Burn: Outlaw Romance (Hotter Than Hell Book 3) (24 page)

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Authors: Holly S. Roberts

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Burn: Outlaw Romance (Hotter Than Hell Book 3)
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“Come on inside and we’ll talk where it’s cool.” He turns and I follow. I’ve been inside the house before. It’s more of a museum. Moon lives here with his wife, Madison. I met her the same night I met Gomez, Moon, and Celina. I’m led to the room we had our meeting in before. “Moon’s on his way in. You want something to drink?”

“I’ll take water if it isn’t a problem.”

Gomez shakes his head and says, “No problem.” He picks up the phone on the side table and pushes a button. “Do you mind bringing us two waters, Gabriella?”

He listens for a moment. “Gracias,” he replies and puts the receiver down. “Take a seat. I’m guessing this is business not pleasure. If I’m wrong, we can head out to the pool. The misters and umbrellas keep it fairly nice.”

I can’t imagine sitting outside in a full suit. I have no idea how he stays cool in that thing. “In here works.” I run my hand over my head. “I don’t really know why the fuck I’m here. I owe you a debt and the club will pay it—”

Moon enters while I’m talking and he interrupts. “I think it’s the other way around,” he says. I stand up and shake his outstretched hand. Madison—she prefers to be called Mak—follows and ignores my hand and pulls me in for a hug. Moon’s lips curl slightly, which is about as close to a smile as he gives. An older Spanish woman walks in and rests four bottles of water on the table before turning on her heels and walking out. Before we can settle at the table the woman is back carrying a tray filled half with vegetables and half with small sandwiches. She snaps something in Spanish at Gomez and he rolls his eyes.

“She’s telling him he’s too skinny and needs to eat,” Mak says conspiratorially. “He’s not handling Celina’s absence well and we’re all tired of his moping around and the way his suits hang on him.”

“Does she ever stop?” Gomez grumbles at Moon.

“No, I don’t believe she does.” Moon replies with a soft look in Mak’s direction.

Moon is also dressed in a suit and tie. Mak wears a classy skirt and blouse with flat sandals that manage to show off her legs. I have trouble reconciling her past as a cop and the fact she now runs Moon’s escort service. She proves it takes a tough woman to handle the head of Arizona and New Mexico’s largest crime syndicate. Her casual demeanor shows that Moon and Gomez don’t intimidate her in the least.

Her eyes turn to me. “Please tell me you’ve found a good woman to keep you in line?” she asks.

Of all the things to affect me. Heat rises in my face.

Mak misses nothing. “Really, do tell. Who is she?”

Moon takes her hand and gently squeezes her fingers. “I believe this is a business meeting, baby.”

“Haven’t you heard of small talk to set the mood?” She turns her attention back to me. She’s like a dog in search of the bone he hid a week ago. “So, who is she?”

“Fox’s daughter,” I reply honestly.

Her eyes go round. “Shit, you’re kidding me.”

“I should add—his Hispanic, or Latina as she prefers, daughter. She planned to kill Fox and when I took care of the problem before she could, she paid me back by aiming a gun at me and pulling the trigger.”

Madison laughs. “That’s priceless. We’re glad she’s a bad shot.”

I shake my head. “No. She pulled the shot. I have a feeling there’s nothing she can’t do. She’s nothing like her father. Rough life, traveled here from Florida. She heard about Kiley through one of the club ladies and decided she had to do something about it. Didn’t know that Kiley was in good hands. She wasn’t too happy that I took out her old man. She wanted that particular pleasure herself.”

“You must bring her here. I already love her,” Mak says.

I give a slight grin. “I think she’d like you too.”

“Business,” Gomez says testily. Yep, he’s not doing well with Celina out of the picture. I won’t ask if this is a permanent situation, but I’m thinking it is or he wouldn’t be so bad-tempered.

“Look, I’m not here for help and I’m sorry, Moon, but the Desert Crows owe you. All the brothers agree and we pay our debts. What I need is advice.” I look around the room and outline everything that’s happened up until I rode away this afternoon. I have no idea if they have another
direction I can take the club or not. I hope so. I really need to take an alternative back to the brothers.

It’s after eleven when I’m on my bike again and heading home. Of course Moon wanted to help and not just offer advice. My pride kept me from taking him up on the offer. They are handling Pauline, though. Not killing her but making her disappear. It’s what’s best for Celina and Kiley, so I agreed to let them handle it. Mak made it clear that they wouldn’t kill her. I’m not as generous, so I’ve turned it over to Moon’s organization. Moon and Gomez didn’t seem happy about keeping Pauline alive, but Moon will do what it takes to keep his woman off his back.

I have no idea if Sofia will be awake when I arrive at the club. One thing I do know—I’ll have a pissed off Latina on my hands. I ride practically the entire way with a hard dick.



what’s happening, and no one has heard from Dagger. Skull and Charlie showed up for a short time. Skull read the paperwork from the county and offered an explanation to why their permits were turned down.

“Some asshole, most likely the agent who handled the search warrant, mouthed off to the county board,” he said. “We all have criminal records. No way we’ll get those permits now.”

I’m pissed off and have been since Dagger stormed out.

“Dagger will be back when he’s cooled down,” Skull told me before leaving. “He needed a ride to get his head on straight.”

