Burnout: A Legal Heat Novella (7 page)

BOOK: Burnout: A Legal Heat Novella
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He waved a hand vaguely over the sweating movers. “Pretty clear your idea of justice and mine aren’t the same.”

“I suppose not.” Did Ace really have the power to hurt Ryan in jail? Could she condone that type of action? For the last year, she had relived the night of Ryan’s attack over and over in her mind. His sudden appearance in her bedroom in the middle of the night. The frantic pounding of her heart. Sheer and absolute terror sucking the breath from her lungs. The training that kicked in and had her reaching for the gun on her nightstand. And her inability to pull the trigger.

The stupidness of love.

Ryan was possessive, but not protective. He would get angry if she talked to another man, but not if she walked alone at night. So different from Ace. But she didn’t want to drag him into her nightmare of self-loathing. One night. That’s all this was supposed to be. “I’m sorry. Just forget about it. I don’t know why I told you all that. I hardly know you. I didn’t mean to dump—”

“Shhhh.” He stroked his thumb softly over her lips.


“When I got you soft and sweet and lying in my arms, you’re gonna tell me everything from the beginning, real slow, and I’m gonna hold you while you do. Then I’ll deal with him.”

“You’ll deal with him?” Her voice rose in pitch. “You don’t know anything about him, Ace. Or me, for that matter. You don’t want to get involved.”

“I am involved. Not complaining, babe. Just stating a fact. Seems to me justice wasn’t done right if he’s still breathing.”

Sophie melted inside and turned away so he couldn’t see the tears gather in her eyes. She’d longed for justice even after Ryan had been put in jail. He’d managed to hire a good lawyer who had ripped her apart in court and convinced the judge to turn away key pieces of evidence. After all Ryan had done—the affairs, the lies, the heartache and betrayal, and the assault—he’d only been sentenced to three years in jail. Yeah, she wanted justice. Real justice. She’d never thought it would be offered up to her on a handsome-outlaw-biker platter.

“What about our conflict?”

Ace made a lazy perusal of her body, his gaze coming to rest on her face. “Only conflict we have is if you don’t go change your clothes. The Roadhouse is not the kinda place you want to be showing off those curves.”

He liked her curves. She couldn’t hear it enough. But it didn’t mean he could tell her what to wear. “Not changing.”

Ace frowned. “Yes, changing.”

“We’re not together.” She sidled past him and joined Jackie and Kickstand at the door.

He came up behind her and slid an arm around her waist, jerking her back against him. Sophie sucked in a sharp breath, shocked by his sudden intensity and the rush of heat between her legs.

“And if we were?” The deep rumble of his voice vibrated through her body.

“You still wouldn’t get to tell me what to do.”

With a growl, he threaded his hand through her hair and tugged her head to the side, baring her neck to the burn of his lips. “Don’t be so sure about that.”

*     *     *

“So…what does your new little squeeze do for a living…besides you, of course?” Jackie leaned back in her seat in the Roadhouse Bar and grinned at Ace. “And talk fast. ’Cause I’m all sorts of curious about Sophie, and we only have a few minutes before she returns from the restroom or else gets lost in the dark.” She brushed a few crumbs off the worn wooden table and sighed. “This place gets gloomier every time we come here. Maybe they’re trying to hide the fact they never clean.”

Ace looked around at the chipped dark wood, stained carpets, and tiny stage. “They serve proper Guinness. That’s all I care about.” He sipped the foam off his pint and took a moment to enjoy the thick, bitter taste of his favourite Irish beer.

“It’s got rickety tables, holes in the walls, twenty-year-old paintings of dead rock stars, and a DJ who doesn’t know the difference between Death Metal and Thrash.” Jackie folded her arms. “But you aren’t putting me off. Now spill.”

“She’s a cop.”

Jackie spluttered. “Jesus Christ, Ace. You hooked up with a cop? Your activities aren’t exactly Grade A certified legit. She see your weapon?”

Ace raised an eyebrow and Jackie snickered. “Okay. I mean, you wouldn’t have dragged the Terrible Tuscan Twins out on a Sunday night if you hadn’t shown her your
and she hadn’t approved of what you were packing.” She paused to sip her beer and then frowned. “I gotta say I’m a bit disappointed because I think I made it pretty clear that I would have welcomed a visual when we were hanging out. I mean, that night we had together out at the racetrack was fun, but it was dark and I would have liked to see—”


“And you’re clearly in dress-to-impress mode since you’re wearing jeans without holes in them. You must think she’s something special.”


