Bound by Light (19 page)

Read Bound by Light Online

Authors: Tracey Jane Jackson

Tags: #romance, #scotland, #thane, #cauld ane, #gunnach

BOOK: Bound by Light
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“I’m so hot.”

“Okay, love. We’re going to help.”

* * *

A knock came at the door and Samantha slid in
quietly, followed by Bearnas. The maid headed straight to the
bathroom and Thane heard the water in the tub start. Another maid
arrived with a bucket and also headed into the bathroom. Kade and
Samantha had ice machines installed in each of the bathrooms, which
helped with convenience, particularly in a situation like this. The
Cauld Ane rarely got sick, but if they did, ice always helped to
heal what ailed them.

“Pepper’s coming with ice sheets,” Samantha
whispered, and made her way to Sydney’s side. “I’m going to take
your pulse, Sydney. You’ll feel my fingers on your wrist,


Thane smiled at Samantha. “She’s ready.”

Samantha grasped Sydney’s wrist and Sydney
let out a hiss of pain. “Take it from her, Thane,” Samantha
directed. “You’re not focusing.”

Thane nodded and concentrated on Sydney. She
relaxed in stages as he kissed her palm.

“Good, Thane,” Sam said. “Her pulse is

“The bath is ready, majesty,” Bearnas

Samantha smiled at Sydney. “Thane’s going to
carry you into the bathroom, Sydney. It might hurt a bit, but the
ice will help.”

Sydney licked her lips. “I don’t like the

“You will now.” Samantha squeezed her hand.
“I promise.”

At Samantha’s nod, Thane lifted Sydney off
the bed, trying to ignore her whimper as he carried her into the
bathroom and lowered her into the ice water. Sydney let out a sigh
and then opened her eyes. “Better. Thank you.”

“Good, love.”

“Can I please have some water?”

“I’ll get it,” Samantha said, and grabbed a
glass, filling it from the tub and handing it to her.

Sydney gulped it down, choking a little as
she drank.

“Slow down, love,” Thane ordered.

“I’m so thirsty.”

“That’s normal, Sydney,” Samantha said. “As
soon as the worst is over, I’ll set up a drip to rehydrate

“Can I have some more water, please?” she

“Yes, of course.” Samantha filled the glass
again. This time Sydney sipped a little slower.

Thane’s heart raced as he watched Sydney’s
body burn red. She cried out again as the glass slipped from her
fingers, but he caught it before it shattered against the porcelain
tub. “Shite! What’s happening to her?”

“Her body’s expelling her human elements.
It’s okay, Thane. We just need to cool the water. Don’t lose
touch.” Samantha reached in and pulled the stopper, letting a
little water escape while Bearnas began to dump buckets of ice into
the water. Samantha secured the tub again and then took the glass
from Thane and refilled it.

Thane knelt on the floor and kissed Sydney’s
hand gently. “I’m here, love. I won’t let go.”

She smiled and turned her head toward him,
but didn’t open her eyes. “I’m okay, honey. It’s better now.”

Thane frowned up at Samantha. “Can you give
her something, Sam?”

“No, not yet. I’m sorry, Thane. I know this
sucks, but her body just needs to do its thing.” She squeezed his
shoulder. “It’s harder on you guys than it is on us, trust me.”

“Speak for yourself,” Sydney retorted, her
eyes still closed, but her body back to its normal color and

Samantha smiled. “See? The snark’s a good

Thane settled his free hand on Sydney’s
forehead. “Are you in pain, love?”

Sydney finally opened her eyes and squeezed
his hand. “No, not pain. It’s kind of like...I don’t know?”

“Something tickling your skin?” Samantha

“Yes, exactly! I’m on the verge of itchy,
but not like I need to scratch.”

“Good,” Samantha said. “We’ll get the bed
ready. You’ll sleep in ice sheets for a few hours and then you’ll
be a little groggy tomorrow, but you’ve actually come through this
faster than most of us.”

“I have?”

Samantha smiled. “You have.”

“That’s because she’s a star,” Thane

“Takes one to know one,” Samantha said, and
left the bathroom.

Sydney giggled. It was the best thing Thane
had heard all day. Her laugh settled in his soul and drove away the
gut wrenching fear he’d been feeling for the last hour.

