Bringing Harmony (Ops Warriors MC) (10 page)

BOOK: Bringing Harmony (Ops Warriors MC)
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“What about Harmony?” Fork said and looked at her. She had been just listening to them talk, making sure she could see both sides of things. It was how she worked and so she was silent while they stared at her. She had to think it over for a second before she spoke.

“I want to be a part of the leadership,” she said finally. Creed and Fork nodded and smiled at her. They looked so proud, she felt like she had gotten an award.

“I think that you three woman would be awesome leaders in the club. Write it up and let me make sure everyone is cool with it and then we will let you know. But if I explain it like you just did, I don’t think they will have a problem with that at all. I am pretty sure this is gonna fly because they respect you and the other girls,” Creed said and Shady nodded and turned back to the television, apparently the conversation was over.

Harmony shifted, she was still in between the two men, and she was feeling their closeness. Damn it, being near them made her want to take them upstairs and progress this relationship, but they weren’t there yet. She knew if she gave into them, they would try to run over her. So she ignored the heat between her legs.


Chapter Nine


Lola picked up the phone and made the call she had been waiting to make for years. She knew Creed and Fork wanted that little bitch, but they were never going to have her. It didn’t matter what she had to do, Harmony was never going to be their old lady.

She had work and slaved for years to try to get their attention. It had worked for a short time, everything seemed to be in her grasp, and then Harmony grew up. What the fuck was so special about her? Nothing, other than the fact she had been the one to do the research of the mines.

Dom had contacted her looking for his sister, she was one of the Bitches, and he had seen her around town with the guys. Lola had jumped on the chance to help him, anything to take the competition away. There was too much of it, Shady with her hand in everything, Nike with her sweet innocent act, and of course then there was Harmony, the little princess, bitch needed to be smacked down and put in her place.

As soon as she heard who Dom was looking for and why, she had been thrilled. It would kill two birds with one stone, but it backfired. She was the one who was kicked out of the club,
fucking assholes
. She had to team up with Dom because he had good connections. Well this time their plan was foolproof and she wanted it all, shit, she deserved it. Laying on her back for the last two years for Dom, she deserved a medal and more—he was one sick fuck.

It was simple; they were going to run the clubs out of the two towns they had picked to be the main hub for distribution for the cartel. Then they would have the mine and the pipeline bringing them money. Of course, the cartel knew nothing of the mine and they weren’t telling them; that was for her and Dom to split, they had an agreement. First things first though, the clubs weren’t going to leave just because they were hassling them. No, they needed a good fucking reason to leave, and Lola was going to give them one.

“The dancers have their meetings at the first of every week, going over who gets what station for the week, and unless it has changed, that’s on Mondays. Scout it out, and if it is then we will hit the following week,” Lola said. “Don’t worry, I will have her there, I have something she is going to want to look at.”


They were moving shit into the house,
her house
, Harmony thought. Of course, they had said they were going to but to be honest, she really thought they were talking about a bag of clothes and a few laptops and that was it. Fuck no; those bastards hadn’t informed her they were seriously moving everything from the clubhouse to this house.

After she had woken up this morning, went down and made breakfast in the amazing kitchen, sat, and drank coffee on the back porch as the sun rose over the hills of the mine—she had been in heaven. She loved this house and began to think she could talk to her father into claiming this as theirs so they could move out here instead of being in town. Then she could get used to being out here, get to know everyone again, and basically get used to being with the club again. Apparently, Creed and Fork weren’t going to let her do this though because both of those bastards were running over her again.

All of their shit, down to the sheets and blankets from the clubhouse, were being moved over here. Shit, she even saw a fucking jock strap hanging out of a bag, who the fuck wore jock straps anymore?

She stood in her bedroom looking down as the men were moving more and more stuff into her house—it was hers, she had decided and damn it they were so not going to take it from her. The rage in her was building, it didn’t make sense, it didn’t have to, fucking A she was PMSing, and they were fucking up her plans for her life.

