Brody (3 page)

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Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

BOOK: Brody
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glanced at the condom package that sat on the bedside table. At least she’d
hadn’t been totally foolish. The sex had been the safe sort.

have some explaining to do,” said Brody.

she remembered he was called Brody.

I talk in my sleep?” she asked.

but there’s a wedding dress hanging in the bathroom.”

intended to throw it in the dumpster at the back of the motel, but her parents
had paid lots of money for it so she didn’t have the heart to go through with
her plans. Maybe the bridal store would offer a refund.


married or about to get married, and am I going to have an angry groom with a
shotgun threaten to shoot my balls off or something?”

shook her head. “I guess you’d call me a runaway bride.”

bride. You had a change of heart?”

nodded. She didn’t want to talk about this right now but knew he had a right to

you mean you jilted the poor guy at the altar?”

actually in the back room at the church.”

raised both his eyebrows. He had a cute cleft chin that she was tempted to
reach out and touch.

you didn’t realize that you didn’t want to marry him
you got to the church?”

sounded heartless, and she wasn’t that kind of woman. He was a stranger, and
what he thought of her wasn’t that important. Yet she felt like she wanted to
protect her reputation.

hadn’t seen him fucking someone else before I got to the church. I walked into
the back room to adjust my veil, and there he was fucking another member of the
wedding party.”

had really been a shock. She never wanted to go through that again.

me guess, maid of honor or one of the bridesmaids?” asked Brody.

actually, it was the best man.”

kidding,” said Brody.

wish I was.”

your fiancé is…”

don’t know what he is, but I knew I couldn’t go through with the wedding so I
took off, and all I could find in the parking lot was the horse trailer and
truck. I had no idea there was a horse in it.”

laid down on the bed and fluffed the pillow under his head.

drove around and around and finally saw this motel and thought it might be a
good place to hang out while I did some thinking,” said Maddie, setting her
head on the pillow right beside him.
guess yesterday answered a lot of questions, like why Mark—that’s his name—had
never had sex with me.”

turned onto his side and looked at her. “You’ve never had sex with your fiancé?”

shook her head. “He said he was old fashioned and wanted to wait.”

think the best man is…”

boyfriend. Yeah, it all makes sense now. They used to go away on camping weekends
a lot. Even went to Vegas for the bachelor party. Just the two of them.”

I’m guessing that’s who the other
is for…I mean, the tattoo on your body.”

I forget about that. You know if tats are easy to remove?”

wanted to remove mine, but I guess anything’s possible.”

never, ever going to trust a man ever again, and I sure as hell am not going to
get his name tattooed on my body. And I’m not going through the pain of a
Brazilian again.”

have to say I sort of like it.”


you have too pretty a pussy and lips to hide them.”

smiled. He was probably just saying that to make her feel better. Right now,
she did feel like her world had broken apart. All the money that her parents
had spent on the wedding. All the guests waiting at the church. The lavish
meal, the band waiting at the country club. Lots of people were going to be
pissed with her, and she couldn’t blame them. But she couldn’t marry a man who
clearly wanted to be with someone else. She’d never be able to face anyone
again. Soon, everyone in Riker’s Creek was going to know what she did.

don’t know about you, but I’m doggone tired. You mind if I crash here for the
night?” he asked.

was the least she could do, and like she’d told him earlier, she didn’t want to
be on her own tonight of all nights.

make yourself at home. I’m going to the bathroom.”

slipped out from under the covers and walked toward the bathroom. She flicked
on the light, and the wedding dressing stared back at her. She probably should
pack it away, donate it or something. She felt sick to her stomach every time
she caught sight of the thing.

don’t know much about wedding dresses, but it’s beautiful,” Brody called to

she’d been right. He was sweet.

thinking about putting it in the dumpster out back.”

hang onto it if I were you. Someone’s bound to sweep you off your feet one

Yeah, in my dreams.

walked out of the bathroom to see he’d fallen asleep and was on his side, his
back toward her. Maddie didn’t like to stare, but she couldn’t help it. He had
the biggest scar running down his back. She gently climbed onto the bed and took
a closer look at it before she switched off the light.

looked like he’d been opened up for surgery, and it was recent because the skin
was still fairly pink and puckered. It reminded her of when her grandma had her
gallbladder removed.

flipped over slightly, his arm now resting close to her leg. That had marks on
it too. Clearly, he’d been operated on. But for what?


