Captivated By You (Twisted Love #1) (8 page)

BOOK: Captivated By You (Twisted Love #1)
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“You must be hungry. Let’s go out to dinner,” Julian announced, caressing my cheek after giving me another amazing earth-shattering orgasm.

“That would be nice. I’m sure I’d pass out if I were to climax again.”

Julian chuckled. “Sorry about before. The temptation was too strong.”

“The temptation is always strong whenever it’s with me, Julian.”

Julian only shook his head and then lifted me off the bed, carrying me like a bride into the bathroom.

“I’ve set the towels already. Have a shower or bath. Then we’ll head out,” he said, staring at me.

“That would be lovely, Julian, but if you could put me down, I’m sure I could get to work with that bath,” I said after a full minute in his arms.

“Oh, sorry.” Julian bashfully apologized, setting me on my feet.

I giggled at his red face. “Temptation again, I suppose.” I tapped at his nose.

“Yes. Temptation again.”

“Okay, okay.” I wiggled my butt out of his arms and walked towards the bathtub.

Julian just stood there by the door, admiring me. “You’re not embarrassed I’m seeing you naked like this?”

I scoffed. “Julian, we’ve had sex. Many times. Why would I be embarrassed in my own skin with you as audience? Now if you were a stranger, that’s another story.”

“You really are beautiful, just as they say.”

“What was that? Did you say something? I didn’t catch that.”

“It’s nothing. I’m just trying to refrain from wanting you. I’m gonna go wait outside.”

“Julian, wait.” I strode towards him. Standing on tiptoes, I kissed his nose. Julian’s face turned even redder than before. “You don’t look too bad yourself. Especially when you blush.”

“I don’t blush.”

“Okay then, what’s that red-hot color on your cheeks, then?”

“That’s just blood rushing to my cheeks to help cool down my body temperature because this room is too hot.”

“Yes. A bodily reaction to a hot room.” I smiled.

“I’m going to go. You’re distracting me big time.”

“Stay a little longer and I’ll distract you even more.” I laughed as Julian shook his head again and disappeared out of the bathroom.

I turned to the warm bath and got in right away. I made quick work of cleaning myself, not wanting Julian to wait long. Also, I was feeling so famished I might really pass out if I stayed in here too long.

Grabbing a towel, I set foot outside the tub and felt my head spin a little. Okay, definitely needed to eat something quick. I hurried out of the bathroom and stopped short when I realized I had no clothes to wear. All my clothes were ripped in Julian’s car.

“Julian,” I called.

“Mmmm?” Julian must have been waiting outside the door, because he came running in an instant.

“I don’t have any clothes.” I moaned.

“Oh, they’re in here.” Julian went into his wardrobe and pulled out a dress.

I frowned. Where did he get the dress? Did he know I was staying at his place in advance?

“Here.” Julian wedged his glasses up his nose. “This is for you. I bought clothes just for you.”

I beamed, then realized something. “You ripped my clothes on purpose?”

“No. That was temptation again. You tempted me, Kimberly. I don’t like it when I lose control.”

“And I made you lose control?”


“Isn’t it good, then? To lose control once in a while?” I smirked and snatched the dress off his arm. “That shall be all, Julian. You can go back now. I’m getting changed.”

“Didn’t you say you’re not embarrassed to be naked in front of me?”

I jerked my head to Julian and gazed at him. “What are you implying?”

“I want to see you dress.”

“And give you the chance to take me again? No. I’m still sore. Not tonight.”

“I promise I won’t take you tonight.”

“Well, I can’t promise that. You’re too beautiful, Julian, and if you look at me while I’m getting dressed, I might just attack you myself.”

Julian chuckled. “Okay, you win. I’ll wait outside.”

I smirked and turned to change. Not ten minutes later, I was ready.

I found Julian sitting on his back deck overlooking the beach. His back was so broad I couldn’t help but run to hug him from behind. Julian caught my arms and wrapped his hands around them.

“You smell lovely.”

“Was that the sniff test?”

“Yes. But you do smell lovely and fresh.”

“Thank you. That’s all thanks to the bath of course.”

“No. It’s your very own scent. I love your smell. Now turn around so I can see you.”

I did as he bid, feeling beautiful when his gaze hungrily surveyed me. His eyes stopped at my breasts, seeing them punctuated by the way the dress was designed. His fingers caressed my arms, lingering at my throat, then traced down to the swell of my breast.

“You’re so beautiful, Kimberly. That dress doesn’t do you justice.”

“Even when I’m naked?”

“Even when you’re naked.”

“Come on. You’re making me hot and bothered again. I almost passed out in the bathroom from hunger. My need to eat ranks higher than my need to be one with you at the moment.”

“Okay, Miss Henderson. I’ll take you to a lovely place with good food and good atmosphere.”

Julian clasped my hand, and together we started walking to our destination. We kept quiet for some time, me relishing the feel of his warm palms holding mine.

“How old are you, Kimberly?” Julian asked out of the blue.

