Broken Wolf: Moonbound Series, Book Seven (25 page)

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Authors: Krystal Shannan,Camryn Rhys

BOOK: Broken Wolf: Moonbound Series, Book Seven
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Camryn Rhys

of hot historical romance with paranormal elements and co-author of the Moonbound series--a spinoff of the VonBrandt Werewolves from Somewhere, TX.

Loves Florentines and lightbulbs. Writes about cowboys who cook and demons who captain airships and werewolves who save the world. Once met Queen Elizabeth. Can swallow a sword. Eats jalepenos by the handful. Former chef, turned writer. Currently living in Canada. Owns a falcon. Not all parts of this bio are equally true.

Copyright ©2016 by Krystal Shannan & Camryn Rhys. All Rights Reserved. Published by Moonbound Books.

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This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and situations within its pages and places or persons, living or dead, is unintentional and coincidental.

Edited by
C.A. Szarek

Cover and Logo Design by
Erin Dameron-Hill

Digital Format by
Moonbound Books

Somewhere, TX town, concept, and characters created by
Chick Tales, LLC and used with permission

Watch for more Moonbound books coming soon!

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