Boxed Set: Dominated by a Billionaire - Part 10-12: Irresistible Billionaire (21 page)

BOOK: Boxed Set: Dominated by a Billionaire - Part 10-12: Irresistible Billionaire
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“If it’s any consolation, I think he is having as hard a time as you getting over your breakup.”

“Good. I hope he cries every night when he thinks of me. I hope he kept a picture of us and looks at it every morning, as he drinks his watery coffee substitute.”


“His coffee substitute, Alma,” he says, interrupting me. “I even miss that. I miss everything! He is so hard to live with, so moody, over-sensitive, proud and possessive, yet I, jerk that I am, love him to death. I’m not interested in nice boys anymore. He’s the one I want…”

“Have you tried talking to him?”

“No, it’s been almost three months since I last saw him. We avoid each other. But tonight, he won’t have a choice… Anyway, I have to go – I’ve got to take Skin to the vet. The dumb cat managed to get sunburned sleeping on the windowsill!”

“See you lat–”

Hung up.

Other than that, I’m fine, thanks for asking…

An hour later, I’m about to leave my little paradise when the redhead tornado shows up, drops her son on my lap and collapses on the patio couch.

“He threw up in the car again. I’m fed up with changing him six times a day!”

While Clémentine spews out a thousand words a minute – each one more exasperated than the last – I kiss Clovis on his chubby cheeks and bounce him up and down, whistling
by Madonna. The toddler babbles cheerfully for a few minutes, then starts wailing for no reason.

“Come here, sweetie pie.” My best friend suddenly softens up, taking him into her arms.

“Is everything OK at the Miller-D’Aragon’s? You’re early, that’s not like you…”

“Yeah, everything’s fine. I just wanted to see you. Clarence is taking his son back to Liv’s, then he’ll catch up with us.”

“What about the twins?”

“Didn’t I tell you? They’re at Yann’s. Since he started seeing a shrink, I’m letting him take care of them again, but I’m keeping a close eye on him…”

“Has he finally stomached the fact that you got full custody?”

“He had no choice. If he wants his daughters one weekend every month, he’d better walk a straight line,” Mama Bear grumbles. “At least you won’t ever have to live through that. Vadim will be the best dad ever…”

“You’re the best mom ever, Clem. That more than makes up for it.” I smile, seeing Clovis fall asleep with his mouth open. “Any wedding bells on the horizon?”

“Clarence and me? Not for the time being – we’re happy the way we are. Anyway, yours is the one we’re celebrating today! A year already…”

“Yeah. A year already,” I say, but it still doesn’t really sink in.

A year of absolute happiness…

“Well, I saw everyone hustling and bustling downstairs! You’ve hired all of Paris!”

“You know Mr. King…”

“Excessive, him? Never!” She giggles, looking me over from head to toe. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look so beautiful…”

“You’ve got to be kidding! You are as big and bad a liar as everyone else!” I bitch, getting up from my lounge chair.

Let’s go to the party,
” my dippy friend hums, following me on her wobbly heels – she is one serious public hazard!

In just a day, our big penthouse has been invaded by a swarm of decorators, caterers, waiters, sound engineers and photographers. When I come back down from the rooftop, the apartment I walk into is not the same one I left that morning. Vivaldi is playing in the background. Long, elegant tables have been set up, offering up a range of eye-catching, delectable dishes. Exotic plants, lamps and refined, pale furniture have been set up here and there. I’m blown away when I spot large-format pictures of our wedding (I mean, our weddings) on the huge living room wall.

On the pier in the Seychelles, where Vadim and I were safe in our little bubble, surrounded by turquoise water, alone in the world. On the Santa Monica Ferris wheel, where we float, our heads in the sky. My heart skips a beat when, on the opposite wall, I see one of our two faces, taken on our wedding night. The black and white shot has been slightly touched up to improve the quality, but the very essence of that moment is clearly there. Seeing that takes me back a year… When being “Alma King” seemed almost unreal to me.

