Brocade Series 02 - Giselle (16 page)

BOOK: Brocade Series 02 - Giselle
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du Berchald! I’m pleased to see you again.” The
tallest, easily distinguishable as Etienne’s bastard son, swept into as
courtly a bow as any Giselle had seen. He had the coloring and
height of a Berchald, but was nowhere near as lean. In
stead, he was almost as wide as
his mother.

He turned his attention to Giselle
. Eyes as blue as Etienne’s regarded her. She gathered she would be shorter than he, although she was mounted, forcing him to look up at her.

“Bonjour Mademoiselle
very pleased to meet you.
Jacques Minot, at your service.”

This is the
du Berchald, Jacques, not a

Giselle wondered if the hard note in Navarre’s voice meant
The boy looked at his uncle, then back at her.

,” he remarked and
shook his head.

Giselle almost laughed.

“This is Rene Minot, my brother,” he continued. “Rene?
du Berchald. She’s very pretty,

Giselle looked at the boy
bowing before her. He didn’t favor a Berchald at all, unless it was Jean-Claude, whom she had yet to meet.
Giselle looked to Navarre, who was watching her intently. And then she knew what he was trying to tell her. Giselle nodded. It was
obvious Rene couldn’t be Etienne’s son. Only an invalid, locked in
his castle would believe it.

? Would you be so good as to assist me down? I would
like to wash up, if it would be no trouble.”

Giselle ignored Jacques’
eager hands beside her and waited

“Of course, Giselle.
certain Desiree will show you to the
comfort room. Desiree?”

reached her and pulled her into his arms.
d forgotten how it felt to be carried by him. So close! So warm! The arms about
her tightened, and she turned away. It was as impossible as before,
perhaps more.

Her hat made it difficult for him to hold her close, yet he did
. Giselle leaned away so that the tulle border wouldn’t
scrape his face. She didn’t meet his glance, though. That would
have been too intimate.

The porch came too soon. Navarre held to her until she stood, looking at the decking as her face reddened.

“So sweet,” he whispered before turning.

Giselle gulped.

“Mama, look at the fish we caught. Grandmama will be
pleased with Bernard, won’t she?”


Navarre asked it as Giselle moved
toward the door. It was too sordid a truth already. She didn’t wish to
know more.

? This is
Navarre du Berchald. From the

“Greetings, Bernard
. I haven’t seen you about before. Have you a

Giselle slid through the door, trying not to listen
. Still, she
heard as Desiree answered.

“It’s none of your concern,
du Berchald, who
fathered my son, or who I spend my time with. You pay well for
Jacques and Rene, and that’s all you do. You know what will

Giselle found the comfort room before she heard anymore
. She regarded her
face in the mirror for a few moments before splashing cold water on
herself. It was strange, but she didn’t look any older. She felt it

Navarre was ready to assist her to remount when she came
back out. Giselle tried ignoring him. His
hands seemed to burn through the material, and his breath teased her
ear. She was determined, though. He was a Berchald. And she was
finished with them. She’d made her decision while watching herself
in the Minot’s mirror. She knew she’d never appeal to her husband,
and she couldn’t continue being so close to his younger brother with
how she felt.

That left the convent of
St. Mary. It was her only choice. She almost
looked forward to it. It was a relief to have it settled.



They rode down the road for some distance before Navarre
spoke again. He was riding just in front of her, and turned his head to speak over his shoulder.

. There you have it, Giselle. That was Jacques. Etienne’s illegitimate son. I must apologize for the other. I d
expect our visit to turn so….”

“Ugly?” she supplied the word.

He nodded without turning.

“It’s hardly surprising anymore,
I’m beginning to
expect ugly secrets every time
alone with you.”

He spun at her words, but didn’t speak
. Instead, he simply sat there, rolling with his horse’s gait, regarding
her with a strange expression. Giselle returned it, not realizing
she’d held her breath until he turned back around, allowing her to exhale.

but he affected her. It wasn’t fair. Or sane. Or smart. It still happened.

Navarre picked up his pace
without asking. Giselle suspected it was to get
the entire experience over with. She should be grateful. She wasn’t. This was the last time she’d be alone with him.
She’d made her decision. The convent at Bordeaux
wasn’t going to be any easier to bear if she prolonged time with him.

