By Any Other Name (27 page)

Read By Any Other Name Online

Authors: J. M. Darhower

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Suspense, #Thriller

BOOK: By Any Other Name
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A few minutes passed before there was a commotion outside, raised voices down the block. Opening her eyes, Genna glanced out the windshield, vaguely making out her brother shouting at someone. She sat up, suddenly alert, as Dante shoved someone in front of the music store. The man stumbled backward a few steps from the unexpected strike, and Genna caught sight of a face in the glow of the streetlight.


"Oh, shit."

The moment Genna breathed those words, chaos erupted. Dante stepped forward, still shouting, prepared to strike again, but Enzo was ready that time. He swung, his fist connecting with Dante's jaw and sending him stumbling. Before he could get his footing again, before he could counter, Enzo pounced at him, brutally knocking Dante to the sidewalk and landing on top of him, pounding him with his fists.

Genna's heart stalled a beat, momentarily freezing her in her seat, but the moment it kicked back in gear, hammering hard in her chest, she was
. She swung the passenger door open, not even thinking twice, and jumped right out of the car into the street. A horn blared, a car swerving as it sped past her, narrowly missing taking off the car door and hitting her. She slammed the door and ran up onto the sidewalk, out of harm’s way as tires squealed. A car skidded to an abrupt stop, and Genna stared at it, her vision blurring as she blinked rapidly at the sight of the familiar red Lotus.

It idled in the middle of the street, the driver's side door opening. Matty jumped out and sprinted onto the sidewalk, heading right for where their brothers rolled on the ground, scuffling.

No. No. God, please, don't get involved.

A small crowd quickly gathered, people nearby hearing the ruckus and coming to investigate. Dante managed to get the upper hand long enough to punch Enzo in the face, the force knocking him into someone from the crowd, who backed up a few steps. Dante climbed to his feet and lunged then, striking at Enzo feverishly, just as Matty forced his way through the onlookers to reach the two of them. He tried to jump between them, taking a blow to the cheek from Dante's swinging fists, but Enzo blocked his brother in an attempt to fight back. The two went at it, undeterred, despite Matty's attempts at intervening.

"Stop it!" Genna shouted, squeezing through the crowd. "Stop!"

The sound of her voice distracted her brother, who instinctively glanced her way. "Get back in the car, Genna."

Before he even had the sentence completely out, Enzo attacked, taking advantage of her interference. He hit Dante so hard blood flew, a sickening crunch echoing through the crowd from Dante's nose. He stumbled, hitting the ground hard, as Enzo landed on top of him again.

Genna cursed, shoving people out of her way, but before she could reach them someone grabbed her from behind. She screamed, trying to fight off the arms wrapping around her, until the soft voice whispered in her ear. "Calm down, princess."


"Stop them," she cried, tears stinging her eyes. "Do something!"

"I am doing something," Matty said, pulling her away from the horde. "I'm getting you out of here."

Those words didn't quite strike her until he dragged her into the street, not loosening his hold as they approached the Lotus. She tried to fight him off again then. What was he doing? "No, wait, stop! We have to stop

"There is no stopping them," he said, opening the passenger door of his car and pushing her inside. She struggled, but he was stronger, forcing her into the seat and slamming the door. She reopened it to get back out as he climbed in beside her, but before she could get a foot out, he threw the car in gear and sped away. Startled, Genna slammed the door again and gaped at him. "What are you doing? Why are we leaving?"

"I need to get you out of here."

"What? Why?"

"Really, Genna? Why? You're seriously asking me

"But we have to stop them!" Why wasn't he grasping that fact? "They'll kill each other!"

"No, they won't" Matty said, sighing with frustration as he sped west through Little Italy. "There are way too many witnesses for that to happen. They'll just beat the hell out of each other until they get tired."

She stared at Matty, horrified, a sense of disbelief settling over her. She watched as he rubbed his jaw, swelling from Dante's punch. She felt dizzy, the surge of adrenalin nauseating her.

"I'm gonna be sick," she said, covering her mouth as the bile burned her throat. Matty cut his eyes at her before pulling the car along the side of the road and throwing it in park. She opened the door, barely having time to lean out before she lost it, purging everything from her stomach.

"You okay?" he asked when she closed the door again and settled back into the seat. She nodded, putting the window down and taking a deep breath, the smell of leather overwhelming her. Tears blurred her vision as she shook, trying to get herself under control. Matty glanced at her, frowning, and reached over to wipe the tears from her cheeks. "It'll be fine, Genna. I promise."

She reached up, placing her hand over his as his fingertips brushed against her skin. It felt like she hadn't seen him in forever, much less felt his touch. Matty gave her a soft smile, sympathy darkening his eyes in the dim car.

He drove straight to Soho, parking in his reserved spot in the garage, and grabbed her hand as he helped her out of the car. They hurried past The Place and he led her straight up to his apartment, not letting go of her until they were safely inside. Genna was shaking as she started pacing around the living room, Matty's words rushing over her but not sinking in. She just kept picturing Dante hitting the ground, seeing the blood fly, and hearing the crack of bone from Enzo's vicious fist. Again and again, over and over.

"They're going to kill each other," she kept repeating, running her hands down her face before gripping tightly to her hair in frustration. "Those two are going to fucking kill each other, Matty."

"No, they won't," he reassured her, holding out a bottle of water and encouraging her to drink. "Not tonight, anyway."

She scoffed, shoving his hand away as she ignored the drink.

