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Authors: Sue Lyndon

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Breaking His Rules (2 page)

BOOK: Breaking His Rules
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“I – I think I got the last two numbers mixed up. It’s been a while since I closed the store. And you’re always here before opening, so I never need to type it in in the mornings. It won’t happen again. You have my word.”

He arched a thick, dark eyebrow at her. “You forgot another important part in the procedure last night, Amanda. Think hard. What were you supposed to do before entering the store afterhours?”

Her mind came up empty. She cinched her eyebrows together as if she were thinking hard. She hated to admit defeat, but she didn’t have a clue what he was talking about. “I don’t remember.”

His eyes darkened to match the color of his midnight black hair. “You are supposed to call me and tell me exactly why you’re stopping by the store. I trust very few employees to enter the shop while I’m not here, but I like to know the reason someone is stopping by. This was in the employee handbook, Amanda, and we discussed it when I hired you.”

She swallowed hard. “I apologize for forgetting. And I apologize for everything last night. I know you probably got fined for the false alarm. I insist on paying you back.”

He shook his head. “No.”

Amanda started to protest, but the buzzer interrupted her. Chellie, another saleswoman, had arrived for her shift. After letting her inside, Mr. Mizenov disappeared into his office.

Amanda Bennington, you’ve been a very, very naughty girl.

Consider it part of your punishment, young lady.

What on God’s green Earth had just happened?

* * *

Ivan glanced up from his paperwork to the small monitor that showed the sales floor. Amanda was busy helping a customer, and he assumed Chellie was on her lunch break. That meant it was Amanda’s turn next. He’d placed her e-reader in the break room right where he’d found it last night. Would she spend her lunch hour picking at a salad with her eyes glued to the screen as usual? Probably. After all, she hadn’t finished reading
Spanked and Dominated by the Boss

He groaned and stood abruptly, cursing his damn rules. The rules had gotten him nowhere. His business was his life and gave him little time to meet women outside of work. In the last ten years, he’d only had a few girlfriends, and none of them had been too memorable. Hell, he couldn’t even remember some of their names. Ten years in America and he hadn’t found a women he had electrifying chemistry with. It was different with Amanda. He felt a sexual connection between them, sizzling white hot, bubbling under the surface and ready to explode into a passionate encounter unlike any other once they crossed the line.

He rushed out of his office, intent on breaking his number one rule, consequences be damned. After the customer left, he walked behind the jewelry counter where Amanda was busy wiping the display case clean. He grabbed the cloth from her hand and waited for her to meet his gaze. The atmosphere crackled with excitement when she turned to peer up at him with those dazzling blue eyes of hers. Her full, pink lips parted, but she didn’t speak. He became acutely aware of the quick rising and falling of her chest. She got like this each time he came near her. Likewise, he felt desire surging through him each time he came near her. Hell, each time he thought about her was more like it.

“After Chellie gets back, I’m taking you out to lunch, Amanda.” His eyes swept over her body in a suggestive manner. Fuck the rules. He wanted Amanda. And little did she know, he knew her most secret desires. The way to drive her wild with need. She liked it rough. She liked to be spanked and dominated.

Or did she? Did she actually enjoy doing all the things she liked to read about? He brushed aside the sudden doubt and spun on his heel, returning to his office before she could respond. From the look on her face, the lunch invitation had obviously stunned her. Good. That meant he had the upper hand, and Ivan Mizenov preferred to have the upper hand. The blush that stained her cheeks and the way she’d fidgeted in place while he’d scolded her earlier haunted him. The interaction had turned her on as much as it had turned him on. He hoped she gave him a reason to scold her again – and soon.

The minutes ticked by ever so slowly. Ivan kept a close watch on the monitor on his desk, waiting impatiently for Chellie’s return. A plan formed in his mind as he watched the front door. A plan he hoped Amanda wouldn’t be able to resist. Finally, Chellie returned and slid behind the jewelry counter. Amanda asked her something, and Chellie appeared to inspect Amanda’s appearance, running a hand through her hair and giggling.

