Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Seduce Their Woman [Wyoming Warriors 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (8 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Seduce Their Woman [Wyoming Warriors 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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Later today, he’d question her more about that part of her marriage. Could he give her up if she was barren?

Restless, he went outside. He strode across the dirt lane and climbed the side of the mountain to a narrow ledge. He sat cross-legged and concentrated on the hawk circling on the drafts of wind created above the canyon. He opened his hands and let his mind go free into meditation.

The slamming of the front screen door brought his attention back. He glanced at his watch. An hour had passed in what seemed a few minutes. Ellen stood below looking around and calling his name.

“I’m here.” He waved at her and started down.

She rushed to him and threw herself against his body. “I woke and couldn’t find you.” Her arms held him tight.

No, I won’t let her go, even if we never have children. She’s part of me, and she’ll be part of Jack. We’ll be her family even if we aren’t blessed with a child.
His mind was clear and certain. He kissed her head.

“I’ll never be far away if you need me. At least not unless I’m on a job, and then Jack will be here to protect you.”

She raised her head and stood on her tiptoes. Her mouth covered his. She pulled back for a second, and then kissed him hard again.

Chapter Six

He picked her up and carried her inside. Ellen’s heart was thumping out of her chest. She’d been trembling when she woke. Something in her dreams, but she didn’t remember what, had frightened her. She’d dressed quickly, and when she couldn’t find Sahale, her fear increased.

“It’s all right, baby.” Sahale kissed her head and put her down on the couch facing the windows. “I’ll make you a cup of hot tea. Sunset will be soon. I’ll be right back.”

She watched as he went into the kitchen. The sun was beginning to set. The horses had settled into one shadowed corner of the canyon. Gradually the fear receded and calm came over her.

“Here’s your tea.” Sahale put the cup and saucer in her hand and sat close beside her.

“What is this? It smells wonderful.”

“One of my grandmother’s mixtures. This one is supposed to have a relaxing quality to it.”

“It tastes as good as it smells.” She sipped the hot, sweet liquid.

“See how the shadows begin to climb the sides of the canyon and the sunlight creates a collage of colors, red and gold and purple?”

Sahale stepped away for a moment and came back with a flute. He began to play a haunting tune. Ellen watched, enthralled, as the colors surrounding the setting sun and the shadows created a live mosaic. One that constantly changed until darkness fell and the music stopped.

“That was the most sensual vision and sound. I’m filled with awe at all of it, and you.” She turned to face him.

“Are you rested enough now to finish your story?”

She nodded yes, and he spread his legs and lay back on the long sofa. He pulled her back to lie against him and wrapped his arms around her. “You’re safe now. Tell me what you fear.”

“His father wanted two things. A grandson to follow in his footsteps, and his son to be a member of Congress. He didn’t see that happening with me as his son’s wife.

“Brian and I drew further apart. I wrestled with the idea of talking with him about us going to a counselor. But before I did, his father paid me a visit one afternoon. I’d just gotten back from a boring committee meeting and had a pounding headache. To this day, I can hear his voice drumming in my ear.

‘The two of you were foolish to have married, and it has to end. You are holding my boy back, and’
—he sneered—‘
look at you, you can’t even get pregnant.’

Her voice faltered. She twisted her fingers together. Sahale’s hands covered hers.

“I’m right here. You’re safe.” His soft voice calmed the fear clawing at her insides. She took a deep breath and continued.

“I was stunned. Hate filled his dark blue eyes, disgust shone on his narrow face. His words spewed out at me like a knife cutting into my skin. I sank into the closest chair and held my head.

“He came and hovered over me.

‘My boy has found him a woman he loves, and she’s pregnant. You will give him a divorce and leave this area.’
He yanked my head up and glared at me.
‘If you ever say anything against him or me, you will have an accident. We will all say what a wonderful woman you were. It was such a tragedy you had to die at an early age.’

“His fingers tightened around my throat. I thought for a second he’d kill me right then and there, but he let me go. He stormed out of the house, hollering back that I was to be gone before his son returned the next day.”

Her whole body trembled remembering the hate that had radiated from her father-in-law. Ellen turned her head to look at Sahale. He kissed her and tightened his arms around her.

She turned back and leaned into Sahale’s body. His firm chest supported her. “After I signed the divorce papers he’d brought with him, I threw some clothes into a suitcase and fled. I never used his name after that. My parents encouraged me to finish school. Meeting Sara at enrollment and getting her for my roommate was the best thing that happened. She didn’t ask a lot of questions. She was just my friend. In the second year we got to know Morgan and we became a threesome, although I was always closer to Sara.” She smiled, remembering.

“I had the one year of college. So while Sara and Morgan finished getting their degrees, I took another year of postgraduate classes in chemistry and microbiology. I’m thirty, two years older than them. You must see I’m not a good candidate for your and Jack’s wife. If I couldn’t get pregnant at nineteen, I doubt it will happen now. You must want a family?” She sat up and turned to see his expression.

“Did you have tests done?”

“No. Brian said there was nothing wrong with him. He was right. He has three children now.”