Sometimes I still have a hard time believing it…

7 p.m. Only a few guests have arrived, Vadim is conspicuously absent and I pace impatiently, glancing at my watch every thirty seconds.

King… there are limits to my patience…

“Adrian just told me Vadim is on his way. Sit down and calm down, dear,” my mother orders me, bringing me a glass of who-knows-what with ice.

“He promised he’d be on time,” I grumble, sipping the disgusting barley water – how bad can it get?

“Drink it all, no ifs or buts! Good, Basile and Lily are here!” She jumps up to go give them a kiss hello.

I just hope Clem keeps an eye on Niels like she promised…

Vadim finally walks through the door and my blood pressure returns to normal – or just about. With a bright smile on his lips and his suit jacket over his shoulder, he strides over to me and leans down to kiss me tenderly. Then he stands up, inspects the living room and stares at me again. His gray eyes shine like a thousand lights. He is quite simply happy. I hold out my hand to him, smiling back. He helps me up and pulls me towards him.

“You’re not mad at me, I hope,” he whispers in my ear. “I’ve got a little surprise for you. And for our Russian doll… I found someone trustworthy to watch over you.”

He puts his hands on my tummy that’s as round as a watermelon. I shiver at his touch. On the other side of my skin, Ana feels something going on.

Ana… as in Anastasia Arcadi, Vadim’s paternal grandmother.

A way for him to prove that Volodia will always remain his father…

She starts giving little jerky kicks. I make a face but can’t keep from giggling with joy. Because Vadim and I are living the most wonderful adventure ever – the one that will mark our lives until the end of time. I’m almost nine months pregnant. I’m due any day now – whenever this little person who we already cherish more than anything in the world finally decides to make an appearance.

Not tonight, if at all possible…

“So, what about the surprise?” I ask lazily, snuggled in my husband’s perfumed neck.

“It’ll be coming through the door any moment now…”

“Georgia!” Lily and Basile shout, seeing her before I do.

Our beloved housekeeper and nanny, who pampered, protected, scolded and coddled us for countless years – from my first baby steps in London to my first steps as a student at UCLA. Reunited at last, after over ten years. I give Vadim a look full of feeling and thank him silently, a hundred, a thousand, a billion times. He strokes my cheek and his lips mime “I love you.” Then I run – well, I try, with my huge tummy sticking out – and throw myself into the open arms of this woman whose skin – so black – and hair – so white – are in wonderful contrast.

“Oh, Alma,” she cries, holding me. “I love your little Ana already…”

“Group hug!” Lily orders, rounding up Marie, Basile and Vadim.

All of this is thanks to him. As long as I am by his side, my dream will never end…

The party is in full swing. I stay seated most of the time; my back has a hard time standing the baby’s weight – estimated to be nearly nine pounds, no less! From afar, I watch Basile and Niels avoiding each other, but constantly trying to make eye contact. It’s so obvious those two should be together! Alistair and Kali, Pippa and her one-night-stand, Adrian and his other half, Felix as he passes through Paris, our King Prod colleagues, our friends from near and far: everyone has been invited. Security isn’t lowering its guard; phones and other devices had to be left in the cloakroom!

In the middle of the party, Sophie Adam shows up with her little bundle in her arms – her son, Émile, who is six months old now. She doesn’t stay long, but monopolizes Clarence for a whole hour – as Clémentine looks on amused.

“He still misses her, you know,” the redhead says. “He says that her ghost haunts the halls of King Prod. Just goes to show, you have to be blind not to believe in male-female friendship,” she comments, biting into a pastry puff.

“Don’t even talk to me about friendship,” Niels sighs, sitting on the stairs. “When I think that Basile told me he wanted us to stay friends…”

“Change the record, Duval,” Clémentine says. “That was three months ago! Maybe he’s changed his mind since then.”

“You think so?” he asks, his voice full of hope.

“You won’t find out unless you talk to him!” I say, pulling him up by the arm.

“Alma, no unnecessary exertion!”

Even from the other side of the room, my mother sees EVERYTHING!

