Brother to Brother: The Sacred Brotherhood Book I (22 page)

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Authors: A.J. Downey

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BOOK: Brother to Brother: The Sacred Brotherhood Book I
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Maybe it’d been all those years watching her with Grind, as creepy as fuck as that sounded. Even if you don’t spend much time interacting with someone, you spend enough time around ‘em, spend a few months livin’ with ‘em, you pick up on some of their subtler cues. As much as I was enjoying keeping her pinned on her stomach, the delicate curve of her ass fitting the curve of my hips as I shoved inside her, I was missing her legs and arms wrapped around me; I’d liked that, too.

I pulled out of her, and thought that a bath would
be the next order of business when I was through with getting my fill of her lush body underneath mine.

“Turn over,” I gasped and let her up enough so she could do it. She did, and immediately pulled me down on top of her, her legs going around my waist, her arms around my shoulders. Her nails dug into my back and I thrust into her a little harder than I’d meant to, but it turned out to be okay because she was
into it
. Like so into it, that she clamped her legs around me harder, pulling my cock into her further, her teeth setting into one of my trap muscles a little less than gentle.

I couldn’t leave a challenge like that unanswered, so I drew back and thrust into her even harder. She arched and cried out, “Oh, yeah!” and it was pretty frenzied after that. I sailed past lovemaking right into some down and dirty fucking, and she kept pace the whole way. I was glad for it, and that it didn’t always have to be slow, because I liked it a little on the rougher side some nights too.

“A little more! A little more!” she cried and I gave it to her, and she crashed to the bed, crying out in wild abandon as her body went deliciously haywire beneath mine. Oh yeah, it was just what I needed to tip
over the edge. It seemed we were compatible in the sack, which was a good thing. A very good thing.

We rested, catching our breath, finding our heartbeats and taming them into a more sedate pace. It was with more than a little reluctance and some regret that I pushed off of her and got to my feet.

“Where are you going?” she asked softly and it made me smile that she wanted me to stay.

“Drawing us a bath, we’re a mess and I’d rather not fuck up the sheets.”

“It looks big enough for two, think we’ll both fit?”

“We’ll find out,” I said and padded into the bathroom barefoot. I could have sworn I heard her hum with appreciation. I was glad she liked the view.

I started the water and looked at the box of bath shit that was still sitting on the little side table beside the tub. Melody laughed at me from the open bathroom doorway.


“You’re looking at it like it’s going to bite you,” she said, laughing so hard tears sparkled in the corners of her eyes.

“I’m not rightly sure it isn’t,” I said.

“Want me to pick?”

“I sure as hell don’t; I’d have to pull my own man card.”

She dumped a vial of this and a bottle of that and pretty soon the water was foaming and swirling with sparkly shit in it. I stared at it, eyebrows raised and Melody smirked.

“You need to get in first, if we’re both going to fit,” she said.

“You tell Rush or Nox about this, I’m going to spank that ass before I fuck it.”

She giggled and I liked that she’d relaxed around me enough to do it. She got into the bath and I helped her sit between my knees and lean back against my chest. She hummed in appreciation and when the water was deep enough, reached up and shut off the tap.

“Like this.” I said, head leaned back, eyes closed.

“Mm hmm, you?”

I chuckled, “I wasn’t asking, I was telling, and I’m glad you like it, too.”

She sighed in contentment and I actually cuddled her close. I couldn’t ever remember a time I’d engaged a woman like this. Usually I fucked it, and kicked it right out my fuckin’ door. I’d never had a woman of any kind of real quality in my life before. I didn’t have time for it, and it was kind of tough attracting any kind of woman with an understanding of this life that had the morals to live up to my expectations. I hadn’t thought Mel was one of those women in the beginning… I thought I’d learned differently by watching her, but she was always tucked into Grind’s side.

When he’d taken off out here, he’d said it was because of Mel, and hadn’t wanted to talk about it at all. I’d figured she’d walked on him. I never in a million years thought it was my brother who’d walked on her… Grind knew he’d had it good with Mel. She kept takin’ him back. Even after fuckin’ around with no good club sluts because they were there and they were easy, Mel had taken him back.

“What are you thinking about?” she asked softly.

