Read Burn for You: Outback Skies, Book 2 Online

Authors: Lexxie Couper

Tags: #firefighter;angst;series;danger;Outback;erotic;second chance;scarred hero;action;adventure;Australia;forbidden love

Burn for You: Outback Skies, Book 2 (8 page)

BOOK: Burn for You: Outback Skies, Book 2
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Evan turned his head and pressed a lingering kiss to the centre of her palm. “Understood.”

She smiled. “The world is going to have to wait for a while though. Until we’re finished h—”

He thrust his hips forwards and buried himself inside her tight, wet heat.

“Oh God, yes,” Jenna cried out, arching beneath him.

His girth stretched her wide, a powerful invasion of delicious friction.

Of incredible connection.

She wrapped her thighs around his hips, a part of her mind recognizing how uneven the flesh of his left hip was, another part of her mind realizing it made no damn difference.

He was inside her. After all these years, he was inside her, making love to her.

Being with her.

Being hers.

They moved as one, Evan thrusting deeper and deeper into her, his stare holding hers, their bodies sliding against each other, smooth skin on rough, hard on soft.

Until, a mere few minutes later, the base of Jenna’s spine began to tingle and her core began to flood with liquid heat.

“Evan,” she moaned, the distinct tension of an approaching orgasm almost undoing her. He’d had been the one worried about coming too soon, and here she was, about to— “Evan, I…I…”

“I’m going to come.” His rhythm grew faster. His nostrils flared. “Fuck, I’m sorry, babe, I’m sorry but I’m going to—”

Jenna came.

A heartbeat before Evan.

And as they rode the waves of their mutual climax, it was all Jenna could do not to laugh with the sheer joy and wonder of the moment.

It was perfect.

So perfect.

“Do me a favour?” Evan mumbled into the side of her neck, threading his fingers through hers as he slowly ceased his thrusts.

“What’s that?” She chuckled, loving the weight of his body on hers as much as she loved the fading throb of the orgasm he’d given her still pulsing in her core.

He lifted his head a little, the edges of his mouth curling. “When you write your story on the hero of Wallaby Ridge, can you leave out the fact he has no staying power?”

She laughed. “Only if the hero of Wallaby Ridge promises to bribe me with at least another four orgasms before sunrise.”

His smile stretched to a wide grin. “Only four?”

And with that, he captured her lips with his and proceeded to get to work on the first.

About the Author

Lexxie Couper started writing when she was six and hasn’t stopped since. She’s not a deviant, but she does have a deviant’s imagination and a desire to entertain readers with her words. Add the two together and you get romances that can make you laugh, cry, shake with fear or tremble with desire. Sometimes all at once. When she’s not submerged in the worlds she creates, Lexxie’s life revolves around her family, a husband who thinks she’s insane, an indoor cat who likes to stalk shadows, and her daughters, who both utterly captured her heart and changed her life forever.

Contact Lexxie at
[email protected]
, follow her on Twitter
or visit her at
where she occasionally makes a fool of herself on her blog.

Look for these titles by Lexxie Couper

Now Available:

The Sun Sword

Tropical Sin

Triple Dare

Dare Me

Sunset Heat

Suspicious Ways

Party Games

Suck and Blow


Heart of Fame

Love’s Rhythm

Muscle for Hire

Guarded Desires

Steady Beat

Lead Me On

Blame it on the Bass

Getting Played

Savage Australia

Savage Retribution

Savage Transformation


Dark Destiny

Dark Embrace

Outback Skies

Breathless for Your

Coming Soon:

Outback Skies

Bare for You

Better with You

When desire goes sky high, things get hot. Really hot.

Breathless for You

© 2015 Lexxie Couper

Outback Skies, Book 1

The middle of the Outback seems the perfect place for city-bred Dr. Matt Corvin to recover from the beating life has given him. Working in Wallaby Ridge as a member of the Royal Flying Doctors is just what this doctor needs, until he finds himself paired with a pilot who’s every sexual fantasy that’s ever done barrel rolls through his head. She rekindles in him a desire for something he thought he’d never want again—connection.

Natacha Freeman was one medical exam away from RAAF fighter pilot status when her lungs royally screwed her over. Flying a medical plane in the Outback should have provided isolation to match her desolation. Instead, she’s stuck in a tiny plane with a nice guy who sends her hormones screaming full throttle.