Chapter Three


had almost forgotten where he was.
He remembered going into the bar and the attractive brunette with the bracelets
that made a sound similar to the chimes in his mother’s garden. He also
recalled her scent, probably because he could still detect it. The runaway
bride he’d brought back to her motel and then had sex with was still in his

morning,” she said.

looked up to see her standing next to the bed, coffee mug in hand. He squinted
and glanced at the clock. His body told him it was still early. Yeah, just past
six. He sat up and let the sheet drape over his thighs, covering his lower

up bright and early,” he said.

couldn’t sleep,” she said.

understandable. You’ve had a life-changing event.”

life-changing all right. Can I get you some coffee? I used the machine in the
bathroom. It’s not that great, but it’s drinkable.”

love one.”

walked away. Didn’t the lady ever put on clothes? Not that he minded. Brody watched
her ass cheeks bounce with each step she took, and he wanted her all over
again. He pulled the sheet up some more, but it didn’t do much to cover the
erection that was forming underneath it.

or sugar?” she called to him.

just fine.”

headed to the bed with the mug. This time it was her breasts he couldn’t take
his eyes off. Those nipples called to him…so perfect and gorgeous. Maddie sat
down beside him and handed him the mug. Smelled pretty good for something that
had been created in a motel bathroom.

you for last night,” she said.

glanced at her.

advice, and food in the bar, bringing me and the horse safely back here, and
also the sex.”

are welcome,” said Brody. He took a sip of the coffee and she was right—not
great, but not as bad as the gas station variety.

gave me the best orgasms of my entire life,” she said.

guy loved to hear that.

look at that as a good thing that happened about yesterday. If you had gotten
married, you wouldn’t have ended up in the bar and had sex with me,” said

true, but you’ve made me want more.”

finished off the coffee and sat the mug on the side table. He leaned back
against the pillow. “That can be arranged. I mean, if you want to have sex
again before we part company.”
reached up and stroked her face, pushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear.
“Be a shame to let a condom go to waste,” he added.

leaned in and kissed him, pushing her hand down under the sheets and quickly
found his cock. Maddie rubbed it back and forth and then threw the sheet off

you going to let your pubic hair grow back?” he asked her.

think I should?”

shook his head. He flipped her on her back and ran his finger over the bare

think only you should decide,” he said. “But it would be a shame to cover up
such beauty.”

nudged her thighs apart and dragged his finger through her folds. She had the
fullest pussy lips he’d ever seen. He pushed them apart and fingered her
opening. A bead of arousal flowed from her. He took it on his finger and
twirled it around, letting it slide through her folds.

slowly pushed it inside her while leaning over to kiss her. Their tongues
dueled, and then she ran hers over his lower lip as he finger-fucked her.

“That feels so good,” she said.

He pulled his finger out before encouraging her
to turn over onto her right side. He sheathed himself and slid up close to her.
He parted her ass cheeks, loving the side of her recently waxed area which
allowed him a great view of her labia. He spread it, almost wanting to use his
tongue and mouth to bring her to climax. However, he didn’t know her that well
and whether she would be put off by oral sex.

Instead, he lifted his cock and pushed it deep
inside her pussy. He placed his hand on her thigh and began to pump her.

Brody traced his finger up her body, quickly
finding her nipple. He pulled on it and rolled it between his finger and thumb
until it turned hard, and she groaned.

She reached back with her hand and held onto
him, pushing her ass back and causing him to go deeper inside her. He closed
his eyes. When he’d come to Riker’s Creek, having sex was the last thing he’d
expected to do. Meeting a woman in a bar hadn’t been on his to-do list either.

Her orgasm and cries took him by surprise, and
her pussy twitched and grabbed him, making him pump her faster and harder,
working his cock at different angles until he too found sweet release.

He stayed inside her for a bit, pushing her
hair to one side and kissing the back of her neck.
Brody finally pulled out, rolled onto his back, and looked up at the

Maddie put her thigh over his and drew a circle
around his left nipple.

don’t want to seem nosy and tell me if I’m out of line for mentioning it, but
I’m curious about your back. I couldn’t help but notice it earlier,” she said.

almost forgotten about his problem and why he’d come to Riker’s Creek in the
first place.

had a kidney removed earlier this year.”

wow, I’m so sorry.”

wasn’t working that great, so the doctors thought it best to take it out.”

you can live a normal life with just one, right?”

can, but my other kidney isn’t working that well now and…”

looked up at him. He guessed she had a right to know.

dying, Maddie, I’m dying.”


Chapter Four


hadn’t even known him twenty-four hours, but his admission made her cry. He
seemed a sweet guy. Why was it always the nicest people that had shit happen to

long have you got?” she asked, wishing she could take it back as soon as she
heard it roll off her tongue. What a dumb and thoughtless question to ask a
terminally ill man.

said if I don’t find a donor, then about six months.”

you have a family member who’s willing to do that?”

the tough part. My mother’s dead, and the man I thought was my father, well,
turns out when he married my mother, she was already pregnant with me, and they
had no other kids.”

aunts or cousins?”

aunt, my mom’s sister, who I tracked down. But she wasn’t a suitable candidate.
I have one last hope, and that’s why I’m in Riker’s Creek.”

real father’s here?” asked Maddie.

My father, or should I say the man I thought was my dad, gave me a diary that
belonged to my mom. Seems she was a popular lady, and the seventies had a lot
more spread-your-love-around attitude. She was in love with three men and never
knew which one got her pregnant. She lived here in Riker’s Creek in a commune,
and I’m hoping unlike her, the three men never left.”

you have their names?”

nodded. “I’m not looking forward to going to their doors and announcing, ‘I
might be your son, and by the way, you got a kidney you can spare me?’”

took his hand. “It’s the season of miracles, Brody.”

