Read Boys Next Door Online

Authors: Sommer Marsden

Boys Next Door (29 page)

BOOK: Boys Next Door
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‘Oh God, don’t. Not yet,’ he said. I didn’t know if he was talking to me or to Cooper.

‘So I fuck him and he fucks you and Deke the Great sits over there fucking that pretty mouth. I know what that mouth can do,’ Coop went on.

My nipples spiked and Stephen found them with his lips, brushing the soft expanse of his mouth over the hard tips of my breasts. He sucked one, tugging it taut with his teeth as a fresh rush of juices escaped me. I was going to come again. We all were. Because of Cooper’s dirty filthy mouth.


I almost laughed but my pleasure was too great. Deke pulled free of me briefly, trailing his wet cock along my cheek and down my jaw. Stephen eyed me, his gaze naked and surreal. He was done for soon, it was written all over his face.

Cooper stared down at me, smiling that crooked evil smile of his and ploughing, literally driving, into Stephen.

‘I’m not going to make it much longer, Farrell,’ Stephen confessed.

Cooper grinned. ‘I doubt any of us are, my friend.’

And then he palmed Stephen’s ass with one big hand before delivering a hearty smack. Stephen sighed, ‘Fuck,’ and Deke chuckled.

The ease had arrived. It was a four-way thing, a sharing of time and space and it was nearly done. So everyone seemed to sink into it, finding their niche in this shared experience.

Cooper grabbed my feet in his big hot hands and pushed on my instep. An odd place to find so much bliss but there it was; a rush of arousal from feeling his fingers press two tender spots on my feet. I flexed my pussy tight around Stephen as Cooper used my feet to pull himself forward with even more force.

‘I just –’ I shook my head as I came yet again. A languid wet ripple of internal muscles that had me crying out into the big hotel room.

‘You’d better fuck your girl’s pretty mouth,’ Cooper grunted, nodding to Deke. ‘Because I don’t think this little rodeo is in for the long haul.’

Stephen was panting, holding my wrists so I couldn’t touch him. I think touching him would have been too much right then. His cock buried deep in me, his movements agitated as Cooper rode him, finally.

‘How many nights do you think he’s had this dream?’ Cooper growled. He slammed into Stephen so hard it nearly drove him flat. My lips faltered on Deke so I let my jaw go slack and my lips go soft and he simply slipped in and out of my willing mouth while I sucked softly.

We had hit the point of surreal. Time was slow and malleable. Everything was different and yet familiar.

‘How many nights do you think he’s torn himself between us two? Feral the gorgeous and me. The pain in the ass.’

Stephen groaned. Shook his head but stayed silent. He had gone a bit slack, and every thrust that drove him into me came from Cooper not his own body.

I lapped at Deke, curling my fingers into the bedding, knowing that Cooper’s monologue was going to trigger me yet again.

‘And here we are. My cock in his ass.
Fucking. Him.
’ He dragged each word out and Stephen moaned.

‘And he’s fucking you. Your hot, tight, slippery little cunt. Because, Deke, my friends, we’ve got news for you. We
know how tight and wet and slick that pussy is.’

I came again, and when I came, I jerked hard, my feet spasming in Cooper’s hands. ‘Fuck,’ he growled and let my feet drop. I heard him pull free, the snap of a condom and then I craned my head when Deke pulled free of me to let me see.

The quick milky arc of his cum as it painted Stephen’s lower back. An opaque jet of fluid that I knew would be warm and sticky, and smell of the ocean.

I gripped up around Stephen who was practically sobbing and I took his face in my hands and said, ‘It’s fine. Let it go. Turn me over.’

So he did. He pulled out and his hands were on me and so were Deke’s, flipping me, bending me, posing me. Driving into me in unison. Stephen sliding into me from behind as Deke pushed back in-between my waiting lips.

‘I’m nearly done for,’ Deke said, barely audible above the breathing in the room. All you could hear was breathing and the soft sounds of motion.

