Read Bound By Her Ring Online

Authors: Nicole Flockton

Bound By Her Ring (2 page)

BOOK: Bound By Her Ring
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“You’re a fool, Jasmine.” Shaking her head to dispel the thoughts, she continued to make her way through the crowd.

She’d only taken a few more steps when her path was blocked by a broad male chest.

She raised her head, eyes shooting sparks. “Look I’m…”

The rest of her sentence stuck in her throat as the very same man she’d been watching earlier stood right in front of her.

When had he moved?

Her heart was pounding so loudly she was sure he could hear it. She was transfixed to the spot as his hand cupped her waist, the warmth of it searing through her dress, trapping her again with his eyes. Awareness suffused her body making her veins sing. She’d never felt anything like this before. But any awareness was quickly cooled with what simmered from those dark, chocolate velvet eyes.

Her hand dropped to her side as a shiver of doom raced down her spine. In that one instant she knew her life was never going to be the same.

If only she understood why.

Luciano looked down at the woman he held in his arms—his wife. The only woman he’d ever trusted. What a fool he’d been. Fooled by a pretty face. Fooled by emotions he should’ve known better than to trust. He was no fool now. He was in control.

“Do you mind?” she demanded as she tried to disentangle herself from his hold.

“No, I don’t. In fact I’m enjoying having you in my arms again.” He ran a fingertip lightly up and down her arm. “But a kiss would be nicer?”

“Excuse me? Why on earth would I kiss you? I don’t even know you.”

“Of course you know me. You don’t need to act as if I’m a complete stranger.” He paused, moving his hand to cup her cheek, brushing it with his thumb. “Not after all we’ve shared.”

He had the satisfaction of feeling a small shiver ripple through Jasmine. Her reaction immediately brought thoughts of long nights spent exploring her body. Kissing his way down her smooth spine, losing himself in her warmth. The taste of her that he had got addicted to so quickly. He tamped down on those thoughts and the feelings they conjured. Tonight wasn’t about the past—it was all about the future.

Before he could continue, a voice spoke from behind him.

“What are
doing here?”

The owner didn’t bother to disguise the venom in his voice and Luciano didn’t need to turn around to know who was standing behind him. He would never forget that voice. He’d heard the voice on a handful of occasions but the last time was enough to leave an indelible imprint on his mind. It was the voice that delivered the fateful words that had changed his life.

Keeping an arm wrapped possessively around Jasmine’s waist, Luc took a glass of champagne from a passing waiter. “Celebrating.”

He raised the flute in a mock salute towards her. “Tonight is a celebration, isn’t it?”

“For invited guests only and as the person in charge of the guest list I happen to know for a fact, your name wasn’t on that list. Now if you don’t leave I’ll summon security to have you removed from these premises.”

Luciano waited a heartbeat before answering. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“You aren’t in any position to tell me what is or isn’t a good idea. Now, I repeat, are you going to leave on your own or will I have to call security?”

Luciano could feel the anger emanating in waves from the older man.

“Dad, what on earth is this all about?” asked Jasmine. Luciano felt her squirming to be free of him. He tightened his hold. He wasn’t letting her go just yet.

“Nothing, Jasmine, he’ll be leaving right now.”

“Will I?” returned Luciano quietly, the velvet tones hiding the steel beneath. “I don’t recall saying I planned on leaving, especially since I’ve only just arrived. Besides it’s time I became reacquainted with,” he looked directly at Jasmine, “the important people in my life.”

“I’ve had enough of this. Would somebody please explain to me what on earth this is all about?” Jasmine demanded, her face flush from her efforts to loosen his grip, stumbling when he let her go.

Things were going to get interesting. He recalled numerous conversations he and Jasmine had shared wrapped in each other’s arms. Conversations about her relationship with her father, where she had always said one day she would stand up to him. The question was now whether she’d stand up for herself or cave in to her father’s demands.

Thomas spoke to his daughter abruptly. “This is a business matter and it doesn’t concern you.”

“You expect me to believe that? This is anything but business. It’s personal.” She looked from one man to the other. “Besides do you really think this is the place to be having an argument? We’re in a roomful of guests and dignitaries and you two are acting like a couple of high school bullies.”

