Burning Desires (Blue Bandits MC Book 4) (23 page)

BOOK: Burning Desires (Blue Bandits MC Book 4)
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“If you don’t get that dog under control, Reaper, he’s going to cause this whole club to implode.” Burner would have gone for his throat if Reaper hadn’t jerked him back. Lock didn’t have a lot of room to talk; he was just as guilty of making the club implode as Burner was. 

“Go, Lock. We will discuss this later and you need to figure out if you’re going to continue on this path you’re headed down because I can tell you that I am not amused by the shit you’re pulling lately. It will stop or things are not going to go your way. Now leave.” Lock glared at Reaper for a long moment before he let Bull shove him out the door, his face contorted into a sour expression.

When the door closed behind them, Reaper just stared at it for a long moment before turning to face him. Burner sat down on the couch, testing his jaw to find it wasn’t broken but when he pulled his hand away he saw that his knuckles were bloody and busted open. And if the pain over his right eye was any indication, he was likely going to end up with a black eye too. Lock may be a shitty fighter but he had a mean right hook when he managed to land it.


Burner glanced up at Reaper as he stood by the pool table with his hands resting on the edge while he leaned back on it. Burner wanted to tell him that he couldn’t stand Lock talking about Kelsey the way he had but it wasn’t the other man’s fault; he hadn’t patched her so to the club, all she could be labeled as was free pussy. Burner felt the red hot fire roaring through him, clawing at his insides like a demon when he thought about it.

“He just annoyed me,” Burner spat out, unable to tell Reaper the truth without admitting that he felt strongly for Kelsey. Reaper would demand to know why he hadn’t patched her if he felt that way about her but he knew that he couldn’t do that to Kelsey. Nobody deserved to be saddled with a lost cause like him.

“Fuck me, that’s what you’re going with? Fuck, Burner. When are you going to stop self-destructing like this? Because at this point I don’t know that Lock’s completely wrong about you.” Reaper crossed his arms over his chest watching him with a sad look in his eyes.


“Burner, this has to stop. There’s only so much I can allow you to get away with and you damned well know it.” Reaper sounded tired, making Burner feel guilty for not being able to handle his fucked-up life. “And one of my men self-destructing is enough. I don’t need you going down Lock’s road too.”

Reaper paused, watching him as if he expected him to say something, but after a long pause he let out a loud sigh.

“If you weren’t sergeants, this would have already gotten you both thrown out of the damned club and both of you know it. You also know that shit comes with a fucking bullet between the eyes, damn it. Lock’s almost burnt that bridge. I might have to knock him back to prospect if he keeps this up. After that, I don’t have a fucking choice if he keeps doing this bullshit. I’ll have no choice but to take him out. Fuck, I don’t need this shit. We have enough to worry about with the Headhunters stealing women. You two assholes are making my flipping head hurt.” Reaper shook his head, his eyes closing briefly before he opened them to glare at him.

Burner stared back at him, again feeling that sense of guilt tear through his guts. He hated that his actions were messing with the club and its stability. He laid his head back into the couch he had collapsed into looking at the ceiling.

“I get it. I’ll work on not starting shit for a little while.”

“No, you’ll need to work on not doing it at all, Burner. Fuck, you aren’t with the Headhunters anymore and this shit don’t work here. Get your head on straight however that needs to happen. Capisce?” Reaper stood up, moving over to the mess on the floor and staring down at the wood and broken glass with a frown. “What a damned mess. I liked that table too, damn it.”

“Sorry,” Burner said, feeling his busted lip sting when he formed the words, making him wince. He felt like a total asshole as he took in the damage he and Lock had done while fighting. Shit, they really had made a fucking mess of the game room.


Chapter Eighteen




Kelsey moved into the bedroom, pulling her hair free from the tie she’d put it up with when she’d left this morning for her normal weekly shopping trip. Since Burner had started hanging around, she had to keep more food on hand and her bi-weekly trips had become weekly. She smiled as she shook out her hair because feeding Burner was almost a fulltime job. He liked to eat and she found herself cooking for him, although he didn’t have any idea that she was doing it. She would make it before she went to work, putting it into a container as if it were leftovers, and he would warm them up at night when they came home

A slight smile on her lips, she walked over to the dresser, placing the hair tie into the little box she left them in before heading into the kitchen to put the groceries away. Ever since the other night, he seemed to be trying to avoid her more than usual. That thought made her frown as she placed the canned beans she’d bought into the cabinet. Burner had actually left three times over the past week and a half after they’d had sex. He normally slept here and she missed him. She’d gotten used to him holding her and she found that her insomnia, which had been almost nonexistent over the past month, was back with a vengeance. She was used to him being there until early in the morning but since that night when he’d nearly broken her heart with his revelation, he’d begun to pull away from her.

Kelsey knew that he might think all they were was fuck buddies but she knew they were more. It was there between them every time they touched but getting him to realize it too was not going well. It was as if they took two steps forward only to jump three steps back. It frustrated her because she knew that what they had could be so good for both of them if she could just figure out a way to get him to talk about the things he had done in order to protect his club. If she could get him to open up to her, then they might have a chance to really make something of this relationship.

Kelsey hadn’t realized how much she wanted that until the other night when he’d opened up to her. She was sure that whatever he told her would be tragic and she understood after the little bit he had told her that the scars he bore from the experience were tearing him apart. She opened the fridge to set the milk and eggs inside, absently wondering what she was going to do about Burner.

Frowning a little, she remembered last week when he’d shown up with his face a mess and she’d had to play doctor because the swelling over his eye was pretty bad but the stubborn man had refused to go see Lance. She was beginning to suspect that he was becoming physically self-destructive and that worried her. She absently put the flour into the container she used for it as her mind mulled over the best way to get him to talk to her.