“Were you compatible sexually? Forgive these personal questions, but often strain between two people can influence their bodies.”

“I suppose we were at first. I admit I was disappointed as time went by that it didn’t get better. I blamed myself. Brian said I was cold.”

Sahale laughed out loud. “You, cold? Baby, you may be stubborn and hiding yourself behind walls, but cold is not an adjective I’d use to describe you.” He moved quickly, gathered her into his arms, and took long strides down the hall to his bedroom. He kicked the door open and strode across to the bed, where he dropped her. His body came down across hers.

“Let me show you how hot you are.”

He slowly undressed her. His fingers brushing across her skin sent little swirls of heat racing in her veins. Her shirt and bra were soon off and thrown aside. Sahale undid her jeans, and in one long sweep, removed them and her panties. When he stood cool air rushed across her bare body.

His gaze held hers as he quickly removed his clothes and the rawhide tie around his hair. His cock was hard and large. A mixture of excitement and fear made her shiver as she watched him put on a condom. It had been several years since she’d had sex, and then only a few times.

Sahale came back to the bed and straddled her body. Her heart pounded. Just the touch of his glance on her inflamed her desire.

“I’m going to take my time and savor you like I would a fine meal.” His husky voice made her pussy clench.

Her body trembled and ached. She wanted to scream
touch me
. But he held her connected only by his eyes. They were a deep greenish blue, and she was drowning in them. He finally leaned forward and brushed a light kiss across her forehead. His fingers slid through her hair, moving it over her shoulders to lie in curls across her sensitive breasts.

She started to raise her arms to touch him, but his legs held them to her side.

“Not yet. This is all for you.” He whispered the words in her ear and took a nip at her earlobe, sending a zing of electricity down her spine.

He kissed her cheeks, her chin, circling her mouth but not touching her there. Butterfly kisses covered her neck. He licked across the spot where her heartbeat pounded at the juncture between neck and shoulder. Next, he scattered kisses across her chest, and his tongue circled her navel. His soft hair swept over each spot as he moved, sending shivers of delight across her skin.

Her body burned with desire, and her pussy wept for his attention. She ached with hunger for him. Her whole world, at this moment, centered on Sahale.

When he moved his mouth lower across her abdomen, she thought he was going to touch her pussy lips, but he kissed the inside of her thigh instead, all along the inside of her leg.

He’d moved down to her feet and his hands massaged her instep, along her ankles, and the muscles in her legs.

Ellen’s breasts ached to be touched. Her pussy clenched and unclenched, wanting him inside. She wanted to taste his mouth. She moaned from the tormented craving he’d aroused inside her. Her head tossed from side to side.

Then he slid his naked body up and all along hers until he lay fully on her. He cupped her face in his hands and his mouth ravished hers. He sucked on her tongue and then caressed the soft contours of her mouth. His hard cock throbbed against her abdomen. She tried to move against him, but he held her tight, enclosed between his legs.

Her breasts rubbed against his hard chest and hurt for the need to feel his hands and mouth on them. Taking his time, he savored her neck again, kissed along her rib cage, coming close, but not touching her where she wanted.

Light kisses covered her abdomen. Sahale moved to the juncture of her thighs, and pulled her legs wide. He separated her wet folds and sucked on her swollen nub as his fingers reached up and rubbed across her tight nipples.

She screamed his name as tremors rolled over her, drowning her in a flood of pleasure. He licked her clit, and along her folds, darting the tip of his tongue into the opening to her pussy. She screamed again as an orgasm shook her to the core.

Just when she began to fall over the crest, he placed his cock at her opening and plunged in at the same time as his mouth clamped around her breast and suckled. She bucked under him, opening herself, and taking him in all the way. He moved fast in and out. His cock sank deep inside her tight pussy, demanding a response. And she did respond, in a way she’d never expected to be able to. The last orgasm hit her whole body as she heard his yell of satisfaction.

Sahale held her close as her body shook. He kissed her lips gently, and with his voice and hands he quieted her.

Staring into her eyes, he said, “That is how hot you are when you bond with the right man.” He gave her one more soft kiss and rolled to the side. His chest rose and fell with his rapid breathing.

Sahale turned toward her, his eyes shining. “Baby, if you were a colder woman, you’d kill me.” His teasing words made her smile. “Come here.” Sahale pulled her backside against his front. “Sleep. We need to leave early in the morning.” He kissed the top of her head and held her close as she sank into the darkness.

* * * *

Early morning light woke him. Ellen still lay cuddled against him. He breathed in the sweet fragrance of her golden-brown hair. Her scent made his cock harden. He rubbed his hand along her arm. Her skin was like velvet and had the color of rich cream.

They had bonded last night. She was as much a part of him now as his breath. If for some reason she didn’t marry them, losing her would be like tearing off a piece of his skin. It wouldn’t happen. He and Jack would convince her to marry them and start a family. He suspected her inability to have a child had been caused by the distrust she’d felt for her husband and his father.

She’d trusted him last night. But he didn’t doubt she’d try to raise those old walls back up. She’d question her new trust. Between him and Jack, they wouldn’t give her an opportunity to regroup back to her old ways.

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