Ivan smiled. Amanda had asked Chellie how she looked. This was a good sign. Amanda obviously wanted to make a good impression during their lunch. He pushed away from his desk and headed for the sales floor. A young couple entered the store to peruse the engagement rings, but there weren’t any other customers, so Ivan caught Amanda’s eye and gestured at the door.

“Oh, hold on. I need my purse.”

“No, you don’t.” He lowered his voice. “Let’s go. Now.”



Chapter 3


A date. Amanda had actually gone on a date with Mr. Mizenov. It felt surreal. She spent the rest of her work day floating on the clouds, daydreaming about her boss. Not only was he gorgeous, but she sensed he had a good heart. And he was dominate. The way he’d scolded her made her wet each time she thought of it.

During their lunch at a nearby café, he’d shown genuine interest in her life, asking the usual questions a man asks a woman on a first date –inquiring about her family, where she’d grown up, favorite foods, favorite places to travel, hobbies, and on and on. The employee-boss wall that had always seemed so tall and sturdy had crumbled. To her surprise, he’d even opened up about his life in Russia and finally coming the United States after his parents died. Thanks to the inheritance of an uncle, he was able to open the jewelry shop with his brother, Viktor, almost ten years ago. Five years after opening the store, Viktor had returned to Russia, and Ivan worked hard to keep the business afloat on his own. It amazed her that she’d known him for six months but hadn’t known a thing about him until today. Not really.

At four O’clock, Ashlyn, a college student who worked part time, showed up for her evening shift. Amanda’s heart sank when the young woman entered the store. It was time to go home now. Even though she hadn’t seen Mr. Mizenov since returning from lunch, she hated to leave without saying good-bye. As she gathered her purse and made sure her e-reader was definitely in the bottom this time, she paused in the break room.

It had been a date, hadn’t it?

Amanda hadn’t been on a date in months, but she was pretty sure lunch with Mr. Mizenov had met first date criteria. He’d asked her out, and she’d never seen him have lunch with any other employees before. He’d picked the café and paid for the meal. The conversation between them had flowed…like a good date. A great date. Best first date ever, as far as she was concerned.Intent on wishing Mr. Mizenov a pleasant evening, Amanda stepped out of the break room. . . and into a solid wall of muscle. She gasped and looked up, knowing very well who she’d run straight into. A pair of large, warm hands held her steady, and a pair of heated, dark eyes gazed down at her.

“In a hurry to get home?” Mr. Mizenov asked.

Amanda stepped back, but he moved with her, keeping his hands on upper arms. She wanted to melt into him. His cologne tantalized her senses, and the way he had her backed against the wall in the dim hallway filled her with wicked ideas. She had on a skirt and a flimsy thong he could probably rip off in a heartbeat. It would be so easy for him to lift her up and fuck her hard against the wall.

She struggled to find her voice and think of something witty to say. Of course, the effect he had on her made it possible to breathe correctly, let alone think. She’d turned into a pile of mindless, aroused putty in his hands. Literally.

“Um…” she said.
Um. Good one, Amanda
, she thought.
Real witty

“I enjoyed lunch today,” he said.

She beamed up at him and relief filled her, along with girlish excitement. “I had a great time, too.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” His gaze darkened and he was silent for a moment, just staring at her like he wanted to eat her. He leaned down, and for a split second Amanda thought he meant to kiss her. Instead, he tightened his hold on her forearms, pressed her more firmly against the wall, and said, “You’d better be on time for work tomorrow, young lady. I mean it. If you’re late, even a minute late, you will be punished.”

“P – punished?” she echoed, not quite believing.

“Yes, punished. If you’re late for work tomorrow morning, I’ll bend you over my desk and give you a good, hard spanking on your bare bottom, Amanda.”

She half whimpered, half moaned. This was a thousand times better than the scolding he’d given her earlier. She wasn’t stupid. It all clicked together in her mind as he continued to hold her eyes captive in his.

Mr. Mizenov had taken a peek at her e-reader. She couldn’t be sure how much he’d seen, or if he’d actually read any of the stories, but the book she was halfway through had a title he wouldn’t miss –
Spanked and Dominated by the Boss

“I – I understand, Mr. Mizenov,” she finally said, her voice strained. He’d put the proverbial spanko ball in her court. He was willing to play, and this was his way of letting her know.

