Bound by Love's Gravity (18 page)

BOOK: Bound by Love's Gravity
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“That goes without saying. We like easy access.”

Elbowing Adam, Sarah laughed. “What makes you think I’m wearing undies now?”

Oh shit. Deke groaned. That was not something he needed to know when there wasn’t anything he could do about it. Although, his thickening dick filed that information away for future reference.

“You shouldn’t say things like that while you’re sitting on my lap, sweet pea.”

Sarah grinned, wiggling her bottom noticeably and rubbing Adam’s crotch with it. “Aw. Why not? It’s the truth.”

“Truth or not, I’m not going to be able to finish this conversation with you on my lap.”

Before Deke could stop him, Adam lifted Sarah and plopped her down on his lap. As soon as her ass met his crotch, he groaned again. “Gee, thanks, Adam.”

“You’re welcome.”

Breathing through his nose and out through his mouth, Deke forced himself to not think about Sarah’s pussy being two thin layers away from his cock. “I guess since Adam isn’t capable of explaining the guidelines properly, I’ll take over where he left off. The third and most important guideline is you have to trust us implicitly. We can and will take care of you—always
Whether it involves your safety or your happiness, we are responsible for you.”

Sarah leveled him with the look. “I already trust you, both of you, with everything inside of me. Never doubt that.”

Even though he knew how much Sarah trusted him and Adam, hearing those words never failed to humble him. He’d had subs before, and so had Adam. With their dominant natures, they’d decided years ago that they needed to dominate someone on occasion. So they’d turned to a couple of the Doms in the club whose subs enjoyed the pleasure of sharing. Together he, Adam, the other Dom, and his sub would have playtime together. Only he and his partner never, ever fucked the sub. They could dominate him or her, but when the time came, Deke and Adam turned to each other.

Not anymore. Now he and Adam would turn to Sarah.

Deke’s already semi-aroused cock roared in his pants, demanding he set it free and turn to Sarah now rather than later. If he hurried, he could bury himself in her slick heat before he or she could blink.

Closing his eyes, he willed his cock to calm down. After a minute the raging fire dwindled enough for him to move forward in their conversation. “Good. Trust is key to a D/s relationship.”

Sarah smiled. “No worries on that account.”

“That being said, you need a safe word.”

Sarah nodded solemnly, appearing to have thought this through. “I have a few ideas.”

Sighing, Adam shook his head. “Sweet pea, I think it would be best if we use the standard ‘red, yellow, and green.’”

His partner took the words right out of his mouth. Until they helped her through her issues with BDSM, they needed to be able to know exactly where she stood. They couldn’t afford to do something that would scare or upset her. She needed to be guided cautiously with infinite patience and TLC.

Apparently, Sarah didn’t see the wisdom in their decision. Frowning, she asked, “Red, yellow, and green? I wanted something cool like Triceratops or Tyrannosaurus Rex. Ooh, or leaping lemurs or freaky fish sticks, and my personal favorites, hippopotamus and onomatopoeia.”

Deke didn’t laugh, even though he wanted to. “Maybe later, Sarah—once we’ve introduced you more thoroughly to BDSM. It’s too important for us to gauge your reaction to everything. When you’re ready, we’ll allow you to choose a cool safe word. Okay?”

Nibbling her bottom lip, she nodded then mumbled, “Okay.”

“What about a nonverbal signal?” Adam asked. “You need something to stop a scene when your mouth is…otherwise engaged.” He flashed a carnal grin. “I promise you that your mouth will be busy a lot, sweet pea.”

Sarah’s eyes grew round, and her face flushed. “Uhh…”

Amused by her flustered state, Deke gave her an out. “Thumbs up and thumbs down should work.”

Sarah released a long breath. “Y–Y–Yeah. That w–w–works.”

“Glad we got that stuff settled,” Adam said. “Now can we move on to the bigger issues—limits and requests?”

Deke felt sorry for Adam. His partner’s impatience was palpable. Like Deke, he knew how important conversation was, how essential. But they’d waited so long. It was as though everything had led them up to this point. Waiting now was just cruel.