“I should ask the same of you.” I played hard to get.

“I asked you first.”

“Okay. I’m twenty-two. You?”


“Ow, you’re old.” I teased him.

Julian looked wounded. “Really?”

I laughed. “You’re so adorable like that. If you want to know my secret, I’ll tell you.”

“What secret is that?”

“Promise me you’ll tell me one secret as well. Then I’ll tell you mine.”

“I don’t have any secrets.” Julian turned away suddenly.

“Okay, okay. You don’t have to tell me yours. I’ll tell you mine. I like my men old. Especially ones that are in the twenty-eight to thirty-year range. Young ones don’t do it for me.”

Julian clasped his hand to mine, a smile playing on his lips.

“And I was only kidding. You’re not old at all. No grey hair just yet.”

Julian chuckled again.

We talked about random stuff as we walked. Before I knew it, Julian stopped walking and I stood staring at the beach restaurant.

It was a nice restaurant with exceptionally nice food. The only thing I wasn’t happy with was the waitress. She just wouldn’t stop gawking at Julian. I had to claim him as my own when the ogling wouldn’t stop. Finally, the food arrived. We ate in peace, with Julian’s hand holding on to mine.

It was such a lovely warm atmosphere. A live band was playing out on the beach. I watched as people danced with their partners. I glanced at Julian a few times, signaling I wanted to dance too, but he didn’t seem to notice.

Maybe he wasn’t as romantic as I thought. Feeling a little jaded, I stood and Julian caught my hand and led me out to the beach dance floor.

“I thought you were never going to ask me to dance.”

“I was waiting for the right opportunity.”

Everything was beautiful and romantic. And that was what I was feeling right then when Julian enclosed his arms around me and danced. The music wafted into my ears, lighting my mood, and with Julian sensually touching the small of my back too, I felt safe. I rested my head on his shoulder, taking in his manly scent. It made me dizzy with want. I realized I could never get enough of this man.

When the music stopped, Julian took me to an isolated spot on a sandy piece of land.

“This is my secret place,” he said, sitting me down.

“So you do have secrets.”

Julian didn’t say another word, but just looked out into the dark sea.

It was a beautiful area overlooking the city. On one side, the city stood, with lights illuminating the dark night. On the other, the gentle sounds of the beach washed over the sandy shore. Everywhere I turned, I found peace.

“There are times when I want to be alone, and this is the place I think. I feel at peace here.”

“It’s beautiful, Julian. Thank you for showing me your secret place,” I said, laying my head on his chest in serenity.

“Can we talk?” Julian’s raspy voice alerted my senses. I propped my head up and gazed at him in curiosity.

“What about?”


I froze. What did he want to talk about?

“Yes. I’m listening.”

“When are you leaving to go back home?”

My chest hurt a little when home was mentioned.

Home. I almost forgot about home. Only a few more days. I’d have to head back home to Auckland. This, after all, was just a business trip turned holiday. I knew it was imminent, but I wanted my time with Julian to be filled with only sweet memories. I didn’t want to think about home just yet.

“I love you, Kimberly.”

Julian said it all too suddenly and it made my heart swell up with undue happiness. I held his hand tight, looking up into his dark pupils, which in return gazed down at me with love. I gently caressed his cheek with love and whispered softly to him my true feelings.

“I love you too.”

Julian grasped my hand and held it still. He inhaled air, as if he were having a hard time trying to explain himself. I sat up, wanting to comfort him of whatever trouble he was having.

“Julian. What is it? Tell me. You’re worrying me.”

“I love you, Kimberly. With all my heart. That’s why I want to have a proper relationship with you. Even though you live far away, I can visit you. Or you could visit me. We could take turns. Or I might just move to Auckland to be with you.”

My eyes shimmered, tears threatening to leak out. I kissed his cheeks, then his nose, forehead, and finally lips. “I would never imagine you saying that, Julian. And for that, I’m so happy. I want us to have a proper relationship too. When I leave here, we could start with a long-distance relationship. If that doesn’t work, then we’ll talk about moving in together. Either Auckland or Brisbane. I’m sure Papa wouldn’t mind. He’ll own half of Devereux Enterprise anyway.”

Julian nuzzled my nape, then took out something from his pocket. I gaped, seeing the gold necklace with a rose pendent at its center.

“Then if you accept me and the start of our new relationship, could you wear this?”

“Julian, it’s beautiful.” I marveled at the stone. Despite hardly having any light to illuminate the stone, it still shone brightly, reflecting off the many streetlights around us.

“It will be more beautiful on you, my Kimberly.” Julian fastened the necklace around my neck.

I lay back to rest against his steel chest and played with the pendant. Julian’s baritone voice hit deep into my heart when he whispered into my ear, “No matter what happens in the future, just remember I will always love you.”

I tilted up my head and kissed him on the lips. “No matter what happens in the future, this Kimberly will always belong to you.”

