Bound by Love's Gravity (25 page)

BOOK: Bound by Love's Gravity
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“Sarah,” Adam growled. “Don’t.”

She batted her long eyelashes, looking far too innocent to be with two Doms. “What?”

“Our sub is being unruly. She’s just begging for a spanking. Isn’t she, Adam?”

Adam nodded, but he didn’t take his eyes off Sarah as he did. “That’s not all she’s begging for.” Standing, he strode toward their sub. When he reached her, he gave her the Dom stare. “Knees.” That was all he said, but Sarah seemed to know what he meant.

She sank to her knees with the grace of a prima ballerina then sinuously widened her legs and sat back. Resting her ass on her feet, she straightened up and raised her head, holding it high and proud, as she thrust her breasts out. Finally, she positioned her hands, palm-side up, on her thighs. “Like this?” she asked, lowering her eyes in clear deference to her Dom.

“Good girl,” Adam praised as he bent and kissed the top of her head. “I think you deserve a reward.”

Deke chuckled, knowingly, his eyes never straying from the shivering submissive on the floor. “She does, Adam. Give her a treat.”

“Oh I will,” Adam replied with a dark chuckle. “Lift your head, Sarah. I want your mouth on my dick.”

She complied, her head coming up quickly. But still, she kept her eyes averted.

Apparently, Adam didn’t like that. “Look at me,” he demanded, his voice sounding forceful and formidable. “I want to see your eyes as I fuck your pretty face.”

Sarah trembled and said, “Yes, Sir.” She peered up at Adam, opening her mouth and waiting when Adam didn’t move an inch.

As Deke watched, his partner directed his dick to Sarah’s awaiting mouth. He didn’t give her a chance to do anything before growling, “Breathe.” Then he buried his shaft between her enchanting lips with a groan. He clasped her face in his hands, fiercely fucking her mouth in long, masterful glides.

The sound of Sarah’s wet sucks saturated the air, and Deke couldn’t remain still any longer. He slid off the bed before stalking over to where his sub was sucking off his partner. As soon as he was within touching distance, he laid one hand on Adam’s shoulder while fisting Sarah’s hair with the other.

Sarah moaned when he tugged her strands severely.

“Does that burn, sub?” Deke asked, his grating voice sounding harsh, nearly cold.

She whimpered but didn’t break stride.

“How about this?” Deke inquired as he amped up his uncompromising hold.

Again, Sarah whimpered. However this time, her sucks stalled for the briefest of seconds.

Not going to allow her distraction to affect Adam’s pleasure, Deke used his firm hand to help propel her forward and back again. As he did, Adam cursed, his hips seeming to take off as he pistoned into Sarah’s mouth.

With each invasion, Sarah moaned around Adam’s cock, her eyes glazing over. The lust she clearly felt darkened the gray depths, changing the shade to the color of turbulent thunderclouds. The metamorphosis fascinated Deke, and he couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away. He simply stared—and stared—until he felt Adam’s shoulder tense.

Realizing his partner was close to coming, a mere hairbreadth away, Deke yanked her hair with enough strength to make her cry out. When she did, he pulled her off Adam’s cock with a wet

“Thank God,” Adam groaned. “Her mouth is heaven.”

Deke was going to find out—now. He reached for her, helping her shift enough to face him, then growled, “My turn.”

She smiled a siren’s smile before opening her mouth and accepting his cock without qualm. As she enclosed his dick with her warm, moist mouth, Deke lost it. He surged his hips forward, burrowing his shaft in as far as it would go without gagging her.

When he felt the head bump into the soft spot at the back of her throat, Deke retreated then attacked again. Each of his relentless drives grew in intensity, magnifying his lust until he could barely breathe for it. Inflamed, he fucked her mouth until his balls drew up, his shaft elongating. Then he wrenched himself away, frustrated and unfulfilled. But he knew he wasn’t going to remain that way long. He had to have more. He had to have a taste of her pussy.

Desperately thirsty, Deke lifted her from the floor then hurled her on the bed. She bounced but didn’t complain.

“On your back,” Deke ordered. “I’m hungry.”