Hoping to rush things along, Deke asked, “Is there anything you would never allow us to do or something you’re not sure about?”

Sarah dropped her eyes to her lap. “Please don’t cane me. I can handle the other impact toys, if you ease me into them. But the cane…I can’t do it. I won’t.” She spoke softly, so softly he had to strain to hear. When he did, he wanted to put his fist through the nearest wall. That bastard had caned her—brutally. Because of him, she would never be able to handle caning. In all honesty, Deke wasn’t convinced she could handle any heavy impact play, but they would have to wait and see about that.

“We never planned to use a cane on you, sweet pea,” Adam informed Sarah as he grabbed her hand and held it in his. “After all you’ve been through it would be detrimental to do something to remind you of
Not to mention, I don’t think I could handle using a cane on you.” He shuddered. “It would bring back too many memories of what you looked like in the hospital afterward.”

Sarah lifted her turmoil-filled eyes. “And bondage…I–I–I want to try it, but the thought of being tied up scares me.” She swallowed. “I trust you. I really do. But that kind of vulnerability”—pausing, she shuddered—“and not being able to escape might remind me of…”

Sarah didn’t finish. She didn’t have to. Deke knew what she was getting at. Gavin had tied her to a fucking tree and left her there, naked and alone. Now she didn’t know if she could bear to repeat any part of that experience, not even with him and Adam, the men she loved.

Deke sighed, knowingly. Bondage would be the ultimate test of trust for Sarah. It would take time to get her to that point, but he knew he and Adam could do it.

“Sarah, there are things in the BDSM world that go beyond trust.” Deke stopped to clear his suddenly thick throat. “Some people fear things they can’t overcome—even with the people they trust most. That doesn’t make the sub any less trusting of their Dom. It means they are human.” He choked up for a minute. But he rapidly pulled his emotions back under control. “The fact that you would even try bondage is humbling.”

“Very humbling,” Adam agreed.

Sarah sniffled. “I’m sorry to unload this stuff on you right now. I shouldn’t have brought him up or what he did tonight. You worked so hard to make this perfect. And here I am ruining it.”

Deke frowned. “Don’t apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong. Gavin did. And even though I don’t ever want to think about him or what he did, it’s important that you share certain details, the ones that still affect you today.”

To his surprise, Sarah kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

Deke didn’t know how to respond to that. “Why are you thanking me?”

“Because I know how hard it is for you to talk about Gavin. Yet you’re willing to put my needs in front your own.”

“We’ll always put your needs first,” Adam said.

That went without saying. Once they got Sarah between them, she was their priority. They would take care of her and protect her and love her—in and out of the bedroom. And by God, the person who tried to keep them from her would pay the price.

Chapter 12


An hour later, Sarah was still between Deke and Adam. Only they’d moved away from the dining room and settled into the living space. They’d spent a lot longer than she would’ve anticipated talking about the things she liked and didn’t like. They’d talked about her fantasies and her nightmares. And they’d talked about everything in between. Now they’d lapsed into a companionable silence.

It was odd to Sarah that she could be in the room with two dominant men and feel completely at ease. After Gavin’s attack, she’d never thought she would be able to do this. But she was stronger than she realized. And these men were noble and loving, and they would never hurt her. She knew that like she knew her own name.

“Deke, Adam,” she whispered. “Are you going to…” She felt her face flush, the heat racing up her neck and face and not stopping until it reached the roots of her hair.

With a throaty chuckle, Adam clasped her hand. “To what, sweet pea?” He flipped her hand over then traced the lines on her palm delicately with the edge of his fingernail. “Kiss you? Touch you?”

She shook her head and croaked, “No.”

On her other side, Deke ran the tips of his fingers up her bare calf. “Fuck you?”

A tiny thrill shot up her spine as Deke’s no-nonsense answer washed over her. For a person who loathed cursing, she loved to hear Deke and Adam use dirty words. It was hot and naughty. And boy oh boy, it turned her on.

