Burned (35 page)

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Authors: Unknown

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Nick took control of the kiss, and each lazy draw on his tongue made her head spin further. Slowly, he delved deeper, making her weak in the knees. He held her tight, and she couldn’t move, but she didn’t want to move. She felt his erection rising against her thigh heightening her arousal. Her hands lingered on the tattoos on his muscled arms. His mouth left hers to trail a line of fire down the side of her neck; she couldn’t hide the groan that fell from her lips.

His head went lower until his tongue flickered over a sensitive nipple. When he closed his mouth over it, and sucked, she moaned loudly. Her chest heaved, and she dug her hands into his wet hair. Carefully, his fingers flashed over her other nipple. He pulled her robe back and let it fall off her shoulders and to the floor.

Each tug of his teeth, each suck and pull on her nipple, shot straight down her body to that part of her that ached so heavy for him. Her hips began to rotate on their own. Nick kissed each nipple before grinning wickedly down at her, as his other hand went lower, skidding over her swollen abdomen, to stop briefly where her womanhood began.

She was vaguely aware of Nick picking her up and carrying her to the bed. He came on top of her, and the position was uncomfortable. The growing pregnancy and extra weight put too much pressure on her back. She pushed at his chest and whispered, “Baby, we can’t do it this way.”

“No problem,” he said. He rolled her on her side and lay behind her. He gently made lover to her in a position easy for her pregnancy to handle.

Afterward, they showered, and he ventured out to find her a late night snack. Her craving for chocolate ice cream smothered in chocolate sauce, peanuts, and whipped cream had him roaming the streets of Chicago for an ice cream shop that was open at night.

Chapter Thirty Eight

Eight Months and Counting

Lincoln watched Nick sleep beside her. He was sleeping peacefully while she couldn’t find a comfortable position to sleep a wink. Her back hurt, her ankles were swollen twice their size, and she wished to be able to sleep like him. Lately, anything he did that allowed him to rest, made her want to scream. He needed to suffer along with her. He went to all the doctor’s appointments and did the exercises the Lamaze coach prescribed, but he had no idea what is it was like to be pregnant and with twins at that.

Eight months pregnant, and carrying twins was harder on her than she expected. Her huge belly slowed her daily activities, and her hormones were out of control more than ever. Nick had learned to go hide when she started to go off.

 One minute she would be fine and five minutes later, she was bawling like a baby while watching a television program. She often yelled at him for eating food that gave off an aroma that made her sick to the stomach. And her rages didn’t stay at home. At work, Evelyn offered to do her office errands and get lunch for her when she whined and complained about getting around. Regan got to deal with her erratic behavior when Nick was at work. She laid heavily on Regan. It was her way of paying her back for almost breaking up her marriage. Regan couldn’t do enough for her, and she let her do it willingly.

She tapped Nick on the back to wake him up. She should feel guilty for doing it. The second job rehabbing houses was rigorous. He’d been at that job since early morning and was worn out. The cuts and bruises on his arms and rough, callused hands showed how hard he worked to provide for them.

She shoved him harder when he didn’t respond from the first one. He rubbed his eyes. “Did I fall asleep?” he asked in a sleepy voice.

“Yes you did. Nick my back hurts; will you give me a massage?”

He turned over on the bed to face her. “Roll over.”

“I can’t roll over. Have you seen the size of my stomach?” she barked at him.

He sat up and maneuvered on the bed until he was sitting behind her. He began to massage her neck and shoulders. “How is that?”

“That feels good. I’m tired of being pregnant. I want to see my feet and wear regular clothes.”

“Baby, we don’t have long to go and it will be over. Our boys will be here, and you can have your body back to yourself unless you’ve changed your mind about breastfeeding.”

“I’m just miserable. I’m making everyone around me miserable too. Rub lower, Nick, the pain is in my lower back not my shoulders.”

“Do you want the heating pad?”

She shook her head. “No. Just rub my back.” He did as he as she asked. As he massaged her lower back, the pain intensified. She moaned and leaned forward holding onto her calves.

“Babe, I’m sorry you’re miserable. It makes me ache knowing I’m responsible for the pain you’re having.  Is it easing for you yet?”

