Read Brie’s Denver Desires (Submissive in Love, #2) Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Novella, #erotic, #Brie

Brie’s Denver Desires (Submissive in Love, #2) (8 page)

BOOK: Brie’s Denver Desires (Submissive in Love, #2)
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“Amen to that,” she said, clinking forks with him. “I sure wish Sir liked eggs.”

“Yes, it makes you two an unfortunate pairing, doesn’t it?”

She giggled. “Only if eating is important to him.” She was about to take another bite when Master Anderson swept the plate from her. “Sorry, young Brie. I just noticed Ms. Courtney is out in her back yard.”

“So?” Brie pouted when he dumped their omelets in the trash.

“They’re not worth saving,” he assured her when he saw the look of shock on her face.

How Master Anderson could throw away a masterpiece like that was unfathomable to her, but the gleam in his eye had her more than a little curious. His mischievous nature charmed her as he explained, “I’ve wanted to teach her a lesson ever since I caught her snooping around my place uninvited. I insist on you joining me in the back, right now.”

“What do you need me to do?”

“Simply follow my instructions. You may improvise where you deem appropriate.” He escorted her out into the back yard and she could hear the neighbor talking loudly to a friend. The two seemed awfully chatty for so early in the morning.

Brie scanned Master Anderson’s yard. Although it wasn’t huge, it backed up to a steep, mountainous hill with a wide variety of plants from bushes, young trees and cactus artfully placed throughout the yard. Along with the various bushes, he’d added a splash of color with a few native flowers, including different types of columbine.

His well-manicured yard maintained a manly feel that complemented the lone pole planted in the center. Brie knew
what that pole was used for, and understood the necessity of the privacy fence that separated him from his neighbors.

“It’s gorgeous, Master Anderson. Every bit as impressive as your other house, although the landscaping seems different.”

“Knowing your plants and the climate they thrive in is the key,” he informed her. “The environment up here is completely different than in town. Most homeowners fail to appreciate that.” He stroked the leaf of a flourishing bush nearby, looking every bit the proud papa.

Master Anderson walked back over to her and whispered, “I’m going to retrieve the necessary items. Do not stray from this spot.”

So the women on the other side of the fence could hear, he stated boisterously, “Let’s finish breakfast before we begin.” He disappeared into the house, leaving Brie to listen to the ladies conversing on the other side of the fence.

“I don’t have a clue, Wendy. All I know is that he works odd hours and is drop-dead gorgeous, as well as single I might add.”

“I beg to disagree, Courtney. It seems he already has a girlfriend. How else can you explain that girl being here so early in the morning?”

dismissively. “No, I’ve never seen her before. Probably his sister visiting or something.”

“I can’t believe I let you talk me into coming. I missing my Pilates class for this, and you know how I get whenever I miss Pilates.”

“I’m telling you, once you see this guy you’ll be on your knees kissing my feet.”

Brie smirked to herself. It seemed Courtney was determined to set Master Anderson up with Pilates Girl.

He came out grinning on his return, holding up a set of leather bindings and his tool bag. Brie had to remind herself to breathe. She hadn’t counted on a session with him, especially with a vanilla audience nearby.

He said loudly, “I forgot your name, so I’ll just call you ‘baby’ to avoid confusion.”

“My—” Brie started.

“No, I really couldn’t care less what it is.”

Brie bit her lip, smiling at his devilish humor. What would those poor women think? Little did they suspect he was just getting started.

“Kneel and open that pretty little mouth.”

Brie obediently sank to her knees with her mouth slightly open in a pleasing manner. She looked innocently up at him, liking her role.

He handed Brie the tool bag and commanded, “Unzip it slowly. I want to you admire what’s inside.” She did as he asked, knowing the sound could easily be mistaken for the unzipping of pants. “Do you like what you see, baby?” he asked huskily.

She smiled up at him.

“Of course you do,” he answered for her. “Now take it out. I want you to handle it properly before I use it on you.”

Brie heard an audible gasp on the other side of the fence and had to bite her lip to keep back the laughter. She took the bullwhip out of the bag and touched its deceptively smooth, braided leather. For something so pleasant to the touch, it definitely had a wickedly painful side to it.

Master Anderson took it from her. “I want you to kiss it.”

Brie leaned over and pressed her lips against the fierce tool. Her heart skipped a beat, her body still remembering its bite.

“That’s it, baby. Pucker those pink lips and kiss the length of that bad boy.”

Brie left a trail of kisses down the handle of the bullwhip.

He took it from her, stating, “Take that thing off,” he said, pointing to her top. “I want those tits to bounce when we do this.”

A utensil clattered onto the patio concrete on the other side of the fence. There was no doubt they had a captive audience.

Brie unbuttoned her blouse and handed it to him. He draped it across a patio chair.

“I will not be gentle.”

“I like it rough,” Brie replied, wanting the women who were eavesdropping to know this was a consensual encounter—just in case they were considering calling the cops.

“Stand and present yourself over there.” He pointed to the wooden pole. Her stomach fluttered as she willingly walked up to it. She wasn’t sure she was prepared to take the harsh onslaught of his whip so early in the morning.

“Hands up, baby,” he said in a deceptively charming voice. He bound her wrists in leather, then secured them to a hook above her head. He swept her hair away so that her back was exposed. Her nipples hardened in anticipation of what was coming; fear seemed to have that unusual effect on her.

