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Authors: Ashley Beale

Burning Attraction (7 page)

BOOK: Burning Attraction
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I bite down on my lip, awaiting his reaction, which actually looks like he is impressed. "You know Avery Manning?"

I raise an eyebrow, "yeah. You do too?"

He shakes his head no. "I don't actually know him, but I know of him. He is a legend already for that fight. I wanted to go so bad! I can't believe you were there. You think we could go together next time?" Oh shit, Avery wouldn't like that, but I can't say no to Carson. I don't want him jealous or upset. Then again, Avery and I are only friends, and he made that known. Minus the kiss and sweet words. But if he really liked me, he would have attempted to talk to me some time in the last four days. I think.

"Yeah, that would be awesome. I don't know when it is, but when I find out I'll let you know."

Carson's smile is so large, he looks like a kid at Christmas. I feel bad, because I didn't mention that Avery kissed me at all, but they were just kisses to the lips. There was no tongue involved, nothing beyond that, and he never mentioned liking me, so I shouldn't feel guilty. Right?

After ice cream with Carson, we go back to my apartment. We grabbed a rental on the way home, and I'm excited to cuddle up with him while we watch it. I change into sweatpants and make us some popcorn, then the two of us bundle up in blankets on my couch together while we watch the movie. Next thing I know Carson is carrying me to my bedroom. I must have fallen asleep.

I look up to him with blurry eyes. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep." I lay my head into his chest right before he lays me down in my bed.

There is a small chuckle that leaves his mouth. "It's okay beautiful, you look adorable when you sleep." He kisses my forehead and pulls back up, looking down at me with adoration.

"Thank you for tonight Carson, it was wonderful. You're wonderful."

That causes him to smile so big, I'm sure his cheeks hurt. "You are too. Sweet dreams beautiful, I'll see you Friday."

He leaves the room, turning off the light as he exits. As I sleep that night, I have the strangest dream, involving the three sexiest men alive; Carson, Avery and Peirce. I'm doomed.


Friday during school my phones buzzes in my pocket, and when I reach down I'm surprised at the name that pops up.

you goin 2nite?

Is there a fight? I hadn't heard. I haven't heard from him since Saturday, about anything, let alone a fight.

???? where

Beta Theta Pi

Oh no. He is going to the party again. It's strange that I get butterflies thinking about him being there, because at the same time I'm scared as heck. I mostly just don't want him to see me with Carson. And since Carson invited me, and it's his frat house, and I'm sort of dating him, I am obviously going to be there with Carson. Now that he knows about Avery and I being friends, I'm not nervous about introducing them. I just don't know how. And I don't know how to act around the two of them. I guess I'll probably figure it out tonight.

Oh, yuh.. ill be there. u?

u no it ;-)

I don't reply again because I'm not sure how to. Why does this have to happen to me? I wish I could put a defined definition on both guys and be done with it. Sad thing is, I don't know what definition I want to put on either guy.

Aubrey helps me get ready, but I tell her I don't want to look too sexy tonight. I want to look like myself, casual, but with a little edge. She does a perfect job listening, and when I'm ready, I'm more excited than ever to go to the party. I've been asking Aubrey advice on what I should do with the two guys that I'm falling for, and she says to let it go. Just let it happen. Everything happens for a reason and that things will sort themselves out. I don't know how true it all is, but I will listen to her and just play things as they go. I may get hurt in the end, and someone else might too, but it's the way of life. My life that is.

Carson is ready and waiting when I walk into the frat house. He goes with me to get a drink and we head outside. "I'm heading home in two weeks, would you want to come meet my family?" he asks me skeptically when we settle on the bench out here.

"Oh, I would love that!" I know we haven't made things official, but he talks about how wonderful his mom and sisters are all the time. I've wanted to meet them, as nervous as it makes me, I just didn't want to ask. Plus, if I meet his family now, I won't feel awkward having him meet my parents.

I hear the relief wash off his voice, "good. I think you'll really love them."

"Well if they're anything like you, I'm sure I will." Both of us kind of look everywhere but each other. I just practically said I love him, but I don't. I didn't mean it like that. He is sweet and perfect, and I'm falling, I can feel it each time we talk. I'm just not there, not yet. After a very long minute I look back at him, acting nonchalant about the whole ordeal. "I'm kind of cold out here, it's breezy. Can we go back in? Maybe play some beer pong?"

He smiles at me. "Of course, let’s go." He puts his arm over my shoulder when we head in, warming me up.

I spot Avery the second we step foot inside but I try to pretend I don't notice him as we walk up to a pledge. Carson nudges my shoulder, "hey, isn't that Avery right there?" He points over to the right of the room and I look over at Avery, who is starring right at me, with an amused smirk.

"Yeah, that's him," I say but turn my head to face towards Carson without as much as a smile in Avery's direction. My stomach is doing flips so much worse than I had expected.

I start walking in the complete opposite direction, which happens to be where the dance floor is, when I hear Avery's voice call my name. I pause and breathe in deeply before turning around, making sure I smile at him this time. "Hi Avery," I say as he makes his way to Carson and I.

"Hey there Angel. Hey man, I'm Avery," he says to Carson, nodding his head the way guys do.

