stone in my father’s throne and locked it in a bronze box. She fashioned it with three keys, and gave one to each son before she sent him spiraling down into the Earth.”

“You’re kidding me, right?” Venise pushed away the computer. “Mrs. Westergard made it sound like it was some sort of romance story, like the sons were waiting for women to rescue them, sort of a true love saves the word type thing. I thought maybe that’s…” She clamped her mouth shut.

“You thought that’s why you were here?” He ran his fingers up the insides of his thighs and Venise felt her nipples tighten. She remembered the feel of his cock in her hand last night, the way it pulsed as she stroked it. What would it feel like in her mouth? Or sliding inside her, guided by the wetness that now pooled inside her.


“An idea that holds great appeal for me.” He moved closer and put his hand over hers. “Why would you not allow me to pleasure you last evening?”

“I…you…didn’t come after me.” She pulled her hand away and typed a few words of text. She wasn’t ready to have this discussion. “If the woman is the witch, if she’s somehow found a way to come back, then…”

Rugoff moved so quickly that she didn’t have time to react. He grasped her head between his hands, capturing her lips in a burning kiss that seared her down to her very soul. His coarse, manly hands seemed soft against her skin as his lips took control of hers.

He nibbled on her lower lip, then flicked his tongue, seeking entry into her mouth. Venise opened for him, moaning as his tongue slid ever so slowly into her, licking at her teeth, lapping very gently at the roof of her mouth.

Need swamped her as one of his hands left her face and trailed down to her breast, capturing it in his palm, massaging her hardened nipple with his thumb.


“If you are here to save me with love, then we should get started, so we can get us both out of here.”

A nervous giggle escaped her lips. He continued to caress her as his lips moved over her jaw and down her neckline. Then suddenly, he backed away, turning from her so quickly she almost lost her balance.

“What’s wrong?”

When he turned back to her, she could see the pure lust written on his face, the tight muscles around his neck and shoulder showing he was having trouble keeping himself in check. His hard cock was back, making his clothing bulge.

“I’m afraid that I won’t…be gentle.” His voice was ragged. “Last night you gave me something I’d dared to never hope for again, but…”

Her heart beat just a little quicker as his words sunk into her.

“Forgive me, it has been so long and I…you are so beautiful.” He put his hand over his cock. “Last night just…it…” He turned from her again and she put her hand on his shoulder.

“Rugoff.” His body tightened more. “Nothing that has happened makes sense to me, and in my time, I would never sleep with a man I just met. But we’re not in my time, or at least not in my place. We’re in yours and…well…”

Maybe she should offer to jack him off again. If he experienced relief again, would it help relieve his years of pent up passion? Or would it make things worse?

“Listen, in my day, we have what’s called romance novels, and Vikings feature in those books sometimes, big, strong, beefy men who raid the village and then seduce the fair maiden into giving them their virginity.”

“You make it sound as if they asked permission.” She could see he was still trying to keep himself in check, despite the fact that the burn in his gaze was deeper than it was before. “We took what we wanted, not caring who we hurt in the process.”

“But that’s not what you’re doing now, despite your obvious—” she looked at his crotch, “—desire to take what you want.”

“Things are different now. When I was very young, my father taught me that a man was allowed to use a woman’s body to slake his lust. Captives were slaves, and could be used for anything. I followed his lead, and when I think about him now, and what he became, it disgusts me. My mother, however, said a woman was not to be used in such a fashion. I tried to change my ways and follow her example before my…banishment.”

Anger at the witch built in her as she thought about this man, who had tried to keep from following in his father’s path, being sent here to live his life alone, with no hope of ever leaving this cold, lonely place.

And, after all these years, he was still trying to be a gentleman. “Well, as far as a Viking raider romance novel type goes, you have the look down pat, which, I have to say, is quite thrilling.”

Venise licked her lower lip. “But, as far as I see, we have two problems. The first being, I’m sorry to say, I’m no virgin for the big bad Viking to tame. The second being that you didn’t exactly raid my village; I raided yours. I think that means I should be the one doing the taking.”

She poked her finger into his chest, her need rocketing when his hand moved from his crotch to bat her away. It looked as if his rigid cock would burst out of his breeches.

“So move toward the bed, buster, and prepare to be conquered.”




Chapter Six


Rugoff took a step back, but Venise kept moving forward, jabbing her finger into his chest. He backed up again and again as she advanced. Rather than making him angry, it made his rod harder, the need to possess her stronger than it had been moments ago.

“You’re playing with fire.”

“Maybe I want to get burned.” They were at the edge of the bed now and she put both hands on his chest and pushed. He tumbled back and she straddled him, the tunic rising above her hips and revealing the lush thighs that surrounded her beautiful curls.

Was it his imagination or did her area have less hair than he remembered women having? Had it been so long since he’d seen a female unclothed that he’d forgotten what they looked like?

She put her finger under his chin and moved his head so that he was looking up into her face. “You look hungry, but if I’m doing the raiding, then I’m in charge.”