“Spread those legs.” When she did, he growled sensually, “Wider…”

Brie couldn’t begin to imagine what those two women were thinking. She heard the swish of the bullwhip cut through the air as Master Anderson warmed up, but he did not crack it. She closed her eyes, the anticipation of contact almost undoing her.

“No tears this time.”

There was an angry huff from the other side of the fence. Brie stifled her giggle. If he wasn’t careful, Master Anderson might have a riot on his hands.

“I will keep them to myself,” she assured him.

“My strokes are going to come hard and fast, baby. You ready?”

She whispered a hesitant, “Yes.”

It was as silent as the grave on the other side of the fence.

When the first lash contacted her back, Brie was surprised to find it challengingly pleasant—a strike that was not too light but stimulating to the skin. She let out a passionate moan when the second lash found its way home.

“You like it hard, don’t you?”

Brie enjoyed egging the women on with their naughty banter and purred, “The harder the better.” She trusted he understood she was only kidding.

He rained down a series of lashes, each precise in its placement, with exactly the same intensity as the first. Truly this man
the Master of the whip.

Brie’s cries were of pure, sexual bliss.

“Quiet, you’ll wake the neighbors,” he warned cheekily.

“But you make it hurt so good.”

“I know how to handle my tool,” he replied in a playfully arrogant voice. “Hell, I’ve been stroking young heifers with it since I was a boy, baby.”

There was an audible gasp on the other side of the fence.

“But this is beginning to bore me. Let’s try something new…something I know you’re not going to like.”

He untied Brie from the pole and handed over her blouse. With her skin still tingling from the quick session, she buttoned up and waited for his next command.

“Move over to the fence and bend over with your ass in the air.”

She walked over to the spot he’d indicated, just opposite the two ladies, and did as he’d instructed.

As he approached he told her, “This isn’t about you. This is about what I want. Understand?”


“No. Not another word.”

He came up behind her and handed her a set of gardening gloves. Then he leaned over and grabbed her hands, guiding them to a spiky weed. “Grasp it with both hands and pull hard.”

The needlelike weed pressed through the gloves into her sensitive palms. It was slightly uncomfortable, so she whimpered in pain for the benefit of their audience.

“I don’t care if it hurts, baby. Pull on it like you mean it.”

Master Anderson aided her by grasping the offending weed below. With his help, the stubborn plant came up without a problem.

“That wasn’t so bad, now was it?”

“Yes, it was,” she complained, grinning at him.

“I want you to do it again.”

She whined pathetically, “But it hurt…”

“I don’t care—bend over and yank on it.”

“That’s it! For God’s sake, leave that poor girl alone!” Courtney roared from the other side. Both women peeked over the fence in unison. If looks could kill, Master Anderson would have been struck dead on the spot.

He looked up at them innocently. “Howdy, ladies—sorry if we disturbed you. My girl here gets pretty wimpy when it comes to yard work.”

Brie smiled up at them, her hands still grasping the plant.

They couldn’t comprehend what they were seeing versus what they’d just heard. The ladies stared at Brie, too flabbergasted to speak.

“I really hate weeding,” Brie said with a shrug.

Courtney sputtered, “I…uh…we…uh…”

“We heard you doing things to this girl,” Wendy insisted, looking accusingly at Master Anderson then to Brie and back to him.

“Heard what, exactly?” he asked, looking directly into the eyes of his nosy neighbor.

His gaze undid Courtney and she answered sheepishly, “Nothing. Come on, Wendy.” The two slunk back down to their side of the fence and hurried into the house.

Once the door had closed, Master Anderson threw back his head and gave a full-bellied laugh. When he was done he wiped away a pretend tear. “They make it too easy for me.”

“Your devilish humor is going to get you in so much trouble someday, Master Anderson.”

He pinched Brie’s cheeks, wiggling them gently from side to side. “You were brilliant, my little accomplice. That last little, ‘But it hurt…’ was the kicker. How could they resist a peek, in the name of all that’s holy?”

As she walked back into the house with him, she stated casually, “You know, she was just trying to pair you off with that other woman.”

Master Anderson smirked, looking back at his neighbor’s house. “Really?”

“I thought you’d enjoy knowing that little tidbit. To think that your evil ways have caused you to miss out on the future Mrs. Anderson. Such a shame”

He ruffled her hair. “Totally worth it. The look on their faces when they peeked over to find you weeding—priceless!”

Mysterious Autumn

ea honked her horn three times to let Brie know she’d arrived to pick her up. Brie was actually nervous about meeting Lea’s new friend. All the mystery surrounding the girl, along with her unwillingness to meet on that first night, made Brie uneasy. Despite Lea’s assurances that Brie would adore the girl, she had serious doubts.

Brie apologized to Sir, who was on the phone, having taken a moment out of his busy schedule to check on her. “I’m sorry, Sir, but Lea’s here.”

“Not a problem, Brie. I’m glad you’re finally getting to spend time with her. I can hear the giggles now.”

Brie smiled into the phone. “I hate to say goodbye.”

“We’ll see each other soon enough. Go enjoy your time with Lea.”

“Thank you, Sir. I love you.”

“I love you too, Brie.”

She pressed the end button and stuffed her phone in her purse, skipping out the door to meet her best friend.


Lea jumped out of her car and ran to the passenger side to give Brie a hug. “I’m going to hug you as much as I can while you’re here. I’ve missed my stinky cheese.”

BOOK: Brie’s Denver Desires (Submissive in Love, #2)
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