Candy's Daddy (2 page)

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Authors: Cherry Lee

Tags: #Romance, #Adult

BOOK: Candy's Daddy
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Candy nodded vigorously, pleased that
he understood. “That’s exactly it.”

“So your family all moved away and
left you behind. Does that ever give you a little bit of an abandoned feeling?”

She looked at his well cut profile lit
by the dashboard lights, his long fingers gripping the steering wheel. She
wasn’t certain how she felt about this stranger poking around her psyche, but
damned if he wasn’t spot on again. Candy hadn’t really acknowledged her feeling
of loss, the sense that everyone she loved had moved on and left her behind. It
was childish to feel that way. She was an adult, who should be competent to be
alone, but sometimes she ached for someone to care for her and give her the
sense of safety her family used to.

Bob glanced over at her, waiting for
her response.

Candy shrugged. “Maybe. A little.”

He smiled. “Hey, you’re talking to a
guy who just moved to a new city. I know all about lonely.”

His gently confiding tone sent surge
of warmth through her. This was a nice guy, sweet, sexy, and a natural
dominant, she could tell from the way he took charge. She imagined him giving
erotic orders in that low, sexy voice and her pussy clenched hard. She
swallowed and turned to look out her window. “Almost there?”

“Almost.” Bob turned the car on a
quiet street in the kind of upscale suburban neighborhood where all the houses
sat well back from the road. The landscaping was professional, the street
lighting ample. A sense of safety and privilege blanketed the houses.

“Beautiful neighborhood,” Candy
commented. “Very traditional atmosphere.”

“I like it,” Bob agreed as he pulled
into the long driveway of a Tudor-style house. “Maybe it’s a little old
fashioned, but I like the sense of being part of a community of families.”

He drove into the garage and the
overhead door closed behind them, sealing them in for the night.

Candy turned toward him, her heart
pattering and her body tingling in anticipation. “So, Bob, now that you’ve got
me home, what
you going to do with me?”

* * * *

Bob studied the young woman sitting in
the passenger seat of his car. His heart pounded and his body tensed with
anticipation. An inner voice repeated incessantly,
She’s perfect. She’s
exactly who you’ve been looking for.

Candy’s petite form floating through
the bar from table to table had first gained his attention. She was a slight,
slender woman with long brown hair. When she’d come to the bar for more drinks,
he’d been able to see her features more clearly. Her eyes were as wide and
brown as a doe’s. Her nose was small and up-tilted, and her pouting lips were
painted a glistening pink. She was adorable and he instantly desired her with
the unreasonable passion of a man who’d been alone for far too long.

Now, astonishingly, she was sitting
here in his garage, asking him what he intended to do with her. Anything.
Everything. And not only sex, although that was high on his wish list right
now. He wanted to get to know Candy intimately, to find out if she was the
special woman he’d been waiting for, to learn if she was open to all the kinds
of play he enjoyed. He wanted to know if he’d finally found his little girl at

But what he said was, “Well, to start
with, why don’t we go inside and have a drink.”

He got out and took a couple of deep
breaths as he circled the car before opening the door for Candy. He took her
hand to help her out and didn’t let go as he led her into the house. Her hand
was so wonderfully soft and warm in his.

She exclaimed over the size and the
pristine state of his kitchen. “You must love to cook. Look at these.” She
pulled away from him to run a hand over the copper bottoms of the pots hanging
on one wall, setting them jangling.

“I do,” he admitted. “It’s my hobby,
and I’m a sucker for cooking shows, too.” Suddenly he knew how to break the ice
and learn more about each other. “I’ll cook something for you now. What do you
want to eat?”

“Really?” Her beautiful eyes grew even
larger. God, how he wanted to touch the fringe of lashes with his fingertip. “I
don’t want to put you to any trouble.”

“I told you, I love to cook and I
rarely have an excuse to cook for anyone.” Bob took a frying pan off the wall
and set it on the range. “An omelet,” he decided for her. It would be easily
and quickly done so they could move on to the next portion of the evening.

