Breaking Through (Atlanta #3) (18 page)

BOOK: Breaking Through (Atlanta #3)
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She laughed an adorable laugh as she got out of the car. "You're going to want to use the shoulder strap of the cooler," she said through her wide smile. "We've got a ladder to climb."

"Yes ma'am," he obeyed, slinging the strap across his body to rest on his shoulder like she asked. "A ladder?"

"Yep. I'm taking you up to the hay loft," she grinned. Then she got downright smiley-shy when she uttered the funniest thing she'd ever said. "I built a fort up there with Cassie."

Luke laughed a whole-hearted, genuine sound of happiness. She had a fort?! Could she get any better? He used to build forts all the time when he was a kid. He always thought they were so much fun. Tonight, he had a feeling, he'd have a whole new kind of fun in hers.

"I love it," he grinned. "Lead the way."

She rolled a creaking wood door sideways along metal tracks to let them in. She pushed a large breaker switch up and then flipped a few smaller switches to cast a dusty light over the barn before turning to roll the door shut again.

"There's the ladder." She pointed to the far corner of the barn. He could already see the stacks of straw bales which must have been the walls of the fort, complete with little window holes facing out over the rest of the barn. This was hysterical.

He followed her up the ladder to the loft and enjoyed the view the entire time. She lead him through a zig-zag of straw bales until the path opened into a very large "room" with walls of more straw. This was, without a doubt, a fort. Straw-bale benches dotted the walls, quilts and blankets acted like carpet, old crates functioned as tables, and a smattering of odd decorations gave this place a homey feel. He even saw a picture of a llama hanging from one of the bales.

"This is great," he said through the grin he couldn't get off his face. "I can't believe you have a fort. Holy shit."

"Well, it was Cassie's idea," she shrugged with her grin. "You really like it?"

"This is fucking amazing," he laughed, still unable to believe his beautiful angel could also be this much crazy-fun. "I'm jealous."

"I'm glad you like it," she said with a sweet smile. "Do you want to take a walk before we eat? There are some nice trails through the woods behind the barn, and I can show you around a little bit. I use to play here all the time when I was a kid. My grandpa used to let me drive the tractor."

"Perfect," he murmured, but he was talking more about Jenna than her idea for a walk.

He went down the ladder first and waited for her to get most of the way down, and then had to get playful. He pulled her off the ladder by her hips and dropped her straight down on him, now resting on the barn floor under her. He wrapped her up tight while she laughed with a shocked sound in her voice.

"You scared the crap out of me!" she laughed as he kept her wrapped up in his arms.

"I didn't want you to fall," he said with mock nobility. He was blown away by how easy it was to relax and have fun with Jenna. He never relaxed into a playful mood like this in his day-to-day life, and the sensation was exhilarating.

"Excuse me, Luke, but did you notice I'm ON THE FLOOR?" she giggled.

"No, you're on me.
on the floor."

She laughed again. He couldn't get enough of that sound. She wiggled her way out of his grip and stood up over top of him with her hands on her hips.

"Let's go," she said as she offered her hand to help him up. He took her hand…and pulled her right back down. "Luke!" she squealed through her laughter as she crashed on him again.

He chuckled right along with her and then flipped her sideways across him. With an ornery grin he got one hand under her arm and one between her thighs.

"What are you doing?" Jenna laughed.

"I didn't work out today," he said with a chuckle. "Hold your body stiff."

Then he pushed her right up in a bench-press move. Jenna squealed with laughter.

"Put me down!" she squealed through her giggles.

"No, I need to get my exercise in for the day," he smiled as he pushed her up in a few more reps as she laughed and held herself stiff enough so he could keep going. When he finally eased her down to his chest and let her go, he laughed out loud at the expression on her face.

"Sorry," he grinned with no apology in his voice. "Couldn't help myself. You ready for our walk now?"

"Yes," she laughed. "But don't expect me to help you up this time. Who knows what you'd try to do to me next."

