Bureau Under Siege (9 page)

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Authors: A K Michaels

BOOK: Bureau Under Siege
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Ronan turned away, walking a few steps then stopping. “Fuck, Starr, this is so hard for me. Every single atom of my being is yelling out to me to keep you and our child safe.”

She must have followed him because he felt her hand on his bare skin, rubbing gently on his back. “I know and I understand that and I’ll do my best not to make you worry. You, Ronan, have to try and not smother me and treat me like a weak female that has no idea how to look after herself. I think you forget the years I was on my own running, and fighting, Vampires and Witches.”

He stilled at her touch, trying to calm himself so they didn’t have a full blown argument. He was pretty sure that wouldn’t help his pregnant mate. “I know and I’ll try too but, hey, you’ve gotta give me some leeway while you’re pregnant. It’s hard enough for me as it is but now that I know our child is inside you it makes it so much harder.”

She moved in closer, her bare skin causing him to shiver. “Okay, you get a few free passes just now but I guess we’ll both have to compromise. Now, come to bed, we both need some rest.”

One of her hands snaked into his, tugging him towards their bed. “Starr, how did you know you were pregnant? Don’t you need to do a test or something?”

Grinning she shook her head. “Nope, we sense them almost immediately after conception. It’s a Dragon thing and, Ronan, as the pregnancy progresses you should be able to sense the baby too. I don’t mean your Vampire hearing will pick up the heartbeat, I mean, you’ll be able to

“Really?” he stared at her stomach, “Now, that’s gonna be weird.”

“It’s a way for both parents to bond with the child before it even comes into the world.” Starr climbed into bed, pulling the cover over her naked body, settling down on her pillow as she smiled up at him.

He was pretty sure she had never looked as beautiful as she did at that moment as her violet eyes sparkled with excitement and love.

“Well I guess you’ll have to guide me in all this…stuff. I don’t have a freaking clue.”

As he climbed in beside her she answered sleepily, “I will, Fang, I will.”

Very quickly she fell over into sleep, as she turned onto her side he slid over, spooning her with an arm around her waist.
“Guess there’s gonna be some big changes around here,”
he thought as his own eyes slid closed.

Chapter 9


Creed lay in his bed, unable to relax, unable to sleep. Every muscle in his body taut as he tried to rest, knowing he must, but finding it impossible. Images of those killed in the explosion flashing before his eyes and his anger grew to proportions even he didn’t know he was capable of.

His head knew that he wasn’t responsible, Mikhail Karloff was, but his stomach roiled at the thought of the lost lives. After all, it was his actions that had been at the root of the explosion. No matter that Mikhail was an insane psychopath, it was because of him that the man had arrived here to wreak havoc on everyone around him.

His heart stuttered in his chest as the images of Drake’s bloodied face morphed into Darya’s broken and ravished body. His teeth clenched so tightly, he thought they may break and crumble. A coldness overtook his body and he couldn’t stop the shiver that ran through him as he fought to rid his mind of his love.

Anger engulfed him as he remembered that fateful day so very long ago. The only thing keeping him from falling into an insane rage was the thought that he would make him pay. Hell yes, he would definitely make Mikhail pay for what had been done to his truemate.

A soft breeze tickled his skin and he was sure he could actually smell the fragrance of flowers that had always been on her skin. Like honeysuckle and lavender, pure, like her. Nostrils flaring as he sought to find the scent again as another soft wisp of air ran over his skin. “Darya?” he asked quietly to the darkness surrounding him.

The silence seemed to mock him as he strained his senses, finally shaking his head at his stupidity. She was dead, long dead and all he had was his grief and anger. Now
was something he knew about: anger. He would use it well in the coming battle and every last ounce of it would be directed at Mikhail Karloff.

His lips turned up at the edges, a small, feral smile on his face as at long last his eyes slid closed as he fell over into a restless sleep.




Sam held Charmaine in his arms, waking from a fitful rest, in the same position as when he had fallen asleep. Her red hair fell around her in soft waves against her pale skin. His eyes taking in every detail of her face as she remained sleeping, her mouth open slightly as she breathed.

It had taken him quite some time to calm her fears when he finally made it home. Expecting to find her asleep, instead finding her pacing back and forth in their bedroom. Worry etched on her face as she turned to him, running into his open arms. She had pleaded with him to let her help, magically. He had refused, point blank, at the thought of her being in any danger whatsoever.

His head almost bursting with pressure as he imagined her being hurt, he had told her they needed help in other areas and he would make sure she was doing something worthwhile. Now, well, he had to come up with something that she didn’t guess was him keeping her safe.