I relaxed my throat, taking him. Sucking air through my nose and letting him fill my airway with his flesh.

It happened simultaneously. Deke tugged me hard enough to make me tense and when I did, my body gripped Stephen and he came. The smell and taste of Deke’s semen flooding my senses, even as Stephen emptied into me.

Silence. Withdrawal. And I was being lowered.

It was done and my body beat wildly with my erratic pulse. I felt it everywhere. My head, my ears, my belly, and my cunt.

Deke said simply, ‘Leave.’ It wasn’t mean, it was perfunctory.

And there was the rustle of clothes. I didn’t want to look. I wanted it to stay the way it was in my head. I stayed that way, face down, breathing hard, body slack – feeling boneless.

‘What, we’re not all going to sway and sing “Kumbaya”?’ Cooper asked, but I heard the smile in his voice.

I also heard the smile in Deke’s voice even as he repeated himself. ‘Out.’

And the door clicked shut.

* * *

I jerked at the cool kiss of lubricated fingers on my anus. ‘What’s this?’

But I knew, and it had stolen my breath and sent my heart racing.

‘This is me hiking you up on your pretty hands and knees and fucking you up the ass,’ he growled.

There was a hint of anger and a lot of resolve in his voice – a big swirling mess of emotion that made his voice twice as deep as normal.

I let him pull me up and position me. Deke shoved three thick hotel pillows – white as a wedding dress – under my belly and then he was stretching me with his cool, slippery fingers.

‘Are you mad?’ I asked, gasping a little as he flexed his fingers.

‘A little. I am only a man, after all.’

‘Do you hate me?’

He dropped a kiss on my lower back. The skin there tingled and prickled, and it made me jerk unexpectedly.

‘Never,’ he whispered. Slowly, he withdrew his fingers so they were almost free of me but then he plunged them back in.

I sighed, letting the fullness override me. My pussy continued to flutter and contract from my orgasms, and his fingers in my bottom added a whole new dimension to my feelings of being spent.

‘Are you jealous?’

human, Farrell,’ he whispered. His fingers slid from me and he pressed the head of his cock to my back hole. He was the only one of them to have been there and I knew that was why he needed this. He was claiming me and I was thrilled by it.

‘Yes,’ I groaned, pushing back to meet him. Seeking out and welcoming what I knew would be an initial bite of pain. I wanted it. I needed it.

‘Jesus, Farrell, you’re not supposed to make me feel like I’m going to come before I’m even in,’ he said. His fingers danced along my lower back, over my hips, up-up-up my spine. My skin seemed to burn and tickle wherever he touched. He pressed and I pressed back, forcing my body open for him though it didn’t necessarily want to be.

His breath stilled and when he inhaled I heard the hitch in it. I heard the marvel and the awe. ‘I wish you could see this.’

‘Hold me,’ I said, my eyes pricking with tears. I wasn’t sure why I felt like I would cry. I just felt tumbled down and overtaken by emotion in that moment. It might have been the awe in his voice.

Deke gripped me tight by the hips, holding me steady and fucked me slowly. I imagined his gaze on me and I arched my back and drove back to meet him.

‘You were jealous?’ I asked again, my heart breaking a little.

‘Yes. A little. Like I said, I’m a man. We get jealous. And I love you,’ he said.

I pushed my face to the bed and my ass in the air. Then I opened for him to get him as deep as I could. I was scared to say it but I forced the words out. ‘I love you, too.’

He froze. And then sighed, laughed, thrust once and came. ‘That just made every second of this thing worthwhile.’


‘And so we raise a toast to Sidney and Maxwell. A timeless love that should have been known.’

We all raised our glasses and Stephen winked at me. He’d been the one with me when I’d first spied the letters in the barbeque, and he seemed most in tune with the message at hand.

Al patted his leg and kissed his cheek, and I thought again how adorable they were together – whether I was spying on them or just watching them across my brand-new dining room table.

