Read Bound in Blood Online

Authors: J. P. Bowie

Tags: #Romance

Bound in Blood (6 page)

BOOK: Bound in Blood
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“My grandmother’s.” Chris sighed sadly. “She passed a year ago and left me these, and some other stuff that I keep at my parents’ house.”

Carlos picked up the glass by its delicate stem. “Very old, too.”

“Yeah, antique. I think they were
grandmother’s. I only use them for special occasions—like tonight.” He smiled at Carlos and handed him a corkscrew. “
special occasions…”

Carlos returned his smile. “Thank you.” He opened the wine bottle and poured a small amount into one of the glasses. He passed the glass to Chris. “Try a little, savour it.” He watched as Chris inhaled the bouquet then took a tiny sip, letting the wine rest on his tongue before swallowing it slowly. Carlos gazed at him, enthralled by the sight of the muscles in Chris’ throat moving sensually under his skin. He felt his cock lengthen and harden. His need to taste Chris’ sweet blood, to possess him, was so powerful it almost overwhelmed him.

With a supreme effort, he calmed himself and said, his voice low and husky, “You know how to appreciate a fine wine.”

Chris grinned. “My folks own a vineyard in Santa Barbara. I was brought up appreciating good wine—and this is very nice. French I’d say, not Californian.”

“I’m impressed.
, a good vintage.” He poured them both a glass.

“So, if your parents are successful, why did you leave home?”

“The idea is, once I get my MBA, I’ll handle the business accounts for them. I could have done all this in Santa Barbara, but I just wanted to get way for a while—you know, experience life a little before I settle into the business.”


J. P. Bowie



“And have you experienced life a little?”

“Not until I met you.” Chris blushed slightly. “I…I mean, you’ve made me more aware of…of what I want from my life.”

Carlos raised his glass and brought it gently to Chris’. “And you have touched my life in much the same way, Christopher.

, Carlos. I am very glad we met.”

“As am I…” They drank, Chris’ eyes meeting Carlos’ sultry gaze over the rims of their glasses.

“You said you wanted to ask me something,” Chris ventured.

Carlos nodded, patting the barstool beside him. He waited until Chris came from behind the bar and climbed onto the stool next to him.

“I have a business proposition for you.”


“Yes. I need someone to handle my financial accounts here in the States. As you will soon be an accountant, I’d like to offer you the position.”

“But I haven’t even passed my exams yet.”

“But you will at the end of the week.”

“How did you know that? That I have exams, I mean?’”

“I believe you mentioned it on our first night together.”

“I did?” Chris frowned for a moment. “I can’t believe I mentioned something as boring as that in the middle of what we were doing.” He blushed again. “I mean…well, you know what I mean.”

Carlos chuckled and leant forward to kiss Chris’ lips. “Yes, I know what you mean. So, will you accept the position?”

“I’d love to. What is your business, exactly?”

“I buy and sell antiques,” Carlos replied. “It means I have to travel, sometimes to quite out of the way places. I would expect you to accompany me on occasion.”

“Wow, that sounds terrific. Now, I really will have to pass these exams.”

“You will do very well, Christopher. I know it.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence. I’m a little nervous.”


J. P. Bowie



Carlos stood and put his arms around Chris. “There is no need for you to be nervous.

His lips touched Chris’ neck. “And now, we will put business aside and enjoy our wine—and each other.”

“I’m all for that,” Chris murmured, shivering as Carlos’ lips skimmed over his throat.

He fell forward into the taller man’s embrace. “Oh, but that feels so good…” He slipped off the stool and pressed himself against the hard wall of muscle that was Carlos’ chest. “All of you feels so good.” He started to undo Carlos’ shirt buttons. “Want to kiss that perfect chest of yours. I remember it being smooth. Yes, there it is—smooth and perfect.”

Carlos rumbled out a deep chuckle and enfolded Chris in his arms. “Have I told you, you are adorable?”

“I think you mentioned it a few times,” Chris said, in between the kisses he laid on Carlos’ chest. “Took me a time to believe you weren’t just saying it to get into my pants.”

“But I did get into your pants.”

“Yeah…” Chris’ eyes twinkled as he smiled up at Carlos. “Guess I’m just that easy.” He took Carlos’ hand and led him into the bedroom. “And guess what? You’re going to get into my pants again. Right now.”

