C791 (Cyborgs: More Than Machines) (9 page)

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“Did I miss one?” she asked, scanning him for more injuries.

“It is behind you.”

She turned her head to look, but his thighs and calves appeared unblemished. “Where?”

“I am in possession of a throbbing pain in my erectile tissue. Perhaps a kiss would alleviate the discomfort?”

It took a second, but when his sly innuendo penetrated, she whirled back to face him. He grinned unabashedly at her.

“Oh, you’re bad,” she chided, her lips twitching at his unexpected humor.

“Actually, because of my programming, I am good in just about any situation.”

“That’s not what I meant,” she replied as she changed her position so that she knelt between his thighs. “Let me show you.” She grasped his shaft, its thickness shocking her into wondering how it fit in her sex. Obviously some kind of sexual cyborg magic. “First though, do you have a cloth I can use? Something I can wash you with.”

In a flash, he’d sprung from the bed, his taut buttocks flexing as he went to the bathroom and emerged with the med kit and a damp cloth.

“You did not tend to your injury,” he admonished, pulling out a bandage for her arm. She’d completely forgotten about it.

“It’s nothing.”

“You do not have nanos like I do so you must bandage and keep the area clean lest infection strike.” With gentle hands, he wrapped the gauze around her arm, securing it with some medical tape. His work done, he bent his head and kissed her covered wound, his whispered, “All better,” making her shiver.

“Thank you,” she replied in a husky voice she didn’t recognize. “Now time to make you feel better. Lie down.”

He immediately complied, his shaft pointing upwards and obviously eager for her touch. Using the wet cloth as a glove, she wrapped her hand around his length and rubbed the fabric up and down his dick. A small sound escaped him, and she looked over to see him staring at her intently. She dragged the cloth over the tip of his cock, frictioning the head with the coarse material. His prick jerked, and a bead leaked from the tip. She leaned over and lapped at the clear drop, the taste reminding her oddly of salted banana chips. Yummy. She swirled her tongue around his mushroomed head before licking her way down the length of his dick. She worked her way back up and then down again, wetting every inch of his shaft. She peeked at him and saw he still stared. The intensity of his gaze caused a quiver in her sex.

As he watched, she took the tip of his cock into her mouth. He sucked in a breath. She pulled more of him into her mouth. He closed his eyes, and the lines of his neck pulled taut. She took him as far as she could into her mouth, and then, she suctioned. A shudder went through his body, and a groan escaped him. It made her feel so powerful and sexy to have him so completely at her mercy, so in thrall with her touch.

Again and again she sucked at his turgid flesh. Since his entire cock wouldn’t fit into her mouth, she placed her hand around the base of him. In alternating motions, she both stroked and suctioned him. His hips bucked, and another groan left him.

When she’d worked him up to the point before ejaculation, she stopped and pulled her mouth away.

His eyes flew open, the blue of them glowing. “Why are you stopping?” he asked on a strangled yell.

“Because I’m being bad,” she teased. Flicking the head of his cock, she laughed when he moaned. When he sat up, she placed a hand in the middle of his chest and pushed him back down. “Stay right there, big guy. I’m not done with you.”

She straddled him, letting her pussy hover just over his straining cock. Excited and ready for him, she nevertheless decided to tease him a little bit longer. Tit for tat for what he’d done to her earlier. She sucked a finger, wetting it before slipping it between her legs to rub against her clit.

“What are you doing?” he asked in a loud whisper.

“Being even badder,” she replied, stroking faster. She couldn’t help her body dropping a few inches, enough that the tip of his cock pressed against her sex.

“I think I understand,” he replied, thrusting his hips up, wedging his cock a little deeper.

“Tell me what you want,” she gasped, trying to still prolong the game but so close to losing it.

“You.” One word, one beautiful word said with enough vehemence to make her shudder. His patience at an end, his hands grasped her hips and yanked her down to sheath his shaft.

Chloe yelled as he filled her up then could only moan incoherently as he rocked her on his length, the tip of him butting so deep and rubbing against something that made her sex tighten then convulse as she came.

