Read By the Book Online

Authors: Scarlett Parrish

Tags: #Contempory Menage

By the Book (3 page)

BOOK: By the Book
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“Jesus, Georgia, I can’t—”


“What is it, baby? I’m gonna—”
Oh God, don’t ask me to stop. Don’t tell me to stop, not now when I’m—


Just hearing her say that one word did me in. My knees threatened to buckle, and I braced myself with one hand on her hip, the other against the door, above hers. “Oh fuck. Say that again.”

“Fuck me harder, Reece.” She tightened her pussy around my cock, almost pulled me in deeper, and I could live for a thousand years and never work out how she did that.

“That’s fucking perfect. God, I’m coming, baby. I can’t.
Fucking. Wait
.” Blinded by the force of my orgasm, I came, roaring as if pained, legs nearly collapsing under me, but somehow I managed to stay upright, though shaking. “Sorry. Sorry, I just couldn’t wait.” I eased myself out of her, shifted my weight from one foot to the other to see if I was capable of—literally—standing on my own two feet. “I’ll make it up to you. Just let me get rid of the—”

“I know what you were doing.”

I jerked my head up.

She didn’t move. “You were thinking of someone else, weren’t you?”

My blood turned to ice water. Not trusting myself to speak, I waited for her to break the silence.

, Reece. After the conversation we’ve just had?”

A second’s delay, waiting for the penny to drop. “Oh.

“You thought I wouldn’t realize?” This time she turned her head as far as she could, looking over her shoulder. “You won’t
to pretend it’s someone else for very long. Just wait till your birthday.”

My blood, still cold but now tainted with guilt—or relief—flowed again.

Of course. She thought—

“If you’re like
on your birthday, well, God help the two of us. Actually, no. God help all three of us.”

“Yes. God help us,” I murmured and kissed her neck, screwing my eyes shut against the phantom of my conscience. “I wasn’t thinking of any other woman, Georgia. Just you. Only you.”

Chapter Two


“Happy birthday, Reece.” Sarah’s eyes twinkled with mischief as she handed me the box. Small enough to sit comfortably on the palm of my hand, it was tied with a red ribbon in a festive bow and had a little more heft than I’d expected. Obviously not mere birthday candies then. Something more substantial, judging by its weight. Couple that with the smirk on Sarah’s face and my suspicions—as well as something a little less cerebral—were well and truly aroused.

I flicked my glance from Sarah’s mouth—for which I had plans, and by the look on her face, so did she—to Georgia, who’d wandered over to her favorite armchair and slouched there, observing my reactions.

“Well?” she said, and her smile told me she was in on it, whatever “it” was. “Aren’t you going to open your birthday present from Sarah?”

“I thought Sarah
my birthday present from Sarah.” I winked at our guest, our third, before pulling the bow undone.

“This is just a little something extra,” Sarah said, and not for the first time I noticed how sharp her cheekbones were. Enough to slice through hot butter.

“Open it, then,” she added, and I shook myself back to life.

Don’t lose it yet, Hutton. All the fun’s yet to come.

Removing the box lid, I smiled. The smile became what my American friends would call a shit-eating grin.

“Now isn’t
just the most interesting present I’ve ever received?” I hooked a forefinger round one of the cuffs, lifting them out of the box.

They dangled from my hand, clinking slightly like the sound of a belt buckle poised for undoing, and I couldn’t work out what gleamed more—the metal cuffs or the two pairs of eyes staring back at me.

* * *

“Close ‘em,” Georgia said, pushing me back onto the bed.

I couldn’t help but laugh before asking, “Why?”

“Because she said so, Reece,” Sarah put in.

“But it’s my birthday. Don’t I—”

“No.” Georgia gave me another playful push, and dutifully I closed my eyes. The blindfold—bought at a specialist shop; no adapted ties or scarves for us—slipped on and tightened at the back. “There,” she whispered. “Can you see anything?”

I shook my head as if blindness took away my ability to speak for a moment. “No, but you’re taking away my eyesight? Shit, don’t tell me you’re gonna undress and I won’t be able to—” I lifted a hand into nothingness, but one of them slapped it away. This time I allowed myself to fall back onto the bed.