She pushed the blanket off her.  “You are responsible for this.  And just stop,” she huffed. “You’re making it worse. I’m going to walk around to stretch my legs.”  She moved to get off the bed, and her eyes popped wider. She looked at Nick, and he was equally in shock. “Nick, my water broke!”

He lifted his leg from around her and jumped off the bed as the sheet became soaked. “Do you think we’ll make it to the hospital?”

She started to freak when she saw him start to freak out. “You’re a firefighter…you should know what to do! Oh my God! The babies can’t be coming now!”

He was pacing the floor fast. The muscles in his face were stretched tight. “I do know what to do for babies that aren’t mine!” Suddenly, he settled down. “Okay, lie back on the bed and let me see how far you’ve dilated. If you’re only a few centimeters, we’ll make it to the hospital in plenty of time.  If I remember correctly, the water can break but that doesn’t necessarily mean the baby is ready to be born.”

Her heart pounded against her chest. She refused to lose her precious babies after carrying them this long. “Then does that mean something is wrong?”

“No, not necessarily.  I have to see what is going on down there though.” He removed the soiled bedding from the bed and instructed Lincoln to lay back.

Lincoln did as he instructed. The labor pains seemed to be sharper and came more often now instead of here and there as earlier in the day. She had been having lower back pain throughout the day but dismissed it as part of the pregnancy. She’d gained over forty pounds, and the extra weight was hard on her back and legs.

Nick ran to the bedroom door. He opened it and called for Isadora. “Mom, get in here! I need your help.”

“Nick, I feel like I need to push,” Lincoln screamed from the bed.

“Hold on, baby. I don’t want you to push yet. I have to make sure the umbilical cords are not tangled.”

Isadora rushed in the bedroom. She ran over to Nick after she realized what was going on. “Oh, mercy me!” She exclaimed smashing her hands to her cheeks. “The babies are coming! What do you want me to do, Nicky?” Isadora asked as she excitedly danced from one foot to the other.

“Call 911 and get me all the towels and sheets you can carry. Also, get the first aid kit that is under the sink in the bathroom. Hurry, Mom.” He ordered.

Lincoln screamed again. “Nick, I feel the baby coming!”

He raised his voice. “Lincoln, focus your attention on something in the room. Use our wedding picture as your focal point, but whatever you do, do not push! It is important you don’t push…do you understand! I want you to breathe instead. Baby, just breathe how they taught you in Lamaze class.”

He imitated how he wanted her to breathe. She tried to do it, but her nerves were on the brink of breaking. She attempted to breathe deeply through her nose and concentrate. The lives of their babies were in the hands of her husband. He saved lives for a living, and no life was more important to him than the two he was attempting to deliver now.

Nick put on a t-shirt and then moved her down to the end of the bed, so her feet were flat on the mattress, and her knees bent. Isadora returned to the bedroom and spread a clean sheet across Lincoln’s legs, blocking her view except for the top of Nick’s head.

She heard him mumbling but could not make out what he was saying. His hand was on her stomach pushing lightly. She suspected he was coaxing the babies to move into a better position.

He raised his head to look at her. “Lincoln, I want you to push gently but not too hard. The first baby is in the birth canal, and I don’t feel the cord around his neck. On the count of three, give me a gentle push.”

Her heart beat rapidly, and she was sweating like a pig. “Nick, now I’m too scared to push,” she said in a weak voice.

“You don’t have a choice. Apparently, you’ve been in labor all day.  You’re fully dilated, and the babies ARE coming and I can’t stop it or risk moving you.  Dammit, Lincoln, why didn’t you say anything to me!  I noticed you were crankier than normal, but I didn’t think it was labor causing it.”

“I didn’t think it was labor either. Nick, I’m scared, and you’re yelling at me,” she cried. 

He lightened his voice. “Sweetheart, I’m not yelling.  I’m panicking, but I’m not yelling.”

She held back a scream as another intense labor pain rose and then eased. “Where are those damn paramedics! Nick, please have Isadora call 911 again.”

“They are on the way and mom is waiting on them.  Lincoln, you have to trust me since I’m all you have to depend on right now.  I’m doing what I’m trained to do.  You do trust me don’t you?”