But how could she get her heart to listen?

They left the road, heading into the trees. Probably to save time. Rid himself of her sooner. The woods grew denser. Darker. Th
e trail started to climb, and he still didn’t alter the pace.

Where are you taking me, Navarre?”

“The arbor,” was his terse answer delivered over his shoulder.

“What’s that?”

He didn’t answer.

The trees thickened until Giselle had to lean close
to her mount’s neck for fear her bonnet would catch on a branch and
pull her from the horse. Navarre was being impossible. The entire
trip was a mistake.

And it got darker
. Giselle frowned. She opened her mouth to ask again, then shut it as they reached
a small clearing. It was as overgrown as the race course. Secluded. Private

Navarre slid from his horse and looped the reins around a vine-covered

“Where are we?” Giselle whispered.

His face was unreadable. “I told you. The arbor.”

He gestured at
a dark shelter hidden in the shadow. Giselle saw a divan
tucked inside. Her eyes went wide and her
heart thumped mightily as she
realized what the arbor was used for.

He wouldn’t dare! And she wouldn’t let him. Would she?

“Why are we here, Navarre?”

He reached for her. Giselle clung to the saddle horn
. She’d made her decision. There was
no room for this. His hands touched at her waist, heating through the
silk of her riding gown. He rubbed his thumbs along her sides,
creating even more warmth.

This couldn’t be happening
. She should stop it.

I won’t harm you,
ma petit.
I vow it.”

He smiled, and Giselle was lost
. It wasn’t a lunge, but it was
close. Her cry was lost in the trees about them as she moved her
hands to his shoulders. And then she slid down his frame until she stood right beside him.


Leaves rustled as a hint of air brushed through the bower
had never felt the like.
This can’t be happening!
I can‘t let it—
One of his arms pulled her to him
. With the other hand
he reached for her chin, lifting it until she looked at him.

“Trust me,
ma petit.”
He whispered it.

She shouldn’t
. She should be pushing from this embrace and
screeching her anger at this manhandling. She should be affronted by
his actions. She should be doing anything other than catching her breath in anticipation.

Sweet heaven
. She couldn’t help it. She loved him.

Someone should have warned her it was an
impossible emotion to fight, and no convent walls were strong enough to constrain it.

He sensed her answer
. Giselle knew it as his lips curved into a
smile, and she saw the flash of teeth. His forefinger held up her face
as he lowered his.

Giselle closed her eyes,
absorbing the scent of greenery filling her
senses until it combined with his smell. His lips trailed down her
nose, and Giselle whimpered with the disappointment. She couldn’t
stand for it again. She wanted more than a chaste kiss. She wanted…

I love you, Gis—”

She stopped his whisper by
reaching up, and yanking his head down. The move slammed her lips to his with a shockwave that rippled and then elated. He groaned and she
joined it, not feeling his fingers on her hat ribbons until it fell
down her back. Pins followed, and her hair tumbled down next. She
struggled for each breath, tasting him as he was
her. Gulping. Moaning. Thrilling. And her entire body felt it, lurching against him time and again. Closer. Crushing her belly against his hardness. She’d never felt so wanton or
sensitive or responsive before.


His breathing was harsh as he lifted from her lips. And he was waiting when she opened her eyes. This was insane. Evil. Horrid. What had compelled her?
Giselle looked into his eyes and felt the instant stab of tears.

What was she doing
? He was out of reach. He always had been. He always would be.
Oh, dearest God.
She’d just kissed her brother-in-law!
She was wicked, depraved, and immoral. Evil. Everything she’d
called Etienne…

ut she was worse. She wanted more!

“Don’t cry, Giselle
. Please?”

He lifted her, and she clung, wetting his shirt as she
sobbed with a blizzard of emotions that all blended: shock and pleasure; disgust and thrill; horror and bliss.

Navarre sat, keeping her atop his lap
. She guessed they were within the leafy shelter.
She refused to look up, even as her tears gave way to sniffles.

am sorry, Na…varre.” She wiped at her cheeks.

“For what,
ma petit?
Kissing me? But that was my doing. I couldn’t help it any longer. And…i
t doesn’t always have to be ugly secrets with us. It—I
go too fast. It wasn’t your fault I brought you here. It’s not your
fault that I couldn’t hold in my desires. But it
your fault for
being so perfect, adorable, innocent, and very passionate. Etienne is blinded by his disability. I
needed to prove it to you.”