Time moved in a blur, each tick of the clock agonizing as she continually watched the time. Mere minutes had passed, but it felt like an eternity as she waited. What was she waiting for? She wasn't sure…

…until the apartment door swung open.

Genna gasped as Enzo strolled in, his lip busted and nose bleeding, his jaw swelling and eye starting to bruise. He was alive. Oh God, was Dante? Queasiness rushed through her, her stomach violently twisting. "I'm gonna be sick again."

Matty shoved his bedroom door open, motioning inside. Genna ran into the room, looking around frantically, and made it to the connecting bathroom just in time. She dropped to her knees on the floor and violently heaved, over and over, until her stomach painfully cramped and she felt like she might pass out.

Matty gave her a few minutes before strolling into the bathroom and crouching down beside her. He brushed the hair from her face and she blinked rapidly, the smell of his cologne washing over her and making her dizzy.

"You're awfully pale," he said, cupping her chin as he eyed her intently.

"Yeah, well, your cologne's strong," she muttered. "What did you do, bathe in it?"

His expression softened as he stared in her eyes, once more offering her the bottle of water. She took it that time, sitting on the bathroom floor, and slowly sipped the cold liquid. It soothed her throat, washing the bitterness from her mouth.

"So, uh," she mumbled. "I guess your brother survived."

"He did," Matty agreed. "Yours did, too."

"Did he?"

"Yes," he replied. "They both survived… just like I said they would."

"So, he's okay? Dante?"

"Well, he's about as okay as Enzo is."

"He looked kinda fucked up."

"He is," he agreed. "They beat the hell out of each other… just like I said they would."

"Yeah, yeah," Genna said, waving him off as she took another sip of the water. "I get it—you know everything."

Matty laughed dryly at that. "I wish that were true. Then I'd know what to do now."

"You mean what to do about me?"

"Exactly," he replied. "What am I gonna do about you, princess?"

She gazed at him, her stomach finally settling down as she inhaled through her mouth and exhaled through her nose, taking slow and steady breaths. "Love me," she whispered.

Matty smiled, reaching over and brushing the back of his hand along her flushed cheek. "I already do."

He started to lean toward her but Genna balked, moving away as she quickly held her hands up to stop him. Matty froze, brow furrowing at her reaction.

"Ugh," she said, motioning toward her mouth as she made a face. "Trust me, you don't want to kiss this mouth right now. It's disgusting."

He stood up and grabbed her hand to help her up off the bathroom floor. "Brush your teeth if it'll make you feel better."

"I don't have a toothbrush."

"Use mine."

"Ugh, gross."

"You can kiss me, but you can't use my toothbrush?"

you, not pick the food from your teeth."

He laughed as he stepped by her, rooting around in a drawer until he pulled out some brand new toothbrushes. He held them up. "Blue, green, or orange?"

She stared at them. "Uh, blue."

He tossed the other two back into the drawer and held the blue one out to her. "There you go."

"Why do you have so many spare toothbrushes?" she asked, gazing at it.

"I like to buy things in bulk."

"What else do you buy in bulk, Mr. Thrifty?"



"Like tissues, bottled water, toothpaste… condoms."

She looked at him peculiarly. "Use a lot of condoms, do you?"

"Seems that way."

"Huh. You use many this past month and some change?"

He stared at her, the amusement gone from his eyes. "Not a single one. Haven't used one since, well… since the last time we used one."

She felt silly standing there, her insecurities stirring up at such a moment, but she couldn't help herself. She had to ask, had to know, without coming out and asking him directly. They'd never exactly talked about it before, choosing to live in the moment instead of dwelling on the past or trying to figure out the future. Did they have a future, she wondered? Did he want one?

you going to do about me, Matty?" she asked, surprised by the vulnerability in her voice.

"Brush your teeth," he said quietly, taking a step back, "then come find out."

He stepped out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind him to give her some privacy. Genna brushed her teeth, trying to pull herself together, before glancing at her reflection. Her eyes were bloodshot, her face puffy from crying, every stitch of makeup wiped off or smeared. Sighing, she splashed water on her face, washing the rest of it away, and dried off with a towel before heading into Matty's bedroom.

He stood beside his bed, wearing nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs. Instinctively, Genna's gaze scanned him, taking in every inch of his body with her eyes. He wasn't overly strong, but he wasn't at all weak, his body formed just right—not too soft, not too hard.  It was a body that made her feel secure, yet a body that made her so susceptible. When he held her, she felt as tall as a mountain, a force of nature, unstoppable and undeniable, yet a mere look from him made her feel as fragile as tissue paper, like the simplest wrong touch could tear her to pieces.

Matty held his arms out to her, and Genna didn't even hesitate, sliding right into his embrace.

"I've missed you," she said quietly.

"I missed you, too," he replied, kissing the top of her head. "It's been killing me, not seeing you… not knowing when I'd be able to see you again."

"My father's had me on lockdown."

"I know." Matty tilted her chin and softly kissed her lips, pulling back after a second and grimacing. "You're right."

Her expression fell. "What?"

"You taste like mint.

Genna rolled her eyes, elbowing him as he laughed. "Funny."

"You want something to sleep in?" he asked, loosing his hold on her to motion toward his large dresser along the side. "I'm sure there's something in there you can wear."

"Sleep?" she asked hesitantly. "That's what you plan to do with me?"

He nodded. "I plan to do everything with you, actually, and one thing we've yet to do is

As much as she loved hearing those words, her heart dropped at what sleeping together meant. There was a reason they hadn't done it, why they'd never been able to spend an entire night together before. "My family… they'll be looking for me."

"I don't doubt it."

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