He quickly assembled the ingredients
he needed. When Candy offered to chop, he urged her onto a high stool beside
the counter. “You’ve been on your feet all evening. Rest and watch.” He poured
her a glass of wine to sip.

Candy kicked off her shoes and her
bare toes curled around the bottom rung of the stool. He longed to pinch each
pink-painted nail. She followed his gaze to her feet and smiled, a smug little
smirk that told him she knew he was aroused by her bare feet. She flexed them
once before clenching them around the rung again.

“Now it’s your turn to tell about
yourself,” she said. “Where did you live before you moved here?”

“Tallahassee. And before that Cleveland and Denver. I’ve lived in a lot of cities, but I grew up in Cedarville, Wisconsin. So at heart I guess I’m a small town boy. I was an only child. Both my parents
died quite young. Dad from a heart attack and mom in a car accident.”

“I’m so sorry. That’s awful.” Her
brows drew together in concern.

He nodded, accepting her condolences.
“It’s been years, but I still miss them. We were close, a very loving family.”
He steered the conversation away from the somber topic as he refilled her wine
glass. “I feel like I should be pouring you a glass of milk rather than wine.
If you don’t mind my saying, you look very young to be working at a bar.”

Candy laughed, a delightful, tinkling
sound. “I get that a lot. I know I look about twelve, but I’m twenty-five. How
about you? How old are you, Bob?”

“A bit older. Thirty-nine. Does that
bother you?” He held his breath, taken aback by how important her answer was to

“Not at all. I like older men. In my
experience, they know what they want and what they’re doing. I appreciate
that.” She paused, sipped, and added, “I like a man who takes charge in the
bedroom. It’s pretty hot.”

Her admission of submissiveness was
just what he wanted to hear. Bob probed a little further as he whisked the eggs
to a froth. “Would you say you’re adventurous?”

“Very.” She set the glass on the
counter with a click and slid off the stool. “You?”

“I can be.” He stopped beating the
eggs and gazed down into her face, tilted up toward his. “Role playing can be

“Yes indeed.” Candy grinned.
“Disobedient serving wenches who deserve a whipping. Secretaries who ruin a big
account and get spanked by their bosses. Naughty schoolgirls earning a
punishment from the headmaster.”

“Do all your fantasies center around
punishment?” Bob set the bowl on the counter and reached out to stroke his
finger from her throat up to her chin, tipping it higher. “Loving care can be
sexy, too. Daddies taking care of their little girls.”

His cock twitched just from saying the
words. He swallowed hard and awaited her reaction. If she showed distaste, as
many women did, he would gloss over the fantasy and move on to something else.
Maybe repressed librarians waiting to be awakened

But Candy’s eyes lighted up at the
idea. “You like to play at being a Daddy.”

Honey, I’d love to
your Daddy. Tonight. Tomorrow.
Whenever and for as long as you’d like.

“I think it’s kind of hot,” he

“Not everyone does,” she said. “I’ve
used my little girl voice before and just about driven men right out of bed.”

He cleared his throat and murmured
low. “Let me hear your little girl voice.” He stroked her throat with his
finger again and felt the subtle vibration when she spoke.

“I’m hungry, Daddy. Will you make
something for me to eat?” The high, breathy request nearly made him come.

“Absolutely, baby girl.” He closed the
last few inches between them and pressed his lips to hers in a tender kiss
before pulling away. “But first, would you like to do something for me?”

“What, Daddy?” Christ, the sound of
her soft voice calling him that drove him crazy. He wanted to protect and
cuddle her, to possess and ravage her.

“Would you like to play a little game
before I make your food?”

She clapped her hands together. “I
love games.”

“In this one, Daddy will take some of
his clothes off and you’ll play at sucking on a Popsicle.”

“All right. That sounds fun. Shall we
play right here?”

“No. In the living room.” Bob put his
arm around her shoulders and guided her from the kitchen to the other room. He
sank down on the plush comfort of the sofa and pulled Candy onto his lap.