Then she saw them, the banes of her existence, and she lost any reason she had been holding onto. Stomping to her dresser, she pulled out her gun she had brought to her yesterday. She checked the bullets and grinned when she saw she had a full clip. This was the first gun she had ever bought. Monk had taken her to the gun store and stood with her while she had been like a kid in a candy shop, they had all been amazing but the Beretta had caught her eye. Usually not for women, Harmony had scoffed at the dealer and asked if she could try it out in the small range he had attached to the store. The man had reluctantly agreed and that was only after Monk had convinced him he would take full responsibility if she shot her foot off. She had been sold on it right away. It was a little heavy for her hand, but she practiced and practiced every day until it no longer felt too much for her. She loved it, she had other guns, four to be precise—although who was counting—and they all had names. Harmony’s men liked to tease her about it, but she had seen it in a movie once, a guy naming his gun, and she had loved it.

When Monk was teaching her, he explained the relationship most owners had with their guns if they were serious about it. It was personal, and she took it seriously and so she named her gun. ‘Shirley’ had saved her more times than she could count over the last two years. Well not more times than she could count, that may be an exaggeration, but more than on one hand, so she felt a connection with the gun. When she used it to save her life when a crack addict mistakenly thought she was a sandwich from Subway and was trying to eat her, seriously, he actually took her arm and tried to eat it, she had shot him in the foot. Made a statement and saved her from being zombiefied.

Harmony stomped back over to the window and glared down,
first rule of owning a gun, never use your weapon in anger, fuck that
. She opened her window and grinned because Creed and Fork were thanking the guys for helping as they were leaning against Creed’s brand new truck he used for going to the mine. His Harley didn’t like the rough dirt roads.

“Hey,” Harmony yelled down and the men looked up at her. “I thought you were only moving in for a short time, what the fuck is all this?”

Creed grinned up at her and said, “Babe, never said a short time, you are here, and so we are here. You move somewhere else, we move somewhere else. What part of we are claiming you as our old lady did you not understand?”

“The part where you were claiming me as your old lady. I haven’t made up my mind about that,” Harmony yelled and Creed laughed.

No shit, he actually laughed
. She really was beginning to wonder what the hell she had ever saw in him and Fork. They were making her question her own damn sanity. They didn't listen to a thing she said, only what they expected her to say. Well, they were in for a rude awakening, the railroading assholes.

“Babe,” Fork said as he shook his head up at her. “You made up your mind the second you walked back in the gate.”

“No I didn’t, you pissed me off, and I was coming here to yell at you,” Harmony said.

“Could have used the phone, babe,” Fork said.

“Spoon, when your place is fire bombed and you are pissed off because it wasn’t your fault but you knew whose fault it was, you can come and talk to me about how you would react. Until then, shut the fuck up,” Harmony yelled. “This is my house, my place to live while shit is going down, my place to get my shit together and decide if I want to give you a chance.”

“You made you choice, and I am telling you, call me Spoon one more time and I am spanking that ass raw,” Fork yelled.

“I don’t want you here,” she screamed.

“Yes you do,” Creed laughed and she almost lost her mind. “If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be arguing so much with us, you want us so much it hurts, babe, and as soon as you give us the green light we will solve your bitchiness. A few good fuckings and it should mellow you right on out.”

“Yeah,” Fork agreed, “and if you don’t, we will tie you to the bed until it does, makes no difference to us.”

“You did not just say that to me!” she screeched. “How is this for a fucking hint?”

Harmony raised her gun and pointed it at the two men who suddenly stood up straighter but didn’t move a muscle like most men would have. They did not duck, they did not turn, the only thing the both of them did almost at the same time, they raised an eyebrow at her.

“Babe, not fucking funny,” Fork growled.

“Yeah, well I don’t think you moving into my house is funny either,” Harmony yelled.

“Harmony, put that thing away right the fuck now,” Creed said quietly and Harmony narrowed her eyes.

“No,” she hissed. “You need to give me some space.”

“YO, BOITCH!” Shady yelled from behind her and Harmony jumped, accidently squeezing the trigger. “FUCK ME!” Shady screamed again and Harmony fired once more.