She giggled, her delight charming him. “I am, too, but I got robbed of my food—twice.”

Adam growled. “I’ll feed you.”

Before Deke knew it, Adam had his dick shoved back in Sarah’s mouth. He resumed exactly where they’d left off, him mouth-fucking her, her moaning while he did.

Adam’s groans, Sarah’s moans, and the sound of moist sucks were music to Deke’s ears, driving him forward. Once he reached the bed, he closed his hands around each of Sarah’s thighs and spread them open for his viewing pleasure. And view, he did. He practically drooled over the puffy mound and glistening lips.

“Don’t come,” Deke barked as he closed in on Sarah’s beautiful pussy. “If you come, you will be punished.”

He wasn’t ready for her to orgasm. He wanted to prolong the ecstasy until she couldn’t bear anymore, until she begged and pleaded for him to stop. Then he would keep on tormenting her until he couldn’t take it either. He was evil like that.

Giving her a once-over, he made sure she was in agreement. “Green light?”

Despite the cock fucking her face, she gave him a thumbs-up, exactly like they’d agreed upon for their nonverbal signal.

“Good,” Deke replied. “Green is good.” But everything was about to get better.

Chapter 16


Sarah couldn’t breathe. Lying on a bed with a cock in her mouth and a tongue in her pussy was a little more than she could handle. Her body was on overload. And her mind was long gone, a puddle of mush filling her head. The power of speech had abandoned her. The blessing of vision had eluded her. And she was having some weird out-of-body experience.

But none of that mattered. Only pleasure—theirs and hers—was of consequence. She wanted to please them, to give them the ultimate satisfaction. Heaven knew she wanted the same from them.

Sarah relaxed as best she could. She sucked air in and out through her nose, allowing them to take control, permitting them to do whatever they wanted.

And they did.

Deke penetrated her pussy with his velvety tongue repeatedly and relentlessly, the humidity radiating off his flesh searing her. He wasn’t merciful. He merely advanced then retreated and, the higher she flew, the more heartless he became. It was like he wanted her to come so he could punish her.
Knowing him, he does.

Adam, on the other hand, was fighting his orgasm. She could feel his erection pulsating profusely, the engorged flesh elongating and expanding until her mouth was struggling to take him. There was only so much that would fit. But boy, she tried.

The nefarious Deke upped the ante when he slipped a finger between her labia and toyed with her clitoris. While spearing her pussy with his tongue, he massaged the throbbing bundle of nerves, heightening her lust until her body exploded and rapture carried her away.

Sarah’s orgasm propelled her to the sky, flying her to the sun. She touched the light and was scorched by the heat. Helplessly, she arched, a scream of satisfaction spilling from her lips. However, the sound never came out because Adam’s cock muted it.

Drained, Sarah floated down from the sky, her orgasm melting away. But the men didn’t allow her to rest. Adam pulled out of her mouth abruptly before disappearing while Deke prowled forward, raining kisses over her body as he roved stealthily. “I told you not to come, sub,” he informed her as he covered her body with his.

When she saw the sinister smile on Deke’s face, she stammered, “I–I’m sorry. I–I didn’t mean to. I swear.”

“I understand you didn’t mean to, but you need to learn control. When I tell you something, I mean it.”

Sarah frowned, disappointed in herself. “I’m still sorry, Sir.”

Kissing her nose, he murmured, “I know. That’s why you’re not in more trouble.”

“However, that doesn’t get you out of your punishment,” Adam announced as he suddenly appeared at her side, holding a relatively long, white, stick-like thing in one hand and a blindfold in the other.

She eyed Adam cautiously. “What is that?” she asked, knowing she was in deep trouble. The white thing might look harmless, but she was no idiot. Their form of punishment would be anything but harmless.

Adam grinned. “This is the Hitachi. It’s known as the Magic Wand.”

Her eyes grew wide. “I don’t think I like magic anymore.”


* * * *


Amused, Adam laughed. “Oh, sweet pea, you have no idea.” She really didn’t. Adam was reasonably sure that she would have a love/hate relationship with the Magic Wand. Most subs did.

