Bowles, Jan - Love Slave to the Sicilian Billionaire [Guilty Pleasures 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (12 page)

BOOK: Bowles, Jan - Love Slave to the Sicilian Billionaire [Guilty Pleasures 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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Max gently shook Ella awake. “Come on, sleepy head, time to get up.” Ella groaned and pulled the sheet over her head.

“No, go away. It’s the middle of the night. Leave me alone.”

“Oh, no you don’t.” Max laughed as he started to tickle her. “I’ve brought you some breakfast.”

She shrieked and squirmed away from him, until she said breathlessly, “Okay, okay. I hear you.” She sat up straight, her hair a cloud of tangles as she tried to focus on her surroundings. “Oh, my God, there’s daylight coming through the window. It’s morning.”

“That’s when I usually serve breakfast.”

“I must have slept for hours.”

“You did.” Max hadn’t had the heart to wake her. He’d been up half the night, reading all the sexually explicit e-mails between Kirk and his army fuck buddy. It couldn’t have been easy for her finding out. Especially as she’d been mentioned in such a disrespectful way in many of them. So he’d decided to let her sleep. Sleep was good for repairing tattered nerves.

“Since you’ve missed out on a couple of meals, I’ve been busy in the kitchen. I’ve made you ham and eggs, with a side order of pancakes, just for you.” He handed her the tray, and she immediately broke the egg yolks with a fork.

“Mmm, delicious. I can’t believe you’re such a good cook.”

“One of my many hidden talents.”

He watched her chew on her lower lip, and a faint blush formed on her cheeks. She smiled and raised her gaze to his. Her blue eyes appeared vibrant and alive. “I’m sure you’ve got plenty of hidden talents to show me.”

Max grinned. “Well that’s for me to know, and for you to find out.”

Ella looked at him as she forked a generous portion of ham and eggs to her mouth. “Do I get to wear some clothes today, or do you just like me being naked all the time?”

“Oh, baby, you look great naked, but it’s not very practical if we’re heading into Wichita today.”


“There’s a project of mine I think you’ll be interested in.”

“A project?”

“Yes, I need some photographic work for one of my developments. They’re not selling as well as I’d hoped. All I have at the moment is an artist’s impression on the sales literature. I think some innovative photography showing the complex in an attractive manner may help sell the remaining units. I know it’s short notice, but it’s a rush job, and I was hoping you’d help me out. You studied photography for three years at college, and are very gifted with a camera.”

Ella smiled and pointed a fork loaded with egg at him. “Are you trying to keep me out of trouble, Max?”

“You know me so well, baby.” They’d first met and become firm friends more than a decade ago. She could second-guess many of his actions. However, he still had the element of surprise on his side where their budding sexual relationship was concerned. He figured Ella had no idea what sexual delights lay in store for her in the coming weeks and months. He felt his cock hardening uncomfortably in his jeans at all the things he wanted to do to her. “Just indulge me a little. I think it will be good for you.”

“It sounds tempting, Max. I intended to have a career in professional photography before I met Kirk.”

“I know, and you would have made a great photographer, too. Oh, there’s just one more thing, Ella.”

“What, Max?”

“Don’t forget you’re meeting Lexi today.”


“Yeah, you remember, my friend Lexi the body piercer. You’re having your clit pierced today.”

“You’re kidding me, Max. The pain will be excruciating.”

Max laughed out loud. She had a lot to learn. “It’s your clitoral hood actually, baby. Your cute little sexual pearl will remain intact.”

Ella sighed. “Thank God for that.” Deep in thought, she took another mouthful of her breakfast and then said, concerned, “This piercing, Max. You’ll be there, won’t you?”

He knew she was a little worried about the procedure. “You betcha, baby. It’s part of your initiation as my sub.”

She breathed deeply. “Oh, good. I’ll feel more confident with you there. Will it hurt?”

Max smiled, pleased by her answer. “It might just sting a bit, but don’t worry. I’ll be right there with you.”

Chapter Fourteen

After a long, hot shower, Ella returned to the bedroom. Max lay on the bed relaxing, his arms behind his head. Wearing smart, tailored trousers and a clean white linen shirt open at the neckline, he had a sensual smile to his lips. She felt a knot of desire rippling through her body, twisting down to her womb. Max was so fucking sexy.

“I want you to wear a dress, but no underwear today. Your pussy is lovely and smooth. It’ll turn me on watching another woman being intimate with your vagina.”

Ella raised a brow. “Oh, Max, you naughty boy. What is it about men and lesbian fantasies?”

Max patted the bed. “Come here.” She went and sat next to him, he stroked a hand down her cheek. “The piercing will be a little sore afterwards. You don’t want anything to chafe it.”

She nodded. Her stomach churned. Having such an intimate part of her body pierced seemed a little daunting right now, but she knew it would displease Max if she refused to have it done. Besides, even though she was a little apprehensive, she knew deep down it would bring great sexual rewards in the future.

She squeezed Max’s hand for comfort. “What if I show myself up and scream the place down? What will Lexi think then?”

“I wouldn’t worry about Lexi. She’s been in the business a long time. She’s seen everything, and besides she’s a Domme. I figure she’ll get off on hearing you scream.” He joked.

Ella rolled her eyes. “Thanks, Max,” she commented sarcastically, “You’ve really reassured me.” That’s all she needed, some female dominant getting a wet pussy herself, while she squealed in pain. She moved to get dressed, but Max put a hand on her shoulder.

“How are you feeling this morning?” he asked.

