Burning Seduction (31 page)

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Authors: Vella Day

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica

BOOK: Burning Seduction
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The tears fell in earnest, but they were ones of joy and wonder. “Okay.”

“Hold still.” Trent stepped over to his closet, withdrew something, and placed it behind his back. “I want to show you how much I love you.”

Charlotte thought it best to keep quiet for once. He strode over to her, and when he waved a tie, excitement sizzled inside her. She’d always wanted to be tied up by him. “I didn’t picture you as the bondage type.”

His eyes widened. “I’m not, but I could be persuaded if it’s what you want. I was thinking more in the line of blindfolding you. I want your senses to be heightened to the point where you will melt if we don’t make love,” he whispered.

She was already melting. Never had she imagined Trent being so romantic. “How about if I just close my eyes?” That way she could peek.

“You’re not trustworthy.”

She grinned. “You know me too well.”

She reached out to grab his cock, but he stepped out of her reach and laughed. “Turn around.”

She obeyed. Trent seemed intent on seducing her, and this time she’d let him, while reveling in everything he wanted to give her.

He wrapped the tie around her eyes and knotted it in back. “Can you see?”

“No.” That was the truth. She’d never been blindfolded before and it was kind of strange but exciting at the same time.

She expected him to drop to his knees, spread her thighs, and lick her. Instead, he lifted her blouse over her head then ran his palms from her shoulders down to her wrists and back up again, touching only the hair on her arms. The light pressure sent shivers straight to her clit. Never in a million years, would she have imagined a brushing could be so sensual.

His breath caressed her face. “I want all of you.”

Who was this new man? He’d changed from the first time she’d met him, and she fell in love all over again. Soft kisses caressed her shoulder and trailed across her back and down her spine. No one had ever loved her like this before, and as much as she wanted to move and press her body against his, she was enjoying this new way of making love too much. It was as if they were truly learning about each other for the first time, and with each touch, her love bloomed.

From the light thud on the floor, Trent had dropped to his knees. “Kick off your shoes,” he commanded.

He held her hand while she balanced on one foot and ditched her footwear. He then unzipped her skirt and lowered it. Once more holding his hand, she stepped out of it. She was now dressed in her matching black lace panties and bra.

“You came to seduce, I see.”

“I came from work.”

“I should have paid closer attention to what you put on this morning.”

By the humor in his tone, he seemed pleased with her choice. With his teeth, he nipped her butt then dragged his tongue to the top of her thighs.

Anticipation soared through her and her inner walls clenched. She wanted to turn around so badly and have him play with her pussy, but she needed to let him be in charge. Her desire for him was so intense, though, it was hard to remain standing.

“I need you,” she said. Just because he wanted to be the one to seduce her, it didn’t mean she couldn’t participate.


Trent clasped her hips and swiveled her around. “Let me love you my way.”

. “Don’t stay in any one spot too long.”

He tapped her hip. “I’m in charge, remember?”

Is that what this was about? At the moment, she didn’t care. Having his hands and mouth on her was what was important. In one quick tug, he divested her of her panties and then threaded his tongue between her folds. Good Lord in heaven. She nearly shot to the roof. Never had she thought having her eyes closed would change the way she experienced lovemaking.

She reached down, and when she cupped the side of his face, his bristles tickled her palms. The next swipe of his tongue had her bending her knees for more pressure. She thought about begging him to impale her, but he clearly was trying to make her even more desperate.

As she was thinking about taking off her blindfold, he swept her up in his arms and carried her to what she believed was the bed. A second later her back hit the mattress, and the blindfold disappeared. A grinning Trent loomed over her.

“I’m so fucking weak around you. I thought I could last for hours, but I can’t. Forgive me for taking you so soon.”

She almost wept for joy. Trent had managed to get under her skin and then invaded her heart. Now he was going to become one with her. “I was wondering what was taking you so long.”

“Smartass.” Trent released the clasp on her bra and dragged down the straps.

As if he’d never enjoyed her tits before, he tugged, nipped, and pinched each nipple until heated swirls consumed her. Charlotte thought it only fair to taste him so that he’d receive just as much pleasure, but he kept her on edge too much and her thoughts never cleared enough to ask him to stop.

“I have to have you,” he grunted.

When Trent crawled on top of her and thrust his cock into her all the way to the hilt, chaos descended. Her climax brimmed, and the kiss that followed spoke not only of love, but of a future. As if they were ravenous beasts, they devoured each other. Needing him to stay inside her, she clamped down on his cock.

His eyes narrowed and his breath came out faster. “I love you so much,” he whispered.

“I love you more.”

“We’ll see.”

What ensued defied description. He kissed her lips, her eyes, her throat, and then returned to claim her mouth. It was as if he needed to sample every inch of her. With each expression of love, her orgasm loomed near.

As much as she wanted him to take control, Charlotte wouldn’t be true to herself if she didn’t show him her strong need. With her hands clasping his shoulders, she wrapped her legs around his waist and rode him with wild abandon.

When he reached between them and rubbed her clit, all thought disappeared. A tidal wave of ecstasy claimed her, and as she yelled his name, his hot seed spewed, anointing her with his love. He rolled them over, and all she could do was hold on.

Trent kissed her nose. “I guess now would be as good of a time to have our discussion.”

She smiled. “What would you like to discuss?”

“I want you to move in with me.”