Gulping, Sarah croaked, “I think I do.”

Deke used his index finger to lead her face back to his. “This little guy is going to help you learn self-discipline.”

“I–I’m sure we can work something else out.”

Deke shook his head. “No, we can’t,” he disagreed as he peered over at Adam. “Plug the damn thing in then get the lube and condoms.”

Adam didn’t wait around. He dropped the Magic Wand on the bed and handed Deke the blindfold. In a rush, he plugged the cord into the nearest outlet then retrieved a bottle of his favorite lube and condoms from the bedside table. Before he thought possible, he was back, picking up the Magic Wand while he watched Deke approach Sarah then bend over her.

“You know, sub,” Deke murmured as he gently lifted Sarah’s head and slipped the blindfold over her eyes. “I forgot to ask you something extremely important yesterday.”

Sarah’s face colored. She obviously knew what Deke was going to ask. But then again, Adam did, too. “Y–Y–You did?” she stammered. “What?”

A smile that was sure to be smug curved Adam’s lips upward. Their little sub was being bad. She was going to get in so much trouble. “Come on, sweet pea. You know what he’s talking about. Don’t pretend you don’t. That’ll only get you into more trouble than you already are.”

Sarah gulped. “I, um…”

Deke skirted around the corner of the bed to stand next to Adam. He peered over at him with a smirk. “If her red face is any indication, she didn’t listen to us about not masturbating when we weren’t around.”

Sarah gasped. “I listened. I just…”

“Chose to ignore your Doms,” Deke finished for Sarah without so much as looking at her. Instead, he maintained eye contact with Adam. “She decided that masturbating was more important than following our explicit directions.”

Sarah visibly hesitated. She nibbled her bottom lip, seemingly mulling over her next words. “Well, I had been dreaming about you two, and I just couldn’t help myself.”

Oh, sweet pea. Wrong answer.
Adam grinned at Deke. “She couldn’t help herself.”

Deke pressed his lips together then cleared his throat. “We definitely need to work on her lack of control. Masturbating and orgasming at her own whim is completely unacceptable.”

“Yes it is,” Adam agreed.

“Why don’t you take care of her lesson this time?” Deke suggested. “I know how much you love to play with the Magic Wand.” He moved closer to Adam, so close that his breath blew across Adam’s lips, and then Deke took his lover’s dick in his big hand. He pumped the shaft several times before releasing him. “Besides, I’m going to fuck your ass, and she’s going to listen. I think hearing us but not being able to see is a punishment on its own.”

Sarah groaned. “This isn’t fair.”

“All’s fair in love and war, sub,” Deke immediately countered. “Maybe this’ll teach you that orgasms are a gift, not an expectation.”

Biting her lip, Sarah said nothing. She clearly knew when to quit.
Good girl. Smart girl. Our girl…

With his thoughts, the last shred of Adam’s patience disintegrated. He wanted to get fucked, just like he wanted to get between those sexy legs of Sarah’s and drive her to the brink of orgasm again and again until she begged and pleaded for mercy. Mercy he wouldn’t give her.

Situating himself at the end of the bed, Adam bent over and braced himself on the mattress with one elbow. His hand went to the switch that would turn on the Hitachi. “Low or high? Decisions, decisions.”

Sarah trembled. “Low.”

“High,” Deke replied as he suddenly stepped behind Adam then ran his hand down the crack splitting his ass.

Adam shivered and said, “High, it is.” Excited, he hastily clicked on the round red dot indicating the high setting. Straightaway, the easily recognizable hum of vibrations reverberated around the room. As a wicked grin suffused his face, he said, “This baby is going to drive you crazy.”

Sarah’s breath sped up, but she stayed silent.

Fired up, Adam led the vibrating object to Sarah’s pussy. Without delay, he placed it on the top of her mound before trailing it down to her slit. As he did, she screamed, her body tensing. “Oh, fuck!”

“Don’t come.” He growled his reminder.

Sarah’s lips parted. Ragged gasps escaped her mouth. She stilled, her body tensing as she plainly fought the pleasure bombarding her from the Magic Wand. “I–I–I w–won’t.”

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