Ana, I promise I’ll never be overprotective…

Well… let’s just say I’ll try not to be…

“Kate just called,” Vadim whispers in my ear, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around me. “To congratulate us.”

My King’s smile says a lot. I know how badly he wants to get closer to his half-sister. I also know that over the past year, she has made one step forward and three steps backward. Systematically. As if trusting Vadim was mission impossible. As if her father had broken her inside, and that those breaks were irreparable.

That’s most likely the case, but that won’t stop Vadim.

Which is to his credit…

“By the way, wasn’t your father supposed to come by?” he asks me all of a sudden.

“Edward to a T,” I smile sadly. “I hoped to at least see Charlie.”

Little Charles. Lord Lancaster’s youngest child. A little cutie-pie that I’ve only had the chance to see twice since he was born. My father and I are not exactly on good terms, but I invited him tonight to try to call a truce, for Charlie’s sake. He didn’t deserve any of this.

“Drop it, we’ll take him on a pony-ride when he’s bigger,” Lily says, trying to console me. “Or throw eggs at daddy’s brand-new 4-wheel drive!”

“Waste food? Lily Lancaster, I’m shocked!” Arthur jokes.

“That’s better than killing the planet! To think, it’s just so he can show off at the wheel of a tank that pollutes our air! And the plants and animals’ air, too!” she proclaims, ranting and raving.

Once Lily starts, there’s no stopping her. I move away from the conversation for a few minutes to go to the bathroom and I hear bursts of laughter behind me. I was serious when I told her a few weeks ago to write a one-woman show!

Strange noises coming from the other end of the hall attract my attention. I tiptoe over – not easy with my swollen ankles! – and slowly get closer to the source… I hear whispers, then I recognize a voice. Basile! A second one. Niels! Between two incomprehensible sentences, the two ex-boyfriends are having a French kiss competition! All excited, I do an about-face quick, but I stumble over my own feet and scream, catching my balance at the last minute.

Great, Alma. Just great!

As for discretion, the jury’s vote: zero!

“Well, I guess I won’t have to fill you in,” Niels laughs, seeing how embarrassed I look.

“Is a little privacy too much to ask?” Basile adds, laughing hilariously.

“Sorry, guys but don’t count on me to hold my tongue,” I say, giggling, headed toward the living room.

“We’ve been waiting for you!” Vadim announces as he sees the three of us coming.

“Oh, for God’s sake, I’m tired of posing!” Pippa grumbles, on the arm of her latest conquest.

“For God’s sake, I’m tired of hearing her whining!” Clémentine hisses.

“For God’s sake, the women have taken over!” Alistair roars, as Kali glares.

A group picture is what has been going on behind my back. For almost thirty minutes, we smile, laugh, scream, and gripe as we look straight at the camera. You + Me is that, too. A family we chose. Disjointed, messy, wacky, chaotic, noisy. Alive.

One last flash pops and… liquid flows down my thighs, soaking the stretchy fabric of my pregnancy jeans. A throbbing pain wakes up in the small of my back.

Ana! She’s coming!

Vadim and I make eye contact; I see him look me over, then stop on my crotch.

“Alma?” he asks me, in a muffled voice. “You… She… Is it time?”

“I think so, yes…”

“Adrian! Get the convoy to the maternity ward ready!” he shouts to the head of security.

All eyes are on me, then an uproar breaks out. All kinds of shrieks of excitement and joy ring out through the penthouse. My mother keeps telling me to stay calm – which I am, unlike her. Clémentine wishes me “honestly, good luck” – really reassuring. Lily and Niels jump up and down, shouting the name of my daughter who is about to be born.

My King’s hand wraps around mine, his gray eyes melt in my green ones, his naughty boy smile shows back up on his lips. Together, we head for the door.

Little Ana, you are about to meet your parents. Vadim + Alma.

And we're going to add a
to You + Me…


We're also including the first part of,
The Billionaire’s Desires
A train named desire
BOOK: Boxed Set: Dominated by a Billionaire - Part 10-12: Irresistible Billionaire
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