“Although you did only just meet her yesterday,” she continued. “And I don’t think you ever put on non-holey jeans for me….”

“Enough.” His hand tightened around the glass so hard his knuckles turned white. Jackie never knew when to quit.

Undaunted, Jackie leaned over the table and whispered. “Right there. That tells me you got it bad for your pretty cop, but she doesn’t have it bad for you, ’cause she didn’t sound so happy to see you this evening. So if you want my advice—”

“I don’t—”

“Give up. She’s a cop. You’re an outlaw. Conflict doesn’t get bigger than that, my friend. And what happens if one day you find yourself on the wrong end of the gun?”

“You done?”

Jackie grinned. “I’m only just getting started.”

“Got a new job for you.” He fixed her with his fiercest scowl. “It’s in Alaska.”

“Got news for you. I’m staying right here to watch the fireworks. After our little fling last year, I’d say I know you better than anyone in the MC. Hunting down the movers, beating them up, and dragging them to Sophie’s apartment is the Ace equivalent of a normal guy showing up with a bunch of flowers.”

“I don’t do flowers.”

“But you did her.” Jackie raised her voice over the boom of CCR through the speakers. “And you’re back for more.”

“Coupla lowlifes leave a helpless woman with a pile of furniture and boxes in the middle of her place and no way to move it. That’s an injustice that needs to be resolved.”

Jackie snorted a laugh. “She’s a cop. She’s hardly helpless. She’s probably got a bigger gun than you.”

Sophie returned and slid into the booth beside Ace. Her gaze flicked from Jackie to Ace and back to Jackie. “Did I…uh, interrupt?”

“No, honey.” Jackie stood. “Ace and I once had a thing. It’s over now, so nothing for you to worry about. But we’re still tight, so sometimes I’ll give him advice, and he’ll tell me to shove it up my ass. Polite like.”

“You went out with her?” Sophie’s gaze followed Jackie as she headed to the bar to help Kickstand with the drinks.

“Something like that.”

“She’s beautiful.”

“So are you.” Her little hint of vulnerability did strange things to his stomach. There was a chink in his little cop’s armour and one he wanted to fill. He slid an arm around her, then pulled her into his side, his hand stroking in and out of her lush curves. “Love these curves, babe.” He bent down and pressed his lips to hers. “Love this sweet mouth.”

She stiffened for the briefest second and then relaxed against him, her tongue tangling with his.

“Beautiful,” he murmured as he buried his nose in the sensitive hollow between her neck and her shoulder. God, she smelled good. The scent of jasmine flooded his senses, and his cock tightened, painfully hard.

“Ace.” She whispered his name, her body melting against him even as her hands flew to his chest. “Stop. We have to stop. Last night was amazing but—”

“Tell me to leave.” He’d never been as affected by a woman as he was by Sophie, never had an issue with control. And he’d never wanted anyone as much as he wanted her now. If she did tell him to leave, he didn’t know if he could. And if she didn’t…hell, he’d never last the walk home.

“I did. This morning, I said good-bye.”

He cupped her face between his hands and kissed her, drinking the sweetness from her lips. “Tell me you don’t want me.” His heart pounded in tortured anticipation as she nibbled on her bottom lip, and then she drew in a ragged breath and met his gaze.

“I don’t…” She shuddered and wrapped her hands around his neck, pulling him down. “Think I can.”

*     *     *

God, he was like a drug. The more she had, the more she wanted. Sophie could see herself getting addicted to him, needing his touch, his warmth, and the deep rumble of his voice. Although she wasn’t a small woman, she felt tiny tucked up against him, safe and protected within the circle of his arms.

Of course, protection didn’t seem to be foremost in his mind. Not after she’d pretty much given him the green light for another night of wild sex. With a low growl, he clasped her wrist, tossed a few bills on the table, and dragged her out of the booth. Minutes later, they emerged from the bar into a dank, dimly lit back alley.

For a moment, she wondered if he was planning to take her home, but when he pushed her up against the rough brick wall, a thrill of fear shot through her body. Ace had other plans.

She took one quick glance around to ensure they were alone, taking in the beat-up dumpster reeking of decay, the pop bottles and needles strewn across the cement, and the rough brick walls, graffiti barely visible under the dim exit light. But before she could finish her visual sweep, he captured her wrists and pinned them over her head.

