Bourne to Love Emma (RED-Stone Operatives Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Bourne to Love Emma (RED-Stone Operatives Book 1)
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            “Hooyah.”  I shake my hands out and realize
they’ve been fisted since we walked through the doors.  “Thanks for going out
for me today.  I owe you one, man.”

            “Fuck that.  Life’s too short to owe anybody.  I
do what I want, when I want.  I felt like helping you out today, so I did.  We
gotta jet, though.  Let’s head back to Raven so we can hook back up with Tex.”

            We made our way back downstairs and said goodbye
to Raven and Rio.  We ended up eating lunch with Carla – baked ziti with garlic
bread – and then Mia fell asleep.  It was easier on all of us to just let her
sleep while we watched television and chatted.  I thought I was doing a pretty
good job keeping my tension hidden until Carla went to the restroom and Emma
confronted me.

            “What the heck is going on, Jason?  What did Rio
tell you?”

            “Everything is fine, Emma.  Really.”

            My eyes widened at her language, because she never talks like that. 
“I had Raven and Rio running down a lead on where Dan was last seen.  They
found out that he stole a car today and Rio wanted me to know what the police
knew about it.  That’s all we’ve got right now.”

            Her eyes search my face, looking for the truth in
my words or some sign of deception, I guess.  Now’s not the time to tell her
that I’m trained to keep those signs hidden….

            “Okay.  Fine.  Promise me you’ll tell me if
something changes that puts me or Mia in danger.”

            “Keeping you safe is my highest priority.  I
promise, Em.”


Chapter 17



            Mia’s nap didn’t last as long as usual.  I
couldn’t tell if she had a bad dream or if something startled her awake, but
she woke up crying and frantic for me to hold her.  Once she was calmer, we
headed back upstairs to Jason’s apartment.  The vegetable beef soup smelled
amazing when we walked inside and I turned the crockpot down to ‘keep warm’ so
we could enjoy it for dinner in another couple of hours.

            Jason had disappeared into his office as soon as
we got back.  I changed Mia and we sat down with a couple of her favorite board
books by Sandra Boynton.  I held out three of them and she picked her favorite
“Moo Baa La La La!”  We giggled our way through the animal noises and then
moved on to read the others.  When we were wrapping up, I noticed Jason leaning
in the doorway smiling at us.  I smiled back as Mia slapped a page and quacked
like a duck.

            When Mia saw him sit down by her blocks, she
scrambled out of my lap and ran to help him build a tower of blocks so she
could knock them down.  Soon, he had her making growling noises as she toppled
the block tower, pretending to be Godzilla – not that Mia understood that, but
it was funny for us.

            “So, how long have you known Tex, Rio and Raven?”

            “I’ve been working at RED-Stone for a little over
three years now.  Tex was already doing field work for them and we worked
together on a couple of missions early on and try to hook up when he’s in town
now.  Rio and Raven came on not too long after I started.  I’ve only worked
with Rio once, but we clicked and he actually has an apartment in the building,
so we try to have some guys over for poker night every now and then.  He’s a
good guy.”

            “And Raven?”

            “Raven almost always works the missions Rio
works, so they’re overseas a lot.  They’ve been paired up pretty often and they
get in a lot of places as a couple without people paying them a lot of
attention.  She saved our bacon on the mission I was with Rio on – we were
about to get cornered in back alleys in… overseas…, and she seriously did this
thing with her shirt, tied it under her tits and tucked the sleeves under her
bra or some shit and then walked right up to the guys that were behind us and
acted like she was out looking for a good time.  Dangerous as fuck, but it
worked.  We were able to get down the right alley and Rio was able to sneak up
on the two men while they were distracted and knock ‘em out.”

            I just stared at him for a second.  “I bet Rio
was pissed that she did that.”

            “Yeah, he was.  Wait.  Why would you think that? 
Because it wasn’t part of our plan?”

            “No….  Because Rio has feelings for her.”

            Jason looked at me like I was crazy.  “Nah. 
They’ve worked together for a long time, so they’re good friends, but that’s
it.  There’s no room for that shit in the field.”

            He’s so convinced of this.  But I saw the way
Rio’s eyes track Raven.  There’s heat in his leonine gaze, his eyes burn just a
little more gold when he’s watching her.  Hmm.

