Read Bound (Hidden Pleasures, #4) Online

Authors: Kitty Hunter

Tags: #bbw erotic romance, #BBW interracial erotica, #bondage dominance and submission, #m/f/m menage BDSM romance

Bound (Hidden Pleasures, #4) (2 page)

BOOK: Bound (Hidden Pleasures, #4)
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He yanked the pillows out from under her and she fell flat to the mattress.

“Unh.” What was he doing now?

The hard length of his dick slid out of her pussy with a faint popping sensation, and she thought he must be about to come. Instead he moved higher and penetrated her ass.

No lube. Just a straight, hard drive. She screamed a little, the tight ring of muscles fighting him, but he kept going until he was buried in her. It burned and hurt, and she wanted him to stop.

But she held onto the ball, clutched it ever tighter. Whatever drove him to this, she wanted to help him purge it, even though her body ached.

In and out, harder, faster, fucking her ass good. The silk sheet rasped on her nipples and clit. She mewled and cried out, taking the fucking, relaxing as the pain became pleasure.

His hips slammed her bruises, his dick stretched her tight, sore hole. Both of his big hands clutched the pillow on either side of her head. “Come damn you. Come now. I want you to come.”

But she couldn’t. He leaned up and spanked her ass with each thrust until the flesh was on fire and she flailed her legs, trying to escape. He held her by the shoulders. “Damn it Ronnie. Damn it.”

With four fierce plunges, he came in her ass, spilling his seed deep in her. Hot liquid spattered on the back of her neck, and she craned her neck. Tears spilled down his face.

When he pulled out, most of the cum squirted down from her asshole and across her pussy in a thick, warm gush. He feathered his fingers across her clit and sucked at her neck. A deep orgasm rolled from her tummy through her whole body. She shuddered and cried, not sure what the hell had just happened.

Why did she like him being so rough with her? It was sick. He’d cried. He’d hurt her. She’d taken it, his pain and whatever drove him, but he’d been so rough...She could have dropped the ball, but hadn’t. The smooth globe was still clenched in her fist. Some kind of new line had just been crossed for them, and she wasn’t sure what to make of it.

He collapsed next to her, hands shaking as he unbuckled the gag. His tan complexion looked ashen and his lips were compressed into thin lines. “I’m sorry if I hurt you Ronnie.”

“I don’t uh...I don’t...” Evidence of his tears remained on his face. What to say to him? She wet her lips and scrubbed her face on the pillow. “You did hurt me.’s not the physical part that is bothering me right now.”

Hair fell across her eye, she flexed each wrist and ankle and squirmed. “Can’t you untie me? I really didn’t like waking up alone like that, tied to the bed. It was scary.”

“I didn’t mean for you to be left alone for long. Especially since it was the first time.” A thrill of excitement seared her.
The first time.
That implied they’d do it again...

She wondered again how she’d become such a deviant. Even more so why she was having so much fun embracing this part of herself. Maybe she’d been born this way. He scooted off the bed and stalked across the room. “I’m sorry Ronnie. I got a phone call from my birth mother and it really upset me. And I shouldn’t have come in here and done that. I shouldn’t have had sex with you today. Not like this.”

When he turned, he had a box of baby wipes in one hand. He wiped his dick clean with some wipes and tossed them in a small trash bin. “It was wrong of me. I abused you.”

The admission about his mother surprised her. Yet another secret he’d been keeping. Although this she could forgive him for holding close. “It’s not the rough sex that bugs me. I think we both know I like it.” A blush burned across her cheeks. He chuckled and climbed up next to her. A soft, damp wipe slid over her pussy and cleaned away some of the mess. “But I felt like you were using me like a...”

“A whore.” He hung his head. “I’m so sorry. I...I wanted to forget her, forget that part of my life completely.” He discarded the first wipe and used a second on her ass. It stung, and she hissed in pain. Now that the sex endorphins were gone, it hurt like crazy. “Every time I think my life is moving forward, she calls out of the blue with some new bombshell. Sends me right off the rails, you know?”

“Yeah.” Her own mother hadn’t called her recently, after she’d dropped the bomb that not only was she dating two men, she was having sex with both of them. And they knew about each other. She’d left off the part about it being a ménage relationship. That would have sent her mom to the hospital with a stroke for sure. “Gavin. I’m here. I understand needing the sex to lose yourself in, to find some healing. And I forgive you. But can you untie me? I’m really pretty sore.”