Harmony closed her eyes and then looked over her shoulder and said to Shady, “Shit, Shay, don’t scare a woman with a gun.”

“How the fuck was I supposed to know you had a goddamn gun,” Shady yelled.

Harmony looked back down to the ground and both of the men had moved, not far, just enough to bend over and look at the back tire of the brand new Dually that Creed had picked up just two days ago.

“Woman,” Creed yelled as he stood. “You shot my fucking brand new truck.”

Fork stood, looked at her incredulously, and yelled, “It is a Dually.”

“I didn’t shoot the truck, I shot the tire, and they can be replaced, drama king,” Harmony snapped and Creed and Fork narrowed their eyes. Within a few seconds, they began to barrel into the house. She knew right where they were headed and with a screech, she dropped ‘Shirley’ on her bed and ran for it.

Shady yelled, “Going to town, have fun y’all.”

“Take a Prospect,” Harmony heard Creed yell as they thumped up the stairs.

She made it to the door to the top floor, slammed it, locked the door, and ran up the stairs.

“Harmony!” Fork yelled and pounded on the door.

She let out a nervous giggle and looked around. They had moved her stuff up here already, so there was a couch and desk already in place. She backed slowly to the couch and sat down on the edge, bouncing her legs up and down nervously.
Shit, they were pissed

“Open the fucking door, babe,” Creed yelled and the pounding continued.

“No, I will wait for you to stop being pissed off,” she called back.

“Not a good plan, Harmony, gonna be pissed about this for a while,” Fork yelled and she heard the wood on the door crack. Fuck, they were going to break down her door.

“Hey, do not…” she yelled right when the door gave and she heard the thumping on the stairs. She panicked and stood ready to go out the window and down the drain pipe if need be, of course she didn’t make it to the window, no, they caught her after three steps and she was tossed in the air over Creed’s shoulder.

“YOU ASSHOLES!” Harmony yelled as he walked to the couch and pulled her off his shoulder, and sat down laying her right over his lap with her ass in the air. She was wearing a skirt and they pulled it up and over her hips so they were staring at her sexy underwear. Of course, she had worn them this morning, she had been thinking about them when she put them on,

“Asshole?” Creed roared. “Woman, you pointed a gun at me! Shot my truck, and fucking sassed me for the last fuckin' time.”

Fork stepped right into her line of vision and said, “When he is done, I am up, calling me Spoon, being a bitch. I am gonna spank you then fuck you and not even care if you like it.”

“WHAT!” she yelled and began to squirm.

“Fine, I will care if you like it and you are gonna like it cause you are fucking hot for us and I am sick of playing this goddamn game with you,” Fork roared.

She felt the first slap from Creed’s hand come down on her ass and she screamed.
Shit that hurt
, she thought and moved. The second time it was worse, and the third and then it changed. She could feel the heat coming from her ass and it travelled to her pussy, making it tingle.
What the fuck
? she thought and tried to get away.

Fork held her back in place while Creed continued to spank her and count aloud. “Five,” smack, “six,” smack, “seven,”
shit, she was actually liking this
, “eight,” smack, “nine,” smack, “ten.” Then they swapped. Fork was spanking her and she moaned a little. Her ass was on fire, her nipples were tingling, and straining against her bra, she could feel them as her chest brushed against Fork’s leg. Heat swept through her as she took their punishment.

When they reached five, Creed pulled her panties down and off her legs.

“Nice and pink,” Creed muttered and then Fork made a noise.

“Gonna be red,” Fork said and Creed laughed.

Five more and Harmony was panting on Fork’s lap, she felt her arousal, her thighs coated with her juices weeping out of her cunt. Fuck, she had never been this turned on. Only a few sexual experiences and they had been with nice guys. Creed and Fork were far from nice, they were rough and tough and fuckin' sexy as hell.

“Shit, my cock is so fucking hard right now,” Fork moaned and pulled her up until she was straddling his waist. She looked at his flushed face and knew her expression had to mirror his. Passion, raw, electric, fuck she could feel it pulsing through the fucking air.

BOOK: Bringing Harmony (Ops Warriors MC)
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