            “Are you starting to get hungry?” I asked him,
letting the topic of Rio and Raven drop for now.

            “I’m getting there, but I can wait if you’re

            “I think I’m going to make some cornbread to go
with our soup, but I need to go next door.”

            “Then I guess we all need to go next door.  Until
this mess with Dan is settled, I’m not leaving you alone.”

            “Well, come on, then.”  I stood up to go and he
snagged Mia and lifted her up to his shoulders.

            We all made a quick trip next door to gather
ingredients.  Mia watched some PAW Patrol while I threw it together and got it
in the oven.  Jason was back in the office. 

            I dished up some soup and cut some cornbread for
Jason and took it to the office.  He looked almost guilty when I handed it to
him and apologized for spending so much time in the office.  When I looked at
his screens, he had video running on four separate monitors and a mapping
system up on two others. 

            “What are you looking for?”  I asked, rubbing my
hand down the back of his neck.  He wrapped one arm around my waist and leaned
his head against my side. 

            “I’m looking for Dan.  I’m looking for the stolen
car or anything else that looks off.  Honestly, I have no idea what I’m looking
for, but it makes me feel like I’m
something by at least running
the camera feeds.”

            “Thank you for working so hard to keep us safe. 
He can’t hide forever….  But neither can I.  I can do a lot of my job from
home, but I can’t stay here forever, either.  I have client meetings next week
that I need to attend in person.”

            He nodded and moved images around on one of the
screens before pulling an image from one screen to another.  I kissed his head,
running my fingers through his hair and down his neck before squeezing his
shoulder.  His arm slid back to his side and he let me go.

            “Eat your soup before it gets cold.  I’m going to
feed Mia and get her ready for bed.  She’s getting cranky from not sleeping
long enough at nap time.”

            “Okay, babe.  Thanks.”  He was already distracted
by something he was watching by the time I walked out the door and pulled it
closed behind me.




I can hear Emma singing Mia to sleep down the hall.  I’ve
been staring at the monitors for too long and my eyes are bothering me now.  I
just need to be doing something.  Anything. 

            Thinking about Emma getting Mia to sleep helps me
think about other things quick enough.  I turn on a few alarms on my computer
in case anything goes across the police station’s servers about the stolen car or
anything else related to Dan.  I did the same for the county sheriff’s office. 
Odds were low, but any new intel would be helpful.

            Emma was closing the door to the guest room when
I walked into the hall.  I smiled at her, grabbed her hand and dragged her into
my bedroom.  She was giggling by the time I closed the door behind us.

            I kissed her hard and then pulled her shirt over
her head.  I kissed my way down her neck while unfastening her bra and sliding
it down her arms.  Leaning down to take one nipple in my mouth, I slid my hands
under her ass and lifted until she wrapped her legs around my waist.  Her moans
filled the room before I laid her on the bed and started unbuttoning her
pants.  I licked my way down her belly as I pushed her jeans and panties down
her hips and legs.  By the time I had her naked, she was writhing on the bed. 
I could smell her before I spread her legs open before me.

            I looked up to see her propped up on her elbows,
her blue eyes barely open as she watched me pull her lips open for me when I
settled between her thighs.  She held my gaze as I ran the flat of my tongue
from her entrance to her clit and back.  She shuddered under my mouth and I
wrapped my arms around her thighs to hold her still and wide open.  I licked
around her clit three times before sucking it into my mouth.  She dropped back
to the bed and her fingernails dug into my scalp as she arched her back and
pressed her pussy against my face.

            Unwinding one arm, I slid a finger into her heat
while I sucked and licked at her swollen clit.  Her hips were keeping my rhythm
and I knew she was getting close.  But not yet.  I released her clit and placed
soft kisses against her thighs while I slowed the rhythm and added another
finger.  Her frustrated moan told me I was right about how close she had been.

            I smiled against her damp flesh before licking my
way back up to her clit and slowly licking just around it.  I added a third
finger to her pussy, curling up to press against the sensitive tissue at the
front of her inner walls.  Her hips lifted hard at the pressure and every
breath was a moan.  I pressed my hips against the mattress, trying to alleviate
some pressure, myself. 