“Luis won’t be happy.” He stood and moved to the foot of the bed to release her ankles. “We were supposed to have some fun sharing you today. A little double penetration action.”

Disappointment coursed over her. Of course that’s what they’d have planned. What she’d been craving. “Fuck. That sucks.”

“Been thinking about it?” The tone of his voice lifted, and he freed her left wrist, then her right. She sighed and curled up into a ball to hide her face. She nodded. “Well, in a few days, maybe. You’re pretty bruised.”

“Well maybe if you were both really gentle...” A laugh bubbled up and she rolled her eyes. “Never mind. I’d go crazy, and Luis’s gentle isn’t really gentle.”

He perched on the edge of the bed and stroked her arm. “I’m sorry Ronnie. I really fucked up.”

“Yeah, you did. But I liked it.” Half her mouth tugged up in a smile. “I’m mentally wacked.”

“No you’re not. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that.” The fierce set of his face came back and she blinked. He leaned in close and whispered. “You are perfect. And I should have taken better care of you today.”

“A little lube on my ass wouldn’t have been a bad thing.” Their gazes locked, and remorse filled the green depths of his eyes. “Come here.”

Their lips molded together, and he eased down to the mattress to lie beside her.

Hands caressed and searched out hollows and muscles, stroked over each other’s backs, shoulders, and thighs. He circled her nipples with his finger tips and soothed her ass cheeks with his palms. She stroked her hands over his pecs and the ripples of his abs, drew a line down the length of his cock with her finger tip. The semi-erect flesh twitched under her touch, and she moved on to burrow her nails in the backs of his thighs. Time seemed to stand still. Wetness slicked her pussy, and she ground her thighs together in frustration.

The hard tip of his cock poked her tummy, and she wrapped the thick shaft in her fingers. “Again?”

“Mmm...I can never get enough of you.” He kissed her throat, sucking hard enough at the skin to leave marks. In a slow move he spread her thighs and fit his hips between them. “I want to be inside you. Make love to you.”

She lifted her hips up in invitation, and it was all the encouragement he needed. His cock slipped into her hot, tight cunt, and she moaned.

“Gavin—” The skin on his back almost gave under the pressure from her nails. She hooked her ankles behind his ass and pressed him forward, deeper inside.

“Yes sweetheart?” Their tongues tangled, and he sucked her lower lip as he backed away.

“I love you.” Their gazes locked, and a light she’d never seen in his eyes before lit them from within.

“Love you too Ronnie.” He canted his hips back and rolled forward, slow and steady, until sweat beaded his chest and coated the backs of her knees.

“More.” She grabbed his ass and slapped it to encourage him. Soreness emanated from her pussy, but she didn’t care. She had to have him, now, like this, joined with her.

He complied by thrusting harder, but not hard enough.

“More. Harder.”

With one deft move, he clamped her wrists together above her head in his hands and plunged his dick into her. The sound of their groins slapping filled the room.

“Oh...oh yes...that’s so fucking good...your cock feels amazing...” Pleasure pooled in her abdomen and her clit tingled.

He withdrew and angled his body so his cock slid over her clit, up and down, parting her pussy lips. When she was about to come, he released one wrist, shoved his cock back inside, and pinched her clit.

“Oh fuck. Oh fucking hell. Fuck me.” Orgasm shook her limbs and her vision darkened.

He buried his face near her neck, his breathing harsh, and pumped into her quivering cunt until his cum shot out in four hard jerks. With both arms caging her face, he relaxed down until she accepted his weight on her thighs and torso. Soft kisses dotted her neck and jaw line until he reached her mouth. She bit the plump, inviting bud of his lower lip and he nipped her tongue. They both laughed, and he smoothed his thumbs over her cheekbones. He rolled over so she lay snuggled across his chest.

A new dimension had just been added to their relationship, and warmth overflowed her. They loved each other. And it was real.

Chapter Two

uis loitered in the hall outside the room where his best friend and their lover slept in a tangle of limbs in the play room. His dick throbbed and ached, balls tight and heavy with arousal. Ronnie’s hair spread out in a thick red wave over her breasts and shoulders. Gavin’s heavy muscular frame caged her in, his thigh over hers. Her head rested on his bicep and she snuggled back into his torso as she slept.

