Read Callie Hutton Online

Authors: Miss Merry's Christmas

Callie Hutton (9 page)

BOOK: Callie Hutton
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“May I pour you some sherry?”

Her heart thumped in her chest, and not all from the fright. Here she stood in her nightgown, with only a flimsy
over it. Instead of rushing from the room to protect her virtue, she seriously considered accepting
his offer
. “Yes, Your Grace.”

yever did I say that

. C
ome join me by the fireplace, and I’ll soon have
to warm us

She couldn’t see beyond her small circle of light. “I’m not really sure which way to go.”

“Wait. I’ll come to you.”

His warm hand reached out and grasped her elbow. She
drew in a sharp breath
as her skin heated where he touched.
fter a short walk
was relieved to reach
the chair and
break the contact. She
took the glass of sherry from him
with a shaky hand
. Penrose studied her for a minute, then turned to light the fire.

“Do you often have problems sleeping?” Now visible with the glow from the fireplace, the
mesmerized her
. He’d removed his jacket and cravat,
exposing the tanned skin at his throat. A
brightly colored banyan
white shirt and
breeches. His dark hair fell over his forehead
in waves, causing her fingers to twitch with
the desire
to smooth it back.

“Sometimes.” She
sipped her
sherry, already feeling lightheaded, but not, she suspected
from the

He took the
alongside her and swallowed a bit of the amber liquid. She watched, fascinated, as his throat muscles worked. This was preposterous
. I
f she didn’t leave soon, her body would slide to the floor in a puddle. She placed her glass on the table between them and stood. “I must be off to bed now.”

“Please don’t go, Miss Chambers.”

Merry hesitated,
but reluctantly sat
. “
Us being here together, alone, i
s not proper.”

You are correct, but w
ho’s to know, except us?”

“That’s not the point, Your Grace.
What would Miss Jennings say?

“Ah, Miss Jennings.” He
a look.

The perfect governess.”

an unladylike snort.
glance at the
caught him in a smile.

“It appears Miss Jennings does not quite approve of you.”

Neither do you, Your Grace

His brows drew together.

Please stop with the ‘Your Grace.’
It gets burdensome after a while.”

’s lips quirked
. “I have the feeling you rarely find your title burdensome, Your…”

“Penrose. Why don’t you call me that instead?”
When she inclined her head, he remarked,
“So you believe love and marriage are compatible?” H
is intent gaze encompassed her as if
she were a bug under glass.

Nonplussed by his quick shift in conversation, s
he raised her chin. “Yes
I do.
My parents had a love match, and I
will not marry without love.

“Foolish child.” He shook his head as he studied the brandy he swirled.

“I beg your pardon!” Merry felt the heat rise to her face.

He glanced quickly at her.
“Once again I must apologize. I meant no insult.”

“Her Grace told me she and your father were in love.”

“That’s true. But
they were lucky love remained. Things could turn messy if a couple fell out of love. Better to marry without that expectation.
” He
the last of his brandy and set the glass aside.
it is all a business arrangement, nothing more.”

Merry sighed.
To live with someone intimately, and have him thin
k of their
marriage in
the same manner as commerce

“That little bit of sherry has
me drowsy. I’m sure I will be able to sleep now.”

Penrose stood at the same time she did. “Alas, I find the brandy did not sooth
me as much as I’d hoped.”

“Perhaps a book?”

“I have a better idea.” He moved toward her, and
his hands on her shoulders. “Do you know why Miss Jennings dislikes you so?”

Merry shook her head, the ability to speak having fled.
Her skin burned where his warm palms
held her
, his strong fingers kneading her flesh
. She should not allow these liberties. But it was, oh, so hard to move away from his commanding presence. His eyes held her prisoner. She moved her gaze to his sensual lips.

“Because you’re
a b
, Merry.
” He edged her closer. “
Isn’t that what the girls and my mother call you?”

“Yes.” Her voice, having recovered, decided to only whisper.
“Your Grace…”

“Shh.” His head descended and she closed her eyes. Before she could process what was happening, he pulled her into his arms and took possession of her mouth. Sparks exploded behind her eyelids. Heat rushed from her belly up to her face, stopping along the way to set her heart to thundering. She slid her palms up Penrose’s chest, resting
her hands up
on his shoulders.
Firm and warm.

In a quick move, he crushed
her breasts against his hard chest, shifting his head. Merry gasped, and he slipped his tongue into her mouth. Had she not been holding firm to his shoulders, she would, indeed, have melted to the floor in a puddle of hot liquid.