“Why’d you let him do it.”

“Do what? Cheat?” she asked, and her sigh was heavy.


“I don’t know, to be honest… He said he loved me; said he was sorry and I believed him. I could and would forgive him anything as long as he loved me.”

“That’s not love, Baby.”

“Closest I’ve ever been to it,”

“No, it’s not; it’s really, not. Sit up for a minute, turn around and look at me.”

She did as I asked, slowly, and when she was at the opposite end of the tub, facing me, I pulled her towards me and into my lap. She was effectively straddling me and taller this way, so I had to look up, into those true blue eyes of hers.

I had to sigh, “Walking out on your lady, putting her last, fucking some other skeeze.” I raised my eyebrows and said, “Giving your woman who waits on you hand and foot, keeps your place clean, cooks your meals, and gives you freedom the fucking clap,” Melody jerked like she’d been slapped and I was pretty sure she hadn’t known that all of us guys knew but it just served to bring my point home, “I don’t care how much you
to her that you love her, but that ain’t love, Baby. That’s the furthest thing from it.”

Her face crumbled and I didn’t like it, in fact, I wanted to build it up right quick, so I told her the truth of it, “Putting a roof over her head, holding her when she cries, being her strength when she has none left, protecting her, protecting the children you have with her, providing nourishment not only for their bodies, but for their souls…
that’s love.

She searched my solemn expression, her hands perched on my shoulders for the longest series of heartbeats my body had ever produced. Her eyes misted, and she wrapped my pony tail around her hand, tugging my head back as far as it would go. Her other hand resting on my forehead as her mouth crashed over mine and she kissed me as if she were a starving woman and my kiss would provide all the nourishment she’d need for the next thousand years.

I held her tight and kissed her back and it tasted sweet with relief and a lot like victory.


Chapter 25





“I said no, Archer!” I stared at him with disbelief over Noah’s head, hitching my baby up higher onto my hip.

“I ain’t exactly asking, Mel,” Archer said quietly. We’d come back from our honeymoon just last night, and already he was standing here telling me that he was leaving again, on a run, to Arizona no less, and that he would be leaving in just three days.

“This is unbelievable,” I uttered and he reached for me, I stepped back.

“Why?” I demanded, “Tell me;
why now

Archer sighed and dropped his hand to his side, he hung his head and huffed a bitter chuckle, “That’s club business, Baby.”

I frowned and demanded, “You swear to me, you
swear to me,
that it’s legit club business and has
to do with my parents.”

“I swear to you, it has more to do with the club than your parents, but I had planned on making a visit to them, too.”

I felt myself pale, “Don’t Archer. Please don’t, you don’t know what they’re like and we don’t even
how long it will take for you to legally adopt Noah. Please don’t stir this pot until all is said and done.

“Hey, hey, hey!” He came to me and Noah both, and I was out of places to sidestep or back away, but I didn’t feel like putting space between us anymore. I wanted the comfort he was offering. He took both me and our son into his arms and held us, kissing the top of my head. “No tears,” he said and I nodded against his chest.

“We’re leaving Friday, but Baby, the Arizona chapter… the shit they’re doing… Dragon won’t have it. It goes against everything this club has stood for since Tilly died. They’ve had long enough to clean up and get on board.”

“What happened to it being ‘club business’?” My voice was muffled against his chest and the vibration of his chuckle made me want to cuddle a little closer.

“Somehow I don’t think you’re gonna rat me out, but I’ve got a vested interest in seeing Dom’s face, looking him in the eye, when I ask about the way he treated you.”

I nodded, my eyes riveted to the floor and the scuffed and worn toes of Archer’s motorcycle boots. Heat rose in my cheeks, and I felt the blush bloom against my skin. I don’t know why it still humiliated me so much, but the sting of embarrassment was still pretty sharp. Archer touched my face with gentle fingertips that smelled of orange hand cleanser and beneath that, worn metal.

We’d both gone to work that morning and my feet ached from having been on them all day and then some. One of the girls hadn’t shown up for her shift, and I had called Revelator to see if I could take half of her shift and get a few extra hours in. He’d been happy to, and so I’d stayed, picking up dinner for Archer and myself and a little dessert for Noah as Rev had said he’d feed our son dinner.