She loved him. Loved Gavin. A tiny sliver of jealousy and sadness trickled through him. He assumed the role as the more dominant of her lovers, but his need for her affection ran even deeper than Gavin’s.

The men had grown up in foster care together. Only had each other for many years. Gavin had tried to warn him about his ex-wife, and he hadn’t listened. He’d tried to convince himself that she’d want to be with both of them eventually. But she never had, and his relationship with Gavin had been part of what tore their marriage apart.

It was impossible to explain his needs to someone who wasn’t disposed to need it themselves. Ronnie was perfect for both of them, but now he worried she’d decided that her affections lay more deeply with his best friend than with him. Perhaps she enjoyed the ménage, but was growing to realize that for her, she really only needed one man emotionally.

He’d come down the hall expecting to join in the sex, late from dealing with phone calls from suppliers to his club and his ex-wife’s lawyer. Three years after the divorce was settled, and she was still after his money.

Witnessing Gavin and Ronnie declaring their feelings froze him outside the door. She’d told him she was falling for him, that she loved him, and he’d thought that real love was growing between them as they grew to know one another better, but now he wondered how deep her feelings really went. Pain lanced his chest and he hung his head. If his friend had found the right woman, and they would share with him, even on the periphery of their life, he’d settle for that.

Instead of climbing into the bed and cuddling Ronnie from the front like he wanted, he spun and returned to his room to get dressed. His erection deflated as he strode away. This was their moment and he didn’t think he should intrude.

He rifled through his dresser and tugged on a pair of shorts and socks. On his way to the basement workout room he made a protein shake and slipped on his trainers. A good session beating the crap out of a heavy bag and a run on the treadmill might help him lose some of his irritation with his liquor suppliers and the sense of loss settled into his gut.

The red leather bag swung as he pounded on it, so he moved around it, light on his feet. When he couldn’t lift his arms for even a light jab, he got on the treadmill and jogged four miles. The protein shake went down the way it normally did—grainy and thick. All the research suggested that not eating a quick uptake protein supplement after a hard work out only led to the body cannibalizing muscle for energy. A wasted work out.

Mr. Practical and well-researched. That’s me.

Sweat dripped down his forehead, neck, and chest. His shorts were plastered to his ass. The stairs creaked under his feet as he stomped up to the main floor of the house. If he was going to be ready for work that night, he had to get a shower.

He went straight to his room with its adjoining bath, careful to avoid looking down the hall. Right now wasn’t the time to think too hard about what was going on. There were girls at the club who’d fall over themselves to be with him, but he just wasn’t interested. Ronnie was the only woman he wanted.

Sharing her with Gavin wouldn’t make sense to most men, but for him, it fulfilled a soul deep need for connection and family. Maybe if he’d grown up differently, he wouldn’t be this way, have this damn hole inside him he couldn’t fill with nothing but vanilla sex.

But he was the way he was. He was at peace with that.

He toed his sneakers off near the bathroom door and dropped his shorts on top of them. The socks stayed where they landed on the tile. He popped the glass door on the shower enclosure and turned the knobs, letting the water warm up while he got a towel and washcloth from the cabinet.

The shower spray cascaded over his short hair and down his back in a pounding spray. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back, all his focus on relaxing and not thinking about Gavin and Ronnie. Joining them for sex after what he’d witnessed made something inside him recoil. He didn’t want to be with them if she didn’t feel the same about him. It would hurt him, leave him on the outside looking in, much as he’d felt he’d been doing his entire life.


When he’d been a child, it had been the mothers other kids had. He’d see them, at the park three blocks away, when he snuck out of the house while his mother was passed out drunk with some random stranger she’d brought home the night before.

Thank God he’d gone into foster care and met Gavin in high school. Fate brought them together with the same foster parents, and they’d bonded. More than brothers, more than just friends. They’d had each other’s backs through a lotta shit.

If Gavin and Ronnie were meant to be, he knew he’d stand aside and let it happen. Gavin should be happy.

He squeezed out a larger gob of shampoo than he needed and scrubbed it over his head, letting the bubbles skim down his chest and back. The spray hit him directly in the face, and he kept his eyes closed, planted both hands on the wall in front of him and dug his fingers into the grout.

BOOK: Bound (Hidden Pleasures, #4)
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