Carlos cupped Chris’ face in his hands and kissed his lips tenderly. Chris let out a little moan and parted his lips, letting their kiss deepen and Carlos’ tongue slip inside his mouth.

He pulled Carlos’ unbuttoned shirt over his shoulders, eager to feel the strong cool flesh, to caress the smooth skin that covered Carlos’ muscular back. His hands skimmed down the length of Carlos’ spine then pushed their way under the waistband of Carlos’ slacks, cupping each cheek of his muscular butt. He shivered with anticipation, feeling the rigidity of Carlos’

arousal grind into his groin.

He slipped from the tall man’s arms and knelt before him, unbuckling the leather belt and easing his slacks down over his hips. He murmured his admiration at the powerful sight of Carlos’ erection as it sprang from its confinement. Grasping the thick shaft at its base, Chris brought the swollen head to his lips, his tongue snaking out to lick the glistening slit at the tip. The pungent spicy taste and scent of Carlos’ pre-cum assaulted his senses, bringing a tumult of desire coursing through his body. Without hesitating, he took all of the throbbing cock into his mouth, his lips gliding down the rigid length to the black, curly pubic hair at BOUND IN BLOOD

J. P. Bowie



the base. He eased back slightly then plunged forward again, the flat of his tongue laving the underside of the pulsing flesh as he moved up and down on the hard shaft.

A low growl escaped Carlos’ lips, and Chris was lifted into the bigger man’s arms then gently laid on the bed. Carlos leant over him, his dark eyes locked on those that gazed up at him with longing and trust. Chris raised his head, capturing Carlos with a kiss, moaning softly as he felt the full lips part under his and Carlos’ tongue invade his mouth, setting every fibre of every nerve within him on fire. Carlos pulled back a little and began to lick his way over Chris’ throat, his chest, his abdomen, into the golden down of his pubic hair. His hands stroked the smaller man’s thighs, the tips of his fingers caressed the underside of Chris’ balls. He leant forward, taking the head of Chris’ cock between his lips, sucking on it smoothly at first then, as Chris writhed beneath him, with long and urgent strokes.

A murmur of ecstasy mixed with some impatience escaped Chris’ lips, and he reached for Carlos, tugging at his thigh. “Need that beautiful cock of yours over here.” He turned on his side as Carlos shifted position bringing his erection to Chris’ eagerly waiting mouth.

“Oh yes,” Chris sighed before taking the head of Carlos’ throbbing flesh to his lips, licking the tip of the pulsing shaft, savouring the scent and taste of Carlos’ arousal. He ran his hand over Carlos’ sleek, muscular thighs, explored the cleft between the smooth, round buttocks with his fingers, pushing gently at the ring of puckered muscle he encountered deep inside. He wondered if Carlos would object to his invading this part of him, but as he probed, he heard Carlos sigh with what sounded like appreciation. Encouraged, Chris worked his finger past the slight resistance into the warm, silky tunnel, at the same time sliding his lips over the length of Carlos’ hard as steel erection.

Muffled groans came from both men as they pleasured one another, the wet heat of their mouths engulfing each other’s cocks, fingers exploring their tight holes and cum-heavy balls.

Carlos pulled away suddenly, and Chris felt a twinge of disappointment but was quickly brought to a soaring ecstasy when Carlos turned him over and thrust his tongue deep inside Chris’ stretched opening. He reared up, arching his back, pushing his butt higher while Carlos fucked him with his tongue. Chris thought he might just pass out from this unbearable rapture. Every part of him seemed to glow with a heat he thought might consume him.


J. P. Bowie



“Carlos,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “Oh, dear God, Carlos…”

Carlos ran the tip of his tongue up the length of Chris’ spine, the head of his cock wedged between Chris’ butt cheeks. He reached for a condom from Chris’ nightstand and, with one swift motion, sheathed himself then pushed forward into Chris’ hot core.

“Close your eyes,
,” he murmured into Chris’ ear. “Imagine that you and I are soaring through the night sky, just the two of us, you in my arms.”

Carlos rolled onto his back, his arms about Chris’ chest, their legs intertwined, their bodies fused together. He grasped Chris’ erection, pumping it rhythmically in time with the upward thrusts of his hips as he drove himself ever deeper into Chris’ silky heat. Chris let himself be caught up in Carlos’ fantasy—the two of them, just as they were now, joined at the core of his being, being lifted upwards, out beyond the apartment walls, into the cool night air—soaring, gliding above moonlit clouds. He’d never experienced anything this incredible in his entire life.