"That's fair." He let her up and then kipped off the floor like Marcus taught him. Jenna shook her head and smiled.

"Show off," she said, still giggling.

He took her hand and lead her out the back of the barn and toward the wooded area to the right. She pointed to the side of the barn as they went.

"Outhouse is over there," she pointed out with a shrug. "Romantic, huh."

"I've used my share," he smiled.

They lazily walked the trails for about twenty minutes, holding hands and talking about nothing in particular. Jenna spent nearly the entire walk with her cheek resting on his arm, and her free hand reaching across to hold his bicep. She wanted to be connected as much as he did. More than once he leaned down and kissed her soft hair.

They had just turned back toward the barn when they heard soft rain start to tap the leaves above them.

"Oh! I forgot about that!" she said pulling Luke faster toward the barn. "We're going to get soaked if this gets any worse."

Luke laughed and let her pull him almost running toward the barn. Too late. The sky opened up and a steady downpour soaked through the forest canopy quickly. The rain dropped heavily on them as they walked/ran to the barn. By the time they got in the door, the two were completely wet and laughing.

"I'm soaked to the bone!" Jenna laughed over the sound of the rain hitting the barn roof, pulling her clothes away from her body to wring them out. Even soaked, she was beautiful. The fresh rain combined with the smell of her skin sweetened the air all around her. With a big smile, he pulled her in and kissed her.

"Let's get back up to the loft," Jenna suggested. "I'm cold and I have a space heater up there."

"You also brought one with you," he said with an ornery grin, gesturing to himself. "I'll warm you up, baby."

"That sounds even better," she giggled through another smile before she climbed the straight ladder again. He followed her up, still enjoying the view, and pulled his shirt off as soon as he got into the fort.

She had heat in her eyes, so he grabbed her hand and pulled her close. He couldn't wait a second longer. And besides, she was getting cold. He couldn't let that happen, especially after referring to himself as her personal space heater, right?

He got his hand up in her hair, and that was it. Her breathing hitched and he needed her again. Their passion and desire won out like always. He kissed her with every bit of his need, gripping around her waist with his free hand. He released her only long enough to pull her dripping shirt from her frame.
Holy shit
, she was wearing pink lace.

"Baby," he breathed. "Look at you…"

She met his eyes with emotion he couldn't describe. All he could identify for sure was the heat behind her gaze. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his hips. He kissed and gripped again as he walked her over to one of the many blankets. He eased them both down as he settled quickly over top of her.

"You are so fucking amazing," he said to her as he peeled her wet jeans from her body and listened to the heavy rain on the roof.

She stripped him down, too, and he tossed their soaked clothing to one of the straw benches nearby. And now, he was naked over her, and she wore nothing but sexy pink lingerie, all skimpy lines and lace.
Holy hell
, she was hot. He could stare forever, and he wanted to. He wanted to keep that lace hugging her curves for a while longer.

"Did you wear this for me?" he breathed into her neck as he heatedly ran his fingers along the lace trim of her bra.

"Yes," she whispered as she arched up into his body. "I bought it for you…"

"Oh, fuck…baby, tell me again…"

And she did. He kissed across her neck and shoulders, and all the way down to the deep valley between her breasts. He licked and sucked at the soft skin of her ample cleavage while his hand worked its way into the lace over her sex. "Baby, you're so wet for me. Tell me you're mine…"

"I'm yours," she breathed, now through her pleasure and soft movements. Her hot body responded so completely to him. He dipped his fingers farther down between her legs and entered her slowly as she arched up. He watched, mesmerized. The deeper he got, the higher she arched. Her breasts nearly spilled out of the lace of her bra.

"Jenna, you're so hot, baby…I want you all the fucking time…" With his mouth he caressed, tugged, and licked at her breasts, working her nipples to a state of extreme hardness and sensitivity through the lace covering them. The soft pink color of the bra matched her nipples in a show of pure sex-appeal.