A quick glance around confirmed what Jasmine was saying. Guests in their vicinity were pretending to conduct conversations between themselves when all they were doing were eavesdropping hoping to get a snippet that could be readily tweeted on their account.

“She’s right,” Luciano said. ”This isn’t the time or the place for a discussion about whether I should be here or not.”

Before he could continue a hush descended over the room. Luciano noticed Regent’s Vice President of Acquisitions standing at the podium. He grinned.


“Well, I think it’s time we got the official part of the evening started.” Luciano gestured to the podium. “Shall we?”

“Again, this doesn’t concern you, Morelli.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Thomas. This concerns me a great deal. Introductions are about to be made, you might find them rather interesting.”

“Without further ado I’d like to introduce the two people responsible for this stunning new hotel. Mr Thomas Anderson of Anderson Hotels and Mr Luciano Morelli of Morelli Corporation’s latest acquisition, Regent Hotels.”

A spotlight fell on Luciano and Thomas. “So shall we officially open this hotel?”

Luciano turned and faced Jasmine, taking her hand and raising it to his lips for a soft kiss. “We’ll continue this later.”

With that he headed towards the raised dais, oblivious to Jasmine’s reaction, and not bothering to see if Thomas followed. Climbing the steps, he shook Peter’s hand and made his way to the microphone. He looked out, searching the crowd, intent on finding one face. It didn’t take long before he found who he was looking for.

He could see Jasmine’s blue eyes cloudy with confusion, but clearing slowly, falling into him, as he started to speak.

“Thanks Peter. It’s a pleasure to be back in Perth and to be involved in this wonderful hotel. The Palazzo Regent is going to be the crown in the jewel for Regent Hotels.” He waited for the applause to die down, his gaze firmly connected with Jasmine’s.

“Thank you for making me feel so welcome again and now I’ll let Thomas say a few words.” He handed control of the microphone to Thomas who officially declared the hotel open.

Amidst the loud applause Thomas spoke with deadly intent. “I don’t know what sort of game you’re playing but it stops right now. Let’s talk.”

“No, we’ll talk when I’m ready to talk,” declared Luciano.

Not waiting for a response, Luciano descended the stairs and headed out into the crowd.

Time to commence phase two.

Jasmine’s heart skipped a beat as Luciano strode through the crowd. He moved with unmistakable grace and elegance. Power and purpose exuded from every muscle in his body, like a lion stalking a gazelle and in this instance she was the gazelle. Never had she seen such fire in someone’s eyes and that fire was directed straight at her as his hot gaze ensnared hers.

She needed to move, to get away, but her feet wouldn’t budge. She didn’t know why she felt so drawn to him, why she couldn’t keep her eyes off him. She had wanted to wade through the crowd and climb the steps to stand by him when he’d given his speech mere minutes ago.

“Finally, I’ve caught you.”

The meaning of his words wasn’t lost on her. Since she first encountered him they had been leading up to this moment.

“So now I know who you are—Luciano Morelli of Morelli Corporation, also my father’s new business partner. Why that should be of relevance to me, I don’t know?” she said primly.

Throwing his head back, Luciano laughed. “Come on, Jasmine, your father isn’t around, you don’t have to keep me at arm’s length. He knows about us, always has. Let’s dance.”

She had no chance to refuse as he swept her along through the crowd. His strong arm around her waist caused fine sensations to travel up and down her spine.

The band had just started to play after the formal proceedings. She and Luciano were amongst a handful of guests on the dance floor. His hold was anything but formal. His right hand just inches from her bottom, warming the flesh beneath her dress. He held her right hand in his left, close to his chest. Beneath her hand she could feel the steady beating of his heart. So calm.

It felt right to be held in his arms, warm and secure, as if she had come home. She wanted to relax into his hold. Rest her head against his chest and let herself be swept away.

She tried to fight the feeling by holding herself stiff. Luciano Morelli was arrogant and over bearing, everything she disliked in a man. She’d suffer through one dance. But the fingers trailing slowly up and down her back were hard to resist. His breath whispered across her shoulders causing gooseflesh to break out over her skin. His touch was drugging. His very nearness wove a spell around her.