After plundering her mouth, he pulled back and cupped her cheek. “As a gentleman, I should apologize, but I hope I haven’t frightened you.”

Merry drew her head back
. “
I don’t frighten easily.

His hand dropped to his side. “
I’m sure you don’t.”

She turned and fled from the room, her emotions in a turmoil.


What  have I just done?

Penrose slumped in his seat,
his member
rock hard from the kiss he’d shared with Merry. She was everything he was afraid she’d be. Warm, soft, and passionate. Her huge blue eyes
darkened by desire
stared into his before she’d run from him. Despite her enthusiastic response to his touch, she was an innocent.  And not someone he should be t

I will not marry without love.

Too bad
she was
n’t suitable,
she would make a wonderful duchess. Proud, courageous
and graceful. He grinned. As long as she kept her mouth closed in public.
But, oh, how he’d like to rile her in private
, and w
atch all that anger turn into passion

For him.







Chapter Six

Early the next morning
Merry hurried to the stables to meet
Lord Brandon
for their
. Having practically been raised on a horse, she was thrilled to have the chance to ride once again. Bedford
had an impressive stable, and she often rode when she had the chance.
all the upheaval
Lord and Lady Bedford’s
preparations for
the move to Penrose, she’d hadn’t ridden in weeks.

Ballard led a dark
mare from the stable as
Lord Brandon
joined her.

“Oh, what a beauty!” Merry ran her gloved hand over the magnificent horse’s velvet nose. “What is her name?”

“Aphrodite, m

She beamed. “A perfect dub.”

“Good morning, Merry. I must admit this is not my favorite time of day.”
Lord Brandon
drawn face and bloodshot eyes confirmed his words.

“I could ride by myself. I’m an experienced horsewoman.” Her gaze roamed his face. “You do look as though you could use more sleep.”

“No. It would not be a good idea for you to ride alone. You’re not familiar with the land, and I would hate for something to happen to you.”

“Don’t concern yourself, brother, I will be more than happy to escort Miss Chambers on her ride.”
Dressed in
the height of fashion
riding clothes,
Penrose strode from the house,
pulling on
tan leather gloves.

Merry’s stomach clenched. The light of day only intensified his good looks. Had those full lips actually ravished hers last night? H
glance at her was warm, without the hint of disapproval she’d always seen before.

Be careful. He is a
, and you can’t afford to
allow your thoughts to
in that direction.

“Miss Chambers would you mind terribly if I excuse myself?”
Lord Brandon
’s eyes pleaded with her

“Of course she doesn’t mind. You best search out Cook for one of her tonics.” The
turned to Ballard. “Is Tafoya ready?”

Merry stood
her mouth agape
Lord Brandon
gave her a short salute and
hurried to the house.

“Excuse me, Your Grace, but I would prefer to answer for myself.”

He frowned at her. “What
do you mean

“You don’t even know, do you?” She shook her head. “Lord
just asked me if I minded him not riding with me, and you answered.”

“Do you mind him not accompanying you?” He looked genuinely confused.

“That is not the point.”

His eyes flashed with annoyance. “What is the point?”

“Never mind. This conversation is a waste of words.”
Before he could assist her, s
he stepped on the block and settled on the sidesaddle, adjusting the deep blue skirts of her riding habit over her legs.

gracefully mounted his horse and took up the reins. “Are you ready? I wouldn’t want to start off without asking.”

. “Yes. I’m ready.”

They rode side-by-side down t
he path leading from the house, neither one aware of the narrowed eyes watching them from the schoolroom window.


Despite the cold
late fall air, the sun shone in the rarely clear sky,
Penrose’s decision to begin taking morning rides. Lord, he missed this. For a while he could forget his duties and just enjoy a ride with a beautiful woman at his side.

And beautiful sh
e was. Her velvet riding habit hugged
her curves delightfully. The deep blue brought out
the color of
her eyes, which sparkled with pleasure as she
inhaled deeply,
his attention to
shift to
her breasts. Just the right size for his hands, he imagined their softness, and the perky nipples that he would tease with his fingers, to stiffen them for his tongue.

“Do you ride every day, Your Grace?”

Her question drew him from his reverie. “No. In fact this is the first time I’ve ridden
for pleasure
in a while.” He
slanted a look at her.
“I thought we agreed last night to dispense with

Your Grace’?”

BOOK: Callie Hutton
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