Read Bound by Their Kisses Online

Authors: Marla Monroe

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance

Bound by Their Kisses (13 page)

BOOK: Bound by Their Kisses
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“Told you. I’d be twenty dollars richer if you were a betting woman,” Tag said. “Look at him rolling around like a juicy earthworm trying to scoot under the ground before the hungry robin catches him.”

Tessa laughed so hard and so long her stomach hurt and she had tears streaming down her face. Zander had looked a little like a worm trying to scoot under the covers and pull them up all at the same time. She hadn’t laughed that much since she’d been a teenager. She doubted she’d had this much fun since then either.

“Oh, my god, Zander,” she hiccoughed. “Tag’s right. You dove for the bed like you were trying to make it to first base before the ball.”

“Get your fanny undressed and in this bed, kitten. I’ll show you what earthworms like to do in their spare time.” Zander wiggled his eyebrows, sending her into another spat of laughter at the picture he made doing that with a bald head.

“Dude. Don’t do that. Seriously. It’s creepy,” Tag told him.

“Do what?” his friend asked, looking for all the world as if he didn’t have a clue.

“That thing you just did with the fuzzy caterpillars over your eyes.”

Zander grabbed Tessa when she got close enough that he could reach her. “What’s he talking about, Tessa?”

Before she could explain, though, Zander had pulled her over his lap on the bed. While he started pulling on the shorts she’d had on in an attempt to tug them down her legs, Tag had encircled her wrists and was holding her still. She gasped, still laughing, and tried to get control of herself so she could fuss at them.

“I can undress, guys. You don’t have to do it for me.” She giggled.

“You were taking too long,” Zander groused. He had her shorts down to her ankles and was working on her panties now. “Tag, pull her closer to you so I can reach her feet. I’ve got to get her damn shoes off.”

“Got her.” Tag hauled her across the bed until she was lying face down over his lap. Her mouth in an excellent spot for revenge. “What the fuck?”

Tag let go of her wrists to snag a handful of her hair while cupping her cheek with the other. She had a mouthful of Tag and wasn’t letting go.

“What’s wrong, man?” Zander asked as he struggled with her shoes.

“Hell, no. She’s got my fucking dick between her teeth over here. Whatever you do, don’t make her mad, Z. I’m begging ya, man.” Tag’s deep, growly voice curled Tessa’s toes, which added to Zander’s problems getting her shoes off.

The other man stilled. “You’re kidding. Really? She’s biting your cock? Wonder what would happen if I started tickling her?”

“Don’t you fucking dare!” Tag roared.

Tessa had to let go of her prize or choke as she started laughing all over again. It gave Tag the opening he needed to almost rip himself out from under her to stand next to the bed with both hands covering his crotch.

“You had your jeans on,” she pointed out, still snuffling. “There was no way I was going to be able to really hurt you trying to bite through denim, Tag.”

“I’m no fool. I wasn’t taking any chances. Maybe we need to put a muzzle on her at night, Z. I’m sort of fond of my junk.” Tag pulled off his boots while holding on to the headboard then jerked off his socks.

“She’ll behave. Won’t you kitten? No biting Tag’s cock while he’s asleep,” Zander said in a mock stern voice.

She just grinned. Maybe everything would work out after all. Both men seemed intent on trying. To see these two macho He-men clowning around like kids and all for her benefit did something to her. Less than a second later, it hit her. She was falling in love with them. Despite everything that had happened that day, Tessa knew in her heart that she was more than halfway already. Knowing this gave her an even bigger incentive to make it work between them. Leaving now would definitely break her heart.


* * * *


Zander sighed as they settled Tessa between them in the bed. Relief when Tessa had started laughing had nearly made him lightheaded. He’d been fairly confident that Tag would make things right between them, but he’d worried that they would have taken two steps back and have to work their way forward again. Instead they’d been warned to take things slow and cherish every minute with her.

Once Tag had finally elicited a solemn promise from Tessa that she wouldn’t pull a Bobbitt with her teeth while he was sleeping, the big man agreed to come to bed. Zander was still having to fight to keep from laughing.

One touch of Tessa’s twitching ass as she moved to get comfortable smothered any lingering impulse to laugh. Instead, all of his attention moved to the way her hot skin felt against his stirring cock. Blood rushed to the dozing organ until it stood tall and proud, anxious to be useful. Zander was just as anxious.