He moaned, his hips grinding over Carlos’ rock-hard cock, matching the rhythm Carlos had initiated, losing himself in the fantastic vision that unfolded behind his closed eyes. His heart hammered in his chest. He gasped out a choking breath as his orgasm coiled inside him. Ripples of exquisite pleasure raced through him, and he surrendered to the sensation he could no longer control. Crying out Carlos’ name, he came, his body shuddering in his lover’s arms, as Carlos pumped the cum from him. A second later, his euphoria was intensified when Carlos’ powerful body arched under him, climaxing with wrenching, jolting spasms that Chris swore lifted them clear off the bed.

They lay, still locked together, the breath steadying as their bodies calmed. Chris turned his head, seeking a kiss from the lips that nuzzled his earlobe.

“You are sensational, Carlos,” he murmured against the soft cushion of Carlos’ mouth.

“Utterly, totally and mind-blowingly sensational. And how did you do that, exactly?”

“Do what?” Carlos’ voice sounded completely innocent.

“You know—that moonlit trip we took.”

Carlos chuckled. “I’m glad I have such an unusual effect on you, Christopher. Our imaginations must be in sync.”

“And how. Where are you going?” he whined as Carlos disentangled himself from their legs and arms.


J. P. Bowie



“Just to dispose of this.” He indicated the used and very full condom.

“Mmm, hurry back.” Chris watched with admiration as Carlos strode over to the bathroom, his body a study in classical perfection, every sleek muscle defined in superb detail. Before he could stop himself, Chris let out a low whistle of approval, and Carlos flashed him a stunning smile.

Chris snuggled under the sheet and closed his eyes, his happiness at being with Carlos almost too much bear or to believe. That he could have gotten this lucky, finding someone as fantastic as Carlos, was just unbelievable. And the crazy thing was, he truly felt that Carlos was as into him as he was into Carlos.

He smiled through hooded eyes as Carlos returned, whipped back the sheet and began wiping Chris’ chest with a damp cloth. The tenderness in his expression made Chris’ heart turn over, and he pulled Carlos down on top of him, holding him as if his life depended on it.

“I love you, Carlos,” he whispered and meant every word.



J. P. Bowie


Chapter Five

“I would prefer it if you gave up your position at the Xtasy Club,” Carlos said, stroking Chris’ hair gently. This was their third night together, and despite the fact Chris had an early morning accountancy exam, he had persuaded Carlos to come over ‘just for a little while’.

They had made love twice and were now lying snuggled together on Chris’ bed, quietly enjoying each other’s company.

“Now that you will have a job that pays you handsomely,” Carlos continued, “there’s no need for you to work at night anymore.”

Chris raised his head from Carlos’ chest and smiled into his lover’s eyes. “We haven’t discussed my salary,” he said teasingly. “And besides, I should give Lonnie some notice. I can’t just call him and say I’m not coming back.”

Carlos frowned. “I just don’t like the idea of you working there at night. It’s not a particularly safe area.”

“After what happened the other night, you’re right, but the club is only open at night time, so there are no day jobs available. Don’t worry…” He kissed Carlos’ neck. “I’ll give Lonnie a week’s notice when I go in tomorrow night.”

“Good—and how does a hundred thousand dollars a year sound to you as your starting salary?”

“A hundred thousand dollars?” Chris gasped. “That’s far too much, Carlos. I don’t even have my degree yet, and—”

Carlos kissed him into silence, holding him pressed tightly to his body. “You will work very hard for your money,” he chuckled when he finally released Chris’ lips. “I can be a very hard taskmaster.

“Hard is right,” Chris remarked as he slipped his hand between their fused bodies and grasped Carlos’ erection. “Wow, hard as a rock again. Now what d’you suppose I should do with this?”

“Anything you like,” Carlos growled in Chris’ ear.

“That’s what I hoped you’d say.”


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Feeling a little more confident about the outcome of his exams now they were finally over, Chris entered the back door of the Xtasy Club and made for Lonnie’s office. He’d promised Carlos he would give notice tonight and, in truth, was quite relieved to do so. It hadn’t been a bad job, and Lonnie had been decent enough, but it was time to move on—and now with Carlos’ offer of a much better position, why should he even hesitate?

BOOK: Bound in Blood
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