He would ask Esther, surely their head Witch would have something appropriately safe for Charmaine to do.

Slipping carefully out of bed he headed for the lounge, sending a quick text to Esther, before going for a shower. He needed to get back to work and see if there had been any developments while he slept. He was ready for work, dressed for the field in black combats and boots, torn with waking Charmaine or letting her rest.

She had been up very late and she wasn’t a Vampire so she needed much more sleep than he but he didn’t want to leave without telling her. As he stood wondering what to do, she stirred in the bed, turning over with a sigh and opening her eyes.

“Morning, beautiful.” He smiled as he sat down on the side of the bed, her sleepy eyes still trying to focus.

“Mornin’, you going to work? Wait and I’ll come with you.” She yawned as he leaned over, kissing the tip of her nose.

“You stay there, it’s still early and I’ll phone you later.”

Another yawn and her eyelids closed as she slipped back into sleep. Sam moving quietly as he left the room, glad she was definitely out of danger; for another while at least. Picking up his pace as he strode quickly to get back to work and whatever the day brought.

Somehow he thought it was going to be a rough day and he only hoped they didn’t lose anyone else in the process.




Matthew stood anxiously outside the door, looking both ways before plucking up the courage to enter. Running his hands through his unruly dark hair before pushing the door open and peeking inside. There she was, Celeste, looking as beautiful and pure as ever. So much so it caused his heart to beat wildly in his chest.

Taking a deep breath he went in, noting the dreamy look on her perfect face. “Morning, Celeste,” he said quietly so as not to spook her; she was easily spooked and confused.

His Wolf was prowling around inside his head, something that rarely happened, and he tried to get it back under control. Back to the normally placid animal he knew so well. Never before had it acted as it was doing now and it only happened when he was near to Celeste. Frowning he tried to figure out just what the hell was going on with it.

Celeste’s worried voice broke into his musings and he focused on her fully. “Are you okay? Matthew what’s wrong?”

“I’m fine, why do you think something’s wrong?” he queried with a shy smile.

A little frown on her face as her eyes stared at his. “Your Wolf is misbehaving and you’re worried. I can sense it. Can I help, Matthew?”

The innocent look on her face told him she had no idea of the lustful thoughts he had every time he saw her. Feeling guilty and a little surprised that she knew what was going on with his Wolf, he walked over, sitting on the corner of her desk. “I’m not sure. It’s been acting up lately, but, Celeste, it’s only when I’m with you. I’m sorry ‘bout that but it just won’t listen to me.”

“Hmm, now that must be very annoying and I wonder why it does it when you’re with me? Anyway, was there something I can help you with? Or, oh no, we didn’t have a meeting or anything. Did we? I’m so sorry if I’ve forgotten, you know what my memory is like.”

He couldn’t help the smile from appearing on his face as he watched her face go through a dozen different emotions. “No, we didn’t have anything planned. I just wanted to come visit.”

Celeste’s eyes twinkled as her face relaxed, her own lips curling up into the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. “I’m glad. I like when you visit. In fact, Matthew, I have to say you are one of my most favorite people. You don’t judge me. I know others do, ‘cause of my, my, well, I’m not sure how to put it but I know I’m flaky and forget things and gosh, sometimes I’m not even here. Well, now that sounded silly. Of course I’m here but sometimes my mind isn’t but you don’t seem to mind that.”

Matthew shook his head, “I don’t mind at all and you’re one of my...no...you are my favorite person. Celeste, do you think, when all this trouble is over, do you think, maybe, we could watch a movie together, or go out for dinner or something?”

His heart beat so hard in his chest he was sure that everyone within a block radius would hear it as he waited on her answer. If she said no then he knew he would die of embarrassment. He may be a Wolf but he was worse than shy, he was a freak in the Wolf world, never having dated, never having made love to a girl. He may be a hotshot whiz when it came to tech but in regards to being a Wolf he was an anomaly that most didn’t understand.

Hell, he didn’t understand either, but he lived the life he felt most comfortable with and that wasn’t being a hot blooded Wolf running after females to get them into bed. If he wasn’t working, he much preferred quiet time, reading or watching sci-fi films.

She cocked her head to the side, looking as if she was truly giving his proposition some thought before she spoke again, “Matthew, do you like the Star Wars films?”

The laugh that escaped his mouth surprised him as he vigorously nodded. “I
Star Wars and Star Trek, both the movies and the series. What about Stargate, do you like that?”