As soon as my back hit the covers, four hands unbuttoned my shirt, pulled open my belt, hauled off shoes and socks, batted away
hands whenever I tried to make contact.

“Reece.” Georgia’s easily recognizable voice sounded as if she was attempting to be stern. She failed, but I listened anyway. “You’re not going to touch us.”

“Goddamn it, woman. What the hell kind of birthday is this if I’m not allowed to—”

“You’re supposed to lie back and think of England,” Sarah said. “And the only reason you’re not cuffed to the headboard yet is, well”—a girlish giggle—“you need to be naked first. Bit difficult to get a man’s clothes off if he’s already tied up.”

“Voice of experience, is it?” I retorted. “Well, ladies—and I use that word quite loosely—do with me as you will.” I showed my palms in mock surrender, gasping when a pair of lips found one nipple and silenced me with a gentle tug. Sarah, I judged. Her hair was slightly shorter than Georgia’s, and she’d been on that side of me, although disoriented as I was, I might have missed their swapping places while I thanked my lucky stars for having the life I did. “I still say it’s cruel and unusual punishment not letting me undress you both or even
you,” I began but halted at the swirl of a tongue tip around my navel. “

With two women in bed with me, it wasn’t long before I wore nothing but a smile, a blindfold, and a pair of handcuffs.

“You can operate the quick release easily enough?” Georgia asked.

“Hold on.” I twisted my wrists and did exactly that, but lay still, awaiting their next move.

“Good. Just checking,” Georgia said, likely for Sarah’s benefit, and did the cuffs up again. “Now you’re completely at our mercy.”

“Jesus, what a shitty birthday
is turning out to be.”

“Don’t make me spank you.”

“He might enjoy that,” Sarah murmured, laughing. “He looks the type.”

“What do you mean by that? Just because I’m naked, blindfolded, and cuffed to the bed while two hot women do their—Hey, what—Georgia, what is she doing?”

The mattress had shifted, and as Sarah had spoken and laughed, the sound had receded just a little.

Please God, let her be getting naked. I don’t give a damn if I can’t help her with that or see it; just get one of these women naked so I can fuck them in the next ten seconds or I’ll—

.” I lifted my hips off the bed when a hand—Georgia’s? Yes, Georgia’s—wrapped around the base of my cock and stroked so gently I almost couldn’t feel it. Then the flick of her wrist and…down. “I wish I could touch…”

“You realize using the quick release constitutes use of the safe word? One click and all of this ends?”

“Jesus, Georgia, if you carry on doing that, I’m gonna blow in three seconds flat. I won’t be

The mattress adjusted itself—Sarah, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Mind if I join you?”

“Please do—” I began.

“You forgot something,” Georgia told her, and I inclined my head as if that would enable me to read what the hell was going on outside that damn blindfold.

Ah, no need to see
. The bedside cabinet drawer slid open. Closed.

Expert hands rolled the condom on, familiarity making Georgia sure of her actions. Sarah had no doubt performed the same action numerous times, but never on me. Despite what the three of us were about to get up to, the intimacy of such an act would surely make someone new tremble, and the hands on me were sure.

. I could have laughed. Perhaps would have were I less aroused.
You’re about to fuck two women, and you’re concerned with intimacy, Hutton?

Palms lay flat against my hip bones, and I strained up to meet them, to force my skin against them. They followed my movement rather than opposing it, their touch remaining light. This gentleness hinted at tentativeness, which in turn silently whispered,
this, then, is Sarah.

Loose, long hair trailing over my abs gave a second’s warning, a prologue to soft lips closing over one of my nipples. I opened my mouth to gasp, whimper, say something, plead for more.

When the mattress again shifted, I turned my head, unthinking. Blind, I followed the sound, soon distracted by Sarah’s lips tightening just enough to cause a frisson of pain. Just enough to make me like it. Georgia had something up her sleeve—probably divesting herself of sleeves and everything else she wore—but Sarah’s mouth, Jesus, it was hard to remember my own name, the way she flicked her tongue over—

“Oh God.” It seemed like every one of my muscles tensed, forcing out those breathy two words when her body moved over mine. The cuffs clinked against the slats of the headboard, chain tightening. With her hands on my shoulders, she rocked back and forward, holding her pussy against the head of my cock. “Sarah.”