Though Tash is jumping on the brakes with both feet, Matt’s not above using this thorough knowledge of the human body to change her mind. Until the dangerous reality of living the Outback brings them crashing to the ground.

: If gorgeous sexy doctors with incredible bedside manner and a dominating sexual side make you shudder with sheer orgasmic rapture, this book may be…wait for it…just what the doctor ordered.

Enjoy the following excerpt for
Breathless for You:

The lush grass felt cool under her bare feet. Matt had insisted she take her boots and socks off and wriggle her toes in the soft blades. They’d both checked for snakes first, of course. Any Australian, whether from the city or bush, knew it was both foolish and dangerous to plant their feet in long grass without first searching for snakes and spiders. Matt had given the all clear with a smile before crossing his arms over his chest, affecting a serious expression and ordering her to begin bare-foot toe wriggling.

“It’ll help your body relax,” he’d said with the same tone she’d heard him use with Reg and Beryl McGuire, a wonderful mix of firm command and warm comfort.

How many times had she heard him talk that way to patients and felt her soul respond to it? How many times had she played that tone over and over in her head, her body aching for a connection she hadn’t known she’d wanted until Matt entered her life?

How many times had she pretended he’d spoken to her in that tone, telling her to strip naked, to stretch out on her bed, to spread her legs so he could fuck her with his mouth?

Too many times. She’d gone through a truckload of batteries on that one fantasy alone.

And now here she was, thinking of it again, her body—already wired on a post-inhaler blast—thrumming with charged need and her vibrator six hundred and fifty kilometres away.

But the subject of those fantasies is here, Tash. Right here. In the flesh.

She shot the doc a quick look and her breath caught. Not due to her traitorous lungs, but because of the open hunger in his eyes.

Oh God, did he—

“Fuck it,” he muttered, a second before he closed the distance between them—barely a few feet—in two long strides, buried his hands in her hair and crushed her lips with his.

He swept his tongue into her mouth, a dominating invasion of greedy desire. He pushed his hips to her, the rigid pole of his erection nudging her belly. She whimpered into the kiss, clinging to his shoulders.

A raw groan tore from him, vibrating deep in his chest, and then he dragged his lips from hers and stepped backwards, putting distance between them once again.

“I’m sorry, Natacha,” he ground out, head turned away from her. The muscles in his jaw bunched. His eyebrows dipped in a frown. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

Rooted to the spot, her heart wild, Tash stared at his profile. “Why not?”

He raked his hands through his hair with a fierce swipe of clawed fingers. “Because you’ve just had an asthma attack, because we work together, because I’ve only just survived a broken heart and because you hardly ever talk to me, let alone give any indication you want me to—”

Tash destroyed the space between them and silenced him with a kiss hungrier than the one he’d given her.

For a split second, he didn’t move.

And then he did.

With a low growl, he grabbed her arse cheeks and yanked her hard to his body. Plundered her mouth with his tongue as he ground his erection to her belly.

She met his ferocity with equal need, cupping his face in her hands, sliding her tongue against his. He tasted warm and clean and incredible. Addictive. She rolled her hips, telling him without words how much she wanted this.

It didn’t matter a flying fuck she’d just had an asthma attack. This was all that mattered. His lips on hers, his need melding with hers, their mutual lust…

He squeezed her backside harder, his splayed fingers taking savage possession of her body. She moaned, the less-than-gentle touch turning her core to liquid heat, and tangled her hands in his hair.

Another rumbling growl vibrated in his chest and he dragged his lips down over her chin, to the bowed column of her throat, up to her lips again.

She’d never been kissed with such desperate hunger. With every searing stroke of his tongue on hers, with every nipping bite of his teeth on her flesh, the urgent need in her body grew tenfold. Her clit swelled with blood and desire, her pussy lips the same. Her breasts grew heavy and round in her bra, her nipples tight and pebbled.

When Matt bunched the material of her shirt in a tight fist and yanked it free of her jean’s waistband, she didn’t stop her gasp. When he shoved his hand beneath the now un-tucked cotton, his palm hot on her ribcage, it was all she could do not to cry out with wanton impatience.

Oh God, he was touching her. He was—

He closed his hand over her right breast and palmed the heavy globe.