He trailed a finger down her cheek and stepped back. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning, Amanda.”

She mumbled an incoherent good-bye and somehow made it to her car. Holy shit! Her heart pounded like a drum, ready to burst from her chest in a stream of confetti. Her pussy gushed warmth, soaking her panties for the second time that day.

Uncertainty and excitement whirled within her for the rest of the day. Even a strenuous workout didn’t still her racing thoughts. A glass of wine and a long bubble bath didn’t ease her doubts either. She had a decision to make. A hard one. One that would change her relationship with Mr. Mizenov, and one that would push her outside of her comfort zone, thrusting her out of her secret fantasies and into a very real situation. She drifted into a restless sleep with her windows open, a slight breeze caressing her through the sheets all night. The hours crept by at a torturous pace, and she vacillated between her two options. To be on time . . . or to be naughty? She knew only one thing for certain.

Mr. Mizenov
to spank her.

* * *

Be late, be late, be late.

Ivan checked his watch. Thirty-two minutes until opening. Two minutes until Amanda’s shift started. Chellie was supposed to work this morning too, but Ivan had given her the morning off to ensure he’d be alone with Amanda if she did indeed arrive late. He couldn’t spank her naughty bottom in his office while Chellie listened from the sales floor.

Another minute passed.

And another.

And another.


Amanda was officially late. Ivan’s blood heated when he recalled their encounter in the hallway yesterday. His cock had been rock hard, and it had taken all his self-control to keep from pressing his throbbing center against her. He’d satisfied himself with a few touches, holding her arms and trailing a finger down her face, but the interaction left him needing more. A whole lot more.

The sound of the buzzer brought his attention to the door. He summoned up his sternest expression and headed for the entrance. He opened the door to allow Amanda to slip inside. She was wearing another skirt, this one shorter than yesterday’s. He couldn’t wait to lift it up and bare her bottom. To slap her ass and scold her for tardiness while she remained in position, bent over his desk like a naughty, naughty girl.

“You’re late for work, young lady.”

She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and fidgeted in place, then glanced around the sales floor as if looking for something, or someone.

“Chellie has the morning off.”

“Oh.” She twisted her hands in front of her and bit her lip. “I – I’m sorry I’m late, Mr. Mizenov. It won’t happen again.”

He arched an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest, glaring down at her with disapproval. “I warned you what would happen if you were late, Amanda.” He nodded toward the back of the store. “To my office. Now.”

Her eyes widened, giving her an air of innocence, and she nodded. Once they reached his office, he shut the door and frowned at her. A smile tugged at her lips, and he noticed she was looking at his crotch. Of course. His cock was tenting his dress pants. He didn’t bother trying to hide it.

“Is something funny?” he snapped.

Alarm crossed her features and she shook her head. “N – no, sir. Nothing’s funny. Again, I’m very sorry I was late. I promise to be on time for work in the future. Sir.”

“I’m afraid I have no choice but to punish you, Amanda. I won’t tolerate tardiness. I’m going to teach you a lesson you likely won’t forget. Now, bend over the desk.” He gestured to his desk. Normally it was piled high with paperwork, but he’d made a point to clean it off this morning.

He watched Amanda hesitate as she faced the desk. Pink stained her cheeks, and her hands trembled. Ivan wondered if she’d been spanked by a lover before. He opened his mouth to ask, wanting to know if this was her first time, but he quickly decided against it. At this moment he was the stern boss, and she was the naughty employee. He wasn’t about to break character by asking questions about her past.

Amanda approached the desk with small steps and placed her hands on the surface. She took a deep breath and bent over, presenting her bottom for punishment.




Chapter 4


Amanda waited in position, acutely aware of her surroundings. Her hands and face pressed against the cool surface of the desk, the polished wood strangely soft and comforting. The scent of lemon filled her nose. Anticipation twisted in her stomach, causing everything below her waist to throb hot with desire.

If you’re late for work tomorrow morning, I’ll bend you over my desk and give you a good, hard spanking on your bare bottom, Amanda.

BOOK: Breaking His Rules
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