"Carson. I heard about your fight Saturday man, you knocked Pierce the fuck out. You're legendary, I hope to see you fight sometime." Oh boy, he is going to mention I said he could, I know it. I press my lips together and just watch both their reactions the best I can. Avery still looks amused as ever and Carson is as giddy as humanly possible. If only he knew my feelings for Avery, he defiantly wouldn't be so happy.

Avery's smirk extends so that only one side of his face is smiling. It's adorable in the sexiest way imaginable. I have to swallow three times before I'm able to breathe correctly. "Glad to hear, thanks man," he says to Carson then looks at me, "I'd invite you along next time, but I don't think there’s room on my motorcycle."

I'm about to punch the smug little expression off Avery's face, how dare he! My eyes bulge immediately but I try to play it off and laugh, then look at Carson. "He's a character. Anyways, want to go dance or something?"

Carson just looks back and forth between the two us for a second. I'm so nervous right now. I don't know what expression Avery has because I refuse to look at him. And I feel bad for Carson, he is hearing all sorts of things I did Saturday night from two very attractive men. He doesn't look mad, but he doesn't look happy. He just maybe looks understanding. "Yeah, let’s go dance beautiful," he says, taking my elbow with his firm hand.

"See you later Cassie," Avery calls from behind me but I ignore him. I don't even turn my head that way, I'm too angry.

I'm glad that Carson doesn't bring anything up. We just dance and grind together, enjoying each other and ourselves. When the night is closing in and people start leaving he whispers in my ear he'd like to go upstairs and I follow. As I'm heading up the stairs behind him, I can feel someone watching me, so I look over to my left and see Avery smiling while shaking his head at me. I just glare at him, which causes a small laugh to noticeably escape him, but I turn my head and continue to follow Carson up the stairs.

"Did you have a fun night?" Carson asks me when we get in his room. I shut the door behind me and slide out of my shoes, making my way over to cuddle up next to Carson, who is now laying on his bed.

"Yeah, I did. I always do with you," I say, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

He looks over at me, his dark blue eyes smiling at my own. The thing with Carson is he is sexy until you compare him to someone like Avery. If you had never seen Avery, you would look at Carson and drool for hours. But sadly, I have no choice but to compare the two of them. I will say though, that Carson is utterly handsome. He has two tattoos on him, one on his shoulder and one on his rib cage, but since they're not noticeable until his shirt is off, he can keep up the handsome look well. He is perfection in a bottle, and I'm surprised that he isn't on the cover of GQ or modeling for Abercrombie. He should be!

It seems like time just passes by as we stare at one another, not saying a word. Words don't need to be spoken and I love it, it isn't awkward like you would expect. I'm nearly startled when Carson finally does speak up, although, it's almost in a whisper. "I like you a lot Cassie."

"I like you, too, Carson," I mumble back.

When he speaks again, it's almost like I didn't even say anything at all. I'm sure he has been rehearsing his words in his head for a while now. "You take me off guard a little sometimes, but it's not a bad thing. I know I call you beautiful a lot, but don't think that is just it. It's what made me talk to you at first, but you're genuine and smart and funny. I can talk to you for hours and never get bored. And I'll admit, you do scare me, because I do see how guys look at you and I know you could have any single one that you want. And I don't want to lose you. I know you said you wanted to take things slow, and I'll go as slow as you need. Don't ever feel pressured. But what I'm trying to say is, I'd really like if we could be official. I want you as my girlfriend Cassandra. But only if that is what you want."

He almost looks sheepish as he says it all, and I stare back at him a little surprised. I knew this would come up and I'm not surprised by any of his words. It just surprises me that between meeting Peirce and Avery this week and knowing I withheld information from him, and knowing I was on Avery's motorcycle Saturday night, he is still asking me to be his girlfriend. And I don't know what I'm supposed to say. I like him, I do, I like him so much, I don't ever want to lose him. But what if I say yes and I loose Avery? Then again, we're just friends. He said with his own words that he doesn't do the relationship thing. And although, I hadn't planned on it, if I say no to Carson, I may lose him and I don't want to. I really do like him so much, I'm falling for him already.

"I'd like that, a lot." I smile at his expression, which is a mixture of relief and happiness. He grabs ahold of my face with his hands and kisses me firmly on the lips. His kiss says it all, it tells me how happy he is, how much he adores me, how much he wants me. I flick my tongue out and he opens his mouth, welcoming our tongues to glide together. I get so caught up in the moment, I roll onto my back, pulling Carson on top of me. I separate my legs and he grinds into me, causing a moan to escape from my mouth into his.

He pulls away long enough to get us both undressed and he reaches over to grab a condom out of his night stand. Once it's secured he lays back over me, looking at my face with his desire filled eyes. My hands reach up and run along his muscular arms, until their behind his neck, and I pull him down to me. As his lips touch mine, his hardened cock meets my heated entrance. I moan loudly as he fills me up inside. He pauses for a second before slowly pulling out and thrusting into me. Carson is amazing at sex and I could do this every single day with him and never get bored.

Thrust after thrust, I can feel my orgasm building. Carson leans down and bites at my ear lobe, "you feel amazing Cassandra." Hearing my name come out his mouth filled with desire turns me into dust. I wrap my legs tight around his waist as I dig my fingernails into his shoulder blades. I know I draw blood, but I can't help it because he is just that amazing. I can feel myself pulsating against his erection as I'm getting closer and closer to releasing. "Come for me baby, I want to feel you come around my dick."

BOOK: Burning Attraction
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