“I’m fine.” She didn’t really want to talk about being dumped by her husband for another woman. It still made her angry.

Max persisted. “I told you we should discuss everything with each other, baby. We shouldn’t have any secrets. They only build up into something much bigger.”

The happiness she had begun to feel the moment she’d woken up began to dim. Would it always be like this? This feeling of being totally inadequate
. Kirk had found someone else much better in bed, much more of a woman.
It would only be a matter of time before Max did the same. Max was a rich, good-looking, highly sexed guy. Why would he stay with her, when he could have any woman he wanted? If she confided her fears to him, it would only make her seem weak, immature, and needy. It would probably bring their relationship to an end before it had barely begun.

In the end she snapped at him. “I just don’t want to talk about Kirk and that bitch of his, Max. Okay?”

He studied her for a while, before speaking. “I understand it’s not an easy subject, but I’m here, if you need me. I’ve spoken with Hans Lindquist. The psychologist I told you about. He can help you overcome any problems. I think you need to discuss Kirk’s affair and suicide with someone not so close to the situation. Someone who can be logical and objective.”

Ella’s head began to hurt. All this thinking stressed her out. In the end she answered angrily, “I’d be okay if people just left me the fuck alone.”

“I see.” Max just sat on the bed and stared at her. “Ella, that is twice you have spoken disrespectfully to me. As your Master, I will not tolerate it.” He didn’t raise his voice, but kept it low and commanding. It couldn’t have sounded more chilling. “You have forced me to take matters into my own hand. I had hoped you would come to your senses. Let me explain in unambiguous terms.
You will
see Hans Lindquist, once a week for a whole month.” His voice strongly emphasized the first two words, letting her know who was in charge. “It will do you good to talk it through.”

Ella decided to be a little less confrontational. As the submissive in the relationship, she really should be more careful about how she spoke to Max. After all, she’d already tasted his discipline once, and she knew there would be more to come if she acted disrespectfully toward him again. “Thank you. I’m sorry for snapping, Master.” By using his formal title she hoped to appeal to his better nature.

“Good, and just so you’re aware of what you’ve done, I have something for you. Hopefully, it’ll serve to correct your sassy tongue.” He reached into his bedside drawer and retrieved an intricate piece of gold jewelry. On closer inspection, it comprised of an ornate center section with three long lengths of chain hanging from it. On the end of each of the lengths was attached an adjustable gold clip. “You will wear this under your dress,” he instructed her. “Only you and I will know it’s there. Just straddle me for a minute, and I’ll put it on for you.”

Ella did as he commanded. It didn’t look like he was punishing her, and she was only too happy to receive another piece of jewelry. Her delight was short-lived when Max held up the delicate piece. “These clamps”—he opened and closed them with an index finger and thumb—“apply just the right amount of pressure on your erogenous zones.” He attached a clamp to her nipple and she bit her bottom lip, unable to decide if it was pain or pleasure that she felt. “This sensual jewelry will make you more aware of your sexuality,” Max stated as he opened a second clip, and then secured it to her other nipple. The delicate chain joining them together swung loosely between them. A third length of chain dangled freely between her breasts. Occasionally it came into contact with her stomach, which undulated with her increased breathing. A warm sensation began to flow directly to her pussy.

Max held up the remaining clip. “Can you guess where this one goes, baby?” His silver-gray eyes searched hers as she tried to figure out his next move. Then it slowly dawned on her. Realization must have showed on her face, because he said, “Poor, baby, she’s gonna feel so horny. I just hope her Master gives her some release later in the day.” He then squeezed her clit between the finger and thumb of one hand, before attaching the final clip to her sensitive nub.

Ella gasped. Her clit felt so sensitized, with the combination of pleasure and pain. Every time she moved, the clips pulled on her aroused nipples and vaginal pearl, only increasing the intensity of sexual feeling coursing through her. It was highly erotic, having three erogenous zones stimulated at the same time.

“This is one of my favorite ways of bringing naughty girls into line. In the past, all of my subs have found the mixing of pleasure and pain most exquisite.” Max tugged on the chain, pulling her against his body.

“Max, please. It feels so good, but I know you’re taunting me.” She lay along the length of his body, feeling intensely sexual, but fully aware that he wouldn’t allow her to have an orgasm without his permission. She figured he liked tormenting her. It was what turned him on.

Me and my sassy tongue. It’s always getting me into trouble.

* * * *

Two hours later

Ella sighed. By midmorning the clamps attached to her nipples and clit were driving her nuts. The constant stimulation of her erogenous zones had begun to consume all rational thought, to the point where she could think of nothing else, apart from her own sexual release. It was pure torture, and by the look on Max’s face, he was enjoying every minute of her discomfort. As he showed her around Crowley Heights
the condo complex he wanted her to photograph, she saw his lips curved upward with sensual pleasure. In future, she vowed never to answer him back again.

If she could concentrate for just one minute, she might be able to plan a series of photographs that would show Max’s latest building project to best effect. Standing five stories tall, the complex offered breathtaking views over the beautiful landscaped lake and gardens. Each condominium boasted a modern balcony of glass and chrome overlooking the wonderful manmade vista. She needed to capture that stunning image with her camera. She knew Max could call upon other far more experienced photographers to do the job, but she also knew he wanted to keep her out of mischief. Well, if that’s what he wanted, then she would have to indulge him. Besides, it would be nice to return to something she’d always had a passion for. Before she’d married Kirk, creative photography had been an important part of her life. She’d reluctantly given it up when they’d continuously moved from one location to another as part of army life.

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