She took a long look at him. He was fully composed and in charge.  She imagined this is how he talked a terrified victim through a dangerous situation. “Yes.  I trust you,” she said, licking her lips that felt dry from her hyperventilating.

“Alright, then do it.  Give me a gentle push.  When I say stop…stop.”

She closed her eyes and pushed gently. The pain sent a burning ripple that raced to her toes. She opened her eyes and saw Isadora enter the bedroom with paramedics and more firefighters in tow. She tried to relax knowing Nick had help in case anything went wrong.

But nothing should go wrong. The babies were healthy, and she didn’t have any other issues with her blood pressure after the incident with Anthony. Her pregnancy had been smooth sailing up until now. The babies decided they were ready to come into the world a month early.

Nick stayed in control once paramedics were on the scene. They didn’t intervene and seemed to be coaching him on what to do.  Everything was happening too fast, and it put her in a daze as the people in the bedroom moved about. Everyone was shouting an order, and it made it hard for her to pay attention to Nick’s instructions.

Jon came to stand by her side.  He took hold of her hand. “You’re doing great, Lincoln. I’m going to start an IV as a precaution.”

She pushed his hand away.  “I don’t want any drugs!”

“I’m not giving you any drugs.  The IV is standard procedure and just a lifeline in case you require medication.  I promise there is nothing in this but saline.  The paramedics would normally do this, but they are a little busy, so I get the pleasure.  I’m a little rusty at this so bear with me,” he laughed.

Lincoln knew Jon was attempting to quiet her nerves.  Her hands gripped at the sheet covering her as another wave of pain washed over her. “I’m sure that pain can’t compare to what I’m going through now.  But, get that IV in; I might need some drugs before this is over.”

Jon patted her shoulder.  “When I’m done you can squeeze my hand if you need to.”

“How are the babies, Jon,” she winced straining her head against the pillow. She felt dizzy from the pain that was ripping her body apart.

“Well, we should know soon.  But, you’re doing great.  Just do as Nick says, and it will be over soon,” he said in a soothing voice.

The firefighters that weren’t assisting in the birth left the bedroom taking Isadora with them.  Jon finished the IV and remained by her side.  The minutes seemed to drag as Nick kept hammering her with instructions when all she wanted to do was get it over with so she could sleep.

Once again, Nick instructed her to push, and she did. Then she heard a small whimper, followed by an intense cry. Her eyes were sluggish, but she saw Nick talking with the paramedic who did something to the baby before handing the baby back to Nick.

A tear slid down her face, but she couldn’t enjoy the birth of her first born before another crushing wave of pain crashed through her body. Two minutes later, another whimper followed by a cry came. Nick stood up as the paramedic repeated the same procedure before placing that baby close to her chest.

Lincoln reached her hand down to touch the heads of the tiny babies resting on her chest.  Her hands were shaky as her fingers glided over their heads fingering the sprigs of black straight hair. Her babies were here, and she was a mother.

Nick’s face was covered in sweat and Jon handed him a towel. He cleaned his face and hands.  Coming to the side of the bed, he leaned over Lincoln smiling broadly. “Baby, we have two healthy baby boys.  They are beautiful just like their mother.”

She couldn’t speak for crying. Jon was congratulating them as well as the paramedics in the room that had taken over for Nick. She saw Nick pick up one of the babies that was resting on her chest and sat down beside her on the bed with a pair of surgical scissors. She asked. “What are you doing?”  She wanted to sit up, but the pain prevented her from moving.

“I get the honor of cutting the umbilical cords for my boys. I love you, Lincoln. I love you so much.”

Overly exhausted, she closed her eyes. “I love you too.”

Nick gently wrapped each baby in a blanket, kissed them on the forehead and handed over his precious bundles to paramedics to carry to an ambulance. “Lincoln, you have to go to the hospital to make sure everything is okay. I’m gonna clean myself up and meet you there.”

She reached for his hand. “Nick, we are indeed blessed. How many fathers can say they delivered their children into the world? I’m amazed at your strength. I know you will do everything in your power to keep our family intact.”

He laughed. “I’m sure I’ll need a drink later but right now, I’m too happy to think about what I’ve done. But you’re right. I will do everything in my power to keep us together. They’re ready to transport you now. We can think of baby names at the hospital.”

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