Her phone dinged that there was a message and she lifted it to read it. It was a message from Burner. Her heart sank because he was sending Hammer to watch her at the bar tonight. She sighed, knowing it was another way for him to avoid her. Damn, she was going to have to figure this out fast or she was going to be regulated to part-time sex bunny.  



Burner was not happy with the way his night was unfolding. He’d chosen not to go to the bar, trying to put space between him and Kelsey, but all night he’d thought of her with other men. Of them looking at her, of them thinking of touching her with their dirty hands and it had made him insane. He didn’t like her working at the bar with all those sons of bitches and if one of them came near her, he’d murder them because she was
At least she was his until he’d had his fill of her and the sweetness he craved.

He was waiting in her drive when she pulled her little jeep into it, watching as Hammer waved to him and roared off. He couldn’t figure out what the hell he was doing here. He was supposed to be leaving her alone for a week or two. Only here he was, standing here waiting on her to get out of her car so he could fuck her again.

Damn, why was he still addicted to her?

“Hey, thought you weren’t coming by tonight because you where busy?” Kelsey asked, trying not to let her elation that he was here with her show. She didn’t want to gloat but she was sure he was here despite telling himself he wouldn’t come tonight and that meant he wasn’t as immune to this relationship as he pretended to be.

“Got free so I came over.”

Kelsey almost snorted at that as she pushed the key into the lock, wondering why he hadn’t just gone inside; he had a key. Hanna’s key actually, she thought ruefully. She was sure that Burner hadn’t been busy at all but instead had been trying to stay away from her. She pushed the door open, entering to set her purse and keys on the little end table by the door. Kelsey felt a hard hand on her arm turning her to face him.

Burner’s face was dark, lit only by the light that shone in through the front window. His lips were pressed into a hard thin line and his jaw looked clenched. Kelsey wondered if it hurt because she knew that not all his bruises had healed.

“How many men were watching you tonight?” he demanded, his hands holding her hips as he backed her into the wall next to the door.

“What are you talking about, Burner?” Kelsey asked, unsure what he was so intense about.

“How many men?” he demanded, his breath teasing her lips as he pressed her back into the wall. His hand rose to tug at her hair, tilting her head back until she was forced to meet his shadowed blue eyes.

“I can’t get the idea of the men who were lusting after you at the bar tonight out of my head. The idea of another man touching you makes me a little cranky and really fucking horny,” Burner growled, his fists clenching thinking of those men looking at her.

“I–I don’t know why you think anyone was lusting after me. I mean, you can’t be serious?” Kelsey said.

“I’m very serous, babe. I know they were thinking of fucking you and no man should be looking at you and they certainly shouldn’t be thinking of touching you because I won’t share you,” Burner gritted out from between clenched teeth, his jaw aching from how tightly he was clamping them together.

Kelsey couldn’t believe he was acting so aggressively possessive again and a little shiver ran up her spine. Over the past weeks she had seen a softer side of him but for some reason tonight he was acting like the Burner she had met so many weeks ago who didn’t have a single soft thing about him and she wondered what was wrong with him tonight.

“Burner,” Kelsey began only to find her lips captured by his. His tongue aggressively stabbed into her mouth as his hands gripped her hips, pulling her forward so that he could press his hardened dick against her stomach. She couldn’t help the little moan of pleasure that escaped her.

He grabbed her ass lifting her up and she wrapped her legs around him as he moved them to the couch nearby. He collapsed onto the soft cushions, his lips still on hers. She moaned again when his hands ripped at her shirt, taking it off. His hands slid around to wrench her bra off, tossing it aside as his mouth moved down the side of her neck nipping and sucking at her tender skin. She felt the hard sting of his stubble as it scraped her, adding another sensation to the ones already making her dizzy.

  Kelsey grabbed at his cut pulling it off him and throwing it onto the back of the couch while her hands jerked off his t-shirt. Her mouth caressed his chest running over his skin as he groaned above her, his eyes shut as she worshiped his hard plains. She kissed up his chest from his stomach to his neck where she nipped at him making him moan loudly.

Burner’s hands cupped her breasts, his fingers rubbing over her nipples as she continued to explore his skin with kisses. She felt his body jerk slightly when her lips surrounded his nipple, her teeth raking it before she licked around it.

“Kelsey,” he said in a broken, almost desperate, cry. His hand moved to bury in her hair. He tugged her lips to his, kissing her deeply. Her hands gripped the back of his arms as she lost herself in his kiss.

Burner couldn’t get enough of her. Feeling her lips on his chest made his brain almost implode with the need to be inside her. He couldn’t seem to ever not feel with her; it was like she had an arrow that went straight through him every time finding the emotions he hid. His hand cupped the back of her head, his mouth glued to hers as he tried to make sense of what he wanted from her. He moved down her neck to take her nipple into his mouth sucking the tip. He felt her tremble beneath him with satisfaction. Burner cupped her other breast, running his fingers across the tip and tugging it gently.

Kelsey let out a little cry that fueled his need and he found his hand ripping at the fastening on her jeans. It didn’t take him long to jerk them open and shove his hand inside to find her wet pussy, his fingers delving inside her to feel the slick wetness of her passage. He groaned and moved them in and out as she moaned and writhed beneath him.

His dick throbbed, jerking hard when she tightened around his fingers as he worked them in and out of her. He had to get inside her,
. Putting that thought into action, he pulled his hand free of her, ignoring her little cry of despair, to tear his own pants open. He pulled her pants down, jerking them off one leg so that he could lift her leg up and out. His own pants were still around his knees but he didn’t give a fuck. He needed her.

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