Sophie gasped and moisture flooded her sex. “Are we going to engage in another illegal activity? Please say yes.”

He licked his lips. “Fuck yeah, baby. Get ready for some indecent exposure, offending public decency, nudity—”

“Sex in a public place?”

“Definitely sex in a public place.” He tightened his grip on her wrists, and her body arched toward him, offering up her breasts for his touching pleasure. He slid his warm hand under her shirt, smoothing it over her skin, pausing when he discovered she wasn’t wearing a bra.

“Christ. You always go out without a bra?”

“Only when there are bossy, hot biker types around who get my back up when they order me to change, after I was expecting to spend the evening home alone.”

With renewed vigour, he crushed his mouth to hers, swallowing her moan of pleasure. Taking full advantage of her missing undergarment, he cupped and squeezed her breasts, rolling her nipples between his thumb and forefinger until they were tight little buds.

Sophie writhed against the wall. “Ace…oh God…let me go. I need to touch you.”

“You’re so fucking sexy, I won’t last if you put those sweet hands on me,” he rasped. “Slow down. Let me take care of you.” But he wasn’t slowing down. He ripped open the button of her jeans and shoved them down over her hips. She wriggled to help him, but the challenge of getting them all the way down proved too much, and he was forced to release her.

Almost immediately, she slid her hands into his hair, tangling them through the silky strands as he tugged off her jeans and panties, baring her for his touch.

For a moment, she couldn’t breathe. Dark alley, risk of detection, scent of danger, chill of the night, hot badass biker on his knees in front of her. It was simply the most erotic experience Sophie had ever had.

Ace looked up from his crouch. Eyes hooded, jaw tight, he was sex personified. She gently tugged his head forward, and he smiled.

“You want my mouth, babe?”

She swallowed. Oh God. Would he do it here? “Yes. I want your mouth.”

“Then open those pretty thighs for me.” With gentle pressure, he eased her legs apart. Knees trembling, she waited in breathless anticipation. And then he leaned forward and licked along her folds.

Her hands tightened in his hair, and a low, guttural groan left her lips. “More.”

Fingers digging into her thighs, he teased and licked her cleft, drawing her moisture up and around her clit as she leaned heavily against the wall, directing his head with gentle pressure. When her moans turned to whimpers, he added a finger, thrusting deep inside her.

“Ace.” Her shriek echoed in the alley, and she slapped her hand over her mouth. Ace shot up, covering her with his body. Heart pounding, she counted off the seconds, and when one minute had passed and no one had come to investigate, her tension eased. But now, with the extra adrenaline pounding through her system, she didn’t want his mouth. She wanted something bigger and harder. She ached to be filled. She needed him inside her.

“Fuck me, Ace. Please.”

With a low groan, he dug a condom from his pocket and shoved his clothing down over his hips, his erection springing free from its confinement. Moments later, sheathed and ready, he pressed up against her, his cock hot and heavy against her soft thighs.

“I’m gonna fuck you against the wall, sweet Sophie.” His deep voice rumbled, husky and low. “I’m gonna bury myself in your sweet pussy and pound into you until you’re gonna have to bite me to stop from screaming with pleasure.” He feathered kisses along her jaw and then sucked on the sensitive skin between her neck and shoulder blade, sending bolts of white lightning straight to her core. “I’m gonna be in you so deep, babe, you’ll forget your own name.”

She choked on a groan. “I made a mistake. You aren’t just a bad guy. You’re a very bad guy with a very dirty mouth.”

He teased her lips open with his tongue, then thrust inside, kissing her hard and deep. “You like my dirty mouth.”

“I like other parts of you more.” She ground her hips against his cock, and he growled a warning.

“If you’re gonna be naughty, I might have to borrow your cuffs.”

She sucked in a sharp breath, and Ace licked his lips. “Christ. You like that. We got to try that next.”

With a soft groan, she rubbed her nipples against his chest. “How about we start with doing Sophie. Now. In the alley. Because her body is on fire, and if you don’t, I’ll be screaming with frustration and not pleasure.”

She didn’t have to ask again. He grabbed her hips and hiked her up the rough brick wall until her legs wrapped around his hips and his shaft slid against her wet folds.

BOOK: Burnout: A Legal Heat Novella
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