“I’m okay, honey,” Sydney whispered,
releasing his hand so she could cup his face. He grasped her arm,
afraid to let any distance come between them.

“Is the pain okay?” he asked.

Sydney smiled. “Yep. I actually feel really
good. Just a little sleepy.”

“Thane?” Samantha called from the


“If the pain’s done, you can help Sydney dry
off so she can sleep.”

“All right.” He smiled at his mate and
kissed her palm. “You ready to get out before you prune?”

“You have a problem with prunes?”

He kissed her gently. “I love prunes,
particularly if my mate happens to be one of them.”

“Look who’s all romantical now,” she

Thane grinned, pulling the plug on the tub
and grabbing a towel. He helped Sydney to her feet and wrapped an
arm around her waist to keep her anchored while she climbed out.
After drying her off gently, he secured the towel around her and
carried her back to the bed.

“I’m so thirsty,” Sydney rasped as he pulled
the sheets over her body.

“I have a saline drip for you, Sydney,”
Samantha said. “It’ll help.” She slid the needle effortlessly into
Sydney’s arm and taped it off before hanging the bag on a hook by
the bed. “I wish we’d had this when Kade bound me. Pepper could
have used one too. We just didn’t know how our bodies would react
to anything, but we’ve been finding things out as we go.”

“Thanks for everything, Sam,” Sydney said
with a sleepy smile. “I can’t imagine having gone through this
without help.”

“I know, hon,” she said, and squeezed her
arm. “It was terrifying for Kade more than me, so I promised I
wouldn’t let any more of our people deal with this.”

“Not for you?” she asked.

Samantha giggled. “Not like it was for him,
no. Neither of us knew what was happening, because his parents had
held back a lot of information about their...ah, our race. It was a
nightmare for Kade. He thought I was dying.” She closed her eyes
and then smiled. “Sorry, he’s arguing with me now as we speak.”

Sydney chuckled. “I have no idea what that’s
like on any level.”


“Like right now,” she retorted.

Thane smiled and shook his head.

“Okay, I’m going to feed my newest
munchkin.” Sam checked the fluids bag and then Sydney’s pulse.
“I’ll check in on you in an hour and if you’re feeling good, we’ll
take that pesky needle out of your arm. If you need anything in the
meantime, ring the bell. Bearnas will either know what to do or
find me.”

“Thanks for everything, Sam.” Thane hugged
her, giving her a gentle kiss on her cheek.

“If I’d known all I had to do was take care
of a friend to get some affection from a big movie star, I would
have done that earlier.” She giggled. “Hush, Kade.”

Thane wasn’t sure if she was aware she’d
said that out loud, but he didn’t mention it, and Samantha left
them alone. After getting another glass of water for Sydney, he
climbed into bed beside her, pulling her gently into his arms. “I
love you, sweetheart.”

She sighed and kissed him gently. “I love
you, too.”

“Sleep now.”

And she did.

* * *

Sydney felt a small tug on her arm and opened
her eyes to find Samantha pulling the needle out. “Sorry, hon. I
didn’t mean to wake you.”

“No, that’s okay.”

“I figured you’d feel better if you could
move a bit.”

Sydney smiled and bit back a yawn. “Where’s

“He’s just getting fresh ice sheets.”
Samantha took her pulse again and then checked her temperature.
“Your temperature’s rising a little again.”

Sydney sat up a little. “Is that bad?”

“I don’t think so. It’s just not something
we’ve seen before. I’m going to get another drip in case. But I’ll
wait until Thane gets back.”

“Okay,” Sydney whispered, unable to keep her
eyes open.



“Sid?” Samantha said, her tone urgent.

Sydney couldn’t concentrate and then the
burning started again and she heard herself cry out.

* * *

Thane heard Sydney’s cry and rushed back into
the bedroom, dropping his burdens as he let out a bellow of rage.
“What the hell is going on?”

Sydney was on the floor in the fetal
position, shaking violently as she vomited into a bowl while
Samantha and Bearnas packed her with ice.

“It’s all right, Thane,” Samantha assured.
“This is all part of it. She just started a little later than the
rest of us, so I’d kind of hoped she’d skipped it.”

Thane knelt beside Sydney and laid his hand
on her head, soaked with sweat. “Shite.”