She swallowed convulsively then nodded. “Yes. That.”

Adam lifted her hand to his lips. “We
going to fuck you,” he murmured as he planted an openmouthed kiss on her palm.

She shuddered in response. But that was only the beginning. As he kissed his way up her inner arm to the crease in her elbow, she trembled uncontrollably, one shudder after another wracking her body. “Yes,” she hissed.

Deke’s hand continued on its path up her body, coasting from the curve of her hip to the dip in her waist to the side of her chest before settling at her neck. “We’re going to fuck you
a lot
,” he whispered as he slid his hand underneath her hair and lifted the strands up, giving himself better access to her nape. “Whenever we can.” He licked her. “Wherever we can.” And again, he licked her, this time more deliberately, more thoroughly, as though she were a spoon coated with sticky, sweet honey. “And as often we can,” he whispered silkily, his voice caressing her, cocooning her, as he bit into her skin.

She cried, “Deke,” as the pain melded with pleasure, her arousal charging her system. Restless, she writhed from side to side. But they wouldn’t allow that.

Adam grabbed her then hauled her onto his lap while Deke lowered himself onto the floor. With a tortured groan, Adam widened her legs for his partner, who now kneeled in front of both of them. “But not tonight.”

She would’ve complained. Really, she would have. But Deke slithering his hands underneath her dress and pushing the fabric up until he revealed her panty-less pussy wiped out her ability to talk. And when he ran one long, lone finger down her already moist slit, she was a goner.

“Tonight, we need to introduce you to our touch,” Deke informed her, sounding more like a professor than a lover. But his eyes, oh they burned. The fire crackling across the room had nothing on the heat in his sultry gaze. “You’ve been around us a lot. However, we’ve never touched you”—he paused to toy with the curls covering her mound—“like this. We want to make sure you are extremely comfortable before we go any further.”

Oh, yeah, she was comfortable. Not. Her body was wound tightly, desperately seeking something, stretching toward a place she’d never known. And she felt exposed, naked in a way she’d not been before. For goodness’ sake, she was covered from the waist up. Yet she felt as though she were lying bare in front of them.

“I’m going to hold you,” Adam whispered into her ear, the humid air tickling her lobe with each word he said. “Deke is going to fuck that hot pussy of yours with his tongue.”

“Oh, yes,” she moaned, shuddering when Deke disappeared between her quaking thighs.

Adam nipped her ear. “Do you remember your safe word?”

She nodded, speech eluding her once again.

“Good,” Deke said a second before he kissed her mound. Slowly, oh-so deliciously slowly, he worked his way lower until he was one kiss away from the top of her pussy lips. “Green?”

Closing her eyes, she sighed. And she waited. She fought for patience she didn’t seem to have. Her breathing sped up, quick, shallow pants pouring from her.

“He asked you a question,” Adam told her, amusedly. “You have to answer him or he’ll make you wait until the end of time.”

. “Yes,” she somehow managed to squeak. “Sir,” she added when Deke still didn’t do anything.

“Good girl.” Deke rewarded her with a lick, the longest, most luscious lick of her life, his tongue skimming along her outer folds at a torturous pace.

Defenseless to the cataclysmic lust flowing through her veins, she clutched the couch cushions on either side of her, not giving a crap that she’d probably leave nail marks in them forever. Her back arched of its own volition, bowing so fiercely she feared she would slide right off Adam’s lap and onto Deke’s head. Not that they’d allow that.

Wrapping one thick, toned arm around her waist, Adam held her immobile while he nibbled on her neck. “She’s a very good girl. I have a feeling she’s going to be the perfect sub for us.”

Sarah moaned as Deke used his fingers to spread open her labia. “Yeah well, I have a feeling she’s going to end up naked and tied to our bed very soon.”

She shuddered. What should have scared her surprisingly didn’t. Even though she craved being bound and at their total mercy, she’d warned them that she wasn’t sure how comfortable she would be with it. Evidently, bondage wasn’t going to be a problem, if her whimpers were any indication.

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