Noah was tired, his little head against my shoulder and I figured Rev had successfully worn him out for us. That made mine and Archer’s life a touch easier, at least for tonight, so I reminded myself to thank him when I dropped Noah off tomorrow.

“Put our son to bed, Mel… then come to bed yourself, k?” Archer asked in that low, soothing, husky voice of his that I was becoming so accustomed to.

I nodded gently and told Noah, “Say goodnight to Archer, Baby.”

Noah fussed and rubbed one eye with a tiny fist, before throwing himself at Archer who swept him up before I dropped him.

“G’night, Little Man,” Archer said hugging him.

“Ni Daddy Atcha,” Noah hugged Archer around the neck and we exchanged a look.

“Noah,” I asked, having my suspicions, “Did Rush and Nox tell you to say that?”

He nodded, “Unca Atcha kissed Mommy in her white dress and that makes Unca Atcha Daddy Atcha now,” he said and it was a
. I was proud of him, but I was also grateful to Rush and Nox. Archer and I had no idea how we were going to explain it to Noah, now, it seemed we wouldn’t have to.

“Uncle Nox tell you that?” Archer asked and Noah nodded.

“Remind me to thank Nox,” I uttered and Archer hugged Noah, bouncing him a bit and moved over to our son’s crib to put him down.

“Yeah, no shit,” Archer said and winced before I could say it. I closed my mouth and smiled raising an eyebrow. “Go on, I got this,” he murmured and I nodded.

“Ni ni Mommy!” Noah called and I waved at him.

“Night, night, Baby!”

I went into the bedroom and swung the door closed enough to hide behind it while I changed out of my uniform. I wanted to shower, but my tired, aching feet had other ideas when it came to me standing around. I hung my head and Archer, who could still see me through the crack in the door called out, “What’s wrong?”

“I need a shower but I’m really tired and my feet are

“Shower,” he ordered and I sighed.


I made it quick, resisting the urge to live under the siren’s call of hot water for longer than it took to wash my body and hair. Stepping out onto the bathmat, I knew regret and with a reluctant sigh, I toweled off and slipped into the gorgeous satin and lace pajama set that Archer had gifted me the first night of our honeymoon. Of course, I hadn’t had occasion to wear it since then.

I slipped out into the bedroom and raised an eyebrow, Archer had the wedding gifts piled on one side of the bed. The other he patted and told me, “Get over here.”

I sat down next to him on the edge of the bed and he lifted my feet into his lap. It was an awkward position for me to maintain sitting up, so I lay back against the pillows. We’d opened the few gifts that had been labeled for the honeymoon. Aside from Rush’s simple box filled with bath accessories from Hayden, there had been massage oil scented like the little heliotrope flowers from our wedding, that had been from Nox, and a little matching bottle of perfume from Everett. Mandy had sent a box of chocolates infused with things considered in some cultures to be an aphrodisiac.

Rush had sent along a tube of lubricant called ‘anal eaze’ which made me blush brightly and had Archer suggest we would definitely be using it in the near future, which we hadn’t yet; I was still warming to the idea. The last honeymoon gift from the wedding had been from Blue and had been another of Rush’s simple wooden boxes that had contained a blindfold, as well as a whole bunch of sensation causing implements. From a set of wicked metal claws Archer could put on his fingertips, to a spikey little needle sharp wheel on a metal handle, to silk and velvet scarves as well as a little page of instructions that had been beautifully written in calligraphy.

We hadn’t precisely gotten to that box either, and I’d been impressed at how much these little boxes had held and that Archer had fit them into his saddle bag. Now, I looked dubiously at the small pile beside us and sighed.

“You insisted on the ‘thank you’ notes,” he smiled and handed me a notepad and pen and I arched an eyebrow at him.

“It’s been a long day,” I said.

“Yeah and I put that frown on your face, it was the only thing I could think of to turn that frown upside down.” He started to rub my aching feet which he’d placed in his lap and I let my eyes drift shut.

“That’s a really good start,” I said faintly and he chuckled. We lapsed into a few moments of silence and eventually, I broke it with, “Are you sure
have to go?”

“Melody…” his tone held an edge of warning.

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