Celeste’s face beamed at him, her color rising to show a blush on her cheeks. “I
that show!”

Esther’s voice startled them both, Matthew jumping to his feet. “Seems as if you two have a lot in common. Matthew, if you promise to get toffee popcorn I’m certain she’ll agree. She can’t resist toffee popcorn.”

He saw a cheeky gleam in the old woman’s eyes as she smiled at them both before leaving the office. Alone once more, he turned back to Celeste. “So, I’ll throw in toffee popcorn.”

His heart soared as she laughed, clapping her hands together like an excited child. “Oh yes! Now, you have to remember that you may have to keep reminding me. I do tend to forget things.”

Taking his mobile phone out, he opened up his phonebook. “Give me your number and I’ll text, the day, date, time and I’ll keep reminding you.”

Her frown had him stop,
was she changing her mind?
“This is my phone but only Esther’s ever called me on it and I don’t know the number.”

Taking it from her he started to scroll through… “Here it is, now I’m going to put yours in mine and I’ll add mine to yours so you’ll know it’s me that’s texting or calling. Is that okay?”

“Yes, now, I’d better get Esther’s tea ready. She’ll be back soon and will want her special herbal tea. Thank you for stopping in to see me, Matthew.”

As Celeste rose, she swept her fingertips along his jaw, little jolts of electricity sparking against his skin. Her eyes widened slightly then she smiled again, that perfect smile that only she could give. “Off you go.” She laughed as she disappeared into Esther’s office.

Matthew left, not quite understanding what had just happened. Only knowing he had a kind of date with the most beautiful girl in the world and his Wolf howled long and hard inside his head.




Starr was surprised when she woke and found Ronan still asleep. It was a rare occurrence that she was awake before him and she took the time to stare at him, taking in his handsome face and strength in his body. Her fingers traced his rock hard abs and he shivered under her touch. Drawing her fingers away quickly as she didn’t want to wake him she looked at the clock, seeing it was still early and they had only been asleep for a few short hours.

She didn’t feel tired though, not at all, she felt invigorated and full of pent up energy. A sly smile crept onto her face, knowing what she wanted to use some of that energy up doing. Again trailing her fingers on Ronan’s bare skin, moving south slowly, as she felt him awaken beneath her touch.

“You after some morning lovin’,
mo chroi
?” he drawled as his eyes stayed closed.

Moving her head forward she opened her mouth, her tongue sticking out and slowly circling one of his nipples, causing it to pucker and harden beneath her touch. A soft moan rumbled in his chest as his eyes popped open. “Playing dirty?” he smirked and in one swift movement had her beneath him, his body over hers as he pinned her to the bed.

Staring down at her she saw his eyes widen, “Hey, you look…different, yeah, somehow you look not quite yourself. Your skin is almost glowing, Starr, and your eyes. Fuck! Your eyes are magnificent, they’re glossy and kinda sparkly. What the hell?”

“What? Stop joking, Fang, I’ve got bed head and probably dark circles under my eyes through lack of sleep. Hey, you’re getting it this morning, no need to compliment me.”

He shook his head. “I’m not kidding and I’m not just saying it to get inside you. We both know that’s happening! But, you look amazing, or, I’ll rephrase that. You look more amazing than you normally do.”

“Really?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. “Now, if you’re not joking then thanks but if I get out of this bed in a while and see no change I’m gonna be mighty pissed at you!”

Lowering his head he kissed her lips in a soft, chaste kiss, pulling back to grin at her. “I’m not joking, now what say we get this morning lovin’ started? Sooner we start the sooner you can check out your new look in the mirror.”

Reaching up she pulled his head down, kissing him with fervor as his hardness entered her in one swift motion. Her breath hitched at the invasion as every nerve ending came alive…as they always did with her mate’s ministrations.

His mouth stayed locked on hers as their movements grew more frenzied, their skin slick with sweat as he thrust inside her again and again. As Starr tugged hard on his hair to break their kiss, he looked down with a frown at the loss. That was until he saw her move her head, giving him access to her neck and the vein that throbbed just below the surface.

A sexy smile turned his lips up as his fangs erupted, her core tightening at the sight, before he lowered and sank them deep inside her. When he pulled her blood deep inside his mouth the pleasure his bite always brought took over her entirely. Screaming like a wanton hussy, she broke apart in his arms.

Ronan followed shortly after, his fangs retracting out of her skin as he growled in her ear. His breathing ragged as he pushed all the way inside her, holding himself there as his body shook and quivered with his own release before finally falling atop her.

“Fuck! Starr, what a way to start the day!”

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