Without a word, he leaned closer and shifted her hair to the side to expose her soft shoulder and neck. With the night light on in the bathroom, Zander could see just enough to make out the curve of her shoulder and that’s where he zeroed in on. She hummed softly as he stroked her skin with his tongue. When he lightly grazed his teeth over the spot where her neck met her shoulder, she moaned.

Zander couldn’t help pressing his engorged dick against the crack of her ass and moving so that it slid up and down to tease her. Hell, more than likely it was teasing him more than it was her. He couldn’t wait to sink his cock deep into her ass. He knew she’d burn him alive. But she needed care and they needed to prepare her first. He’d never hurt her if he could help it.

“I don’t know what the fuck you’re doing over there, Z man, but don’t stop,” Tag said then groaned deep. “Ah hell, baby girl. You’re killing me.”

“Tessa, suck his cock for me. I want to play with this sweet ass,” Zander said.

When she didn’t hesitate before moving to comply, Zander thought he’d come just knowing she’d followed his orders. Hell, she was dangerous to his sanity. It gave him a heady feeling that she’d trusted him without thinking. He would make damn sure she felt nothing but pleasure at his hands.

He watched as Tag moved as well so she could reach his shaft. Their sweet Tessa ran her tongue all over his friend’s cock before sucking on the crown hard enough that Tag groaned and dug his fingers into her scalp. Zander smiled. She would have the other man going crazy soon enough. He needed to concentrate on preparing her ass for his cock.

Reaching over to the nightstand, Zander pulled open the drawer and grabbed a bottle of lube. He’d chosen one that had a little deadening quality to it to ease her into anal sex. He had no idea if she’d ever had it before, but even if she had, it hadn’t been recently, and taking two men as opposed to one was different.

He massaged her ass cheeks, enjoying how plump and soft they were. He couldn’t wait to redden them with the palm of his hand, but that was for another time.

Concentrate, Z. I can’t afford to fuck this up. She’s the one for us. I don’t want her to ever feel afraid with us. She should never doubt our love for her.

Zander smiled. Yeah, love. They loved her. He didn’t have to ask his buddy to know that Tag loved her just as much as he did. They hadn’t really put it into words, but knowing she was the one for them pretty much said it all. Theirs.

Tag’s head was thrown back now as Tessa took the man’s thick cock to the back of her throat, her fist wrapped around the base while her other hand cupped his balls. No doubt about it. His friend was in heaven. Zander wanted to be there right along with him.

With that thought in his head, Zander dribbled the lube he’d been holding in his hand to warm it down the crack of her ass. She didn’t even flinch as it hit her skin. He dragged it down to her back entrance and rubbed it around the star-shaped hole until the muscles surrounding it relaxed just the tiniest bit. Adding more lube, Zander pressed one fingertip against the opening and slowly pushed inward until the tip of his finger moved through and he was able to sink his finger a good inch inside of her. She didn’t resist and never stopped licking and sucking on Tag’s cock.

“You’re doing so good, kitten. Tag looks like he’s fighting to keep from coming. Torture him good, sweetness,” Zander told her.

She hummed around Tag’s cock, causing the big man to hiss and squeeze his eyes closed. Yeah, she had his friend by the balls all right. Zander chuckled and slowly pumped his finger in and out of Tessa’s sweet asshole, going deeper with each short thrust. He couldn’t help but grin as she easily took his finger all the way to the webbing. Her soft moan told him she was doing fine.

Zander pulled free of the tight confines of her ass and added more lube before slowly inserting two fingers, making sure to go slow and give her time to relax after each small push deeper into her hot back hole. Fuck, she was tight. Hot and tight. He’d never last once he got inside of her. It would be a miracle if he ever managed to hold out long enough to give her an orgasm without stimulating her clit.

“Damn, baby girl. You’re killing me. Zander, whatever you’re doing now must feel damn good to her. She’s going to suck my dick clean off. Hurry, man, or I’m out of this.” Tag’s voice sounded as if he’d swallowed glass.

“She’s fucking tight back here, Tag. I don’t want to hurt her,” he said.

Tessa pulled off of Tag’s cock and looked over her shoulder at Zander. “It feels good. I’ve never had two men before, but I have had anal sex. I never liked it, but then no one ever played with me first either. Fuck me, Zander. I can handle it.”