It was impossible to fight it any longer. Closing her eyes, she gave in and lost herself in his embrace.

So lost in the moment she didn’t feel Luciano momentarily lose his step or tighten his hold. Their bodies flowed as one, he led—she followed. She didn’t want the dance to end. For the first time since waking all alone in that sterile hospital room, with a nurse asking how to get in touch with her husband, contentment sang through her veins.

A cool draft of air drifting across her arms jolted her from her stupor. Lifting her head she gazed around, trying to get her bearings. While she had been enjoying being held, Luciano had danced them outside.

She stumbled as he thrust her from his embrace. “Alright, out with it Jasmine.”

“What do you mean?” She mentally shook herself, trying to focus on the here and now and not the past.

“I mean, there’s no need to continue with this farcical charade.”

She could feel the anger radiating from him, hitting her in waves. “What charade?”

“The whole not knowing me. I went along with it while your father was nearby but it’s just us now. You and me, Jasmine, no one else.”

“I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.”

“I refuse to become involved in this absurd game you and your father are playing. I’m warning you, it wouldn’t be wise to make an enemy of me.”

. She refused to be threatened by this oaf of a man.

“Do you know what’s absurd,” fumed Jasmine. “This whole conversation, it doesn’t make sense and I don’t have to stay here and be insulted by someone I don’t even know.”

“But you do know me, Jasmine, we have a past together.”

“Well I don’t remember it. I had an accident and now I have amnesia.”

A look flashed across his eyes, but it was so swift she couldn’t make out what it meant.

“Amnesia? How convenient.” His smug attitude riled her even more. So many people thought she was faking her memory loss.
How do you forget your own husband?
they’d ask. She’d had enough, she wasn’t going to let this man intimidate her.

“Oh, keep your sarcasm to yourself. I’ve had enough of your attitude. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going back to the party.” She made a move to head back into the ballroom.

Quick as lightning an arm reached out and took hold of her. “I’m not finished with this conversation.”

Jasmine attempted to pull herself out of his grasp. “Well I am, so let me go.”

“No, you’re not going anywhere.” Tightening his hold, he lowered his head towards her.

He stopped, his mouth a hairbreadth away as he whispered, “You say you’ve lost your memory? I’ll make you remember.”

She could do nothing as he closed the distance and his lips captured hers. She was expecting an onslaught instead she received a slow, tortuous journey. He sipped at her lips, encouraging her to open for him. It felt so right to give in. It felt so right to be held. It felt so right to want this man. With a moan she opened her mouth beneath his. He deepened the kiss, their tongues doing a slow dance of remembrance, learning about each other again. How he tasted. How he felt. How he made love.

Jasmine tried to grasp the fleeting thought, but like a bubble, it burst and disappeared in a flash. The memory was elusive, but enough to break the spell. She pushed hard on his chest. Her hand rose and he caught it just before it connected with his cheek.

“Not a wise move,
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Jasmine’s anger was palpable now. “How dare you. You have no right to kiss me.”

Laughing harshly he looked down at her hand, his fingers brushing over the rings adorning it. “That’s where you’re wrong. I have every right.”

Something in his tone made her apprehensive. “Wh-What do you mean?” she stammered, her fingers tingling as he stroked the rings reverently.

“You see these rings,
?” He raised her hand to her eye level. “I put them there.”

Her stomach lurched and her heart pounded loudly in her mind. “No, no. It can’t be.”

“Yes Jasmine,
it can be
. I chose them for you. I placed them on your finger. You’re mine Jasmine. Mine.”

Chapter 2

Jasmine wrenched her hand from Luciano’s grip, his words reverberating around her mind.

You’re mine

What did he mean by those words? What did he want from her? Could she even trust what he’d just said?

The questions tumbled around her mind as she tried to control the tremble still coursing through her body.

“I don’t believe you. Tonight is the first time I’ve ever laid eyes on you.”

“You’re mine, Jasmine.” He repeated arrogantly.

“Why should I believe anything you have to say?” She turned on shaky legs and stumbled towards the balcony, gripping the railing as if it were an anchor giving her purchase in rocky seas.

BOOK: Bound By Her Ring
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