Bruised Angel (River of Lies #2) (24 page)

BOOK: Bruised Angel (River of Lies #2)
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Chelsea was still asleep when Mason came in the following morning jumping up and down on the bed. She opened her eyes and glared at him.

“What are you doing monkey?” Chelsea said with a growl.

Mason laughed and pulled on Chelsea’s arm, she looked at the clock on the bedside table and groaned when she saw it was only nine in the morning. School holidays were for staying up late and sleeping in, not getting up when there was still an a.m. next to the time. Chelsea groaned and swung her legs out of bed, which caused Mason to beam with happiness. She shook her head slightly curious to his mood. Mason dragged her through the living room and out to the garage where Knox and Kelly were both wearily standing. They two had obviously been pounced on by a six foot three ape telling them to get up. Mason pressed the button on the garage door and it started to open. There sitting in the driveway was a black Mustang. Chelsea looked at Mason who was bouncing up and down excitedly.

“Whoa that is very nice Mason. Whose is it?” Knox said walking towards the car and running his hand over the bonnet.

Mason grinned and pulled out the back of his pants two P plates. Kelly and Chelsea looked at each other and Knox pointed at Mason.

“She’s yours?” Knox asked in astonishment

Mason grinned and bobbled his head up and down. He looked like a little kid on his birthday.

“You got your licence?” Chelsea asked, equally as shocked as the others.

He had told no one that he was sitting the test. Mason pouted and folded his arms across his chest.

“Why is that so hard to believe?” Mason said.

“Um because Kelly taught you to drive” Knox said laughing.

“Hey” Kelly yelled running after Knox who took off down the driveway laughing.

Chelsea went and put her arm around Mason’s waist who was smiling watching everything that was going on.

“She’s a beautiful car Mason” Chelsea said with a smile.

Mason smiled down at her and kissed the top of her head.

“Want to go for a drive? She needs christening” Mason said with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

Chelsea laughed and nodded her head.

“Yes I very much want to christen your car. I’ll go get dressed” Chelsea said as she turned to run into the house.

“Don’t wear panties” Mason yelled back to her.

Chelsea laughed again as she turned and winked at him.

“Aww remind me not to go in your car then” Kelly said which only made Chelsea laugh louder.

When she came back out in her summer dress, minus her panties, Mason smiled and stepped behind her, slowly sliding his hand up the back of her dress, grinning when he realised she had taken his request seriously. Knox and Kelly were looking under the bonnet when Mason went to the passenger side and opened the door, waving his hand to guide Chelsea in.

“Your chariot awaits sweet lady” Mason said using his best pompous voice.

Chelsea laughed and shook her head, swinging her legs into the car and settling back smelling that freshly cleaned car smell. Mason climbed in the driver’s side and slid the keys in the ignition and fired the car to life as Knox lowered the bonnet. Knox came around to the driver’s window and stuck his head.

“Take it easy. It will be easy to drive like a dickhead in this. So go slow” Knox said with a nod of his chin to Chelsea “you’ve got precious cargo on board. And don’t forget her aunty is married to a big time lawyer”

Mason shook his head and laughed.

“Yeah Lincoln reminds me that I’m going out with his cousin regularly. I can’t forget” Mason said with a laugh. “I’ll go easy Dad”

Knox nodded and patted the roof stepping back from the car and letting Mason pull out of the driveway. It wasn’t long before they were driving the highway, the air blowing in their faces through the open windows, their hands tangled in each other’s and free.

“Where do you want to go?” Mason asked turning his head to look at Chelsea.

“The mountain” Chelsea replied with a smile.

Mason nodded his head and grinned.

“What my lady wants; my lady gets” Mason said with a smile, revving the engine and heading towards the Mountains that lay on the outskirts of the city.

It wasn’t long and they saw the big Mountain looming in front of them. Chelsea sat at ease as the big car took the corners beautifully. Soon they found themselves sitting at the observation point of the mountain and watching the people wander around. Chelsea and Mason were in their own personal bubble in the car, in their world, their world of freedom. Chelsea looked out as the cars funnelled up and down the highway like ants on a mission all busy doing not much. She never wanted to be one of those people. That’s why she loved art so much, she could work at her own pace. If she didn’t want to paint, she didn’t have to paint, if she wanted to walk the beach she could walk the beach. Her life was hers. Her art was the one thing she could control and that was what Chelsea loved about it.

Chelsea rested back in the seat and closed her eyes sighing with contentment.

“You alright?” Mason asked stroking her hand absently.

Chelsea opened her eyes and looked over at him nodding her head.

“I’m better than alright. I’ve got the most beautiful man I’ve ever met by my side. I’ve got a sister I never had before. I’ve gained a cousin who I consider a good friend and I’ve got a best friend. I have somewhere to belong. And I’ve been accepted into a school doing what I love. Life is perfect” she said with a smile on her face.

Mason smiled and kissed her hand.

“I love you” he said.

Chelsea smiled and nodded.

“I love you to. Now let’s go find somewhere and fuck ourselves senseless in this pretty car of yours” Chelsea said.

“Hey it’s not pretty, it’s manly and tough” Mason said with a laugh.

“Oh sorry, let’s go find somewhere and fuck ourselves senseless in this tough and manly car of yours” Chelsea corrected herself.

Mason nodded and grinned.

“That’s better” he said gunning the engine to life.

They drove around the back of the observatory and found a quiet little spot nestled in amongst some trees. It wasn’t quite far enough off the road for Chelsea’s liking but she knew that Mason wouldn’t take his shiny new car too far off road for fear of scratching it so she said nothing.  When he turned the engine off they wound the windows up and Chelsea climbed out of the car and swung the back door open. Mason watched her with a smile.

“Am I going to have to start without you?” Chelsea asked pulling her dress up to expose her crotch.