She wrapped her arms around his neck
and snuggled against him while he stroked her hair and told her what a good
girl she was. Candy nuzzled into the side of his neck, rubbing her nose against
his jaw. “Scratchy.” She giggled. “Daddy needs to shave.”

He let her explore him with her mouth
and hands, touching his face, his neck and rubbing her hand over his chest and
shoulders through his shirt until he couldn’t stand it any more. His throbbing
cock pressed hard against his jeans and he was desperate to feel her warm hand
and wet mouth surrounding it.

Bob grasped Candy around the waist and
lifted her off his lap. “You should kneel in front of me for this game. Pretend
the ice cream truck drove past. You begged me for money, but I didn’t have any
change in my pockets so I had to say no.”

Candy was a natural at role playing.
She fell right into his story, drawing her brows together in a frown and
jutting out her lower lip. “Daddy,
can’t I have ice cream. I want

“Honey, not today. I don’t have any
money on me right now.”

“But I
some,” she
wheedled. “I have allowance. I could go buy it with my own money.”

“Not today,” he said firmly. “The
truck is gone now anyway. It’s too late. Besides, you have to learn you can’t
always have your way.”

“You’re mean.”

“Do you want a spanking, Candy? Mind
your tone.”

“No.” She sounded exactly like a
disappointed child. “This isn’t a very fun game.”

Bob sighed. “Look. Maybe I have
something that will make up for you not getting an ice cream cone. I have
something that’s sort of like a Popsicle only not cold. Would you like to see
it? And then if you want, maybe I’ll let you suck it.”

Immediately her face brightened. Again
she clapped her hands together. “Where is it? Show me.”

Bob reached for his zipper and slowly
drew it down. Beneath, he wore a pair of plain white briefs. The hard ridge of
his cock was clearly outlined by the cotton fabric. “Why don’t you pull down my
pants and see what’s underneath.” His voice was a gruff rasp he was so fucking
turned on.

Candy looked up at him from beneath
her brows with an uncertain expression. She rubbed her hand up his erection and
Bob felt he would explode. There was a damp patch on his underwear already.

“Like this?” she asked, grasping his
waistband and slowly drawing it down the length of his shaft until his cock
bobbed free. It jutted toward her face, thick and meaty, the head a deep,
mottled red with cum dripping from the slit.

Candy grasped his cock in her fist and
examined it as if she’d never seen one before. She gazed at the creamy white
droplets on the head then ran her fingertip over it. Bob groaned and shifted.

“Suck on it, sweetheart. See if you
like the taste.”

She looked up at him and nodded
earnestly then stuck out her pink tongue and licked his cock from balls to tip.
She wrinkled her nose. “Mm. Salty. Not like a Popsicle at all.”

“No. Not quite. But you may get used
to the flavor after you’ve sucked on it a while.” He patted her head. “And
sweetie, Daddy really likes the way it feels. Will you do this for me?”

“All right.” Candy suddenly cupped his
balls in her hand and rolled them in their fleshy sac. “These are funny. What’s
in there? Marbles?”

“Those are my balls. You could lick
them too if you want to, Daddies like that, too.” He blew out a breath and
tensed, willing himself not to come the moment she put him in her mouth. This
was outrageous—to reach this level of play so quickly with a woman he’d just
met. This kind of thing didn’t happen. It was as if Candy had been made just
for him. She’d waited all her life for him to find her.

Now, she took his cock in one hand and
brought the head to her mouth. For a moment, she looked up at him as she tapped
it against her pursed lips. She was so beautiful it made him ache. Then she
opened her mouth and drew him inside her heat and wetness.

As she engulfed him, he groaned and
his head dropped back against the couch. Through half-lidded eyes, he watched
her suck him. Her lips stretched around his girth and her cheeks hollowed as
she took him deep. He felt his cockhead hit the back of her throat and she
gagged a little before pulling back. Candy looked up at him, her brown eyes
wide and innocent while her mouth and tongue did wicked things to his cock.

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