Burning Desires (Blue Bandits MC Book 4) (17 page)

BOOK: Burning Desires (Blue Bandits MC Book 4)
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“I’m staying,” he grunted, holding her.

“No, you stink and you broke into my apartment. You’re leaving. Now, get up.” Kelsey found herself hitting his shoulder as he clung to her waist.

Burner let out a groan. “Don’t make me leave, I can’t think straight when I’m not near you. I can shower and then I’ll just sleep here beside you. I’ll be good, I promise.” After a moment’s pause, he added a desperate, “Please.”

Kelsey couldn’t believe he was begging to stay with her. She wanted to kick him out but she was worried that he would crash his bike and kill himself if she let him leave in the condition he was in. She couldn’t bring herself to throw him out not knowing how he’d get home. Frustration poured through her and she let out a loud sigh because she knew she should just call Hammer and have him come remove Burner from her apartment but she wasn’t going to.

“Get up,” she commanded, but he didn’t seem to hear her and just lay there. Making her voice firm, she grunted, “You want to stay, you’re getting a shower because I am not sleeping with you smelling like a brothel.”

She shoved his shoulder hard and he finally complied, crawling off the bed to stand. He swayed, almost falling on his face twice in the process, but he finally stood beside the bed looking at her standing on the other side. She went around the bed to steady him and walked with him towards the bathroom.

“You going to help me shower?” he asked when she guided him through the door, a drunken grin spreading over his lips. She didn’t answer, just took him to the shower and left him standing there with one hand braced on the wall beside the little enclosure.

“I’ll clean the bed, you clean you,” she tossed over her shoulder as she exited the bathroom. Kelsey found herself hoping he wasn’t so drunk he’d hurt himself while attempting to get clean. Heading to the hall closet, she got out her spare bedding and proceeded to put it on the bed, throwing the ones previously on the bed into the laundry room.

When she came back, she found Burner on top of the bed with the covers pulled over him and sighed. He was already passed out and she would bet he hadn’t dried off well from the way he left a dark impression on the pillow he rested his head on. Shaking her head, she climbed into bed, shutting off the light and settling down on her side facing away from him, trying to put as much space between them as she could.

Kelsey wondered briefly if she should just go sleep on the couch because this was weird sharing a bed with him but no sooner had the thought occurred to her than a hard male arm wrapped around her pulling her back into his body. She knew that she could likely get away from him but she decided to just go with it because he was warm and his body spooning hers felt comforting somehow.

“Kelsey,” he whispered into her hair, his arm tightening around her, and she waited for him to say more but he didn’t, he just held her against him and nuzzled her. It wasn’t long before she felt herself slipping into sleep and wondered at the ease of it when normally after being awakened she couldn’t go back to sleep for hours.



She awoke with her body on fire and his lips caressing her neck as he moved towards her breasts with light little kisses that sent need spilling through her. His hands were caressing her bare skin, sliding over her sides and moving up them to cup her breasts, his lips closing around one hard peak. He growled and sucked the little bud deeply into his mouth and she couldn’t help the moan that escaped her. He must have removed her top while she was sleeping because her breasts were currently bare.

Kelsey knew that she should stop him after the way he’d shown up at her place last night but she couldn’t seem to do anything except moan. Her hands moved to his warm skin and she clung to his hard arms trying to compose herself. His tongue curled around her nipple and she arched into his touch, her body betraying her. She felt his fingers pluck at the peak of her other breast and her mind blanked and all she knew was burning desire. It consumed her, making her hands squeeze on his flesh, trying to get a grip on her raging libido but failing miserably.

Burner likely didn’t even know who she was at this point because he’d been so drunk she wasn’t sure he would remember where he’d ended up last night and that alone should make her shove him away and tell him to get out. Kelsey couldn’t find the strength to do it despite knowing that she should and instead found herself clinging to him in wanton abandon. Her heart was racing and her breath came in little pants as he sucked and licked her flesh.

His head lifted slightly, staring down at her in the darkness that surrounded them courtesy of the shutters she’d had installed on the windows so that she could sleep during the day when she needed to. Light from the small lamp she had installed in the bathroom illuminated his face for a moment when he angled his head to stare at her hungrily. Kelsey could just make out the intense expression on his face as he hovered above her looking down at her bare breasts.  

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he muttered, his head lowering slowly to take her other nipple into his mouth.

Sucking it hard before his tongue curled around the peak, Kelsey felt the caress like an electrical shock blowing through her senses. Her body shook with pleasure as he continued to caress her, his hands sliding over her sides, their roughness scraping along her skin and sending fire racing through her. He cupped her hips, tilting them slightly as he came down between them and she realized that he wasn’t wearing anything when she felt his hardened cock against her. Kelsey also realized that he must have taken off more than her shirt because they were currently skin-to-skin. Lifting his head, he stared at her with his body pressed down into hers.

“Kelsey,” he grunted and she felt giddy that he at least knew who he was touching because that was what had been holding her back. Her nails raked down his back lightly and he let out a groan, lifting his hips slightly before jerking against her again, his thick cock pressed against her wet pussy.

“Damn, baby, I am not going to last if we don’t slow down,” Burner managed to say before his mouth was on hers again and his lips were devouring hers. Kelsey was beyond lost in the sensations he was creating; her body shook with pleasure and her mind was reeling. Her nails dug into his skin as she breathlessly groaned, rubbing her breasts against him.

Burner felt Kelsey’s nails raking down his back and he could barely contain his need for her. It burned inside him like a wild fire and he knew that he never should have come here but he was damned glad he had. He’d been so drunk he could barely see straight but he’d been able to command a prospect to bring him here in a cage. Last night after an hour of Tina’s attempts to make him hard leaving him cold and his cock limp, he understood that having sex with any woman except the one currently beneath him wasn’t going to happen, even if he was drunk.

