Bruno (8 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Pokorney

BOOK: Bruno
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I love you, Saige. I loved you before, I loved you then, and I love you now. Forever.
See beautiful. Be beautiful. Love. And be loved.


“Bruno,” I say, hugging his letter to my chest, “Tuo amore mi ha fatto bella.” And now I’m going to return the favor, by making someone else beautiful with my love; because what is love given if not returned? It’s not love at all. It’s not beauty. And love is life. And life is beautiful.






Note about:


The Novel

Bruno is a real person.

He was diagnosed with Leukemia at age 19.

He is currently still fighting his battle.

Bruno finds beauty in everyone and everything.

Just as we all should.

Most names, dates, places, and some happenings

have been changed for privacy purposes.

This story is to remind you just how beautiful life is;

(the people, the places, and even the things).

Live life beautifully – the way you were meant to.


About the Author:

Stephanie Pokorney

Book Related: Stephanie is an upcoming author. Her writing style gives the teens of the today a voice to be proud of. Although she is a firm believer in happy ever after fairytales, she stays realistic in her writing. Stephanie doesn’t believe in writing a story that could “never happen to [her] readers”. The majority of her writings are based on real people and real feelings, added with a few twists. Look out for upcoming novels from this relatable author.

Personal: Stephanie grew up in a small town in southeast Texas. She graduated High School in 2009. Currently, she is working on her English degree with a minor in Kinesiology. She’s a hopeless romantic and will forever believe in the power of love. Stephanie enjoys watching football (Go Cowboys!), spending time with her friends and family, and dancing. But her true passion is writing. She gets her ideas from her own personal feelings/experiences and from feelings/experiences of close friends. She vows to always listen to and appreciate her readers’ opinions and suggestions.

For comments, suggestions, and inquiries; please email Stephanie at:
[email protected]


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