‘How cute are they?’ I whispered to Deke.

‘How cute are we?’ he countered.

‘Pretty fucking cute,’ I said, sipping my Riesling. ‘But I’m hoping they can be what Sidney and Maxwell weren’t able to be.’

Deke clinked his beer bottle against my wine glass and said, ‘Here, here.’

‘And how cute are they?’ I nodded to Cooper who was laughing with Joy and Keith over something. The woman he’d brought with him was a tall, curvy brunette with startling blue eyes and breasts that could take an eye out if you got too close. But I noticed he always had a hand on her or she on him.

‘That looks pretty real to me. I’m willing to bet by the looks of her she does own a whip and she did whip him into shape,’ Deke said.

I nearly choked but recovered. ‘Really? Because I’m pretty sure Coop’s a top and no one’s changing that.’

Deke shook his head but said nothing.

‘What?’ I poked his thigh under the table.

‘When I look at them I see a woman who can give him a run for his money. My bet goes on they’re both switches. She kicks his ass … the next night he kicks hers.’

I watched them. ‘Hunh. I’ll buy that for a dollar.’

‘And you set up Joy and Keith, and Joy is living up to her name a bit more these days,’ he said.

I buffed my fingernails on my sweater and puffed out my chest. ‘I am just

‘Come on,’ he said. He took my hand and I put two fresh wine bottles in the middle of the table before allowing him to pull me away.

The table was full. Stephen and Al, Cooper and his date, Marcy, Donna had brought a train store owner from the next town over and they were too cute for words. Keith and Joy were together and they’d each brought a friend along who were getting a bit cosy. Things had progressed since I came to Tower Terrace. I’d even finally gone in to see the lawyer about the allowance set up by my father, and with it I’d gone and bought a proper bed. I smiled at the table of friends before I let him tug me away.

Out into the yard where ice had now settled in pretty crystalline rimes on some of the leaves and the banister of the deck.

‘Come on. Walk out there with me,’ he said.

Weeks had passed – the holidays were on their way – and I kept waiting to panic. To change my mind. But every day I woke up feeling free and alive and grateful. It was a little scary but in a good way.

‘Where are we going?’

‘Just away from the ruckus for a few moments. I needed a breather and I needed you with me.’ At the back of the yard he pushed me under a towering pine and pinned me there. Kissing me.

‘I’m going to get sap in my hair.’

‘I’ll wash it out.’ Deke slid his hands under my sweater and rubbed my skin. He ducked his head and licked my nipples until I felt a warmth pulsing through my body and my breath hitched.

‘We can’t do this here,’ I said. But I remembered stumbling across Cooper and his lover that one day. Maybe my property was charged with lust and love. Or attraction at the least.

‘Kiss me,’ Deke said, nibbling up my neck to find my mouth.

I obeyed, shoving my fingers into his dark unruly waves. Pulling him to me so hard he groaned. I nipped at his lips, his chin, his tongue and when he shoved his body hard against mind I felt him hard and ready.

‘Someone’s happy to see me,’ I said, yanking a small bit of his hair with my fingers. When I did that, I felt his cock jump.

‘I’m always happy to see you.’ He lost his patience and hiked up my short black skirt. Cold air flooded over my bare thighs above my thigh-high stockings. It insinuated itself under my small silk panties until he fixed that by pushing them down and off.

I heard walking in the woods. People coming. Someone was close.

But still my fingers pulled at his belt buckle and plucked at his zipper. Deke got his cock free, ran that heated tip along my hot slit and I sighed. ‘We shouldn’t. Someone’s coming. Can’t you hear them? They’ll see,’ I said, but my legs fell open just a bit and the head of his cock slid into me.

Deke grabbed my ass, hiked me up, pressed me hard to the unyielding trunk and drove into me. Pleasure made my limbs heavy, my heart light.

‘Let them look,’ he growled, mouth covering mine. Tongue punishing mine. Then, ‘It’ll just make it better.’

I had to agree.

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