It had opened his eyes and made him realize that he was concerned with more than keeping her safe. He wanted her like he’d never wanted anything in his life and he’d promised himself and her that he would be on his best behavior. He’d told himself that he would just hold her because that was all he could allow himself to have. Only when he woke a half hour ago with her back pressed against him and his hand cupping her bare breast beneath her nightshirt, he’d known that wasn’t something he was capable of. Her smooth flesh had been too enticing and it wasn’t long before he needed to see what he was caressing.

He’d already been hard and naked so stripping her had been the next natural step when he realized that being in bed with her was too much temptation. He needed to feel her surrounding him at least once or he was going to go mad. Even if it damned him more than he was already damned, he couldn’t live without knowing what it felt like to have her sweetness just once. She really should have made him leave last night but she hadn’t and now that he’d touched her, he wasn’t going to stop.

Burner pushed her into the bed, his body aching as he pressed it to hers. He moved against her feeling out of control, which was very unlike him when it came to sex. Normally he was controlled but with her, it was as if that restraint was completely spent. His hands gripped her hips and he took her mouth with his again, his tongue thrusting past her lips to find the sweetness within. Growling in pleasure as the taste of her hit him, his senses exploded inside him in a kaleidoscope of passions that threatened to consume him.

His mind filled with her scent and her taste as his lips moved across her jaw, his teeth catching her skin to nip at her. He sought to claim her in a way he’d never wanted to claim another woman before. Unable to hold back the intense need he felt to have her, he pulled back slightly lining his body up with hers, his fingers briefly sliding over the wet nest of curls that guarded her entrance to test her readiness. Finding her open and wet, he aligned his cock with her and his tip slid inside her. He was suddenly lost in the slick sensation of her body surrounding his as his mind exploded with possessive need.

Slowly, ever so slowly, he pushed forward, sliding into her inch by torturous inch until he was fully seated in her wanton heat and he could only feel the blistering hot embrace of her body surrounding him. He paused above her holding his body still as he gazed down at her face in the slight light that escaped the bathroom. Seeing the look of aching desire on her face, the way her lips parted and her eyes closed as she released a breathless moan of pleasure, he couldn’t hold back anymore. Unable to hold the groan that escaped him inside any longer, he released it as he moved inside her, pulling back before pushing back inside forcefully, feeling every inch of her clinging to his cock as he did.

Kelsey’s hands clenched on his flesh, her nails digging in to scrape him, but even that slight pain couldn’t erase the pleasure she brought to him as he moved inside her. His body took hers in a slow claiming that left him just as breathless as it did her because it was intimate in a way sex had never been for him. He wanted to run from the hungers suddenly bursting inside him but was held by the clenching of her body around his.

His hands slipped upwards to gather hers because he needed another connection to her in order to weather the storm of emotions released inside him. He entwined their fingers, his body taking hers in that slow almost maddening rhythm that left him vulnerable and shaken. He was unable to stop the raging inferno of need as his body thrust against hers again and again, his hands holding hers beside her head, his skin brushing against hers, the tips of her breasts rubbing against his chest. Her breath caressed his lips as he hovered above her making love to a woman for the first time in his life. She cried out suddenly, her slick folds tightening around his cock as she came apart beneath him when her orgasm hit her hard. He watched the ecstasy overtake her, seeing the way her eyes darkened in the low lighting and the look on her face contorting into bliss as she fell apart.

Burner couldn’t remember a moment when he’d ever felt so many emotions bombarding him. His hands tightened on hers and he watched her greedily, needing to absorb the pleasure she gave him like a plant needing sunshine. Despite his need to stay within her to bask in the sweetness that bathed his soul, freeing him from the darkness he’d lived in for so long, he knew he was nearing his own completion and he almost mourned the coming orgasm. Letting out a low grunt, he forced his body to slow, needing to draw this out to slow his pending climax because he knew he might not ever get the opportunity again to taste such purity.

Kelsey chose that moment to move beneath him, her legs wrapping around him as if she sensed he was close and holding back and she wanted to make him come. Held in the tight bonds of her long legs, her heels pushing against his ass, her hands still captured in his own and her face contorted into a blissfully pleasured expression, he couldn’t hold back and began to thrust hard into her. His body forcefully pumped against hers and he was lost to the roaring wave of satisfaction that blew through him.

Burner thrust one last time before collapsing on her, his body shaking from the explosive release he’d just experienced and he felt changed, as if he’d been laid bare. He lay there, his breath coming in quick deep bellows as he tried like hell to come to terms with what had just happened between them. It left him raw, almost broken, and the emotions bombarding him were too intense for him to bear. Pulling free of her, he fell to the bed beside her, his body near hers but not touching. He didn’t know what to say and he certainly didn’t know how to deal with the swirling mass of intense feeling that he couldn’t put a label on.

Throwing an arm over his face, he tried to get a grip. Kelsey stirred beside him and he silently begged her not to speak to him. He couldn’t deal with her feelings as well as his own right now.


Chapter Fourteen




Kelsey lay beside him, her heart still racing and the bliss flowing through her every nerve ending. Her toes were even tingling and her breath was still heavy and labored but she wasn’t sure that Burner had felt what she had because the minute it was over, he’d rolled off her and hadn’t touched her since. She wanted to think that it hadn’t just been sex to him but she wasn’t going to hold her breath after the warnings he’d given her.

BOOK: Burning Desires (Blue Bandits MC Book 4)
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