“Oh.” She giggled. “He remembered my name.” Obviously speaking to Georgia then. Georgia, who’d said nothing for so long I’d lost the sense of where in the room she was. “Maybe I should—”

“What you should do is let me in so I could—”

“I don’t think you’re in a position to tell Sarah what she should do, Reece.” Georgia spoke from the far corner of the room. Observing. And undressing too, I prayed.

“It’s my birthday, is it not?”

“True.” She was the type of person to cock her head then, make herself look thoughtful. “Well, it’s up to you, Sarah.” And a shrug as well. I’d put money on it. “Make him ask nicely, at least.”

“Good idea,” Sarah whispered. Something for me. Not showing off. Not playing to the gallery. Not teasing me with a conversation in which I was a bit player. The whisper against my collarbone was just for me. “I think you should at least say—”

.” I pushed my hips up against her, and she laughed again, a mere breath.

The back of her hand trailed down my chest, over my abs, and when she touched my cock, I could have sworn my eyes watered. Christ, I needed this. It wasn’t like it had been an age since I’d gotten laid—Georgia was always ready—but this.
I’d been looking forward to. And I couldn’t have imagined how warm Sarah was when she guided me into her, wet though I’d barely touched her.
You’ve been looking forward to this too, haven’t you
? How tight. More so the deeper I went—the deeper she
me to go.

.” I didn’t care who saw my smile. I didn’t care if Georgia thought I was getting too cocky about this and decided to punish me. The so-good-it-hurt friction as Sarah rolled her hips without rising off me made all risk of “don’t get above yourself, Reece” punishment worth it.

Floorboards creaked to my right, and Sarah stopped. I held my breath, praying for her not to move away.
Just stay just stay just stay, don’t—

“Reece.” Georgia sat on the edge of the bed and whispered, close enough for me to feel her words as cool breath on my jaw. “Perhaps the blindfold was a trifle unfair.” Her voice grew distant as she backed away, down the bed. The movement of the mattress reverberated through everyone’s bodies, and Sarah, gripping my hips in both hands, shifted. Tightened a little inside. Her staying exactly where she was reassured me; nothing
untoward was about to happen, but I didn’t have a fucking clue and wanted to see…feel…do

“Yes, Geo, I realize that—”

,” she went on, stressing the first word as code for
don’t interrupt me again
, “it
your birthday after all. So I think…” Her hand slid along the side of my face, pushed the blindfold up and off.

I blinked against the lamplight a few times before making a stupid, futile attempt to take in and accept the sight of two women. Naked. In my bed. Me, in one of those women.
Reece, you lucky bastard. You could die tomorrow and—

“…it wouldn’t do any harm to let you

“Oh yes.” Thick with lust, the words growled out from the back of my throat. “Yes yes yes.”

“But you still can’t touch her. Either of us.”

“Well.” I shrugged in a twisted sort of way, lying with my hands above my head. Again the chain clinked against the slats. “Anytime you feel like—holy
.” My eyes widened when Georgia cupped Sarah’s breast, and the look that passed between them sent my blood pressure rocketing.

“One one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand, don’t do this to me, you two.” I stared up at the ceiling.
Don’t come, don’t come, don’t come.

“No?” Georgia lifted her hand away when I met her gaze. “Are you sure?”

“I won’t last another second if you…” I gulped. “Four one thousand…”

“Because I was thinking. If you can’t touch Sarah…” Georgia ran her thumb over Sarah’s bottom lip and shot me a sideways glance, smirking. “Maybe I should.”

Sarah shuddered. And I felt it. I

I didn’t need the blindfold then. I screwed my eyes shut, arched my back, and, for the first time in a
time, spent all my mental energy trying not to come. “Fuck.”

“That,” Georgia said, “is exactly what we’re going to do. All three of us.”

The only sound to emerge from my mouth was halfway between a gasp and a whimper.

I alternated between throwing my head back so I didn’t see them, didn’t get that much closer to coming—
—and drinking them in. The sight of Georgia’s hand drifting down and settling on Sarah’s clit nearly set me off, so I had to screw my eyes shut again. The blindfold had been a blessing, had I but known it.

BOOK: By the Book
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