I’m going to need the mother of all of them.”

be routing for you,” said Maddie. She hadn’t planned on keeping in touch with
him, didn’t think she’d even see him again after last night, but now that he’d
told her his story, she felt like she wanted to know what happened to him.

you feel awkward if I gave you my phone number?” she asked.

me asking for it might be awkward, but definitely not the other way around,”
said Brody. He threw the container that had housed their breakfast in the bin.

thought maybe, you know after last night, you wouldn’t want any contact with

have no problem with it. In fact, I can give you the number of the motel where
I’m staying. I mean, if you ever want someone to talk to.”

nodded. She’d sworn off men less than twenty-four hours ago, and here she was
somewhat disappointed that he’d offered to talk and nothing more. Probably for
the best because he had a long road ahead of him, and the last thing she needed
was to get involved with another guy and have her heart broken, this time not
through betrayal, but death.

guess I should get my stuff together and head back to my own motel room and try
and find potential father number one.”

as he said that, there was a knock on the door. They looked at one another.
Maddie’s heartbeat picked up a notch or two. No one knew where she’d headed,
not even her parents.

hope that’s not Mark and that he’s found me.”

want me to answer it for you?” asked Brody.

had to face the music sometime. “No, I guess I’ll have to go deal with it.”

took a quick peek out of the window by the door. “Shit.”


nodded. “It’s Mark’s brother, Harry.”

brushed her hair off her face and opened the door.

thank goodness you’re okay. Mark said the two of you had a misunderstanding at
the church.”

didn’t want to talk about it but guessed she had to or she’d look like the one
who’d done the betraying.

if I come inside? Wind’s picked up, and the smell of snow is in the air,” said
Harry. He brushed off his State Trooper’s hat and stepped inside the room. He
immediately looked at Brody, who thankfully was now dressed complete with his
cowboy boots and hat.

think I know what happened here,” said Harry, running his fingers around the
edge of his hat.

you don’t. I didn’t want to be the one to tell you this, but I found your
brother in the back room at the church having sex with the best man.”

by the blank look on Harry’s face, he wasn’t too shocked about Maddie’s admission.

he told me he’d ended that relationship after you two got engaged.”

knew and you didn’t bother to tell me?” asked Maddie. She folded her arms
across her chest.

was there to tell?” asked Harry, once again glancing at Brody.

your brother was playing around behind my back. I don’t care if it was a male
or female, he was unfaithful to me.”

he and Tim were having a good-bye f...well, you know. And you are?” he asked
looking at Brody.

I should be going,” said Brody.

Brody, it’s fine, you can stay,” said Maddie

didn’t want the poor guy getting caught up in her problems, but having him with
her somehow gave her strength.

like you were having somewhat of a good-bye fling yourself,” said Harry,
looking at the unmade bed. Both sides of the sheets were ruffled, but it was
none of his business. She’d said good-bye to his brother hours before she did
the wild thing with Brody.

here was kind enough to see me safely to the motel room, and I asked him to
stay because I didn’t want to be alone.”

don’t have to explain all this to me, Madeleine. Mark asked me to find you, and
I did. He forgives you for jilting him like you did. He said come home and the
two of you can tie the knot with just a handful of friends and family if that’s
what you prefer.”

I prefer. I prefer not to have my husband be fucking someone thirty minutes
before we were supposed to say ‘I do’.”

I’ve never heard you use that sort of salty language before.”

the new me, and please tell your brother I do not want to marry him in a big or
small venue. I don’t want to ever see him again.”

raised his right palm up to her. “I can see you’re a little upset so I’m not
going to convey that to him. I want you to think about this, and then when
you’re ready, the two of you can sit down and talk.”

took two strides to the door. “Out you go, Harry.”

put his hat back on and headed out but then stopped. “Our uncle Bill isn’t
pressing charges for the theft of the horse and trailer, but I think it best
you get it back to him today. Good day to you, Maddie.”

shut the door and then pressed her back onto it, feeling the wood against her
spine. She’d stood her ground, but now she wanted to cry.

burst into tears. Brody walked over to her, pulled her into his chest, and she

okay, Maddie, you got it all out, and that’s what you’re supposed to do.”

pulled away from him. The last thing he needed was some weepy female. He had a
donor to go find, and she was stopping him.

I should get that horse and trailer back,” she said.

would probably be a smart idea. You going to be okay?”

nodded and reached for the notepad and scribbled down her number. She handed it
to Brody.

can’t thank you enough for what you did, so here’s my number and if you need
someone, please call me.”

took it, folded it, and tucked it in his jacket pocket. “I will certainly keep
that in mind, and if you need me, I’m at the Creekside Motel. Well, at least I
will be for the next week or so. My next stop is Grantsville, because I’ve
traced one of the guys there.”

stood on tiptoes and kissed him. “I know you’re going to find your father, and
he’s going to be the perfect match for you. In fact, that’s going to be my
Christmas wish.”

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