“I know it’s frightening,” Samantha said.
“But this is all normal. It’s okay. She’ll be okay.”

“I’ve got a new bath, Majesty,” Bearnas said
as she walked into the room.

“Thank you,” Samantha said, and focused back
on Thane. “In a minute, I’m going to need you to lift her again and
take her into the bathroom.”

Thane wasn’t listening. He was trying to
keep Sydney from choking on her hair. It was plastered around her
face and he was trying to slide it away from her mouth. A small but
strong hand grabbed his arm and he was forced to look at

“Did you hear me?”

“What? No, sorry, I didn’t,” he

“When this is done, I’m going to need you to
carry her back to the tub.”

“Aye, lass. When this is done.” He focused
back on Sydney, stroking her hair.

I’m dying

You’re not dying, love.

She let out a broken sigh.
I’m totally

He tried not to smile, but lost the battle.
Even in pain, she was trying to make him feel better. “As soon as
you’re ready, I’m going to lift you, okay?”

No. There’s no point. I’ll be dead.

He stroked her cheek and her shaking calmed.
“I’m here, baby.”

She pushed up just enough to lay her head in
his lap.
I feel like my body weighs a million trillion

That’s a lot in kilos.

It’s a lot in pounds too
. Sydney gave
him a slight smile as she glanced down her body. “I have a weird
mark on my knee.”

“It’s my mark,” he explained.

Her eyes closed.
What do you

“I have the mark on my left knee. Now that
we’re bound, you have the one on your right.”

“Is that normal?” she whispered.

“Aye, love, it’s normal.” Thane squeezed her
hand. “I’m going to lift you now.”

One more minute.
She took a ragged
I just need a little more time to enjoy no pain.

“We’re ready,” Samantha said. “But take your

How’s your stomach?

“It’s better I think,” she whispered.

“I’m going to lift you now,” Thane said.
“Arms around my neck, sweetheart.”

She did as he instructed and he wrapped the
ice sheet around her to keep her covered. Holding her close, he
carried her into the bathroom and settled her into the water again.
She let out a deep sigh and slid all the way under the water before
sitting up with a smile. “Oh my word, this is awesome.”

Thane sat on the edge of the tub and took
her hand again, glancing up at Samantha. “Do you think it’s over

Samantha nodded. “It should be. Vomiting is
typically the last thing to happen. It’s interesting she slept for
so long between. Her conversion was actually a lot less violent
than some. It’s a good sign.”

Sydney squeezed Thane’s hand. “I’m okay,

He leaned down to kiss her but she turned
her head.

He frowned. “Hey.”

“I haven’t brushed my teeth.”

Thane grinned. “You don’t need to now that
you’re Cauld Ane.”

She frowned. “Seriously?”

“It’s a definite perk,” Samantha said. “That
and being able to heal yourself and your family.”

“I can do that?”

Thane nodded.

“What if I’m stabbed...or shot?”

Thane scowled. “You won’t be stabbed or

“But if you were,” Samantha rushed to say.
“You could heal yourself.”

“Damn it, Sydney,” Thane said.

“Just checking.” Sydney gave him a slight
smile as she ran her tongue over her teeth. “My teeth
feel clean.”

“Way to change the subject, baby.” Thane
chuckled. “I’d like that kiss now, love.”

She raised her head and obliged.




darkness, her body pressed up against the warmth of her mate. She
shifted and felt Thane’s strong hand grip her thigh. “You keep
moving yer bum against me, love, I won’t be able to remain the

Sydney giggled and rolled to face him. “I
didn’t marry you... ah, I mean, bond with you because you’re a


She shook her head. “I bonded with you so
you could show me a good time... debauchery and all.”

He gripped her waist and rolled with her so
she was straddling his hips. “Before I show you the true depth of
my debaucheries, how are you feeling?”

“Amazing.” Sydney leaned down and kissed his
chest. “My body feels healthier than it’s ever been.”


“Yeah.” She grinned. “I think we need to
practice making a baby.”

Thane laughed. “Already?”

“Hell, yes.”

He flipped her onto her back. “Okay, love,
we’ll go slow so that I can teach you everything I know.”

“What happens when the student becomes the

Thane kissed her neck. “Then the fun really

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