She cried out his name as she climaxed, falling forward, unable to hold herself up. But he caught her and rolled them so that she lay beneath him as he continued to penetrate her, his long strokes drawing out her bliss and rolling her right into a second orgasm.

On and on the pleasure rode her body, wringing her dry and leaving her hoarse. When it finally subsided to a simple quivering, she realized she rested once again on Joe’s chest, his arms wrapped around her, his pulsing cock still buried in her channel.

If she could have found the strength to speak, she would have probably said something along the lines of “hot damn.” But boneless, sated and surprisingly happy, she let the urge to babble and ruin the moment slide. Instead, she snuggled into his embrace and let sleep take her.

Actually, it turned into just a nap as Joe woke her with languorous touches that soon had her panting his name. After the second time he woke her, she commented on his insatiable desire to which he replied, “I can go all night long.”

And he did.


Chapter Five


Joe’s internal processor woke him with a status report, a boring one that let him know all on-board functions remained within the normal range. Rested, he didn’t return to a regeneration state but instead assessed the situation at hand because it proved so new and enjoyable.

A warm and naked body lay draped over him, and he couldn’t help the smile that curved his lips. With a trust he wouldn’t have expected, Chloe not only let him copulate with her, she slept cuddled with him. Even better, she didn’t try to escape or kill him unlike some of his brethren’s captives.

More surprising than her docile – and passionate – acceptance of him, was his reaction to the situation. While he’d expected to find pleasure in Chloe’s arms, he’d also discovered the true meaning of ecstasy along with other feelings he didn’t have words or logical explanations for. According to his stored research of human emotions, he deduced he experienced happiness. Actually, it went deeper than that. Somehow having her with him made him feel complete and at peace, something he’d not realized was missing until he found it in her arms.

Cradling her close, he rubbed his nose in her hair, inhaling her scent and recalling how those same strands looked when she’d tossed them over her shoulder as she rode him. What a sight, her breasts jiggling and her eyes glazed with passion.
I definitely captured an attractive specimen.
As a matter of fact, she always appeared appealing to him even when she grumpily pushed him away when he’d attempted their fifth coupling during the convalescent period. The quick reminder that she didn’t recuperate as quickly as a cyborg cooled his ardor — for the moment.

He trailed a hand down her arm, gently so as to not wake her, and then halted abruptly as his processor caught an anomaly. Before he could analyze what caught his attention further, she stirred and opened her brilliant green eyes.

“Morning,” she murmured, her soft smile causing his heart to malfunction and stutter.

“More like afternoon if we are abiding by human time,” he corrected, softening his announcement with a smile that widened when she giggled.

“You weren’t exaggerating about being able to go all night long.”

“You will find cyborgs to be very truthful in most respects.”

“So I’m seeing.”

A strange noise filled the silence. “What is that sound?” he asked, peering under the covers from whence he’d detected its origin.

“My tummy.” He popped his head back up and watched as a red hue crept into her cheeks. “I’m hungry. Do cyborgs have food for those of us that can’t process metal?”

Chagrined that he neglected her human needs, he scrambled from the bed. “I will fetch you something from the stores immediately.”

He strode from the room, only to return and grab his pants, belatedly realizing his nude state. Her laughter made him smile as he walked clad only in slacks and still barefoot down the corridor to the former mess hall. Once a military owned cruiser, they left the never expiring rations on board in case of need. Or as Seth liked to joke, “In case we need to torture some military types.” The food, while not exactly gourmet, was palatable so Joe didn’t entirely follow the humor, although now he worried about Chloe’s reaction when he presented his findings.

While on his way back with several foil packets, he ran into Solus, who took in his lack of attire with a shake of his head.

“You are behaving most uncharacteristically,” he remarked.

Joe ran a quick internal diagnostic and shrugged when the result came back as normal. “I am in full possession of my faculties.”

“Are you? I didn’t believe you had any interest in the humans, and yet, not only have you brought one aboard, you relegated your work shift to others that you might spend more time with her fornicating.”