Zander nearly lost it as she returned to sucking Tag’s cock. He pumped her ass with both fingers until he felt as if she were loose enough.

“Okay, kitten. Climb on Tag’s cock and take him for a ride,” he told her.

“Condom, Z. I need a condom.” Tag reminded him that they needed to have that serious talk soon.

He snagged the condoms from the bedside table and handed one to his friend. Then he hurried to the bathroom to wash his hands before returning to don his own rubber and lube up. The sight of Tessa slowly lowering her body over Tag’s stiff dick had his own shaft jerking in response. He’d be sheathed in her tight ass soon enough. Once she had settled flush against Tag’s pelvis, both of them let out harsh breaths.

“Holly hell, baby girl. You’re so freaking hot. Hot and wet all around my cock. I’m going to die trying to hold off my climax, Tessa,” Tag told her.

“You feel so good inside of me. You hit every sensitive spot inside of me,” she said then wiggled, making Tag groan.

“Be still, tease. Let Z man get inside that tight ass of yours. We’ll do all the work. All you have to do is take it—take us.”

Zander made sure to add more of the lubricant to Tessa’s winking back hole before aligning the crown of his throbbing cock with the tiny opening mere inches from where Tag was buried inside her sweet cunt. The anticipation of what it would feel like wrapped tightly in hot wet Tessa was killing him. He gently pressed at her back to get her to lie over Tag’s chest so he could control his entry. There would be no pain if he had anything to do with it. Their Tessa deserved only pleasure.

“Relax, kitten, and open up for me. Push out while I’m entering you,” he said.

Initially her dark hole resisted him, but just when he worried he was pressing too hard and would hurt her, his cockhead moved through the resistant ring, making all three of them sigh with pleasure. He’d been right. She was molten heat that gripped him like liquid nails. Moving was going to be tough, but not moving wasn’t an option. He pulled back just a bit then pushed forward once again. This time he made more headway and felt her body begin to accept him.

“Tesssssa,” he growled out. “So fucking good.”

He pulled almost all the way out and surged back in once more, his cock forging through her hot, wet depths until he was buried all the way to his balls inside her back hole. Pure ecstasy. This was heaven on earth. He could feel Tag’s thick cock pressing against the thin membrane that separated her two passages. It added even more pressure to the already tight fight of her ass. He already had to fight the boiling cum in his balls. How in the hell would he ever last once they moved inside of her?

“Okay, Tag. Let’s get this party started,” he said in a hoarse voice.

Tag’s grip on Tessa moved to her waist, just above her hips. He lifted her off of his cock which pushed her back toward Zander, moving her deeper onto his dick. Then Zander thrust up inside her, taking up all the space his friend had just vacated. Then he pulled back, allowing her to sink back down on Tag’s cock in the process. Together they rocked her back and forth, eating up the moans, groans, and little mewing sounds she made as they fucked her between them.

Every move of Tag’s dick in and out of her pussy added to his pleasure since it massaged his cock as he did the same to her hot ass. Even though he felt nothing sexual for his buddy, it added to the intimate nature of their relationship with Tessa, reminding him that they were all three in this together—forever, no turning back. Yeah, this felt damn good, the best, but it was far more than that. This was the beginning of the rest of their lives and the connection he felt now seemed to grow inside of him. He could almost feel tiny tentacles wrapping around the three of them, intertwining, making them a single unit.

The experience was mind blowing without the impending orgasm just ahead of them. He’d never felt anything like it and could almost be positive that few married couples ever felt anything like this between them or they would have talked about it. He sure as hell wouldn’t be able to keep it a secret. For the first time in his life, Zander felt complete, and Tessa was the cornerstone that held them together. Love was too weak a word for what he felt for her in that moment. Zander didn’t know what to call it, but he knew what he would be calling her from now on.

Chapter Ten


Tessa was sure she was going to explode into a million, trillion tiny pieces. The pleasure building inside of her would be the death of her. She’d never expected it to feel this good. Never would have believed, even if someone had told her, how good it could be. This was heaven. This was amazing and it was scary. The depth of her feelings for the two men frightened her. She’d never thought she could love this deeply, but Tessa knew in her heart that she did. They seemed to fill some missing piece of her, filled and sealed the hole that had plagued her forever it seemed like.

BOOK: Bound by Their Kisses
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