Once more words abandoned her. She’d signed a one-year lease on her new apartment, but she was sure with the right amount of money, she could get out of it. “I’d love nothing more than to live with you.”

“I promise you won’t regret it,” he said.

Chapter Thirty

Four months later

o you think
we have enough food?” Charlotte asked.

“Stop fussing,” Trent said as he picked up the plate of steaks and carried it out to the back deck.

Charlotte followed with the tray of vegetables he planned to grill.

“Knock, knock. Where do you want me to put the beer?” Harmon had a case in his hands.

“Hey.” Trent smiled, slipped the beer from him, and dropped the cans into the cooler. He then ran his gaze up and down his brother. “You don’t look any different.”

Harmon puffed out his chest. “I might appear the same, but inside I’m singing a different tune. It feels good to be exonerated.”

Charlotte couldn’t be happier for him. After four long months, Harmon finally had his day in court, and the conviction had been overturned. Not only had Frank Hamilton confessed that Bill Goddard had set up Harmon to get him out of the way so that he wouldn’t tempt his wife further, Bill’s computer had provided the conclusive piece of evidence. Goddard had sent emails to Harmon’s client detailing the merger a week before he accused Harmon of breaking the law.

The videotapes, along with the microphones at the funeral home, had picked up Frank Hamilton telling Mrs. Goddard that he’d killed both men for her. The gun casings at the restaurant confirmed they belonged to Frank’s gun. The man would never see the light of day again.

“So what are your plans now that you have no restrictions?” she asked.

Harmon shrugged. “Thinking about opening my own pizza shop.”

He’d liked working at Italiano’s, but he probably wanted to be his own boss. “That’s fantastic. If you decide to do it, let me know if you want me to help decorate your new place.”

“You got it.”

The doorbell rang and Trent disappeared. A few seconds later, Cade entered with Stone, their wife Amber, and their fifteen-month old son, Trevor. No sooner had Charlotte oohed and awed over Amber’s adorable baby, than Thad Dalton and his wife, Zoey showed up. Apparently, her other husband in their ménage relationship, Pete Banks, was out of town on business. Both couples brought appetizers, and soon there was little room to put the food. Max Gruden, the town’s Fire Marshall who helped saved Charlotte’s dad, and his wife Jamie had to cancel at the last minute because their newborn, Camille, had taken ill.

Not wanting to spend her time hustling between the front door and the back porch, Charlotte scribbled a note and taped it on the front door telling the new arrivals to come on back to the patio. She hoped the criminals in town didn’t know that the majority of the detectives would be at their home. If they did, they’d have a heyday looting.

Late to the party were her mom and dad. From her mother’s swollen lips, Charlotte could only guess what her parents had been doing. Oh, boy.

With everyone but Sharon there, Cade helped Trent grill while Charlotte made sure the rest of the partygoers had enough to drink. Harmon had stopped over a few days earlier and brought an old stereo system he’d hooked up for use outside, providing the party with a wonderful atmosphere.

“Food’s ready,” Trent announced.

Like a cattle stampede, the group descended on the meal. Once everyone was seated, Trent tapped his fork against his beer bottle and managed to settle down the crowd. Only when Harmon clicked off the music did the chatter stop.

“I want to say thank you to everyone who took the time to come to Harmon’s celebration party. It’s been a long time coming, and I know many of you here worked tirelessly these last few months to find proof that my brother was innocent of the crime perpetuated against him. For that I thank you.”

The crowd clapped and Harmon held up his hand, looking like he wanted to disappear. Charlotte understood why Trent was making such a fuss. He was so happy with the outcome that he couldn’t stop himself from shouting it to anyone who would listen.

As Trent opened his mouth to say something more, the doorbell rang, and Charlotte expected to see Sharon stroll on in. She’d said she’d be late. The only one to decline was Dan Hartwick. He said someone needed to stay at the precinct. When the bell rang again, Harmon stood.

“I’ll get it. Be right back.”

She let him play host since he seemed anxious to be out of the limelight.

“I have another announcement,” Trent said, “but we’ll wait until Harmon returns.”

A bit of chatter started up and then died immediately when Harmon returned with his and Trent’s father. Now that was a surprise. Her gaze shot to Trent, wondering how he’d respond. She met his dad a few times, but she’d never warmed up to him. It was probably because she wanted him to love Trent as much as she did, and he’d never shown signs of doing that.

Trent placed a hand on her shoulder as if to gain control of his emotions. “Dad, you came.”

Harmon guided him to an empty chair at a table near theirs. With some effort, he sat down then handed the cane to his son. “Didn’t want to miss Harmon’s celebration party. I have a lot of lost time to make up for, and I want to start now.” He ran his gaze between Harmon and Trent.

If that were true, she couldn’t be happier.

Trent’s fingers tightened on her shoulder, and then he released his hand. “I’m glad you made it.”

Charlotte could hear the sincerity in Trent’s voice. She looked up at him and smiled, and he returned her look with a wink.

“Now that everyone’s here, I’d like to make my second announcement. Actually it’s not so much of an announcement as a question.” He looked at Harmon and nodded.

His brother dipped a hand in his pocket, retrieved something, and tossed the small case to Trent, who caught it easily. He then pulled back her chair and twisted her toward him. When he knelt on one knee, Charlotte’s heart nearly exploded. Her mother gasped and her father coughed. She didn’t dare look at anyone else for fear she’d cry.

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