Julian kissed me. His kiss was intoxicating, poisoning my system and making me weak with want. I needed him. I wanted him. But just when I was about to give myself to him, the sky opened up and rain poured on us. 

We both ran, squealing and giggling until we got back to the apartment. We were both wet to the bones. That night, we took turns taking off our clothes and made sweet love under the stars until I was so exhausted I fell asleep in Julian’s arms.




“You’re sick,” Julian declared the next morning when I didn’t wake up to get ready to go back to the hotel.

I didn’t even know I was sick. I was just tired. Maybe I overslept, but when I woke, Julian was sitting at the edge of the bed, a cool cloth over my forehead.

“And who is to blame but you, Julian? You took me out to dinner and made me walk back in the rain.” I removed the cloth from my forehead and snuggled under the blanket a bit more, not wanting to let go of this warmth. I didn’t want to go back to the hotel yet. It was so lonely there.

“Would you like to rest here today?”

How did he read my mind? That was exactly what I wanted to do. Rest in his bed all day.

I nodded my head and gave him a pout. “If you don’t mind.”

Julian cradled my cheek and kissed my pout, resting his forehead on mine. “Of course I don’t mind. I’m just happy being with you, Kimberly.”

“That’s because you’ve fallen in love with me,” I smartly replied, looking into his steel-grey eyes.

Julian shook his head, but a hint of a ghost smile played at his lips. He snuggled his head at the curve of my neck and shoulder and rested there, taking deep breaths as if he were calming himself down.

“Julian, what are you doing?” I asked, curious.

“Smelling you.”

I blinked, not understanding what he meant by this. “I haven’t had a shower yet. What is there to smell?”

“Your morning scent.”

“Don’t tell me you’ve never brought a girl home before. We all smell the same.”

“You’re the first one.”

I was the first one. I couldn’t say anything more. My heart was overwhelmed. I was Julian’s first woman brought to his home. And he’d confessed last night that he wanted to be in a serious relationship with me too. What more could I ask for in a boyfriend?

Julian’s face was still snuggled in my shoulder. I captured his head and brought his lips to mine.

“And this is what a woman kisses like early in the morning,” I said before giving him a kiss so passionate and sensual it made even my toes curl.

Julian was caught up in this sensual passion just like I was. We both kissed for the longest of time before we parted ways.

“You should rest. I have to go into work now. I should finish before three so I’ll come back here. I’ll take you out to dinner this evening.”

“That sounds nice.” I smiled.

“Breakfast is in the kitchen. Just heat it up in the microwave. Make yourself at home.” Julian gave me a kiss on the lips again and then left.

I breathed a sigh. Seven days to go before I had to head home. Right now, all I wanted to do was stay beside Julian.




My business trip here in Brisbane hadn’t produced much results in terms of Papa’s expectations, but my love life sure bloomed nicely. Thinking I might as well get some work done since I was to be holed up in Julian’s apartment for the duration of the day, I got out my tablet and started on that report again. I finished it sooner than I expected. Having nothing else to do, I explored his apartment.

Julian’s apartment was on the top floor of K apartment, one of the top luxurious apartments in the Gold Coast. Which reminded me. How did he ever bring me here naked without having the security guard questioning his intentions? I shook my head and explored farther.

I found myself in Julian’s office. It was an immaculate space, a deep-grey tone throughout the interior. If I didn’t know Julian’s personality, I would have assumed whoever occupied this room would exude elegance and authority. Although Julian did showcase this personality, it was only during our sexual escapades. On a normal daily basis, Julian was usually his humble self, a complete contrast to the tone of this room. Maybe the interior designer got the wrong design.

I sat on the giant black swivel chair, overlooking the pristine golden beach of Mermaid Bay, the beach where we sat and talked about our future last night. I wondered how the future would pan out for us.

I sat on that chair for so long that by the time I got up to leave, my leg gave out. I collapsed onto the floor, taking along with me a pile of letters on Julian’s desk.

“Ahhh… sore,” I muttered before straightening my back. I leaned down to pick up the letters when a few caught my eyes.

These weren’t normal letters. These were bank account statements. Piles upon piles of bank account statements of money being transferred to a different offshore account. All under Josh’s name.

My hands shook. I was staring at evidence of money embezzlement from Devereux Enterprise.

I flipped through the statement quickly. They all stated the same thing, money being transferred from the Devereux business account to Josh’s private account. But then to compensate for that loss, funds from Julian’s private bank account were transferred to the Devereux’s account. On the last statement, a letter from someone named Barry Turnbull was attached. I read the letter with shaky hands.


Dear Mr. Julian Devereux,

As per your instruction, I have deposited a further $100,000 into the Devereux Company’s bank account. All matters regarding money being transferred out of your own account into the company account have been kept anonymous. If you would like me to make any further transactions on your behalf, please email me again.


Warm regards,

Berry Turnbull



I clamped the letter in my hand, heart in my throat.

Julian. What are you up to?

BOOK: Captivated By You (Twisted Love #1)
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