Giselle stiffened
. “I
s that why you brought me here…to educate me?” She
tried to keep her voice steady as fresh tears filled her eyes.

my sweet.
never assign such a word to it. I love
you, Giselle. You hear me? I love you. I’ve tried to ignore it. I’ve tried to fight it. I want you to know this. I wish it wasn’t so, but at the same time, I know that it is. I can’t change it. I felt it the moment you gripped my arm in the
cabriolet. Do you remember? You were so small. So frightened. So perfect. You made
me feel…I couldn’t describe it then. I still can’t.

I want to hold you as closely as possible, kiss away your tears,
and share the passion you definitely have. Educate you? Oh, my darling…I’m only thrilled that Etienne finds you lacking.
I mustn’t think that! I
mustn’t. I’ve counseled myself, Giselle. I’ve prayed. I’ve tried to follow what I know to
be right. This is complete madness…and yet look at me. Holding you when I mustn’t. Speaking what should stay unvoiced. I must get you and my brother to see sense…when it’s
something even I can’t see.”

was kissing his throat as he spoke, making him choke on the words. She loved the faintly scratchy feel against her lips. She loved everything about him! And he
loved her!

I…love you, too.”

She whispered it against his earlobe and
felt him shudder at either the touch or the words.

“Don’t say so, Giselle
. I forbid it. It’s enough that I have to
live with this torment. How can I ask another to share it? Especially
the one I love?”

He sighed deeply
. Giselle
lifted her head and held his in her hands, making him look
at her. There was pain, torment, and love in those unique eyes. Her heart felt each one in turn.

Listen to me, Navarre. Listen. Did I ask to love you?
Will I ever feel the same for Etienne?
Will I regret finding out…that you feel the same?
It will be all I
have for comfort. Don’t you understand?”

I wish I didn’t, and yet I cannot say that! You are too
innocent to answer such questions! And I am a brute for making you
. I beg of you, Giselle. Forget this. Forget I said what I did. Forget—
Mon Dieu!
What am I asking? I can as soon forget what just happened as quit breathing. I am a knave.”

“No, Navarre.”

What do you call it when I make love to my brother’s wife? There is only one
worse sin, Giselle. I’m afraid of what else
capable of. And now, we must go.
We mustn’t stay here. Not like this. Not…together. Forgive me for bringing you.”

“Do you wish forgiveness for the kiss…too?”

Fresh tears flooded her eyes as she asked it, and Navarre’s eyes
appeared moist, too. Giselle couldn’t bear to continue looking, and
yet was unable to look away.

I cannot answer that,
ma petit


“To know you share this torment is worse than living through it
alone. Don’t ask anything more of me. I’m too much of a coward.”

“Well, I won’t forgive it, even if you
do ask. It’s all I have. And I’ll
dream of it when no one else knows, too. Nobody can take that from me.”

Oh, Giselle.”

He pulled her close, and she breathed
deeply, matching every one of his. The way he said her name affected her
as much as his tremors.

This is madness, my love. You know that, don’t

She nodded against him.

“You must help me.”

Giselle pulled from him.

“Try not to be so desirable.”

Giselle giggled. “How…am I supposed to do that?”

And never come riding with me again. No matter how many
times I may beg you, say no. Don’t be alone with me, either. Ever.
Always make certain there’s someone else about.”

“Then you have to make yourself less handsome.”

She’d surprised him. It was on the look on his face and in his
voice. “You find me that? Truly?”

I think you’re the most handsome man I’ve ever seen.”

was blushing as she said it and had trouble meeting his eyes.

“Oh, Giselle, my love
. This is not helping.”

He was hugging
her to him again.

. We lose daylight, and I’m not a proficient
enough lady’s maid to redo your hair. Forgive me for that, as well. I lost
control for a bit there.”

Giselle ginned so widely, she felt her mouth might tear
. He
wasn’t proficient with hair? That was wonderful. She couldn’t share
him with another woman; especially one such as Desiree
. It was wonderful too, that he had lost control.

“It is no matter, Navarre.”

BOOK: Brocade Series 02 - Giselle
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