A wide smile crept unbidden across his face. “Chloe is different. I feel things with her, Solus. And not just pleasure when our bodies join. She seems to have the ability to draw various emotions from me. Some I could do without; however, others are quite pleasant. You should try it.”

A grimace crossed his friend’s face. “Cavort with a human? No thank you. I’ve had enough of their treachery. If I require easing of my sexual needs then I shall stick with a pleasure droid. I prefer to remain in full control of my faculties.”

“As the humans would say, your loss. Now unless you have something pressing that requires my immediate attention, I must return to my human and feed her.”

With a snort, Solus turned on his heel and walked away. Joe returned to his quarters. He walked in to find Chloe sitting cross legged on the bed wearing one of his shirts. It hung on her in a most enticing manner, the neckline dipping low enough to tease him with a view of the tops of her breasts. He held up his find.

“Oh yay,” she said with a grimace. “Military space rations.”

“I am sorry for the poor fare. We did not expect to have humans on board for this mission. I will provide you with more adequate supplies when we reach our home planet.”

“So that’s where we’re going?” she asked as she tore off the top of one of the packets.

“Soon. First, we will stop at one of our outposts and ensure there are no signs of pursuit.”

“You think the military might have managed to follow us?”

“It is always a possibility although unlikely given our calculations when creating the plan for my extraction.”

Chloe paused in her eating. “You went in there expecting to get captured, didn’t you? And then managed to execute your own escape. But how? I thought they had you blocked from the communication channels. How did you contact the other cyborgs?”

“Your military is very shortsighted when it comes to their knowledge of what we can or cannot do. I went to that base on a mission to find information about our origin. When my quest proved futile, I sent out a signal, using their military’s own communication system, and my brothers came to extract me. We had it all calculated down to the finest detail beforehand, although I did adjust the original plan somewhat to bring you along with me when I left.”

“But what did they blast into the base with? I didn’t know we had anything powerful and precise enough to melt a hole through rock and stuff, especially not that deep.”

“Humans don’t. Cyborgs created the plasma cannon by meshing several technologies together. It is only good for one use before it requires extensive recharging, making it an inefficient weapon.”

“Didn’t look so inefficient to me. That thing melted like six layers of reinforced bunker.”

“But the diameter of the opening was smaller than expected. Einstein will have to submit himself for diagnostic testing, seeing that his BCI’s calculations were obviously faulty.”

Chloe chuckled as she shook her head. “You guys are funny. One minute, I can forget you’re part machine, the next you say something whacky like that and remind me that you’re robots.”

“We prefer the term cybernetic organism. We are much more evolved and complex than a machine.”

“I’m sorry, that was rude of me, but that said, what about when you call me or others
” She said the word with a sneer and arched a brow at him.

He inclined his head. “Point understood. I shall endeavor to watch my tone when speaking of your kind.”

“Thank you. So what’s on the agenda for today?” she asked, chewing a lump of something he preferred not to identify.

“I have assigned my duties to other members of the crew.”

“You have? And why did you do that?” she asked, a teasing smile tilting her full lips.

“How about I show you?” he replied with a grin, quite enjoying their bantering repartee. Most cyborgs, with the exception of Seth, tended toward a more serious disposition. He quite liked the change and the laughter that came naturally with Chloe.

Before he could join her on the bed, the intercom crackled to life.

“Joe. I need to speak to you. Switch to wireless.”

“Can’t it wait?” he growled. Surely they couldn’t need him that urgently. Or so he hoped because Chloe had lain back on the bed and bent her knees, parting them just enough to show him her bare pussy. Then, in a new example of bad — that resulted in oh so good — she licked a finger and placed it on her sex.

“Protocol Mike Bravo Delta,” Solus snapped. At the code — which stood for military bug detected — Joe immediately reverted to wireless communication, opening his neural pathways.

“I don’t know how we initially missed it, but there is an extremely low-level signal coming from your cabin. Military in origin and more than likely some type of homing beacon,”
Solus replied.

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