She whimpered into his mouth, clawing the backs of his shoulders. So good. It felt so good.

“Fuck, Tash,” he moaned against her lips, kneading her breast before dragging his thumb over her puckered nipple. “You have no idea…”

He didn’t finish. Instead, he lifted the front of her shirt with a sudden shove of his arm, exposing her breast to the day. He closed his lips around her nipple and sucked on it through the satin of her bra.

Let th
e games begin…

Suck and Blow

© 2011 Lexxie Couper

Party Games, Book 1

Talent agent Frankie Winchester is a hellion. Her motto is all a girl needs is a fun time, a fast car and an awesome masseur on speed dial. There’s only one person who could beat her at anything. Alec. Bane of her high-school existence, a kid whose parents were as working class and loving as hers were rich and distant.

When celebrity landscape architect Alec Harris spots Frankie at an exclusive Sydney house party, everything comes rushing back. The memory of being the “cheap-money” kid, trying and failing to prove himself—and impress his dream girl, Frankie Winchester.

Unexpectedly partnered in a wildly sexy game, the delicious friction ignites a scorching sexual tension. But there’s more than a playing card trapped between them. Frankie refuses to admit that kiss shook her to the core. Alec wants nothing less than her full surrender.

Game on!

: C’mon, the book’s called Suck and Blow. What more warning do you need?

Enjoy the following excerpt for
Suck and Blow:

Oh God.

Her heart leapt away from her, the soft pressure of his fingers at her waist making her head swim. Or was it the fact she was holding her breath? Holding her breath with the goddamn ten of hearts stuck to her lips?

Do something, woman!

She didn’t have to. Alec did it for her. With a gentle push and pull on her hips, he turned her around to face him, his blue, blue eyes holding hers, his dimples flashing as the sides of his mouth curled. “So, who’s going to win this one, Frankie?”

The question was asked on a low chuckle, each word making her sex constrict.

She stared at him. Watched him lower his head to hers. Watched him draw closer. Closer. Her lungs burned. Her head swam. The room fell silent.

And her breath ran out just like that, the card slipping from her lips at the loss of suction a mere second before Alec’s mouth pressed to hers.

Explosive heat shot through Frankie, like she’d suddenly and inexplicably grabbed a live wire on an electrical fence. Except it wasn’t electricity charging through her, singeing her nerve-endings and making her nipples pinch hard but arousal. Instant and undeniable. A wicked ribbon of warm tension unfurled through her belly and into the junction of her thighs, and before she could stop it, a low groan vibrated deep in her throat.

His lips were warm, soft. They melded to hers with perfection, slightly parted, his intake of breath drawing her exhalation into his mouth.

He’d expected to feel the playing card pressed to his lips now, of that she had little doubt, but instead of pulling away as she thought he would, his lips lingered on hers. Slanting over them as his fingers on her hips curled a little more firmly against her body, tugging her closer to
body with an insistence that made her head swim just as much as her earlier oxygen deprivation.

She stiffened, for the first time in her wild, uncontrolled life she was utterly and completely bamboozled as to what she should do next. Her feet stumbled over each other, her lurching forward momentum halted by Alec’s hard form.

And he was hard. Very hard. All of him.
and big and impressive.

His stomach pressed against hers like a sculpted plane of marble. His chest was hard and smooth under her palms.

Her palms? Frankie’s already rapid heartbeat kicked up a notch, thumping against her breastbone like a bloody sledgehammer. When had she put her hands to his chest?

Who cares?
The brazen thought whispered through her head at the very moment Alec’s lips parted against hers and his tongue dipped into her mouth.


He tasted of sinful paradise. Pineapple and coconut and rum. It was intoxicating. She wanted more.

Snaking her hands up over his shoulders, she tangled her fingers in his messy crop of blond hair, opening her mouth wider to his kiss and stroking her tongue against his. She rose onto tip-toe, the elevation aligning her hips to his, the hard heat of him nudging at her groin.

The single word was nothing but a soft sigh in her mind—a mind furiously trying to remind her just who in the bloody hell she was kissing. Alec Harris.
Alley Cat, Francesca, you’re kissing Alley Cat.

And he was kissing her back. And doing a superb job of it.

BOOK: Burn for You: Outback Skies, Book 2
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