It hurts that Dagger didn’t at least take me with him. Fuck, I’m his old lady and he should have me there when things are going good
bad. I refuse to allow my personal doubts to cloud my mind for long, so I spend two hours on the computer reading articles and blogs about ex-felons. The county is idiotic. The recidivism when felons find good jobs or start businesses is really low compared to the ones who don’t.

Dagger is doing everything he can to take the Crows out of illegal activity. He told the damn agent that. They’ve done their time and deserve another chance.

A plan to help with this mess develops and I print off all the forms needed for the county. I have no idea if Dagger will go for it, but it’s worth a try. I head to bed at midnight and a short time later I hear Dagger. I breathe a sigh of relief. Doesn’t matter what Skull said, I was worried.

I listen to him undress and then he slides in behind me and pulls me against his naked body. I’m in a nightshirt and panties. Dagger’s warm hand slides over my hip beneath the shirt.

“I’m sorry, princess.”

My anger floats away as he dips lower and sneaks under my panties. “I was worried,” I say breathlessly.

“I know,” he whispers. “I needed to ride.”

He moves my leg up so he can slip a finger inside me. I moan at the contact. “I want tongue,” I whisper and he knows exactly what I’m talking about. He moves down the bed and takes my panties with him. I pull my shirt over my head and bend my knees when he’s between my legs. He reaches over and turns on the light. I’m not surprised. Dagger is a very visual man. I keep my eyes closed, cover my breasts with my hands, and start to play with my nipples.

“That’s right, princess, pinch those babies.”

I pinch as he slides his tongue along my pussy lips. Fuck, it feels wonderful. His hands move beneath my ass and he lifts me solidly against his amazing mouth. This isn’t just a treat for me; Dagger eats a woman like it’s his last meal. God, his mouth, lips, and tongue are incredible. “Dax,” I say quietly.

“Yes, princess, I’ve got you and I’m not letting go until you scream my name.”

He finds my clit and sucks it past his lips. I no longer need to ask—one large finger slides into my ass and I moan loudly. He chuckles and gets back to work. His tongue is unbelievable as he swirls it around my entrance before sucking my clit again. I’m riding the waves when he slides another finger in my ass. It hurts and I whimper. He doesn’t stop. He knows I want more. I’m pushing my feet against the mattress and grinding up against his mouth. Oh, God, he uses his teeth and nibbles on my clit. It hurts, my ass hurts. He slides his fingers in and out. It’s too much and before I want it to end, I fly over the top screaming his name loud enough for Rufus to hear me from the other room. It won’t be the first time, nor the last.

Dagger moves from between my legs and rises up above me. His hair is almost an inch long now. He looks like a completely different man. His cock rams inside my quivering pussy setting off a mini orgasm. He lifts my right leg and puts it over his shoulder as he moves into another position. Dagger loves to watch my pussy as his cock slides in and out. I reach my hands behind me and press them to the wall. He’ll torment both of us with slow leisurely strokes until I come undone again.

I love him.

Nothing good ever lasts in my life. My eyes slide open and I see that he’s looking at me. He smiles and my panic recedes. “You’re so beautiful, princess,” he says and looks back down where our bodies join.

I close my eyes and ride out the next wave. He’s still going when it tapers off. He pulls out and flips me over. He jerks my hips up and drives in deep. Slow is over. Dagger fucks me hard and his groans fill the room. I’m crying his name over and over, when his cock begins pulsing inside me. My hands are filled with the pillow. He pulls out and slaps my ass, making me laugh.

He rolls me so I’m looking up at him. “Ah, dirty girl, I’ll never get enough of you.”

“Flip the light off and let me sleep,” I whisper in exhaustion. “I’ll show you a dirtier girl in the morning.”

“Dirty pussy, my favorite.” He turns out the light and pulls me in close.

I love this man so damn much.



and I’ve allowed Sofia here to talk to the officers and present her plan. It could actually work. She filled out the paperwork last night while I was cooling my heels in the wind.

“You lease me the property and I apply for the permits. I’m Latina—a minority and female. I don’t have a criminal record. I can scream from here to next year if they refuse me those permits. Do you really give a fuck if my name is on the paperwork?”

She lays the papers out on the table.

“You think they’ll give you the permits just because you’re Latina?” AJ asks.

I bite my lip and let Sofia handle this.

“Don’t get your white boy panties in a wad. There aren’t many perks for having brown skin. This just so happens to be one of them. The government thinks Latinas are good at things besides cooking, cleaning, and fucking.”

AJ raises his hands in surrender. “Not what I meant, but do you mind if I comment that you’re damn good at two of those?”

“All three,” I mutter and receive a glare from Sofia.

AJ laughs and picks up one of the papers. “I say we go for it. Couldn’t fucking hurt to give it a try at this point.”

“I’m in,” Skull adds.

Vampire agrees too.

Johns speaks up. “We can lease the property to her for a dollar a month to make it legit. Hell, we can pay her ten years or more in advance.”

“How do you think the brothers will feel about me having my name on the papers?” Sofia asks and looks around the table.

Skull interlaces his fingers and pops his knuckles. “They’ll like it because I tell them to like it.” He’s serious. Not only does Sofia have Bear protecting her, Skull has made it his personal project that none of the brothers gives her so much as a side eye.

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