He worked her up as completely as he could without getting her all the way to orgasm. He wanted to save that pleasure for his cock…no, his mouth. He'd not yet tasted her. He wanted to now, with her body writhing and rain-fresh.

He kissed his way down her stomach and pulled the lace down from her hips with his hands. When his lips neared their destination, Jenna tensed up noticeably.

"Relax, baby…open up for me…"

"Luke, I…"

Hating to hear her so uncomfortable, he moved his lips up her torso and shifted his body so he could look at her. After a heated kiss on her throat, he looked at her and saw tension on her face. He forced his body to calm down, but all he wanted to do was dive in. Unable to stop completely, he let his fingers work her sex again, wanting to get her to the pleasured place she was in before he scared her, or whatever he did to make her freeze up.

"What's wrong, baby?"

"I've never….you know…"

He smiled, trying not to look the cat with the canary. "Then let me be your first. I'll make you feel so good, baby…do you like my fingers rubbing you?"

Jenna nodded in such a sweet way.

"Imagine that feeling," he kissed her cheek.

"…mixed with my hot breath," he breathed over her earlobe, "…and my tongue swirling along every sweet inch of you."

He demonstrated on her neck. He slowly breathed hot kisses down to her breasts before he gazed into her eyes again, hoping to see desire there. He whispered to her with so much heat in his voice, "Let me taste you, baby."

She closed her eyes and nodded.
Fuck yes.
He slowly descended again, with sweet kisses on her tummy and slow, strong pressure against her sex with his thumb. He forced a slow pace for her, and hoped by everything holy she'd let him take her all the way with his tongue. He wanted to feel her hips grinding his mouth, and he needed his tongue to push her to new heights.

When his lips finally met the soft, bare triangle between her legs, Jenna gasped a breath of shock and pleasure.
Beautiful fucking sound.
Luke then let his tongue lick the entire surface of her pussy with one long, slow movement, evoking another beautiful sound from deep in her chest this time. Every movement of his tongue was met with pleasured movements and sound.

She was beautiful in every sense of the word. Her curvy, feminine shape was only outshone by the spicy, sweet taste of her arousal. She couldn't be any hotter if she tried. He dove in completely with his tongue and reveled in each pleasured moan and subtle movement of her hips. "You taste so fucking good, baby…that's right, move on me…"

He worked on her for a long, slow time, listening to her fall further and further into an erotic trance. As the pitch of her moans grew higher, the movement of her hips grew stronger. He worked his tongue along her cleft and sucked at her clit until she was gasping and moaning with abandon. "Come for me, Jenna…let me hear it…"

Only moments later her entire body arched in final release while her moans echoed loudly in the open space around them. He continued to kiss and lick at her pussy more slowly again, bringing her down gently from the rush of pleasure.
So fucking sweet.

"Luke…" she breathed. "My God…I can't believe…"

Luke smiled, frankly wanting to stand up and pound his chest for getting her off so hard. But everything about this moment made his own need for satisfaction more powerful. He needed her desperately. He stripped his wet clothes and looked at her deeply.

"I love getting you there, Jenna," he rasped with his hot, demanding sex-voice. "Tasting you, hearing you, feeling you…you got me so damn hot…"

Without any hesitation, he pushed his entire body over hers and entered her in one strong thrust. She was so wet he groaned. "Shit, Jenna, can you feel us?
, baby…we are fucking perfect together…I want you every way…"

He took her hard, needing her body desperately, telling her just what she did to him. As he locked her hair in his grip and pinned her down with his body, he got exactly what he wanted from her. She moaned, letting him get her off again

Without thinking, he pushed his tongue hard into her mouth. She started to tense, and he suddenly realized why. He didn't care. The caveman in him wanted her to savor herself on his tongue, to understand how sweet and sexy she tasted. He wanted her to crave that hot level of intimacy right along with him.

She understood, somehow, and let go of her hesitation. She returned his kiss with heat. She let her tongue rub strongly against every surface of his, all while he thrust faster, nearing his own ultimate release.

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