Mason raised an eyebrow and gave her a crooked smile. She watched him while she gently moved her hands down over her pussy and began to slowly dip her fingers into the folds. Mason gave a throaty moan as he watched her fingers moving in and out of herself. She had never done anything like it before. With Mason though, she felt like there wasn’t anything she could do that would turn him off, maybe lick his toes or something but not touching her own pussy. That he seemed to be enjoying greatly.

Chelsea spread her legs wider and leaned back against the seat watching Mason intently. She dipped her fingers inside her again, but this time as she brought them out she allowed the sticky wetness to sit on her hands. Chelsea took her finger and slowly inserted it between her lips and sucked off the juices. Mason groaned and quickly opened the driver’s door climbing into the back seat. Chelsea smiled at him, when he grabbed her hand and ran his tongue across the palm tasting her juices. He groaned again gently pushing her against the door and pushing her thighs apart. Mason buried his head and flicked his tongue through the wet folds until she was grinding her hips into his face and crying out for relief. Mason sat up and wiped his chin with the back of his hand.

“That had to be the hottest thing I’ve ever seen” he said with a smile.

“Oh really? You didn’t seem interested at all” Chelsea laughed.

Mason smiled and winked at her as he lowered his jeans over his hips and rolled on a condom. She widened her eyes and gasped as he moved deep inside her in a sudden movement. It wasn’t long before they were both clinging to one another and crying in ecstasy. Mason and Chelsea sat back in the seat both completely satiated. Chelsea closed her eyes and reached out for Mason’s hand. They sat there for a long time and when she opened her eyes again, she noticed Mason had his eyes closed and mouth lightly open, his breathing deep and slow showing he had fallen asleep. She reached over and took the condom off his now soft cock and tied the end up, shoving it into a paper bag she saw in the glove box and pulling his jeans across to attempt to hide him from the outside world.

She got out of the car and walked to the front, leaning against the bonnet. Chelsea lifted her face to the sun that was poking through the trees and sniffed at the clean air that the city didn’t have. She listened as the birds sung their song each trying to get laid in their own way. Chelsea breathed in a deep breath and smiled.

“Hello there” Chelsea heard from behind her.

Chelsea turned to see an old lady and man coming towards the car. She started to panic slightly at the thought of Mason being exposed in the back seat and had to stifle a giggle at the imagined look on the old couple’s faces.

“Hello” Chelsea called back to them.

“It’s a beautiful day to be out in the sunshine” the old lady said.

Chelsea smiled and nodded. The couple approached her and thankfully stayed at the front of the car. Chelsea moved over in front of the driver’s side so that they couldn’t see in to where Mason was sleeping.

“It is” Chelsea agreed.

“You have a beautiful dress” the lady said again with a warm smile.

Chelsea smiled again and thanked her for the complement. The old man pulled his binoculars out and started to look up into the tree’s as he walked towards them to get a better look at whatever bird was nesting there. The lady leaned forward as if to tell Chelsea a secret. Chelsea looked at her and leaned in as well.

“Your dress is caught in your bottom cheeks” the lady smiled sweetly as she whispered.

Chelsea’s face immediately went bright red as she reached around and pulled the dress from out of her hungry backside. The old lady laughed and touched Chelsea’s arm gently.

“It’s alright dear, we were young once and had our fair share of backseat romps” she said nodding to Mason who was still asleep in the back seat.

Chelsea smiled through her embarrassment and lowered her head. The lady chuckled again.

“He’s a looker” she said lifting her chin back towards Mason. “I wouldn’t let him sleep too long”

The old lady gave Chelsea a wink. Chelsea let out a laugh, which made the lady laugh harder, holding onto Chelsea’s arm for support. The old man turned around and put his hands on his hips cocking his head and looking at them like they had completely lost the plot while they giggled like school girls.

“What are you two cackling about?” the old man asked.

The old lady shook her head and giggled again.

“Nothing dear, secret women’s business. Now let’s keep going and let this young lady enjoy her day” she said with a wink to Chelsea.

Chelsea grinned and waved them off as they continued on their walk before shaking her head and turning back to the car. Mason was still asleep when she gently nudged him. He opened his eyes and smiled at her.

“Sorry baby I didn’t mean to fall asleep” Mason said groggily.

“That’s alright” Chelsea said with a smile. “Wanna go get something to eat. I’m starving”

Mason sat up and smiled nodding his head. They drove down the mountain in silence, Chelsea’s mind still with the old couple she had spoken to. She hoped to be just like them one day with Mason, although she’s not sure he would be that oblivious and she couldn’t really see him looking at birds with a pair of binoculars. Chelsea let out a giggle at the thought of it. Mason looked over at her with a confused look on his face.

“What are you laughing at?” he asked.

Chelsea shook her head and regaled him of the story that had happened. He looked shocked and opened his mouth.

“She saw my dick?” Mason asked as he cheeks reddened.

Chelsea laughed and nodded.

“How could she not, you fell asleep with it hanging out” Chelsea laughed. “She was impressed if that makes it better”

Mason puffed his chest out and grinned.

“Yes it does. See what can I say, I can even make old ladies all juicy” Mason said with a beaming grin.

Chelsea scrunched up her nose and held her hands up.

“Alright there is a line Mason Knox and you just skidded right over it” Chelsea laughed. “I do not want to think of old ladies getting juicy”

Mason barked out a laugh as he pulled into a little roadhouse that he assured her sold the best burgers in town. He wasn’t wrong. She engulfed her burger at breakneck speed, letting out a big burp at the end. Mason watched her with a raised eyebrow.

“Where the hell do you put all that food?” Mason asked.

Chelsea laughed and shook her head.

“Hollow legs” she replied patting her legs.

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