Her hands wandered to her breasts, moving leisurely up from her hips and cupping them in invitation. Rugoff thought he would die from the need of her. He wanted nothing more than to flip her over and slam into her hot wetness. He could smell her arousal, and her hardened nipples showed that her desire was equal to his.

She licked her lips, then fisted her hands in the material between her breasts. She pulled it, which he knew was an effort to rip the tunic in two. The material didn’t budge, though, and she tried again, once more to no avail.

“Oh crap! I knew I should have done more workouts in my life.” She lifted up and grasped the tunic, but he pushed away her hands, grabbing the small slit between her breasts and ripping the fabric in two.

Her breasts bobbed free and his mouth watered. She laughed, the lilting sound making him want to join in with her. Then she moved over him, her breasts dangling just above his mouth. He grasped them together, gently massaging the soft flesh before he took a nipple into his mouth, sucking it hard. The nub seemed to pulse as he worked his tongue over it, taking as much of her into him as he could manage.

Rugoff lifted his gaze as much as he could without letting go of the sweet morsel. Her eyes were closed, her mouth open in obvious ecstasy. Her hips moved in a gentle rhythm as he flicked his tongue over the nipple, abandoned it, and started to savor the other one.

He had forgotten how soft a woman was, or maybe it was just that he’d never felt a woman as supple as Venise. He continued to suckle her, letting his hands settle on her hips and squeezing gently.

“So good,” she whispered. “I need you inside me.”

His cock strained against the material that held it hostage; the way he felt right now, though, if she moved just a little, his rod would break through and feast on the wonderful flesh that was just out of its reach.

Her nipple popped from his mouth as he laid his head back. “Venise. I cannot wait. I implore you, please.”

The seductive smile on her face made him feel as if she could drive him insane. She slid down his legs and cupped her hand over his straining cock. He bucked up into her touch and she squeezed ever so gently. It was only by the strength given to him by the gods that he kept from shooting his seed into breeches.

She grasped them tightly in her hands and tugged them down. He wiggled his hips as the fabric slid down, bringing another sweet round of laughter from his lips.

At any moment, he thought to wake up, to find himself alone with nothing but the sweet memories of the dream that was undressing him right now. How many times has he wished for a woman to warm his bed at night? And now, after all these years, his dream had come true in a fashion that far surpassed anything he’d ever hoped for.

His breeches were past his hips now, the tip of his cock breaking free from its prison. When she ran her tongue over it, he surged up, crying out when she sucked the end of him into her mouth.

Never had he felt anything so exquisite, and he once again feared he would lose control of himself. He grasped her by the shoulders and pulled her away from him, intent on flipping them over and pounding himself into her core.

But before he could, she stood up, her hands on her hips, the two halves of the tunic framing her succulent body. “Listen, buster, don’t make me tie you to the bed. I told you, I’m in charge here. In effect, you’re my captive.”

“A willing one.”

“The lay back like a good boy, or else I’ll search for rope. Do you understand me?”

He nodded, then lifted his hips as she slid his breeches off his hips and peeled them from his legs, one at a time, the slowness of it threatening his sanity yet again.

When he was free, she placed a hand on either side of his length and slide it up, and then back down, the friction building the heat in his bollocks.

Venise’s warning rang in his mind as she played with him and he clutched his fist in the furs, delighting in the smooth feel of her flesh. He tossed his head from side to side, praying she would put him out of his sweet misery and take him inside her.

Just when he thought he would disobey her edict of staying still, she finally straddled his hips. She leaned over and kissed him, her tongue playing with his lips before she lifted up and sat down, taking the full length of him into her silky folds.

“Oh my stars above.” She gasped as if she were having trouble taking breath into her lungs and he took advantage of her loss of control to grasp her hips and turn them so that she was under him.

She wrapped her legs around his hips and gave him a questioning look. “I thought I was I charge.”

“Not anymore.” He clutched a thigh as wrapped his free hand in her hair, claiming her lips as he pounded in and out of her wet, velvety folds. Her legs clasped him tightly and he never, ever wanted to leave.

His body had other ideas, though. Sweat pooled on his forehead as he thrust, and when she squeezed her women’s flesh around his cock, he could take no more. Rapture roared through his loins and his heart felt as if it might break in two from the erratic pulse it set.

Below him, Venise clasped her hands on his arms, squeezing tightly. He realized he’d found his release, but she was still breathing heavily, probably teetering on the edge. He slipped from her and sat up on his knees, probing her folds until he found the hardened nub.

He looked up, thrilled to see her lick her lips in anticipation, and then he squeezed, delighting in the cry of pleasure that filled the room. She bucked up into his touch and he leaned over and kissed the soft flesh of her belly, letting his tongue bath her, the salty taste of her skin rivaling that of the sweetest berries he’d ever eaten.

When she was finally still under him, he licked each nipple, then cover her mouth with his, delighting in the satisfied smile that lit her face.

BOOK: Captured
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