            I sucked her clit back into my mouth and tapped
it with my tongue to the beat my fingers were pumping into her.  Her hips
wildly joined in and her grip on my hair was painful.  Her thighs clamped down
on my head and shoulders and she moaned my name right as I felt her pussy
convulsing on my fingers and her body shaking as she came.

            Pulling my fingers from her clenching pussy, I
softly licked her clit until she pulled her hips away as it became too
sensitive.  I kissed her thigh before I pushed myself off the bed.  Yanking my
boots and socks off, I stripped like I’m being timed.  I used my teeth to rip
open the condom packet and rolled it over my dick.

            Emma was still catching her breath, sprawled out
on the bed.  I put one knee on the bed and grabbed her thighs, pulling her hips
to the edge of the bed.  Her eyes opened, heat swirling in them again when she
sees that I’m naked now.  I didn’t give her a chance to think past that.

            Bending her knees to her chest, I leaned down
just enough to line us up and pulled her ankles onto my shoulders.  I took just
a second, rubbing the head of my dick through her folds twice before slamming
into her.  Holy fuck, that will never get old.  Her initial yelp turned into a
moan – I remember that from last night.  She bowed up on the bed some and I
forced myself to wait a second while her body stretched to take all of me.  So
fucking tight.  I flexed my hips just enough to sink the last inch into her and
she moaned at the same moment I do.  With her legs up like this, I could feel the
head of my cock kissing her cervix – which may not be a good thing, but fuck
does she feel incredible on my dick.

            I swallowed hard and felt sweat breaking out on
my body, but I had to ask.  “You okay, baby?”

            She half moaned a yes and nodded her head. 

            “You ready now?”

            She slid her hands down my arms and grabbed my
wrists where they were planted next to her waist. 

            “God yes,” she moaned.

            Shit.  I pulled back and slammed into her again,
sinking all the way this time and nudging her cervix again, but her sounds were
all pleasure.  Fuck, yeah.  I slid my hands up the bed some for leverage and got
to work.  But each time I bottomed out, she slid up the bed a few inches. 

            I jerked out of her and smiled grimly at her cry
of disappointment.  I pushed her legs to the side and tapped her on the hip.

            “Hands and knees, baby.  Scoot up.”  I patted her
on the ass when she crawled forward on the bed.  Damn I could stare at this
view for the rest of my life.  Her smooth back and narrow waist, the full bloom
of her hips and the sweet curve of her ass.  Her sweet pink flesh peeked from
beneath her, wet and hot, easily my new favorite sight.

            I climbed behind her on my knees and pressed a
hand to her upper back until she leaned down to her elbows.  Gripping her hips
in my hands, I jerked her back on my dick at the same time I thrust forward with
my hips.  She screamed and I went completely still.

            “Oh, God, Jason.  FUCK ME.”

            Motherfucker.  I slapped her ass cheek before I
slammed my dick home again.  She moaned and pressed into me.

            “Thought I fuckin’ hurt you, Em.”  She was
pushing back with her hips now and each thrust slapped my balls against her
clit, building her way to her next orgasm. 

            No more words.  I heard myself grunt and groan
nearly as much as she was moaning.  Fuck.  I felt my balls tightening and knew
I was fucking close.  I leaned over her, one hand on the bed and wrapped my
other arm around her waist, my fingers running through her lips and up to her

            I flicked her clit with my fingers and pounded my
dick in her pussy.  Her moans changed and got higher pitched and I knew she was
there.  The first clench of her pussy on my dick sent me over the edge.  I
thrusted faster and harder into her, her pussy milking me, pulling my orgasm
from me and the electric shock of it struck me from my balls up my back as I
came and came. 

            I collapsed to the side of Emma and pulled her down
with me.  My twitching cock was still inside her and I never wanted to leave
that spot.  After a few minutes, I dragged my hips back and pulled out of her. 
With a kiss to the side of her neck, I got up to deal with the condom. 




            I’m not sure I can still move my legs…or any
other part of my body.  Holy crap.  All I could think at that moment was that
Heather was right.  I really had needed someone to ‘fuck me silly’ to show me
how sex was supposed to feel.  I really had absolutely no idea how much I’d
been missing.  Wow.

            I felt Jason slide back into bed behind me.  He
wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled my hips flush with his.  His
erection pressed against my butt and back.

BOOK: Bourne to Love Emma (RED-Stone Operatives Book 1)
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